Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 966: The Reverend King Ming

No matter how hard Lu Yu racked his brains, he couldn't figure out why Ming Wang Fa Zun went to such great lengths to capture Yang Chudie.

Previously, the purpose of capturing Yudie Zhenren was to extract the mysteries of the "Xiao Zhoutian Dao Ji Jing" and use it to study methods specifically for dealing with Yunxiao Patriarch.

But why is Yang Chudie captured now? Is there anyone more powerful than Yunxiao Patriarch in the entire Dali Sword Sect?

And when did the other party start planning all this?

Did the other party have such a plan since Shi Zhiquan thought he had abandoned Wei Zhihan and escaped alone?

Or did he start to use his tricks when he went to Leichi Purgatory to kidnap Wei Zhihan...

How exactly is Wei Zhihan connected to Ming Wang Fa Zun?

What is the specific relationship between him and Shi Zhiquan?

There are too many doubts here, and Lu Yu is puzzled...

At this time, after Wei Zhihan shouted loudly, the whole stone room suddenly rotated out of thin air.

It can be clearly felt that there is a force climbing up from under the feet. Although Lu Yu and others don't know what happened, it is obvious that the whole stone room is rising.

"Yu Lang..."

Ye Weilan couldn't help but call out softly.

She was reminding Lu Yu whether he wanted to try it... As long as Lu Yu opened the force field, she could teleport behind Wei Zhihan in an instant. In that way, she would have the opportunity to get rid of Wei Zhihan before he took action and died together.

However, before Lu Yu responded, Wei Zhihan had already waved his hand: "Miss Ye, I know your body movements are weird, but I still advise you not to mess around..."

"In fact, the surrounding 'Wuwang Sword Formation' has been activated, and the target is me and Chudie Zhenren. It just didn't launch an offensive because of my stop. Once something unexpected happens to me, all the weapons will come towards us!"

Ye Weilan froze immediately.

Lu Yu was also speechless.

It seems that the daily interactions during these days not only made him careless, but also made Wei Zhihan know all the tricks of his side. It was impossible to surprise him.

So Lu Yu had to look at Qin Yanzhen beside him for help.

Since her goal was to kill Ming Wang Fazun, she must have some unique skills. It is impossible for her to be subdued so easily?

However, what Lu Yu did not expect was that Qin Yanzhen had no sense of crisis at all at this time. She was still observing the situation around her with curiosity.

Seeing Lu Yu looking over, she took the initiative to analyze: "It seems that he wants to send us to the ground and let us talk to that second-generation ancestor face to face." Wei Zhihan said: "As expected of the reincarnation of Fairy Yao Ji, she is really smart... But when you get in front of Lord Fazun later, you'd better be more respectful!" Qin Yanzhen smiled and said: "Why, the second-generation ancestor is not allowed to be called? I just want to call him the second-generation ancestor. I want to see what he can do to me!" Wei Zhihan sneered: "Anyway, I'm advising you. If Miss Qin doesn't believe in evil, just go ahead!" Qin Yanzhen smiled and asked: "Wei Shizi, in fact, I'm quite curious. You are so loyal to the second-generation ancestor at the risk of the prohibition in your body exploding at any time. What benefits did he promise you? Could it be that he promised you to "martyr the country"? "Wei Zhihan immediately showed a surprised expression: "How do you know..." Qin Yanzhen smiled and said: "What's so hard to guess, the Great Marsh Realm has always played this trick, using this "However, this method may not be the best choice for Prince Wei. If you are interested in seeing the world outside the Nine Heavens, I have a trick called 'Gate of Alien Stars' that can help you achieve your goal..." "'Gate of Alien Stars' is different from 'Martyrdom of Martyrs'. Martyrdom of Martyrs' only allows you to travel through the world outside the Nine Heavens, while Gate of Alien Stars allows you to personally descend into other large worlds outside the Nine Heavens, and its effect is comparable to transcending the tribulation and ascending to heaven... Prince, are you interested in listening to my detailed explanation?" For a moment, Wei Zhihan's eyes showed a fiery light, but he quickly restrained himself and said, "Miss Qin, save these words until you meet Lord Fazun, and then tell me in detail! If there is still a chance then..." Qin Yanzhen shook her head and said twice: "Prince Wei, this is your last chance... You may not understand what you have missed..." Lu Yu was surprised and was still thinking about what "Gate of Alien Stars" and "Martyrdom of Martyrs" were. But at this moment, there was a sudden burst of light around, and the scenery changed rapidly.

It turned out that the whole stone room had come directly to the surface like an elevator.

The surroundings were magnificent, and guards in bright armor stood around, looking like a solemn palace.

The stone room where Lu Yu and others were originally located was right in the middle of the palace.

At this time, there were still thunderous shouts and killing sounds outside the palace, and the offensive of the demon soldiers and demon generals under Emperor Haoyan was still in full swing, but the atmosphere in the hall was quiet, without any panic, in sharp contrast to the hot atmosphere outside.

Right above the palace, stood a man with an arrogant look, who looked even younger than the Tailing Patriarch.

However, from the look on his face and the attitude of the people around him towards him, Lu Yu instantly understood that this person was the second-generation ancestor from the Daze Realm - King Ming Dharma Master.

Seeing this man, Wei Zhihan couldn't help but relax a little, and the cold light weapons hovering all around him immediately fell to the ground with a clanking sound.

"Report to His Holiness, Your Majesty..."

Wei Zhihan knelt down on one knee and said: "Zhihan luckily lived up to his fate and finally captured Yang Chudie without any damage. However, something unexpected happened when we were in the underground palace just now. The ancestor Changmei was killed by these two people..."

He was about to point out the identities of Lu Yu and Qin Yanzhen, especially that Qin Yanzhen was the reincarnation of Fairy Yao Ji. This was extremely crucial information...

But before he could finish his words, Master Ming Wang suddenly waved his hand and interrupted: "We will talk about these later. Now that Yudie's twin sister has been captured, it is time to completely deal with these annoying insects outside. !”

After saying that, he stood up suddenly.

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