Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 982 Bet on both sides

In the main hall of Tianhuan Palace.

The lights were turned back on, and the entire hall became brightly lit again.

Ancestor Xueyun adjusted her clothes and appearance with a flushed face. After regaining her brilliance, she was about to walk out of the hall, but before she had time to step out of the door, her whole person suddenly froze in place.

"What's wrong?"

The voice of Master Ming Wang asked from behind, and he was also adjusting his clothes.

Ancestor Xueyun did not speak and retreated silently.

As she continued to retreat, Qin Yanzhen's figure appeared at the door, pressing in step by step.

"Tsk, tsk, why is there no one around? It turns out that you two are discussing confidential matters... I shouldn't have disturbed you, right?"

Qin Yanzhen said with a smile on her face.

"How did you leave Qincao Garden?" Ancestor Xueyun asked with sharp eyes.

Qin Yanzhen had a good time: "I'm not the twin sisters, I'm just a small paradise. Although the entrance of the passage has been deliberately folded by you seventy or eighty times, do you want to trap me just like this?"

Ancestor Xueyun was silent for a while, but a look of deep fear could not help but appear in her eyes.

However, Master Mingwang arranged his clothes without any hesitation and dissatisfaction, and then said: "It seems that I really underestimated you... Tell me, what exactly did they discuss with you?"

"What else could it be? Naturally, I hope to join forces with me and then escape from here together and escape from your clutches..."

"So how did you reply to them?"

"Naturally, I pretended to agree to their request and made excuses with them... I told them that I would launch an offensive to create chaos during the wedding, and then everyone would leave together in the chaos. They already believed it!" Qin Yanzhen said.

"Really?" Ming Wang Fa Zun smiled coldly, "According to Wei Zhihan, when you first met them, you said you wanted to kill me. Why should they believe that you would change your original intention?"

Qin Yanzhen said: "One moment and another, do they have any other choice now besides trusting me?"

King Ming remained silent and just sneered.

Qin Yanzhen then said: "Prince Ming, are you really good at what you say? As long as I help you completely surrender the twin sisters, will you give me those things?"

"Of course."

King Ming replied: "Although it took me a lot of effort to collect those things, those things have no real benefit to me. As long as you can do it to my satisfaction, I will naturally give them away... …I also want to see what you can make with these ancient objects!”

"In that case, let's hold the wedding as soon as possible!" Qin Yanzhen said, "They can't hold it anymore and want to get out of the sea of ​​misery as soon as possible..."

As she said that, she suddenly glanced at the ancestor Xueyun who was aside, and said in a teasing tone: "Perhaps, the scale of the wedding should be larger. It doesn't matter if more than one person attends it. Anyway, we can take advantage of the opportunity. It’s so lively…”

Ancestor Xueyun couldn't help but frown.

She knew that her relationship with Ming Wang Fa Zun had been completely seen through by this woman with a powerful background...

Fortunately, Qin Yanzhen was just teasing her. After speaking, she turned around and left without waiting for the two of them to respond. She showed a relaxed look on her face, without any of the restraint and solemnity that others showed when they met Prince Ming.

Patriarch Xueyun and Ming Wang Fa Zun stood in the main hall and did not respond for a long time.

"Lord Dharma Master, I..."

Finally, Ancestor Xueyun couldn't stand the dull atmosphere again and felt that he needed to explain.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she opened her mouth, Prince Ming waved his hand to stop her: "You don't need to say anything, I understand everything..."

"Don't worry, I know who is really useful to me. Those twin sisters are just tools for me to continue my heirs!"

"When the matter is completed, if you are interested in their bodies, I can help you seize one of them. As for whether you choose the elder sister or the younger sister, it all depends on your own mind..."

"My lord...Xueyun is entirely up to you. You have orders, and Xueyun will obey them!"

Ancestor Xueyun's eyes trembled slightly, and her heart, which had become hesitant because of Qin Yanzhen's provocation, fell firmly to the ground in an instant.

After a pause, she continued: "It turns out that there has been a secret discussion between your Excellency and this Yao Ji... But do you think her words are really credible?"


Prince Ming couldn't help but snorted coldly: "If what she said is credible, then there is nothing in this world that is not credible!"

"Then...what do you think her purpose is?"

King Ming was silent for a moment and said: "This person has always been cunning. When she was in the world above, she had manipulated many forces into her hands. Even people at the level of Golden Immortal and Supreme Immortal were eaten by her hands. It’s a shame…”

"Although I don't have deep contact with her, through these few short contacts, I can fully understand her style..."

"In my opinion, she is not necessarily on our side at this time, but she is also not necessarily on the opposite side. At best, she is betting on both sides. At the last moment, it depends on which side is beneficial, and then she finally decides which side to support. On the other hand, we will always remain invincible.”

Ancestor Xueyun frowned and said, "Then how should we deal with her?"

There was a solemn look in Prince Ming's eyes: "I'm not afraid of anything else. The only thing I'm worried about now is whether this bitch will quietly collude with the old ghost Yunxiao..."

"Ancestor Yunxiao?"

Ancestor Xueyun couldn't help but be stunned. Even if he was also strong in the Tiangang realm, this name was enough for her to look up to.

"is it possible?"

"When dealing with opponents of Yao Ji's level, we cannot judge based on common sense..."

King Ming said.

"According to Wei Zhihan, when Lu Yu and others left the Dali Sword Sect, they actually used a special technique to restrain Tai Ling. What kind of message is hidden behind this has to make people think deeply..."

"Similarly, the timing of Yao Ji's arrival at Guoyun Ancient City is too coincidental. The combination of these two points makes people think..."

"In addition, over at Bixiao Shrine, Yin Juntong came over eagerly and asked me to let Lu Yu go in the end no matter what happened here. The reason was because that kid was a friend of their saint... …Don’t you think this is strange?”

"Is there anything wrong with this?" Patriarch Xueyun said, "Yin Juntong didn't say it clearly at the time, but I think he had a hidden meaning. This boy named Lu is very likely to be the husband of their saint. husband……"

Prince Ming smiled coldly: "What you don't know is that Yin Juntong's identity is extraordinary. On the surface, he is the head of Bixiao Shrine, but he is actually the spokesperson of another guy..." "

That guy was just like me. He also came here as an incarnation. Even I didn’t know how he lurked here. It wasn’t until I came to this world that I sensed his existence by chance. At that time I'm afraid he has been lurking here for tens of thousands of years! "

Ancestor Xueyun couldn't help being stunned.

For a moment, she felt that there was a lot of fog in front of her. Even if she reached the level of a Tiangang Realm expert, facing the world in front of her, she still often felt confused.

"Okay, let's forget about this for now... It's still the same sentence as before. Anyway, in this three-thirds of an acre of Tianhuan Palace, they can't even think of anything they can do!"

"You go first to see how Changmei is recovering... Anyway, from this moment on, you two will take turns to stare at Yao Ji to death!"

King Ming finally decided.

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