Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 991 The Way of Gu

Lu Yu followed the sound.

The source of the sound was a fragmented plot of land dozens of feet away to his left. Due to the shock just now, two separated and floating plots of land collided violently.

The person who called for help happened to be buried under a huge stone, and only a head emerged from it. His hair was disheveled, his face was gray, and he looked extremely miserable.

Lu Yu hesitated for a moment, then used the Flying Flower Escape technique to get closer.

"Are you a guest at the wedding?"

He didn't know the person calling for help, but the person he called "Fellow Taoist" was obviously a real strong man. And since he appeared here, there was a high probability that he was a guest invited to the wedding.

"If I had known this, I wouldn't have come here to wade in the muddy waters at all!"

The man said with a regretful expression.

"I am a casual cultivator in Fenghua Mountain. I came to Guoyun Ancient City just to try my luck and see if I can find some good treasures here..."

"Unexpectedly, a group of people suddenly ran out on the way, claiming to be the envoys of Tianhuan Palace. They said that they would take me to attend the wedding of some Dharma Master, and there would be some ancient nectar and jade liquid that I could taste..."

"At that time, in addition to the group of envoys, there were also many casual cultivators, some of whom were even acquaintances of mine, and they were all invited..."

"But in the final analysis, I still blame myself for being greedy. I thought there would be benefits and no risks, so I came here in a daze. Who knew it would end like this..."

Only then did Lu Yu suddenly realize.

No wonder there were so many guests at the previous wedding. It turned out that they were all invited by the nearby Tianhuan Palace. Maybe they gathered all the casual cultivators in the entire Guoyun Ancient City at that time.

"In Fenghua Mountain, there are not many famous cultivators, and there are even fewer who have cultivated the body of a real person. Are you the real person Lian Gu who used Gu insects to become enlightened more than a hundred years ago?"

Yang Chudie's voice suddenly came from the Spring Conch and said.

The man was startled by the sudden voice: "Who? Who is talking?"

Lu Yu didn't explain too much and asked directly: "Are you really Lian Gu?"

"It's just me... Fellow Taoist, can you lend a hand and rescue me from this pile of rocks?"

Lu Yu thought for a moment and realized that it was just a matter of effort. Since this person was not hostile, there was no harm in rescuing him.

So he raised his hand and struck out with a sword. The stone immediately melted and turned into powder. Master Lian Gu was able to get out of the trap without any effort.

But the momentum of the sword shocked Master Lian Gu, and he said with emotion: "As expected of a high-ranking disciple of the Dali Sword Sect, we casual cultivators like us who have been practicing swordsmanship for hundreds of years will never be able to match it."

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows: "Do you know who I am?"

Master Lian Gu said with a flattering smile: "In today's world, there are only a pair of twin sisters who have achieved the body of a real person at the same time, and that is Master Yudie and Master Chudie of the Dali Sword Sect... Now that they have guessed their identities, then Fellow Daoist Lu It’s not hard to guess his identity!”

As he spoke, he got up from the ground, his body shook slightly, and he shook off the mud all over his body.

I saw that his whole body was covered with all kinds of weird bags. If Lu Yu didn't know what these bags were used for before, but after knowing the details of the other party, he understood that the contents of these bags must be They are all kinds of Gu insects.

Sure enough, Master Lian Gu opened a bag in Qiongqian and took out a ferocious thing about the size of a thumb that looked like a centipede but had barbs on its back. He faced Lu Yu and swallowed it in one gulp. .

This scene made Lu Yu feel very cold. He shook his head and said, "Your Excellency, please take care of yourself! It's not advisable to stay here for a long time. A shock like the one just now will happen again soon. It's better to leave here as soon as possible!"

After saying that, he made a gesture to leave.


Master Lian Gu suddenly stopped Lu Yu and smiled: "Fellow Taoist, help me to the end. Can you please take me away from this place..."

As he spoke, he glanced at the Spring Snail on Lu Yu's waist.

At this time, he could also see that what Lu Yu hung on his waist was a cave treasure. The previous sound came from there. It was obvious that his companions at the wedding should also be inside.

"Sorry, I'm not your fellow Taoist."

Lu Yu refused indifferently.

The term "fellow Taoist" is a term reserved for real people and strong people. Only those who have achieved the status of a real person can be considered to have "attained the Tao" and are qualified to call others "fellow Taoist" or "brother Taoist". ".

Lu Yu may not be inferior to ordinary real people in terms of strength, but if we strictly count him, he really cannot be regarded as a "fellow Taoist".

Of course, the reason why he rejected Master Lian Gu was not because of this, but because he was still unable to protect himself, so how could he care about the life and death of others?

"Why do fellow Taoists say this?"

"Although you have not yet become a real person, your cultivation has already reached the heavens and the earth. Even that Dharma Master had his head cut off by your sword... Taking me away is just a matter of effort, please do it!" "

"As long as you successfully take me away from here, I am willing to give you a generous reward...I will give you half of the treasures in the Qiankun Bag, which are worth at least tens of millions of spiritual stones!"

"Or, how about I teach you the secret of Gu?"

"Fellow Daoist! Friend Daoist! I am willing to serve as a cow and a horse for you, and I will serve at your side from now on!"

Master Lian Gu kept chattering and begging.

But Lu Yu was unmoved at all, and with a flash of flying flowers on his body, he flew towards another piece of land floating in front of him.

Master Lian Gu was so anxious that he jumped up and shouted at Lu Yu's back: "Fellow Taoist! Do you know how to get out of here? I can show you the way!"

At this time, Lu Yu's figure finally stopped.

He turned back and glanced at Master Lian Gu.

Then he suddenly raised his hand and shook it slightly, and suddenly a red lotus flower flew out along his fingertips, spinning like a boomerang to the feet of Master Lian Gu, and rolled his whole body back.

The two settled on a new plot of land.

Master Lian Gu looked at the light and shadow of the lotus gradually dissipating on his body, with a look of shock on his face: "Fellow Taoist is worthy of being a disciple of the sect. Taoism is really amazing. No wonder he can defeat Tiangang with one sword..."

Lu Yu glanced at him sideways: "Tell me how you can get out of here. I won't waste my energy on a useless person!"

Master Lian Gu hurriedly said: "Don't worry, fellow Taoist, I, Master Lian Gu, never talk big words. I really have a way..."

As he spoke, he opened another pocket on his chest, took out a fat, golden Gu worm, and held it in his hand.

"This is the Panjin Gu queen that I have raised for eighty-six years. She can show us the way out."

Lu Yu looked at Master Lian Gu as if he were a fool.

The way of Gu is just a side sect. Although he is not good at it, he never believes that such a fist-sized insect can find an exit in such a chaotic world...

Even if it is a Gu Queen or a Gu King, it is absolutely impossible!

Otherwise, among the eight major sects, there should have been a place for the Gu Insect Way.

Master Lian Gu immediately felt the chill in Lu Yu's eyes, and quickly explained with a smile: "Of course, it's not that the Queen Panjin Gu knows the way out..."

"Before, I gave someone else a poison. The poison I used was a pair with the golden poison, so the two can sense each other from a distance..."

"So, I can use this golden Gu queen to determine the location of the other Gu worm, and naturally I will know the direction of the exit from this."

Lu Yu asked: "Who did you put the poison on?"

Master Lian Gu replied: "I don't know who that person is. I know that he is on the floating battleship of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect..."

"At that time, my Taoist friend cut off the head of the Dharma Master with one sword. Now the situation is in chaos. Everyone has left in a hurry. Originally, I wanted to leave on their floating warship, but I couldn't catch up, so I had to take advantage of the chaos to float towards The air battleship cast a poison, and I planned to follow behind quietly, so as to avoid the hidden mines everywhere..."

"But who would have thought that the ancient city of Guoyun would collapse so quickly, and fellow Taoists would also know the final result..."

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