Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 964 Two rays of divine consciousness destroy Tiangang

Lu Yu spread his thoughts and consciousness, just like before, and soon the two consciousnesses collided together.

However, this time they did not entangle each other like before, but directly "embraced" them.

For a moment, an indescribable feeling surrounded Lu Yu's heart.

This time, he took the initiative to give up his self-conscious resistance, and similarly, the other party also completely opened his heart to him.

The exchange of ideas is inherently a mutual process.

Through this moment of communication, he clearly felt how powerful Qin Yanzhen's thoughts and consciousness were, but her "power" was essentially different from the "power" of his own thoughts and consciousness.

Strictly speaking, her "power" comes from "strength", while her own "power" comes from "broadness".

In other words, the reason why her thoughts and consciousness are so powerful is because of the bonus of the reincarnation of immortals and the detachment of Taoist realm, which makes her thoughts and consciousness extremely powerful.

In her own understanding, her thoughts and consciousness are no longer a simple thought, but have a specific image, which she calls "Yuanshen".

The reason why Lu Yu's own thoughts and consciousness are powerful is entirely because of its complexity, because it hides the mystery of the starry sky.

This is like the difference between a towering giant tree and a piece of grassland. Although there is no comparison between a simple grass and a towering giant tree, when many small grasses are connected into a grassland, the weather will change. It has become more spectacular. At least in terms of oxygen production, a grassland is no worse than a giant tree.

Lu Yu could clearly feel that Qin Yanzhen's mind was also full of fluctuations. It was obvious that she was also shocked by the scene in her mind and consciousness.

However, he didn't have time to delve into this at this moment.

In the dark, he had a feeling... It seemed that what he needed to cultivate in the realm above the Tiangang realm was his own "primordial spirit".

Although this is still a very distant thing for him, it has pointed the way forward for him invisibly...

Evolving your thoughts and consciousness into tangible soul is the key to shattering the void and becoming an immortal!

The thunder tribulation of the Nine Heavens is not so much the exclusion of powerful individuals by Heaven, but at the same time it is a kind of tempering of the "Yuan Shen"!

Only by surviving this level can one transcend nine days and be ranked above the Immortal Book.

Lu Yu's thoughts all happened in an instant.

Soon, the two thoughts and consciousnesses successfully merged.

Without a moment's delay, the two of them directly sent out their thoughts and consciousness and invaded behind the stone gate.

This is a very strange feeling. You can clearly perceive everything even though you don't see anything.

The world behind the stone gate indeed hid a powerful spiritual consciousness. At this time, this spiritual consciousness fell in Lu Yu's "sight", like a hazy and huge light group.

And all of this was done under the guidance of Qin Yanzhen. If Lu Yu was alone, he would not be able to discover this spiritual consciousness without physical contact.

At this time, the two of them were like a pair of partners who cooperated tacitly. Qin Yanzhen was responsible for "dug" a passage, while Lu Yu rushed along this passage and was responsible for a violent bombardment.

Without much communication at all, the two of them knew what to do naturally.

The moment Lu Yu followed the "passage" and entered, he not only clearly felt the power of the opponent's mind and consciousness, but also discovered many familiar scenes in it.

The reason why these scenes are familiar is that he has seen them before when he read the memory of Master Tianmiao. They are all fragments of mysteries formed by the Taoism of Wuya Pavilion.

Qin Yanzhen really didn't lie!

As expected, there is a Tiangang Realm expert hidden behind the stone gate, and he is really one of the Seven Ancestors of Wuya.

Lu Yu didn't even have time to think about it, and immediately threw away all the star maps and mysteries in his mind.

Suddenly, a bright starry sky suddenly exploded in the opponent's mind.

Just as Lu Yu expected, no matter who it was, it was impossible for anyone to receive such a huge and complex message in an instant.


Immediately, a violent scream came.

But it does not come from the mind and consciousness, but from the real world around it.

Even the entire palace shook violently, with countless dust and stones falling from above.

This shows that Lu Yu's offensive really worked!

However, the two did not relax just yet.

Lu Yu clearly felt that Qin Yanzhen's thoughts and consciousness turned into an extremely powerful force, and instantly divided the opponent's already overwhelmed thoughts and consciousness into several pieces...

With the tacit cooperation between the two, it didn't take long before the other party completely disintegrated the mind and consciousness of a powerful Tiangang Realm man!

The two of them withdrew their thoughts and consciousness and opened their eyes at the same time.

"Lu Lang, you..."

Qin Yanzhen's eyes revealed surprise. She was not only surprised at the smoothness of the entire invasion process, but also shocked at Lu Yu's power.

And why wasn't Lu Yu equally shocked?

Qin Yanzhen gathered her thoughts and consciousness into a sharp blade, and instantly strangled the opponent's thoughts into fragments... This scene also left an indelible impression on him.



I don’t know what mechanism one of the Seven Ancestors of Wuya inside touched at the last moment. Violent vibrations came from the stone gate, and the entire palace seemed to collapse.

"Forget it, business is important, let's talk about the rest later!" Qin Yanzhen shook her head and said, "If the prediction is correct, the second generation ancestor must have been alarmed, so we'd better hurry up!"

After saying that, she stretched out Bai Shengsheng's little hand again, but this time she pressed it on the thick stone door.

No matter how hard she exerted her hands, the stone door suddenly cracked inch by inch and collapsed suddenly.

Immediately, Qin Yanzhen took the lead and rushed in directly.

At that moment, Lu Yu could see that Qin Yanzhen seemed to have a lot to say to him. It was obvious that she had somewhat seen her true identity... Lu Yu himself was also very curious. As the reincarnation of Yao Ji Fairy Yuanshen, she might be like this The person who knows the most about the stars in the world, what on earth would she ask herself?

However, as Qin Yanzhen said, time no longer allows it.

Lu Yu could only collect himself first and then rushed in.

Whether this is the prison where Master Yudie is imprisoned or not will be revealed soon!

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