Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 990 Many disasters

Lu Yu couldn't help but complain.

Qin Yanzhen's harvest here this time is definitely a lot, but she is only willing to share part of the materials with herself. Compared to her entire harvest, it is just a little bit of leftover material, and this is all she can give. ? It's so stingy...

What's more important is that he hasn't even asked the other party's specific whereabouts. He only knows that she is about to fly to the sky. He has no idea where she will go or what she will do next. Even if he flies to the sky one day, he wants to find her. I don’t even know where to go for revenge.

Unfortunately, there is no way...

After being pushed out by Qin Yanzhen, the surrounding area was immediately flooded by falling thunder. Even if he wanted to get back, he had no way to go back. What's more, the situation around him was already in chaos, and he really had no time to delay any more.

"What did that woman say to you? Why did it take so long?"

Yudie looked at Lu Yu who landed in front of her, with a suspicious look on her pale face.

"It's nothing. We'll talk about this later. Let's get out of here quickly... Sister Die, give me your Spring Conch!"

With that said, Lu Yu took the Spring Conch from Yang Chudie's hand, and then put all the materials in it, taking advantage of the situation to put Chudie and Yudie in without hesitation.

The two sisters were seriously injured and were no longer suitable to continue traveling here.

"You are responsible for taking care of them, and I will take you out of here."

Lu Yu explained to Ye Weilan again.

Ye Weilan hesitated and said: "Can you do it? Or let me do it!"

She is the body of a demon spirit, and her physical body is more powerful and more suitable for running rampant in such chaos.

Furthermore, during the battle in Tianhuan Palace just now, apart from completing the staged activation, she did almost no other strenuous things, and her strength was preserved most completely, so she believed that she was the best candidate to break out.

"Do not worry!"

Lu Yu said.

"Have you forgotten how we got here before? Besides, when Yuan Shiqiu entered the arena just now, I saw the calamity-transforming thunder technique he used, and I gained a new understanding. It comes in handy now. when!"

Seeing Lu Yu's confidence, Ye Weilan stopped insisting and stepped into the Spring Conch in a flash.

Lu Yu held the Spring Conch in his hand, quickly shrunk it, then pinned it to his waist and flew out.

At this time, the earth has been divided into countless land masses, some are floating and rising, and some are collapsing and sinking. Coupled with the power of dark thunder and the vortex of calamity clouds all over the airspace, the world can be said to be a state of chaos. .

Lu Yu used the Flying Flower Shadow Escape technique, combined with the Thunder Dispelling Technique, to continuously walk through the chaos.

Even if he occasionally encounters a powerful calamity cloud blocking him, he can still use the eighth starry sky secret to defeat it in one fell swoop.

Therefore, he can indeed be said to be able to do it with ease.

But just being able to do it with ease is not enough for him to successfully escape from this place...

This ancient city of Wuyun was originally a very strange place. Its entrance was directly above the head of Wuyun. But at this time, as the entire ancient city fell apart, the gravity system had become chaotic, and it was impossible to tell which one was up. , which is down, naturally it is even more difficult to tell where the specific exit is.

Therefore, if you want to escape from this place, you must first identify the direction of the exit...

But Lu Yu doesn't have any clue yet.

However, he did not panic. The first goal now was to leave the scope of the Heavenly Tribulation. The further away from Yuan Shiqiu and Qin Yanzhen, the better. He would never go in the wrong direction.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, there were loud noises behind him.

Along with this huge sound wave, a huge shock wave struck behind him. Lu Yu was caught off guard. Even if he had the two extremely excellent movement skills of Flying Flower Escape and Dissolving Thunder, it was of no avail. Mixed with the surrounding... The mud, sand and rocks were pushed out for several miles.

With a "pop" sound, Lu Yu spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Lu Yu!"


"How are you?"

Three voices rang out at the same time from the Spring Conch around their waists. It was obvious that they all felt the shock just now.

"It's okay, don't worry!"

Lu Yu bared his teeth, took out a healing pill, and swallowed it in one gulp. Then he exhaled and said, "It's just two broken ribs. It's a small problem..."

"Otherwise, let me come and you go inside to heal..." Ye Weilan said again.

"Need not."

Lu Yu shook his head, and as he spoke, red lotuses flew out of his fingertips, spinning and sinking into his ribs.

"It's ready..."

Lu Yu announced.

The three members of Spring Conch couldn't help but remain silent for a while. With such terrifying healing ability, even they didn't know what to say.

"What was the movement just now?"

After a while, Chudie's voice asked.

Lu Yu breathed out gently and said: "Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation."


"Heavenly tribulation?"

"How can this be!"

The three women questioned at the same time.

They didn't hear the specific content of the conversation between Qin Yanzhen and Lu Yu just now, so they didn't know that Yuan Shiqiu was about to escape the tribulation and ascend.

Lu Yu himself did not expect that the catastrophe would come so soon, so he told the three of them what Qin Yanzhen had just revealed to him.

The three of them suddenly realized that it was Yuan Shiqiu who was transcending the tribulation and ascending.

Jade Die said: "If one transcends the tribulation and ascends, then there will be a total of nine thunder tribulations, corresponding to the number of nine days... Unless the person who transcends the tribulation falls early and dies, otherwise these nine thunder tribulations will be more fierce than the last. , each one is more violent than the last, and now this is just the first one..."

She said no more.

Lu Yu and others understood what she meant.

With the abilities of Qin Yanzhen and Yuan Shiqiu, they are so confident that they can overcome the tribulation and ascend, so they will inevitably be full of nine thunder tribulations...

The first thunder tribulation is now so powerful, and if the last few strikes come down, the shock will be even greater. Even Lu Yu dare not say that he will be able to withstand it.

Therefore, we must leave here as soon as possible.

But after the shock wave impact of the lightning disaster just now, the surrounding environment has become more chaotic. Where should the exit be?

Just having brute force is not enough, you must understand the surrounding situation...

Lu Yu glanced around and was analyzing and thinking silently.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from not far away.

"Fellow Taoist, help! Please help me..."

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