Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 963 Union of Spiritual Consciousness

Everyone turned around and looked at Qin Yanzhen in surprise.

Qin Yanzhen chuckled and said, "Are you sure that the person imprisoned here is Jade Butterfly Immortal?"


Wei Zhihan was stunned: "I have already said that the news that Jade Butterfly Immortal was imprisoned here was revealed to me by a steward of Tianhuan Palace. At that time, he also told me that Jade Butterfly Immortal had been imprisoned here for decades...

"However, this happened several months ago after all. I don't know whether they moved Jade Butterfly Immortal to another place after that... So, I really can't be sure. "

Qin Yanzhen looked at Lu Yu again and asked, "Since he can't be sure, can you be sure?"

Lu Yu simply put away his sword and turned to look at her: "Did you notice anything? What do you want to say?"

Qin Yanzhen said: "I don't know whether there is Jade Butterfly Immortal behind this stone door... But at least I can be sure that there must be a Tiangang Realm strongman hidden behind this door. "

"What did you say? "

Lu Yu and others were shocked.

Qin Yanzhen just smiled playfully and glanced at Wei Zhihan.

Wei Zhihan's face turned pale and he quickly explained: "I didn't know about this. My conversation with the manager was just a brief talk... Junior Brother Lu, you must believe me!"

Qin Yanzhen smiled: "Wei Shizi, why are you in such a hurry to explain? My Lu Lang hasn't said anything yet, why are you so anxious... Don't you really have something on your mind?"


Wei Zhihan's face flushed, and he opened his mouth, but he couldn't say anything.

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown.

Wei Zhihan's behavior was suspicious, but what was more suspicious to him was Qin Yanzhen's...

For a moment, he couldn't figure out what Qin Yanzhen meant. Did she really sense the presence of a Tiangang Realm expert inside, or was it another form of sowing discord?

"Tiangang Realm expert? Who could it be? Is it the Ming Wang Fazun?" Lu Yu asked.

Qin Yanzhen said: "It's obviously impossible to be the Ming Wang. The second-generation ancestor should be manipulating the defensive barrier on the ground now..."

"Besides, if it is really him, is there any need to ambush here? Although the second-generation ancestor is arrogant, he is not unlearned. Even if only the incarnation comes, it is easy for him to deal with us head-on..."

"The one who ambushed here, I think it is most likely one of the seven ancestors of Wu Ya."

Lu Yu's heart was shocked, and he said: "We came here with great difficulty. No matter whether Yudie Zhenren is still in there, we can't go back empty-handed like this... I wonder what Miss Qin thinks now?"

"It is definitely not possible to break in by force..."

Qin Yanzhen said: "I have a way here. If Lu Lang trusts me, then we might as well give it a try..."

"What way?"

Qin Yanzhen smiled slightly, did not speak, twisted her waist, walked to Lu Yu slowly, and then stretched out a white little hand.

"It's to join forces! I heard that several years ago, you blinded one of Emperor Haoyan's eyes with your spiritual consciousness. No matter how powerful the person hiding behind this stone gate is, he can't be stronger than Emperor Haoyan. If you and I join forces and combine our spiritual consciousness, we can do more than just blind one eye! "

Lu Yu was stunned.

To be honest, the battle between him and Emperor Haoyan several years ago was a bit tricky, because Emperor Haoyan was too arrogant at that time and never thought that he would be counterattacked by Lu Yu, so he was blinded in one eye.

However, he is no longer the same as before, and with the cooperation of Qin Yanzhen, he may win with one blow...

But in this case, he needs to give up the autonomous resistance of his consciousness and actively merge with Qin Yanzhen's consciousness. Considering the relationship between the strength of their consciousness, this is equivalent to handing his vital points to the other party. If the other party has bad intentions, it will be easy for him to be doomed.

Lu Yu doesn't think Qin Yanzhen wants to take this opportunity to take his life.

If she wants to take her life, there are other ways.

But she wants to take this opportunity to spy on her secrets, just like when she taught the secret of the art of turning disasters into thunder.

"What? Lu Lang doesn't trust me? " Seeing that Lu Yu didn't respond for a long time, Qin Yanzhen shook her white little hand and said. "If that's the case, then I have no better way... Either I push open the stone door and get ambushed, or I walk away in disgrace. Anyway, it's not my fault that I can't save the new sister..." The last sentence was like an invisible sword, stabbing Lu Yu's heart fiercely. Indeed, whether it was true or false, after going through so much hardship to get here, he had no other way out. So, he directly grasped the white little hand. "Okay! Then let's join forces!" Anyway, the biggest loss is that the other party will discover his secret, and this secret was tested by the Red Moon Lord when he was in the Golden Rooster Islands. If it is said carefully, it has already leaked the wind... "Yu Lang!" Ye Weilan saw the two people holding hands together and couldn't help shouting.

She has always been wary of Qin Yanzhen. In her opinion, she is an untrustworthy person.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Yang Chudie whispered.

She also had a worried expression on her face, but in front of Qin Yanzhen, she was a little restrained.

Lu Yu nodded to the two of them and said softly: "Don't worry, I know what's going on!"

Qin Yanzhen also smiled and said: "Don't worry, sisters, if I really want to harm Lu Lang, do I need to wait until now?"

As she said that, she stretched out her other hand and held it with Lu Yu.

The two held hands and looked into each other's eyes.

Lu Yu felt that Qin Yanzhen's eyes were extremely clear, and he couldn't help but feel a little unconfident for a while... This witch, is she really not evil to him?

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Lu Yu couldn't help but say.

Qin Yanzhen blinked her watery eyes and said, "I suddenly feel that all this is really wonderful... Although we have already worshipped heaven and earth and entered the bridal chamber, it is not until this moment that we can truly understand each other..." Lu Yu's heart skipped a beat and said, "Let's get started!" After saying that, he closed his eyes.

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