Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 972 Sisterly Love

Yudie began to talk about her experiences over the years.

After traveling overseas that year, she destroyed several monster lairs along the way and gained quite a lot.

While cleaning out the last giant monster's lair, she suddenly got a clue about the treasure house of ancient ruins, and then guided by this clue, she came to the ancient city of Guoyun.

At that time, her Taoism and cultivation had just reached a new level, and she was full of confidence. Unexpectedly, she encountered serious setbacks and fell into trouble.

It happened to be at this time that she met Kunpeng, the first person in Tianlan Peak at that time. The two hit it off immediately and decided to work together to explore the specific whereabouts of the treasure house. The results can be imagined...

All this is the other party's conspiracy. The so-called treasure house of ancient ruins is just a scam. Even the clue that appeared in the giant monster's lair was false news arranged by the other party in advance. With their cooperation, she was captured and taken to Tianhuan Palace.

It was also at this time that she fully understood the true identity of Master Kunpeng, and knew that from the beginning, he had been an undercover agent sent to the Dali Sword Sect by Master Ming.

Next, she suffered inhuman torture...

Punishment with swords, torture of skin and flesh, reverse training of the Five Elements, hidden thunder... He even threw her into the vortex of calamity clouds in time and space to be washed...

All of this was to tear out the golden elixir laws in her body one by one, so that they could be analyzed and tested to find a way to specifically restrain the ancestor of Yunxiao.

During these years, she could be said to be a little guinea pig locked in a cage by the other party. The Seven Patriarchs Wu Ya and the Ming King Fa Zun took turns to torture her in various ways.

Regarding the specific details of those tortures, her tone was understated and she passed them by in one word, but it did not prevent Lu Yu and others from thinking about what a dark and bloody time it was...

"What happened next?" Yang Chudie asked, "How did you get here?"


Yudie smiled contemptuously: "Later, they finally got what they wanted from me, and they stopped torturing me..."

"And during the period when they continued to use me to test Taoism, the golden elixir law in my body not only did not collapse, but became more and more stable. In the words of the pervert: my golden elixir at this time is unique. Golden elixir is almost close to the origin of the great avenue..."

"Because of this, that pervert saw the extraordinary potential in me and wanted to recruit me as his subordinate. I never agreed, so he put me under house arrest here."

"According to him, this place was originally a palace of the ancient god Queen Mother of the West. After experiencing a huge catastrophe, it was annihilated in the long river of time and was divided into tens of thousands of space fragments..."

"He spent a lot of effort to put this place together again. Whether it is cultivation or enlightenment here, there will be unexpected results... He thought he could win over me in this way. , It’s simply wishful thinking!”

Lu Yu and others couldn't help but feel stunned for a while. They didn't expect that this matter would have such a twist...

This is really a bit dreamy...

"Winning you over?"

Chu Die blinked: "It is said that this Ming Wang Dharma Master comes from the Daze Realm outside Jiutian. His reputation in the world outside Jiutian is very bad. He is called the 'Second Ancestor'. He has such good patience." To win over a subordinate? Besides, even the Seven Ancestors of Wuya who have joined him don’t have such good treatment as you, right?”

Yudie hesitated for a moment: "I really can't hide anything from you...Okay, I'll tell the truth!"

"Actually, it's not just a win-win. To be more precise, he wants to accept me as his concubine, become a Taoist companion with me, and even take me back to the Daze Realm together... He thinks that my physique is extraordinary and can help him Improve your cultivation level faster."

Lu Yu and others couldn't help being stunned again, and were so surprised that they were completely speechless.

Originally, they thought that it was already bloody enough, but they didn't expect that the truth of the matter was even more bloody than they imagined.

Yang Chudie frowned and said, "So, the reason why they deliberately captured me is because..."

"That's right..."

Yudie nodded and said: "It seems that you have guessed that the pervert captured you specifically to force me to submit... Even though I am reluctant to admit it, I have to say that Yang Chudie , you are indeed the only person in this world who can threaten me..."

Chudie couldn't help but be startled.

For a moment, I couldn't help but have mixed feelings in my heart...

She had never thought that she would be used as a threat to Yudie... She finally found the whereabouts of her sister, but the result was that she was pushed into an abyss.

"You don't have to be so hasty, we can find a way to get out of here together..." Yang Chudie said.


Yudie shook her head stubbornly: "You actually don't know that guy's nature. Why do you think I keep calling him a pervert? Because that guy is simply a moody lunatic!"

"He sent you directly to me this time, which is equivalent to an ultimatum. Maybe he won't do anything to me, but if I still disobey him this time, he will definitely kill you and you These two companions.”

Chudie glared: "That's not okay, how can I just watch you jump into the fire pit?"

But Yudie said calmly: "Yang Chudie, you were actually only born half a quarter of an hour earlier than me. I just called you sister... In terms of cultivation, I am higher than you. In terms of status, I am the real leader of Jade Butterfly Peak, do you really think you can be my master?”

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, this Ming Wang Dharma Lord is the incarnation of an immortal from heaven, and his father is a generation of heavenly kings in the Daze Realm. He is worth less than one person and more than hundreds of millions... Although I don't like him as a person, but I just care about him. With this identity, this is a good match, so you don’t have to worry about me anymore!”

"I will ask someone to inform him later. I agreed to his request, and then asked him to let you go... Don't say those meaningless words anymore. While you still have some time, you can talk to me carefully. Tell me, what changes have taken place on Jade Butterfly Peak in the years since I have been away, and how did you get to know my young husband?"

"I don't know when we will see you next time. Maybe I will never have the chance to return to Jade Butterfly Peak in this life..."

At the end of her speech, her tone gradually became lonely.

Yang Chudie couldn't help being shocked.

She looked at her twin sister blankly, and her tone became more severe than ever: "What are you going to do? You must not do anything stupid!"


Jade Butterfly smiled sweetly, and there was something as gorgeous as a summer flower in her smile.

"Yang Chudie, it seems that I can't deceive you no matter what, right? But there is nothing I can do about it. This is already the best choice. How can I, Yang Yudie, be willing to give my body to a thief? A person who is just trying to survive?"

Hearing this, Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled.

This time, he completely understood...

In order to be able to rescue her sister, she had already begun to have a death wish in her heart.

^_^ Today is New Year’s Eve. I wish you all a happy New Year, good health, family happiness, and all the best!

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