Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 956 The Incarnation Arrives

Qin Yanzhen put a hand on Ye Weilan's shoulder and pulled her out of the shadows.

Ye Weilan couldn't help but be surprised.

As the strongest assassin of the Ye Hua clan, when she first debuted and her skills were not yet mature, there were indeed times when she was noticed by the target, but at most it only made the other party alert, which was impossible. Just pull yourself out of the shadows like now.

And the expression on Lu Yu's face couldn't help but stiffen.

This time he came to talk to Qin Yanzhen was actually just a cover.

He knew that it was impossible to find out Qin Yanzhen's true purpose through conversation, so he planned to let Ye Weilan possess her or Yuan Shiqiu's shadow, hoping that the two would expose themselves when communicating in private. secret.

He took the initiative to come here this time just to provide an opportunity for Ye Weilan's shadow to possess him.

But what he didn't expect was that Ye Weilan had just been possessed by the other party, and was immediately noticed by the other party, and he just happened to catch him...

However, Lu Yu's reaction was also very fast. The moment Ye Weilan's entire body was completely pulled out, he immediately opened his stance, and a faint golden light glowed all over his body.

Suddenly, Ye Weilan's body flashed with brilliance, and his figure disappeared instantly, teleporting to the position behind Lu Yu.

Although she lost a Night Owl dagger when she fought against Master Kunpeng in White Elephant City, fortunately, she didn't know it was a Night Owl dagger, and she still had one in hand, so she could still use the method of infinite teleportation. .

Qin Yanzhen's hands suddenly became empty.

It was her turn to show a surprised expression. She didn't expect that there was such cooperation between the two.

She quietly retracted her hand, took a deep look at Ye Weilan, and said lightly:

"I didn't expect that in this aspect of the world, I could actually meet a descendant of the Night Phoenix clan with such pure blood..."

"I guess this sister from the Night Phoenix tribe must be Lu Lang's beloved, right? Otherwise, why would Lu Lang have such an overreaction... But Lu Lang, you misunderstood me. I actually don't like this sister from the Night Phoenix tribe. There is no malice, I just want to give this sister a warning!”

"The Shadow Body Technique of the Night Phoenix Clan is indeed so mysterious that most people can't detect it at all, so it can be invincible. However, you must not be paralyzed by these. You can hide your figure, but you cannot hide your heart. When the law When the gap between hearts is obvious enough, it is still easy for the other party to detect your whereabouts, such as me, or the Ming King in Lingxiao Palace..."

"It's okay for my sister to show off her skills here. If you want to get close to King Ming in this way, you will definitely die!"

Lu Yu and Ye Weilan couldn't help but feel shocked.

Her words immediately caused huge waves in the hearts of the two of them.

Regardless, this is indeed a very timely reminder.

If it hadn't been for her reminder, once the situation reached a deadlock and they were unable to find the whereabouts of the real Yudie, they might actually have sent Ye Weilan to Tianhuan Palace to spy on the news.

"What is the Night Phoenix Clan?" Lu Yu asked after calming down.

"The Night Phoenix Clan is one of the ancient Celestial Clan."

Qin Yanzhen said lightly, "If Lu Lang can one day transcend the tribulation and ascend to the world, he will naturally know it then. Even if he says it now, it will be of no use."

Ancient Celestial Clan?

Lu Yu couldn't help but was stunned again.

Originally, the Night Phoenix Clan was enough to make him confused, but now what the hell is an Ancient Celestial Clan coming out?

However, looking at Qin Yanzhen's demeanor at this time, it was obvious that she did not want to talk anymore, so he simply stopped asking any more questions.

Just listen to Qin Yanzhen continue to say: "Even in all the worlds outside the world, the Yehuang clan has been extinct for a long time, and it is impossible to leave any inheritance in this world... However, I happen to know some shadow movement techniques. This technique can greatly improve my sister's mastery of the power of Night Phoenix's bloodline. I wonder if my sister wants to learn it?"

As he spoke, Qin Yanzhen looked at Ye Weilan with a half-smile and said.

Damn it!

Lu Yu couldn't help but cursed secretly in his heart.

This woman is enough!

Are you planning to win over Ye Weilan again in front of him?

However, in trying to win over Ye Weilan, she made a mistake after all. Ye Weilan ignored her, turned away, and snorted coldly with a nasal voice.

Qin Yanzhen smiled: "It seems that my sister has a deep prejudice against me. I wonder why Yanzhen made you unhappy? Just tell me and I will make amends for you..."

Ye Weilan still ignored her and didn't even look at her.

Qin Yanzhen added: "Then let's wait until sister's anger subsides... In short, if sister wants to learn, you can come to me at any time."

After saying that, he turned to look at Lu Yu: "Lu Lang just said that he wanted to have a good chat with me. What exactly do you want to talk about?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

He just said that chatting was just a pretense. Now that Ye Weilan's whereabouts have been exposed by the other party, he has nothing to talk about. Should he directly ask the other party what his intentions are?

However, on the surface, he still said calmly: "Actually, I just want to have a good chat with you about the specific details of killing the Ming King..."

"To be honest, our original plan was to rescue Yudie Zhenren in the chaos and then run away immediately. The reason why I agreed to cooperate with you is that this will be more helpful to our rescue plan, and secondly, this Ming Wang is indeed the number one enemy of our Dali Sword Sect. If there is a chance to get rid of him, I will definitely not hesitate..."

"But this has far exceeded our expectations. Now we are in the dark and have no idea how to deal with such a Tiangang Realm strongman..."

"It can be seen that Miss Qin seems to know a lot about this Ming Wang Fazun, so while there is still time, I would like to ask you to introduce to us what the origin and characteristics of this Ming Wang Fazun are, and how we can restrain him?"

Qin Yanzhen said: "Lu Lang, you are wrong. In fact, I don't know him...or it should be said that I only know him in the past. I don't know much about him in this world..."

Lu Yu was stunned and looked at her in astonishment.

Qin Yanzhen smiled slightly: "You guessed right, this Ming Wang Fazun is the same as me, and also comes from the world above the nine heavens..." "The only difference is that I am the reincarnation of the original spirit, while he descended as an incarnation, first dissipating the foundation of the heavenly way by himself, suppressing his realm to the Tiangang realm, and then descending to this world..."

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