Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 975 Sincerity

King Ming's eyes flashed with cunning eyes and he continued:

"Yudie, you and I have been together for so many years, and I know exactly what your temper is like..."

"It's true that I'm obsessed with you, but I'm not stupid either. Do you think I can't see your true intentions?"

"If it hadn't been for your sister to hold my hand, I'm afraid you would have chosen to die together. I don't want to end up working in vain and draw water from the bamboo basket in vain..."

"So, I must have a key handle in my hand. This handle is either your sister or our child... Only in this way can we maintain the stability of the relationship between you and me."


Jade Butterfly clenched her silver teeth and her eyes were spitting fire. She couldn't believe that Ming Wang Fa Zun would say these words nakedly.

"This is absolutely not possible! My sister is my last line. Only if she leaves safely can I agree to your request. Otherwise..."

"How else?"

King Ming sneered and said: "Otherwise you will die? Yudie, you can indeed choose this way, but have you ever thought about what will happen to your sister after you die?"

Yudie's chest rose and fell rapidly, but she just stared at him coldly without speaking.

Prince Ming ignored her anger and continued to say slowly: "Yudie, what do you think is the real reason why I like you?"

"You do have unparalleled beauty, but in the fairy world, there are as many beautiful women as crucian carp crossing the river. Although you are outstanding in appearance, you are not so good that I would not marry you unless I married you..."

"You do have a return-to-nature physique, which can greatly boost my cultivation, but this is not an urgent matter for me... In this world, my cultivation has almost reached its peak. If we continue to improve, there is a risk of causing a catastrophe."

"Now that things have come to this, I might as well tell you directly that the real reason why I tried so hard to accept you as my concubine is for the continuation of my heirs!"

"I have more than 1,300 descendants in the Great Ze Realm, but most of these descendants have dull qualifications, and none of them have the body of the Holy Spirit. This makes me quite passive in the fight for inheritance..."

"In Daze Realm, I have many brothers and sisters, and they are all strong contenders for the throne of Daze Realm. Compared with them, one of my biggest disadvantages is that I have no outstanding heirs. My father Daze Realm Tianjun has also been worried that after the throne is passed to me, there will be no successor..."

"Furthermore, in order to avoid disaster, I had no choice but to go into exile here, unable to reach the center of Daze Realm. This is the perfect opportunity for my brothers and sisters to make trouble for me... At this time, only having a descendant of the Holy Spirit can Preserve my inheritance rights in Daze Realm!"

"So, Yudie, do you understand? The reason why I'm so hard on you is just to give birth to excellent children with you!"

"The condensation of your body and the purity of your soul are the only ones I have seen in my life. If you can combine with me, and with the sacred blood of my innate body, it is very likely that a child of the Holy Spirit will be born!"

"At that time, I will firmly hold the power of the king of Daze Realm, and you will also become the first empress of my king Ming of Daze Realm, and you will have the power of life and death in all realms. One person is subordinate to ten thousand people. Above, why wouldn’t you do it?”

Yudie couldn't help but be stunned.

She had always thought that King Ming's ambition for her was just pure desire, but she never expected that there were such complicated reasons behind it.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel stunned, thinking to himself that the complexity and intensity of the power struggle in the nine heavens was no less than that of the mortal world.

But in this case, Yudie's original plan may be completely in vain...

"Having said all that, if you still refuse to agree to my request, then I have no choice but to choose the second option..."

King Ming continued.

"I have already met your sister. You are indeed twin sisters from the same mother. Not only do you have the same body shape and appearance, but the golden elixir formed in your body is also equally brilliant and stunning... …”

"If you really don't want to agree to my words, then I have no choice but to settle for the next best thing and choose to marry your sister and let her give birth to an heir for me... But her physique is still different from yours at this time. , if you want to be able to give birth to an heir of the Holy Spirit, you may have to go through some more tempering..."

"That is to say, your sister has to go through all the hardships and tastes you have experienced over the years from beginning to end... Do you want to see her like this?"


Yudie was furious.

However, seeing the cold smile on King Ming's lips, she quickly calmed down.

King Ming's tough attitude towards her at this time was unprecedented in the past. She could feel the subtle changes in it... Perhaps because of the appearance of Yang Chudie, King Ming had a brand new choice, so he became more confident. .

In other words, everything he said was serious, and it was really possible that he would do such a thing.

Yudie felt as if all her strength had been drained from her body, and for a moment she didn't know what to choose...

She can be cruel to herself, even if she gives up her own life, but can she be equally cruel to her sister?

Just when she was at a loss, Lu Yu suddenly stepped forward and said loudly:

"It's not impossible to ask our First Master to agree to your request, but Master Fazun, don't you have to show some sincerity?"

For a moment, everyone in the hall looked at him.

Ancestor Xueyun directly scolded: "Shut up! In front of Master Fazun, how can you, a young boy, be so presumptuous!"

Lu Yu said calmly: "I am not a young boy, I am a disciple of Dali Sword Sect, and the only disciple of Dali Sword Sect present today... Master Fazun keeps saying that he wants to take our First Master as his concubine, but he doesn't allow me, the only family member present, to speak. What kind of logic is this?"

King Ming couldn't help showing an interested expression: "Good boy, it seems that you are really a guy who is not afraid of death! In this case, why don't you talk about it, I want to see what you have to say!"

Yudie turned around and gently waved to Lu Yu, signaling him not to cause trouble at this time.

Based on her understanding of the mood swings of the Ming King, if she ran into trouble at this time, she would most likely die on the spot.

Lu Yu ignored her warning, took a deep breath, and slowly said: "Master Fazun, you keep saying that you married our first master for the continuation of your offspring. What if you don't give birth to an offspring after your union, or the offspring is not as good as Master Fazun expected?"

Ming King said: "This is impossible. I am in the prime of my life, and Yudie is also a symbol of long life. How can we not have an offspring? With the sacredness of my blood and the purity of Yudie's body, once an offspring is born, it must be a body of the Holy Spirit. I am very confident of this!"

Lu Yu said: "As the saying goes, it is hard to predict the secrets of heaven. It is better to be safe than sorry. If this really happens, what should we do? Master Fazun's so-called 'mother 'Due to the son', isn't it just an empty talk? "

King Ming said: "If this is true, then it is my fate. This matter has nothing to do with others. All the promises I made to you are still valid. "

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "Empty words are not enough. Our first master can't give up everything he has now and give birth to children for you just because of your illusory promise. He may even follow you to the distant Daze Realm..."

King Ming's eyes condensed slightly, and said in a cold voice: "Then what do you say? "

"It's very simple. "

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Please follow the secular etiquette and marry our first master in a grand manner, and announce this matter to the heavens and the worlds, so that your sincerity can be shown! "

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