Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 973 Heart-to-heart talk

"No! I don't need you to save me in this way!"

Yang Chudie's voice suddenly became high-pitched.

"If one of us has to die, then I would rather it be me!"

As she spoke, she suddenly reversed the edge of the sword and wiped the Hongluan Sword in her hand towards her neck.

"Sister Butterfly!"

Ye Weilan couldn't help but exclaimed.

Lu Yu was also startled, but Yang Chudie's movements were so fast that it was beyond his reach to stop him.

At the critical moment, Yudie suddenly waved her hand, and the Hongluan sword flew out and fell into her hand.

It turns out that the Hongluan Sword, like Die Shuangfei, is a magic weapon forged by her own hands. Although this sword was given to Yang Chudie for use, the spiritual mark that belongs to her on the sword has not been erased, so she has no idea about it. The two magic weapons have undisputed final control and can naturally stop Yang Chudie's actions at critical moments.

Yang Chudie looked at the Hongluan Sword that was out of his grasp, and couldn't help but feel a sense of loss.

What she lost was not just the control of Hongluan Sword? He is even more helpless about the fate of his twin sister.

Deep in her heart, a huge feeling of powerlessness was gradually overwhelming her...

Yang Chudie finally couldn't hold it any longer, her emotions completely lost control, and she felt exhausted.

Ye Weilan rushed over quickly, supported her, and asked anxiously: "Sister Die, what's wrong with you... are you okay..."

Yudie looked at her sister who was sitting on the ground with a look of despair, but said nothing.

Then he walked towards Lu Yu silently, handed the Hongluan Sword back to Lu Yu's hand, and said: "It seems that Yang Chudie doesn't want to chat with me for the time being, so why don't you talk to me! Let’s talk about Jade Butterfly Peak and yours..."

Lu Yu nodded slowly: "Okay."

"Come with me!"

After Yudie finished speaking, she turned around and walked toward the outskirts of the strange medicine field.

Lu Yu turned his head and looked at Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan. He didn't follow them until Ye Weilan nodded to him, indicating that he didn't need to worry.

The two of them walked along a long slope. Under the cover of long vines, they could no longer see the scene behind them. Only then did Yudie stop.

"You are so brave!"

She suddenly turned around and stared at Lu Yu: "What is the relationship between you and that demon spirit?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

He never expected that after such a deep conversation just now, the other party would quietly pull him aside and actually want to ask questions.

But, think about it...

This is reasonable, and it is quite consistent with her status as a sister-in-law...

"What's the relationship..." Lu Yu spread his hands, "Hasn't the first real person already seen it? Why do you still ask knowingly?"

Jade Die stared at him fiercely with her beautiful eyes, as if she wanted to carve out the flesh on his face.

But in the end, he still had no choice but to say in a dull voice: "You are quite thick-skinned. I really don't know what Yang Chudie sees in you, but you are willing to serve you along with others... The face of our Yang family has been ruined. She's in disgrace!"

Lu Yu was silent for a while.

He really thought deeply about Yudie's question.

Yang Chudie is a very proud person. The reason why he is willing to have two women working together with one husband is not only the experience between the three of them, but also another very important reason, which is based on realistic considerations.

At that time, she learned that Yudie was trapped in the ancient city of Guoyun and needed capable helpers to rescue her. It was precisely because of such an urgent need that she willingly accepted Ye Weilan.

Otherwise, although the emotional direction between the three of them may not necessarily cause another disturbance, at least it will not be so smooth.

"Of course what she likes is my heart." Lu Yu glanced at her, "But a very important reason why she is willing to accept Weilan is because of you."

Jade Butterfly couldn't help but be startled.

She was also a smart person, and she instantly understood the meaning behind Lu Yu's words.

As a result, her tone became even more gloomy: "Well, in short, she can be happy...actually, it's good to think about it. At least, if I am gone in the future, there will be another person who can take care of her... …”

Lu Yu didn't know how to answer this.

Yudie sighed quietly, then changed to a soft tone: "Tell me in detail, how did you meet me? How did you come here?"

So, Lu Yu began to tell.

In front of this sister-in-law, there is no need to hide anything. From the first time he met Yang Chudie, every detail of the relationship between the two, every piece of it, and the hardships and hardships they have experienced together are all in full detail. narrated it.

Yudie listened very carefully and asked about some details from time to time.

For her, her sister's safety has been her biggest concern for decades, and now only through Lu Yu's words can she make up for this missing memory.

"Very good. I didn't expect that the evil dragon curse in Yang Chudie's body was finally removed by you. You are indeed capable..."

"Actually, the original reason why I traveled overseas was to find a way to break the dragon's curse..."

"If I had known that someone like you would show up and help her get rid of that troublesome curse, I wouldn't have to persist here for so long, suffer so much hardship, and suffer so much humiliation..."

After listening to Lu Yu's story, Yudie couldn't help but sigh.

Lu Yu was stunned for a moment.

It turns out that Yudie has been tortured for decades, but she has always gritted her teeth and persisted. The real reason is because she remembers that the curse on her sister has not yet been lifted...

Only then did he deeply realize how deep the relationship between the two sisters was.

"Very good, Lu Yu, you have my approval, and I will no longer object to the matter between you and Yang Chudie."

Yudie said seriously again.

Lu Yu couldn't help but rolled his eyes silently in his heart: It's going to rain, and my mother is going to get married. It sounds like your objection will be useful...

But looking at the serious look on the other party's face, he didn't say this after all.

"From now on, Yang Chudie will be left to you. If you dare to let her down or be unworthy of her, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

As she said that, she looked at Lu Yu's face with that extremely sharp look.

Lu Yu really couldn't stand the tone of her explaining the funeral affairs, so he said in a consultative tone: "The first real person..."

Yudie waved her hand: "Okay, you are pretending to call me the first real person when Yang Chudie is already asleep? Just call me by my name..."

Lu Yu smiled and rubbed his hands: "Aren't I afraid that you will say something about me and be disrespectful to you..."

Yudie rolled her eyes at him: "If you really want to be polite, shouldn't you kowtow to me a few times first?"


Lu Yu immediately straightened his expression: "Jade Die, let's talk about business first!"

"Tch!" Yudie said with contempt, "I'm telling you, you guys are really thick-skinned... Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Is there no other way to solve this matter? Is it really to the point of death?"

Yudie smiled bitterly and said: "Do you think I am willing to die like this? But other than that, what else can I do? King Ming's Reverend has a surly character, and it doesn't make sense to reason... But if it's a comparison of strength, he is It is the incarnation from the outside world that has come here, and has been here for a thousand years. His subordinates have captured the Seven Ancestors of Wuya, which is equivalent to taking the entire Wuya Immortal Pavilion under his command..."

"In today's world, I'm afraid I won't be able to find anyone whose strength can match him. Even if our Grand Ancestor Yun Xiao from the Dali Sword Sect is here, it's probably impossible to rescue me. matter……"

Lu Yu frowned and was about to say more.

But at this moment, Yudie suddenly put a jade finger on her pretty lips and made a silencing gesture towards him.

"Shh, don't mention this again, someone is coming!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a burst of light suddenly fell to the ground, and then a Tiangang Realm powerhouse walked out of the bright light.

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