Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 987 Careful calculation

At this moment, Lu Yu instantly understood Qin Yanzhen's intention.

The original Ming Wang Fa Zun was like a tall and towering fortress. Even if he had been controlled by the six-pointed star lock and temporarily lost his self-awareness, he could not be knocked down by himself.

At this moment, under the suppression of the strange scroll, although Lu Yu didn't know how all this was achieved, it was an indisputable fact that this majestic "fortress" had become riddled with holes. It seemed that as long as he gently If the ground is pushed, it will completely fall apart.

And Qin Yanzhen had already very considerately handed the weapon that knocked down the "fortress" into her own hand. It was the Sacred Heart Gourd that Lu Yu was holding in his hand.

She threw the Sacred Heart Gourd to herself before, not just to free up her hands, the real purpose was just for this moment.

The opportunity was fleeting, and Lu Yu had no time to think about it at this moment.

He immediately held up the Sacred Heart Gourd with his left hand and held the sword in his right hand, preparing to use the infinite power in the Sacred Heart Gourd to complete the final blow.

Although all this seems to be Qin Yanzhen's careful design, he can no longer care about so much.

Countless magic power spurted out from the Sacred Heart Gourd, and under the influence of Lu Yu's inner breath, turned into thousands of whirling lotus flowers.

The Sacred Heart Gourd is indeed an innate treasure. Originally, the power it collected came from the demonic power of Emperor Haoyan, but under its devouring and reconciliation, it was combined with Lu Yu without any hindrance.

Of course, all of this is closely related to Lu Yu's familiarity with the power of the devil and his understanding of the stars in the sky, but this gave him a more deliberate feeling.

All of this was taken care of by Qin Yanzhen...

At the moment, he didn't have time to think too much.

In an instant, thousands of lotus flowers were suspended in the air. This was not only a scene in the tranquil sea of ​​his true energy, but also a real evolution of power. The two actually reached a perfect competition and unity, and the momentum was spectacular.

This force was so huge that even the huge vortex clouds in the sky were pulled and temporarily stagnated.

"You brat! You are looking for death!"

Ancestor Xueyun shouted angrily.

She was not threatening, but objectively stating a fact.

The more powerful the power, the more profound the essence of mysteries is needed to drive its use.

At this time, the force driven by Lu Yu had far exceeded the limit that he could bear.

This is like a three-year-old child lifting a huge boulder. Although he has lifted it, it is still unknown whether he can smash the boulder out and whether it will crush him instead.

"Stop it!"

The ancestor with long eyebrows also yelled loudly.

Even if Lu Yu didn't succeed in the end, the consequences would be very serious, which he didn't want to see.

However, Lu Yu did not react at all.

He himself also knew that controlling such a force was a very dangerous thing, so he did not dare to be distracted. Whether in the sea of ​​consciousness or the sea of ​​true essence, he deduced and calculated at an extremely fast speed. I want to find a suitable combination of mysteries to finally control this power.

This power was so powerful that even the secrets of the Dark Star Sword Art could not contain it, so he had to find a brand new combination of secrets.

Finally, the tip of Lu Yu's sword flashed with bright starlight.

Using the repeated superposition and arrangement of the eight secrets of the starry sky, he finally found a brand new combination method. This combination method may not be the most powerful one, but it is definitely the most suitable for the current moment.

Lu Yu couldn't help but relax a little.

Everything is ready.

In his haste, he only had time to turn around and glance at Chudie, Yudie, and Ye Weilan behind him.

He also knew that after this sword was struck, it would cause immeasurable consequences, so there was incomparable nostalgia in his eyes.

However, even if I am nostalgic, I have no regrets.

Lu Yu slashed out with one sword!

The starlight is extinguished and the lotus flower is surging!

Under the tug of the starlight on the tip of the sword, thousands of lotus flowers all fell down, following the starlight, turning into a golden rainbow and sweeping out.

Wherever the golden rainbow passes, it is invincible.

Even someone as powerful as Ming Wang Dharma Master could not withstand this. In the blink of an eye, a red blood mark appeared on his neck, and then the skull rolled down.

The mighty Tiangang man, the incarnation of a generation of gods, has lost his head...

There was dead silence.

The guests were all stunned.

The armored guards all looked astonished.

Even Ancestor Xueyun and Ancestor Changmei forgot to fight back for a moment and stood there with pale faces.

No one could have imagined that the arrogant King Ming, who had been sitting here for thousands of years, would end in this way...

"Today's wedding is over. If you don't want to be buried with Tianhuan Palace, please leave here!"

Qin Yanzhen suddenly spoke, breaking the silence at the scene.

She held the scroll in hand, with a cold smile on her face, and slowly landed on the ground.

That strange painting still faintly conveys an extremely powerful and vicissitudes of life, which makes people shudder.

The guests fled in all directions.

Even the armored guards, who had always maintained strict military discipline, fled one after another.

Now that Ming Wang Fa Zun is dead, and the artifact in Qin Yanzhen's hands is obviously an extremely powerful artifact that they cannot compete with, there is no need for them to stay here and be buried with him.

Qin Yanzhen was indifferent to the people fleeing in all directions.

She moved lightly and walked straight to Lu Yu's side, and her smile became a little more vivid: "As expected of my Mr. Lu, you actually did it. I really didn't misjudge you..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He knew that this matter was far from over.

Nowadays, King Ming's Master is only physically dead, and for such a powerful being like him, mere physical death is not enough. His mind and consciousness must also be defeated in order to achieve true obliteration.

This can be proven from the surrounding formations.

Previously, in order to complete the wedding, Master Mingwang had activated the magic circle to pray to the stars in Daze Realm. But now with his death, the magic circle is still shining brightly, and the mysterious connection with the distant starry sky has not been cut off. .

Lu Yu didn't know where the soul of His Holiness Ming Wang would take shelter after his death, but he knew that the soul of His Holiness Ming King must still exist. The reason why there was no movement for the time being may be because he was trapped in the six-pointed star lock. Among them, once he breaks the six-pointed star lock, he will inevitably reappear in the most violent way.

"What should we do next?" Lu Yu asked.

"What's next..."

Qin Yanzhen smiled softly.

"It's up to you to bear the wrath of Dazejie!"

After saying that, she passed directly over Lu Yu and walked towards the stone wall on the side.

Previously, Ming Wang Fa Zun activated the formation by touching the stone wall. Although the entire Tianhuan Palace had been blown away at this time, and only half of the remaining stone wall was in dilapidated condition, the function of the formation above was not the same. Not completely destroyed.

I saw Qin Yanzhen pressing a snow-white jade hand on the stone wall, and I don't know how she did it. Suddenly, the stone wall burst into bright light again, and a burst of brilliance shot up into the sky, and finally disappeared into the clouds.

Lu Yu seemed to have a feeling.

The ripples caused by the sword he just used to kill Ming Wang Fa Zun has been sent to the distant Daze world as a message of prayer to the stars...

The mysteries of the stars combined with the power of the devil were the culprits who killed the Ming King Fa Zun.

Perhaps, this is what Qin Yanzhen said before about "taking the blame"...

Although Lu Yu was a little stunned, he was not too surprised.

After all, he had already been mentally prepared for this.

However, the facts proved that he still took things superficially...

After cutting off the connection with the formation, Qin Yanzhen suddenly unfolded that strange picture again.

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