Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 965 Counterattack

In the stone chamber, the cold light was freezing.

There were countless weapons hanging upside down in all directions. Walking among them, Lu Yu and others felt like they were walking into the mouth of a ferocious monster.

Looking at these densely packed weapons, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel fear in his heart.

Fortunately, Qin Yanzhen warned him, otherwise all these weapons might have been thrust towards him at this time.

The reason why these weapons are hovering at this time is because the person responsible for controlling these weapons is one of the Seven Ancestors of Wuya, and he has no power to resist now.

Qin Yanzhen walked at the front and went directly to the inner center of the stone chamber.

What Lu Yu didn't expect was that the Tiangang Realm expert was not dead. At this time, his hands were still waving, and the offensive he led had no clear goal, and was like a subconscious behavior.

The rumbling sounds before were caused by his subconscious actions.

Seeing this scene, an idiom emerged in Lu Yu's mind involuntarily: a centipede insect, dead but not stiff...

Even if they can defeat the opponent's consciousness and divide his mind into several pieces, it is not that easy to completely obliterate a Tiangang Realm powerhouse.

Moreover, looking at this posture, if other Tiangang Realm powerhouses come to rescue in time, maybe he will recover again...

"It seems that this should be the Long-Eyebrow Ancestor of Wuya Immortal Pavilion."

Qin Yanzhen looked at the Tiangang strongman who was still frantically mobilizing his true energy and said involuntarily.

This person's eyebrows are very long and slender, hanging directly from the corners of his eyes to his cheeks. He is indeed very similar to the rumored ancestor with long eyebrows.

Lu Yu asked: "What should we do with him next?"

Although he could imitate the Xuanyang Dao Lock and deduce the six-pointed star lock to deal with the Tiangang strongman, this could only temporarily trap the opponent. He really had no idea how to kill a Tiangang realm strongman.

Qin Yanzhen said: "With our strength, it would be too troublesome to kill such a strong man. With that effort, we might have demolished everything here... So, we'd better not waste our strength anymore. "

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled.

In his opinion, Wuya Immortal Pavilion has long been his life and death enemy. He finally got a chance to get rid of one of the opponent's Tiangang ancestors. Wouldn't it be a pity if he let it go in vain?

But after looking at the situation at the scene, he had to admit Qin Yanzhen's opinion.

The ancestor Changmei, who was already in an unconscious state at this time, even if he just moved his fingers, the power caused would make them feel tremendous pressure. It is indeed not that easy to completely eliminate the opponent. .

"Where is Jade Butterfly? Where are the Jade Butterfly people?" Yang Chudie asked anxiously.

For her, compared to the life and death of the ancestor Changmei, the fact that she had not seen the true figure of Yudie for a long time made her even more anxious.

At this time, everyone had walked around the stone room.

Qin Yanzhen said: "It seems that the new sister is not here...and, do you have a feeling..."

As she said that, she suddenly glanced at Lu Yu beside her.

Perhaps because the two of them had just connected their spiritual consciousness, they actually had a tacit understanding with each other. Lu Yu understood her meaning in an instant: the various furnishings in this stone room did not look like a prison at all. There is no trace of any prisoner being held in the prison. Instead, it looks more like a well-designed trap...

In this case, Wei Zhihan's performance would be very suspicious.

Because it was he who swore before that this was the place where Master Yudie was imprisoned...

"Brother Wei!"

Lu Yu immediately frowned and shouted in a deep voice.

Unexpectedly, at the same time, Wei Zhihan suddenly shouted: "Master Chudie, come here and see if these are the traces left by Master Yudie's Taoism..."

"What traces..."

Yang Chudie was concerned and confused, and without thinking deeply, she rushed towards the place pointed by Wei Zhihan.

Lu Yu immediately realized something was wrong and quickly reminded loudly: "Be careful!"

However, it was still a step too late...

Wei Zhihan took advantage of Yang Chudie's unpreparedness and suddenly threw the Nine Lives Divine Coffin high into the air. The entire coffin flipped upside down, opened the cover, and suppressed Yang Chudie fiercely below.

No one expected that the Nine-Life Divine Coffin had such power.

Previously, people had always regarded Wei Zhihan's Nine-Life Divine Coffin as a magic weapon for escaping and saving lives. Unexpectedly, it could also be used to control opponents at critical moments.

The Nine Lives Divine Coffin came down with a huge force, and Yang Chudie had no time to react before being held upside down in the coffin.

Then the whole coffin spun quickly like a top, and Yang Chudie was firmly placed inside.

Wei Zhihan stepped forward, stopped the rapidly rotating Nine Lives Divine Coffin with one hand, and firmly controlled Yang Chudie and the Nine Lives Divine Coffin in his hand.

Then he turned back and looked at Lu Yu and others with angry faces with a smile.

"Wei Zhihan! Don't you want to die?"

Lu Yu raised his hand fiercely, and the power of the red lotus suddenly burst out, and it was remotely connected to the alien energy distributed in Wei Zhihan's body... As long as he was willing, he could immediately overturn Wei Zhihan's entire true essence and quiet sea, making him completely Falling into dire straits.

However, what Lu Yu didn't expect was that Wei Zhihan was not in a hurry and he also raised his hand.

What resonated with his gestures were the cold light weapons scattered throughout the stone room.

"Junior Brother Lu, I know that my life is still in your hands... However, I advise you not to act rashly. Otherwise, I dare not say more, but at least Master Chudie will definitely be buried with me. !”

Looking at this scene, Lu Yu didn't know that he had fallen into Wei Zhihan's scheme.

I just regret that this guy's performance along the way was so impeccable that he didn't expect that he would be counterattacked by the opponent at the last moment.

Lu Yu took a deep breath and tried hard to control his emotions.

He looked closely at Wei Zhihan and asked in a cold voice, "Why?"

Qin Yanzhen said thoughtfully: "No wonder the Crown Prince of Wei refused to change his family no matter how bad my words were. I thought it was because I was not as charming as you, Mr. Lu, but I didn't expect that Crown Prince Wei had already fallen in love with someone else." Gaozhi!”

Wei Zhihan laughed: "I really didn't expect that the two of you would join forces and directly kill the ancestor Changmei in one fell swoop, which almost made our plan go to waste. But fortunately, everything was remedied in time..."

"Junior brother Lu, don't blame me for going back on my word. In fact, since the last time I came to meet His Holiness, all of this has been planned..."

"Perhaps you would never have thought that His Majesty's real target this time is actually neither you nor our ancestor Yunxiao, but the twin sister of Master Yudie!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but pat his hand proudly on the Nine Lives Divine Coffin.

Then, with Lu Yu and others looking astonished, he suddenly raised his voice and his voice echoed throughout Tianhuan Palace:

"Reporting to His Holiness, the twin sister of Master Yudie has been safely captured, and the net can be closed now!"

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