Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 989 The disaster is coming

"What did you do to Prince Ming?" Lu Yu asked.

Due to the relatively close distance, he witnessed with his own eyes the entire process of the spiritual being of His Holiness Ming Wang being absorbed and refined by the scroll. He clearly saw His Holiness Ming King’s hysterical struggle and wailing in agony at the last moment...

You must know that the soul of Master Ming Wang is very powerful. Even the six-pointed star lock can only trap him for a moment.

Lu Yu really couldn't imagine how powerful it must be to cause the soul of Master Ming to suffer to such an extent...

"It's just some necessary means..."

Qin Yanzhen said in an evasive manner.

"After all, this second-generation ancestor is the bloodline of Tianjun Daze, and his soul is still in Daze Realm. Even if his body is completely destroyed by us, he can still make a ray of soul return to Daze Realm. Despite his shackles, he will still be able to resurrect his soul when the time comes..."

"At that time, you and I will surely suffer his crazy revenge. I think you don't want to see Sister Yudie hold a wedding with this guy again, right?"

Qin Yanzhen said it lightly.

Lu Yu refused to believe her explanation at all.

He didn't know what the laws of operation were in the heavens and realms beyond the Nine Heavens, but he had a hunch that this was definitely a worse thing than directly killing the Ming King Dharma Master. It will lead to extremely serious consequences, and the entire Daze world and even Daze Tianjun himself will launch crazy revenge for this.

Perhaps, this is the true meaning of her so-called "taking the blame".

After all, he was plotted by her again... He had already thought about taking the blame, but he never expected that this would be a bigger and heavier blame than he expected.

As for what she said before, as long as she huddles in this world, she can avoid the revenge of Daze Realm. Even if she has to bear the wrath of Tianjun, it will only happen after Qianbai Hou ascends to transcend the tribulation... This is simply a sentence Empty words.

But even after knowing this, Lu Yu had no choice. Qin Yanzhen's strength was so powerful that he had no chance to resist.

Besides, even if he could subdue Qin Yanzhen, would those in Dazejie listen to his explanation?

"Aren't you leaving yet? If you don't leave, you won't have a chance later..." Qin Yanzhen said again.

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows: "You still want to kill me?"

Qin Yanzhen suddenly burst out laughing: "My Mr. Lu, how could I kill you? If I kill you, who will bear the anger of Lord Da Ze?"

"It's just that if you don't leave here, the disaster is coming soon!"

"Heavenly tribulation?" Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

Qin Yanzhen looked at him indifferently: "Otherwise, why do you think this place collapsed? Could it be that just because I took away Tianhuan Palace with the All-Heaven Illustrated Book, the entire ancient city of Guoyun would collapse?"

Lu Yu was startled and couldn't help turning his head to look at Yuan Shiqiu.

Sure enough, Yuan Shiqiu's cultivation level was still expanding rapidly.

He constantly absorbed the power of Ming Wang Dharma Master to supplement his own nutrients. Not only had he completely repaired the fragmented golden elixir, but under the manifestation of golden light, his golden elixir was like a tall and majestic glorious city.

If this continues, the small world in his body will soon threaten the stability between heaven and earth. At that time, the power of heaven and earth will inevitably confront the small world in his body... This is when the Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation comes. !

In other words, Yuan Shiqiu is about to trigger heavenly punishment and ascend through tribulation here!

From a half-step cultivation level in Tiangang, to crossing the entire Tiangang realm in one fell swoop, directly breaking through the shackles of Tiangang, overcoming tribulations and ascending... This is simply an unimaginable thing!

But if this matter is connected with Qin Yanzhen's existence, it doesn't seem so incredible...

"Get out of here quickly!"

Qin Yanzhen's voice once again brought Lu Yu's thoughts back to reality.

"Even if you don't think about yourself, you still have to think about my sisters, right?"

Lu Yu silently turned around and glanced at Chu Die and others behind him.

The earth is falling apart, the crust is moving violently, and deep ravines are forming on the ground...

At this time, the three women were already tens of feet away from him. Chudie and Yudie were seriously injured and could hardly cope with such a chaotic situation. Fortunately, Ye Weilan was guarding them and they could barely hold on.

It is not that the three of them have no ability to leave this place, but because Lu Yu has not responded, they have been waiting where they are.

However, the situation is already precarious. If we don't leave here as soon as possible, even if there is no disaster, we may suffer greater risks at any time.

"What about you? Listening to your words, don't you plan to leave here?" Lu Yu asked.

At this time, he had made up his mind to retreat, but before leaving, he still couldn't help but wonder where Qin Yanzhen was going...

The blame must be laid, but it cannot be carried in vain. If there is a one in a billion chance that he escapes by chance, and if he has the ability to take revenge in the future, he must know where to find the other party.

"Of course I have to leave, but my destination is completely different from yours..."

"where is it?"

Qin Yanzhen smiled and said nothing, but raised her head slightly and looked at the sky.

Lu Yu was suddenly shocked and said: "You want to follow Yuan Shiqiu to fly into the sky?"

As the old saying goes, when one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

But after all, they are just mythical legends from ancient times. This upcoming catastrophe is just Yuan Shiqiu’s personal catastrophe. What will be tested is whether his personal small world can transcend the laws of heaven... I have never heard of it. As I said, you can take advantage of other people's catastrophes and ascend together!

However, considering Qin Yanzhen's various weird abilities and endless magic weapons, this does not seem to be impossible...

"That's why I really need you to attract Mr. Osawa's attention for me!"

Qin Yanzhen said with emotion.

This is undoubtedly equivalent to admitting Lu Yu's guess.

"Lu Lang..."

Qin Yanzhen gently raised her hand and suddenly touched Lu Yu's face affectionately: "Promise me that you will live a good life, okay?"

Lu Yu slapped her hand away and said angrily: "You mean, you want me to hold off Osawa Tianjun as long as possible to buy you more time, right?"

Qin Yanzhen giggled: "Lu Lang is indeed smart, but even if it's not for me, but for those sisters, don't you still have to live a good life?"

Lu Yu was speechless for a while.

Indeed, no one would give up the desire to survive, and Qin Yanzhen was obviously convinced of this.

"That's easy to say. After all, it is the wrath of the Heavenly Lord. I can't live if I want to... At least you should show me a clear path! Or teach me some life-saving techniques and keep a few things It can also be a life-saving magic weapon!" Lu Yu said reluctantly.

Qin Yanzhen smiled and said: "Okay! In that case, I will leave a few things for you, so as not to make you full of complaints."

With that said, she opened the illustrated book of the heavens again.

Lu Yu's eyes suddenly lit up.

He now knows that Qin Yanzhen's illustrated book of the heavens contains all kinds of treasures with infinite power. No matter which one is taken out, it is comparable to the existence of divine weapons.

I saw Qin Yanzhen's jade hands running across the map of the heavens quickly, and soon a familiar scene was displayed, which was the Qincao Garden where they had stayed before.

Only then did Lu Yu know that the entire Qin Cao Garden had been included in her illustrated book.

He couldn't help but feel secretly happy. Qincao Garden was the former residence of the Queen Mother of the West. Not only did it contain countless rare treasures, it was also a paradise in itself... If he could master this paradise, it would be a huge gain!

However, Qin Yanzhen's words knocked his heart to the bottom.

"I have other uses for this blessed land and cave, so I can't give it to you...but I can give you the materials inside. You are proficient in alchemy, so this can be regarded as making the best use of it!"

After saying that, all kinds of rare materials appeared from the illustrations of the heavens.

Qin Yanzhen waved her hand.

Suddenly, a dazzling array of materials swirled up and flew out around Lu Yu.

"Take care, my Lu Lang!"

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