Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 983 Bloody Wedding

Qin Yanzhen never returned to Qincao Garden.

Just when Lu Yu was still worried that she might have overplayed her game and break out into a conflict with Ming Wang Fa Zun in advance, suddenly there was a burst of light in the sky, and countless figures descended from the sky in groups.

The leader was none other than Ancestor Xueyun. Behind her were groups of maids and armored guards. Some were holding phoenix-clothed crowns, some were holding exquisite jewelry, some were carrying large boxes, and The carriages and horses... probably numbered at least a few hundred people, looking like a large-scale honor guard.

Lu Yu didn't know until this moment that there were so many servants hidden in Tianhuan Palace.

I just don’t know what the origins of these servants are. Did the Ming King Fa Zun snare them on his own, or were they transported by Wuya Immortal Pavilion.

I think it's probably the latter. If you think about it this way, these people should be disciples of Wuya Immortal Pavilion...

"What's happening here?"

Lu Yu took the initiative to greet him and asked.

Patriarch Xueyun didn't even look at Lu Yu, but walked straight to Yudie and said, "His Holiness has set the auspicious time at midnight tonight. If there is no problem, please prepare Miss Yudie as soon as possible! When the auspicious time comes, I will personally escort the young lady to the main hall of Tianhuan Palace to complete the wedding with His Holiness."

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Jade Butterfly said in surprise: "What time is it tonight?"

I have never heard of a wedding being held at this time. Is this perhaps a ghost marriage?

Patriarch Xueyun said: "Master Fa Zun observes the celestial phenomena. At midnight tonight, there will be an opportunity for the three stars Ziwei, Tiankui and Lucun to meet. This is the starry phase of Daze Realm, which is different from this world. If you miss this opportunity, It will take at least a few months for such an auspicious time to appear again... Aren't you mainly asking Yao Ji to complete the wedding as soon as possible? "

Everyone was speechless for a while.

However, Lu Yu also quietly felt relieved. At least the words of ancestor Xueyun showed that Qin Yanzhen was safe for the time being. There was no conflict between the two parties in advance, but he didn't know where the witch had gone now...

Forget it, the witch is very mysterious anyway, and it is impossible to completely grasp her whereabouts...

Ancestor Xueyun shook his hand, and immediately the men and women behind him moved up countless large and small boxes.

Ancestor Xueyun said coldly: "If necessary, I can personally paint Miss Yudie's makeup and put on her wedding dress. What do you think, Miss Yudie?"

Yudie quickly waved her hand: "No need, Yudie dares to work for the ancestor? Just leave the things here, let us do the rest ourselves, we will not waste time."

"If you need anything, young lady, just call me and I'll be waiting."

As he spoke, Patriarch Xueyun waved his hand, and immediately the followers behind him put down the things in their hands, and then silently stepped aside, leaving a wide enough space for the four of them.

Looking at the colorful and strange festive objects in front of them, Lu Yu and others could not help but feel silent for a long time.

It wasn't until all the servants had withdrawn several miles away and there were no outsiders around anymore that Yudie couldn't help but sigh: "Are we really sure we want to do this? In fact, you can have other choices. There is no need to spend time here with me..."

Lu Yu glanced at her and asked directly: "Have you completely mastered the section assigned to you?"

Yudie nodded silently.

"That's it!" Lu Yu waved his hand, "When the wedding is held, you can find the right time and just start it... As for the rest, there is no need to think about it now!"

Yudie lowered her head: "But, if this matter fails..."

"No buts!"

Lu Yu shook his head firmly.

"What you plan is for people and God is for you. The worst outcome is that they both die together. This is not an unacceptable thing!"

Chudie and Ye Weilan didn't speak, they looked at each other silently with firm eyes.

Yudie said nothing more.

In a daze, she had a feeling, as if the man in front of her had really become her brother-in-law, and she was the sister-in-law at his mercy... This feeling was very strange to her, but yet it was somewhat natural.

"Then let's start putting on makeup and dressing up now. I'll help Sister Yudie!"

Ye Weilan said, picked up the phoenix-clothed cloud crown left by ancestor Xueyun and others, put it on Yudie's head and made a gesture, then asked: "What kind of makeup does Sister Yudie like?"

So, the next few people began to work on the bride's makeup.

Although this wedding was rushed, His Majesty Ming Wang really did not mess around with it. All the items sent were extremely exquisite and luxurious.

Not long after, a radiant and beautiful lady wearing a robe and a phoenix crown appeared in front of everyone.

"Wow! So beautiful..."

Ye Weilan had a pair of wonderful eyes, and she couldn't help but admire them.

Although she also knew that the situation at this time was not optimistic, and everything in front of her was just for profit, the extremely beautiful bride's makeup still made her involuntarily have countless beautiful associations.

On the other hand, the Yang sisters on the side had the same moved look in their eyes.

"Sister Die..."

Ye Weilan glanced at Chudie beside her. Although she didn't speak, she didn't say anything.

Everyone can understand what she means, that is, if Chudie puts on this outfit, she should be equally beautiful and gratuitous.

So, Yudie suddenly stood up and walked to Lu Yu.

She was wearing a phoenix robe and a rosy crown, her whole body was submerged in the rays of light, and she was looking straight at Lu Yu.

Lu Yu didn't know what she meant by this, and was stunned for a moment: "What's wrong?"

"Remember me, when you hold a wedding with Yang Chudie in the future, you must at least follow my appearance at this time. The makeup cannot be worse than the one I am wearing now. Do you understand?"

Lu Yu was stunned and nodded blankly: "Uh, okay..."

It wasn't until Yudie suddenly turned around and strode towards the carriage and horse sedan not far away that he realized that in fact, Yudie didn't ask for any standards for future weddings. She just hoped that Yang Chudie would hold a wedding in the future. It's just a chance...

At this time, Jade Butterfly was already covered with rosy clouds.

There was crimson all around.

All of this seems to indicate that the next wedding will be destined to be filled with a layer of blood...

Frankly speaking, Lu Yu was not absolutely sure what the final outcome would be after this wedding.

But no matter what, he had no way out.

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