Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 986 Starry Sky Essays

However, the situation on Qin Yanzhen's side was even worse than that on Lu Yu and others' side.

Although Ancestor Xueyun had no scruples about going to her side, after her warning was issued, all the armored guards around her gathered towards her.

These armored guards are powerful cultivators from all over the world. Some are even people who got into trouble while exploring the ancient city of Guoyun. They have been recruited and trained by Tianhuan Palace in various ways for thousands of years. He was trained to become a soldier with strict military discipline.

Not only were their personal strength strong, but the armor and weapons they wore were also outstanding. After forming a formation, they even exploded with powerful combat power.

In addition, there is also the long-browed ancestor who has just recovered from his injury. He is also waiting for the opportunity. Cooperating with the offensive of the armored guards, he wants to snatch the Sacred Heart Gourd from Qin Yanzhen's hand and solve it once and for all. Get rid of all the trouble.

Therefore, the situation around Qin Yanzhen looks even more exciting.

But Qin Yanzhen remained calm and composed, her face remained as usual, and she simply relied on the demonic energy gushing out from the Sacred Heart Gourd in her hand to continuously resist the attacks from all parties.

Although the situation seemed precarious, they always advanced and retreated in a well-founded manner without any hesitation.

Finally, the ancestor with long eyebrows lost his patience and shouted: "Get out of the way!"

He lined up the crowd at once and stepped out. He gathered a large number of Heavenly Gangs in his hands and smashed them towards Qin Yanzhen as if he had lifted a mountain.

In order to avoid accidental injury, the surrounding armored guards gave way.

The power of Tiangang was simply not something they could contend with. Of course, the same demonic soldiers and generals transformed into Qin Yanzhen's hands could not resist it either.

This time, if she is hit, all the offensive she created will be disintegrated in an instant.

In this way, all their calculations and plans will be aborted...

At the critical moment, a bolt of lightning suddenly came rushing over.

Passing through the center of the hall, overturning the seats of countless guests, he was ejected onto the stage, standing steadily beside Qin Yanzhen like a majestic mountain.

Half a step to Tiangang!

Yuan Shiqiu!

There was still a blue electric light on his body that had not been extinguished. It was obvious that he had used the "Thunder Transformation Technique" and was ejected into the arena with the help of the power of hidden thunder.

He is worthy of being a half-step Tiangang expert. When this "Calamity Transformation and Luck Thunder Technique" is used in his hands, its power is incomparable to that of Lu Yu and others.

Yuan Shiqiu did not hesitate, raised his hand and gathered the Tiangang in the same way, and fiercely blasted towards the oncoming ancestor Changmei.

With half a step of Tiangang's body, he is a powerful Tiangang man who can challenge his entire body head-on!


There was a loud bang.

The two attacks collided fiercely.

Yuan Shiqiu, who only had half a step of the Tiangang, was naturally no match for the Changmei Patriarch. Under the falling Tiangang, his entire arm turned into powder and disappeared.

However, Yuan Shiqiu's fighting spirit was extremely tenacious. Even though his entire arm was gone, he still didn't even frown. He used his other hand to gather Tiangang again and attacked the ancestor Changmei in the opposite direction.

Judging from his posture, he completely wants to die together and trade his life for his life.

The long-browed ancestor frowned.

After some weighing in his mind, he finally decided to take a temporary retreat and continue to deal with the surrounding armored guards.

Just at this time, Lu Yu had completed the six-pointed star lock and glanced at Qin Yanzhen.

Qin Yanzhen took advantage of the situation and threw the Sacred Heart Gourd towards Lu Yu.

"Take it!"

Lu Yu's face was suddenly filled with astonishment.

The Sacred Heart Gourd, the treasure left behind by Panwu Immortal Lord... This is most likely a treasure whose grade exceeds the Heavenly Spirit level!

He didn't expect Qin Yanzhen to throw it away at will, without even saying hello in advance...

Lu Yu hurriedly caught the Sacred Heart Gourd, and an indescribable feeling suddenly filled his body.

He felt a huge force instantly connected with him, filling his palms, as if he could turn the world upside down with just a flick of his fingers...

Lu Yu couldn't help but be shocked...

Vaguely, he remembered that when he first entered the Sacred Heart Gourd, he heard Qin Yanzhen say that the control method of the Sacred Heart Gourd corresponded to the movement of the stars in the sky...

Now that she is throwing this treasure over, is she letting her own power drive it?

What about herself?

Lu Yu was guessing, and he did not dare to use this huge power rashly before getting the exact instructions from Qin Yanzhen.

At this moment, Qin Yanzhen's body suddenly floated in the air after she released her hand.

Countless totems flickered around her...

Ancient giant beasts, Netherworld Fire Phoenix, Wuluo Mountain, World Tree... and many other mysterious totems that Lu Yu could name or not name.

This scene was similar to the one he saw in Qincao Garden before.

However, it was far more thrilling than the original scene!

Because what appeared at this time was no longer just a shadow of the totem, the things corresponding to those totems also appeared in reality!

They are no longer illusions, but reality!


Due to the constant alternation between reality and illusion, the space also contracted and expanded rapidly. The entire Tianhuan Palace could no longer bear it, and all the architectural entities were instantly overturned.

Only the brilliance of the formation is left flowing on the ground, and the original appearance of this place can be vaguely seen...

Everyone's faces turned pale.

Previously, Tianhuan Palace had been able to remain motionless under Emperor Haoyan's full counterattack, but unexpectedly, it was now easily overthrown by Qin Yanzhen.

Although this was due to the fact that King Ming Ming was controlled by His Holiness and took advantage of his unpreparedness, this result still made everyone in Tianhuan Palace find it unacceptable.

"What are you going to do! Stop it!"

Ancestor Xueyun roared loudly.

At this time, both she and the Changmei Ancestor realized that Qin Yanzhen was the real threat, so they launched a frantic offensive against her.

However, Yuan Shiqiu on the side also resisted desperately.

Like a martyr, he used his half-step Tiangang body to stand in front of Qin Yanzhen and take all the offensive.

The limbs were cut off, the body was shattered, the eyes were blown out, and the head was split open...

Yuan Shiqiu's blood spilled across the sky, and no part of his body was intact. Only one golden elixir remained in pieces, but he still refused to retreat even half a step, and his momentum was extremely tragic.

Qin Yanzhen was also surrounded by the sky-wide offensive. It was only because of Yuan Shiqiu's support that she was able to survive. However, she continued to drive various totems around her in response to the tragic scene around her.

Suddenly, there was a click.

In a daze, Lu Yu felt as if he heard a soft sound of gears falling into place.

However, he knew that this was not a real voice, but an illusion caused by changes in the laws of heaven and earth.

All the totems around Qin Yanzhen are between reality and illusion, perfectly spliced ​​together.

Suddenly, a light filled her hand, and a magnificent scroll appeared in her hand, with mountains, rivers, lakes, seas, sun, moon, stars, rare treasures and animals... everything included!

Under the heavy light and shadow, Lu Yu could vaguely see two sets of strange fonts.

These two sets of fonts were old and clumsy, full of a peculiar charm that neither belonged to today's writing nor to the ancient Storm Clan's writing... But the strange thing was that Lu Yu actually understood them all at once!

Lu Yu himself couldn't tell what was going on.

If we look into it carefully, this is probably due to the infinite star map in the sea of ​​consciousness.

This is a text that is based on the interpretation of the mysteries of the starry sky. Without these mysteries, there is a high probability that you will only see a vast white floating light...

These two sets of characters, one is called "reincarnation" and the other is called "epoch".

Upon closer inspection, there seemed to be an infinite magic power that made Lu Yu's heart beat wildly, and his whole body felt like electricity...

"If you don't take action, what are you waiting for?"

Qin Yanzhen's voice brought Lu Yu's mind back to reality.

Only then did he realize that the scroll had been completely opened, and an invisible pressure was imposed on King Ming, making him reveal his true colors and lose all defenses.

Everything is just waiting for Lu Yu to complete the final blow.

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