Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 974: Not Playing by the Rules

This Tiangang Realm powerhouse wore a splendid two-color robe embroidered with magnolia, treasure, elephant and cloud patterns. His hair was tied up high, with a golden crested hairpin inserted sideways.

What Lu Yu didn't expect was that this Tiangang realm expert turned out to be a woman.

Suddenly, a name unexpectedly appeared in his mind - Ancestor Xueyun.

The five people who just left, Chonghua, Dongli, Yongshang, Moyang, and Haoxun, plus the ancestor Changmei who lost his self-awareness and the ancestor Xueyun, these seven people happened to form the Seven Ancestors of Wuya. .

Before, Lu Yu had always been curious about the whereabouts of Xueyun, the remaining ancestor of the Seven Wuya Ancestors, who had only seen six, but he didn't expect that he would appear here.

And judging from the momentum of her arrival, it is obvious that she is also stationed here permanently. Maybe she is always here to take care of Jade Butterfly.

"Miss Yudie, why did you come here?"

Ancestor Xueyun said calmly.

This sentence alone confirmed Lu Yu's guess. Sure enough, she was responsible for monitoring Yudie's whereabouts.

"What? Can't I run over here to take a look? I can't escape your sight for a moment?" Yudie said with a cold and arrogant look.

Ancestor Xueyun said: "Miss Yudie, don't get me wrong, I don't mean to rush you... I just need to confirm whether you have clearly understood the meaning of His Holiness..."

Yudie sneered: "You all sent my sister in front of me. Your intentions are so obvious. Is there anything else I can't understand? You don't have to think about how to make me surrender. I don't understand this matter. Just agree... However, there are some things that I must explain to Prince Ming face to face. Please take me to see him immediately!"

Patriarch Xueyun said with a smile: "Miss, I can finally figure it out. That's great... As you wish, let's go out and meet His Holiness!"

As she spoke, she raised her hand, and a straight beam of light suddenly fell from the sky and appeared between her and Yudie.

Yudie was not in a hurry to go in, but turned back and took a deep look at Lu Yu: "We have almost said what we should say just now. I have made up my mind, but Yang Chudie will definitely not accept this result. You have to be careful To enlighten her..."

"I won't say goodbye to Yang Chudie anymore...promise me that after returning to Dali Sword Sect, when the time is right, you will hold a glorious wedding for her!"

After saying that, she turned her head away resolutely and walked towards the beam of light in front of her.

Lu Yu was shocked.

Unexpectedly, things would develop so quickly... Is she planning to have a showdown with King Ming?

And once she confirmed that she, Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan were completely gone, would she quietly choose to commit suicide?

In other words, once she walks into the beam of light in front of her, it is very likely that this will be her eternal farewell...

Lu Yu panicked for no reason and shouted quickly: "Wait! Wait a minute!"

The two stopped abruptly and turned to look at him in surprise.

The Xueyun Ancestor's gaze was even more sharp, full of warning.

Obviously, for her, forcing Yudie to submit is a very important task, and she is already tired of being responsible for the task of taking care of her aunt. Seeing that this matter is about to be completed, she really doesn't want to have any more troubles. of twists and turns.

"Um...can I go with you?"

Lu Yu touched his nose and said: "I have no other consciousness. I mainly want to be a witness. After all, this kind of thing is empty talk. If there is no witness, what will happen if someone refuses to accept the terms that have been negotiated? "

Yudie took a deep look at Lu Yu, her eyes full of suspicion.

Although she had just met Lu Yu, through previous conversations, she always felt that Lu Yu would not be a stickler for rules. Since he made such a request, he must have his own Xiao Jiujiu in his heart.

Ancestor Xueyun glanced at him lightly, his eyes full of disdain.

"How can a villain's heart be like a gentleman's? However, if Miss Yudie doesn't mind, then there's no harm in taking him with her."

Obviously, she didn't think that Lu Yu's so-called "witness" would have any meaning at all, and she was not even willing to look at Lu Yu.

"Then let's go together!"

Yudie said lightly.

She is not worried that Lu Yu will ruin her plan. In her opinion, the safety of Yang Chudie's life must be Lu Yu's top priority. From this point of view, the two people's positions are actually the same.

On this basis, she also wanted to see what other tricks Lu Yu could come up with in such a situation.

So, Lu Yu followed the two of them and walked into the pillar of light.

There was a flash of brilliance.

In the next moment, the three of them had left that strange sunny space and returned to the gloomy Tianhuan Palace.

At this time, Tianhuan Palace had descended back to the ground, but the surroundings were still dark and devastated. Obviously, the impact of the previous battle would not be easily recovered with the fall of Emperor Haoyan.

Ancestor Xueyun led the way, Yudie walked in the middle, and Lu Yu followed at the end.

After a while, the three of them arrived at the main hall of Tianhuan Palace, which was where the Ming King Fa Zun commanded Ruoding.

What made Lu Yu quite regretful was that Qin Yanzhen had disappeared at this time. Originally, he was quite curious about what the two people talked about and what kind of deal they finally reached.

In addition, the long-browed ancestor has also disappeared, but the guards with bright armor around him are still guarding him upright.

"Jade butterfly..."

Seeing the three people appear, Master Mingwang immediately came forward to greet them, with an uncontrollable heat in his eyes.

"Lord Dharma Lord..."

Yudie bowed slightly, her attitude was neither cold nor hot, and her tone was neither salty nor cold.

However, Mingwang Dharma Master had an affectionate look on his face: "I have already confessed my true feelings. Why does Yudie still have to be so indifferent to me? Don't you still understand the deep love that the lonely king has for you?"

Lu Yu felt a chill after hearing this.

Using the means of imprisonment to force the other party, and threatening the other party with the life of his own sister, this kind of performance has the nerve to claim to be "deeply affectionate"... It seems that the way this Ming Wang Fa Zun treats love is really twisted.

Naturally, Yudie was not moved at all, and stated her conditions unhurriedly.

Lu Yu was not surprised at all by this. She indeed made the safety of the three of them a condition of her commitment. In addition, she also asked Master Ming not to take action against the Dali Sword Sect from now on.

It can be said that she has thought out all the options for the three of them, except that she has not left any options for herself...

During the negotiation between the two, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a little distracted.

Because he didn't care at all about the so-called "details" the two discussed. What he was still thinking about was the whereabouts of Qin Yanzhen.

He doesn't want to follow Yudie's script, but in the situation like this, if he wants to break the situation, he can't rely on his own strength alone. He must also rely on Qin Yanzhen's strength...

But where has this witch gone now?

Suddenly, the voice of Master Ming Wang brought Lu Yu's thoughts back...

"Yudie, I can agree to all the requests you made. The only thing you want me to do is let your sister go. This is something I can't do for the time being, unless..."

Ming Wang Fa Zun smiled softly: "Only if you and I become a couple and you become pregnant with my flesh and blood, can I let her go..."

Yudie was stunned for a moment.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a headache.

It seems that I'm not the only one who doesn't want to follow the script.

This Venerable King Ming obviously does not intend to play his cards according to the routine...

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