Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 992 True feelings revealed

Lu Yu asked a few more questions in detail, and then he learned the whole story.

It turned out that when Lu Yu cut off the head of King Ming Dynasty with a sword, under the threat of Qin Yanzhen, although everyone had evacuated, they did not behave actively. They only retreated to a place they thought was safe, and then continued to look back. .

After all, it was a contest between Tiangang strong men. A battle of this level was not something that could be seen at any time.

Until Qin Yanzhen summoned Wuluo Mountain.

Everyone was so frightened that they no longer dared to stop and ran away in a hurry.

In a hurry, everyone was panicking and making no choice.

It wasn't until the Sky-Swallowing Golden Poc circled down and swept away the surrounding dark thunders with its wings that everyone woke up from a dream and wanted to follow the Sky-Swallowing Golden Poc's trajectory and leave.

But how can ordinary people keep up with the speed of the Sky-Swallowing Golden Peng?

Therefore, people had no choice but to settle for the next best thing and use the floating battleships of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect to leave.

But the floating battleship is not so easy to use. It is surrounded by a defensive barrier, and there is only a specific transmission channel that can enter. With so many people trying to board the ship at the same time, there is bound to be a scramble for it, so there is a lot of chaos. In the dog-jumping, Master Lian Gu became the one left behind...

"In other words, the direction in which the Jade Sea Immortal Sect's floating battleship left was actually opened by the Sky-Swallowing Golden Peng?" Lu Yu asked again.


Master Lian Gu said with excitement: "The Sky-Swallowing Golden Peng has been in the ancient city of Guoyun for thousands of years, and he is most familiar with the situation here. With its guidance, he can naturally leave this place safely... Therefore, I only need to follow the instructions of Queen Panjin Gu With the guidance, you can also leave this place!”

Lu Yu was silent for a while.

At this time, he couldn't help but think of the tracking mark that Yue Xiujun left on his body. If he had not erased that mark at that time, he wondered if it could also be used to locate the other party's position in reverse and find a way out of here.

I don’t know that mark, so there’s no way to reverse it...

This idea only stayed in Lu Yu's mind for half a second, and was immediately rejected by him.

Even if the mark can be restored in reverse, he doesn't have enough time now. When he recovers, the day lily will be cold. Relatively speaking, Master Lian Gu's Panjin Gu Queen is more practical.

"Okay, then you can follow my path of responsibility!" Lu Yu finally decided.

In the process of saying these words, Lu Yu did not stop at all. While using the Flying Flower Escape Shadow and Transforming Calamity Luck Thunder techniques alternately, he used the power of red lotus to drag Master Lian Gu all the way. He had already passed dozens of people. There are floating plots of various sizes.

He did not choose to let Master Lian Gu enter the Spring Conch.

Once Panjin Gu is discovered, he needs to be controlled by him.

Secondly, in the Spring Conch at this time, both Chudie and Yudie were seriously injured, and the situation was very bad. Only Ye Weilan was the only one to support the overall situation.

For the sake of safety, he didn't dare to let such a guy full of Gu worms enter inside. After all, people's hearts were at odds with each other, and he didn't fully trust this Master Lian Gu yet.

The two of them followed the guidance of Panjin Gu Queen and moved forward for a while.

Suddenly, there were faint sounds of thunder coming from behind.

"Be careful, this should be the second wave of calamity coming!"

The voices of Yudie and Chudie simultaneously reminded in the Spring Conch.

In fact, they didn't need to remind them. Lu Yu had already had a premonition. Ever since he first suffered the shock wave of the lightning disaster, he had been paying attention to the changes behind him.

If it was just a simple thunder tribulation, it would not actually cause such a huge shock wave. It was due to the resistance of the tribulation breaker that the two forces collided together, causing such a terrifying effect.

Therefore, as long as you pay careful attention, you can get early warning, but this opportunity is very short and can be said to be fleeting.

But this time, he successfully warned.

"Heavenly calamity? What calamity?"

Master Lian Gu was still surprised.

Lu Yu ignored it and stamped the ground, then pulled Master Lian Gu and hid in the plot, intending to use the plot as a cover to withstand the shock caused by the thunderstorm.

The next moment, a loud noise came.


The huge sound wave almost completely drowned the heaven and the earth.

Lu Yu didn't know how many times he rolled back and forth in the field. When everything finally calmed down, he spat out another mouthful of blood.

"Otherwise, the next time a thunderstorm strikes, you can just hide inside..."

Yang Chudie's voice sounded from her waist.

Lu Yu shook his head, raised his head, swallowed another healing pill, and said, "No, no need."

He can indeed choose to hide in the Conch of Spring, but in that case, the power caused by the shock wave will be uncompromised on Yang Chudie, because this is her natural magic weapon... and she has already suffered it now. Seriously injured, how could he be willing to let her bear such a blow?

"This...what is going on?"

Master Lian Gu said with a horrified expression.

Although he was pulled into the bunker by Lu Yu, his situation was not much better. His face was pale at this time, but he was a real strong man after all, and he had a solid golden elixir foundation in his body. In terms of physical toughness alone , but he will not lose to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu glanced at him and said, "Do you still remember the person who fought with Patriarch Changmei before?"

"You mean...Zhenren Qiu Zu?"

"Yes, it's him...he's going through the tribulation inside right now."


Master Lian Gu's eyes widened in disbelief. He subconsciously thought that Lu Yu was talking nonsense, but when he thought about it carefully, he realized that the other party had no need to lie to him, so he just stood there, stunned and speechless for a moment. .

Lu Yu ignored him and climbed out of the field.

Only then did they realize that the surrounding suspended plots had broken into smaller plots. Even the bunker where they were hiding had been broken into more than ten pieces, and could no longer be called "plots" at all. , can only be described as "earth cone".

Lu Yu couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

This is only the second wave of thunder tribulation...

If he comes back a few more times, I'm afraid that by then there will be no more "earth cone" and only a piece of powder will be left, and he won't have any cover to rely on.

The only way is to leave here as soon as possible...

Lu Yu did not sigh any more, and after identifying the direction, he continued to move around in this chaotic world.

As for Master Lian Gu who was following behind him, his eyes were spinning wildly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

When Lu Yu once again used the eighth secret of the stars and cut through the chaotic swirling clouds with one sword, Master Lian Gu suddenly suddenly said: "Master Lu, why don't you accept me as your disciple?"

"I'm serious, I'm not joking..."

"I have also figured it out. Yuan Shiqiu's cultivation level is more advanced just because he is older. In fact, in the final analysis, he is just an ordinary Golden Core monk..."

"He ignored the deep hatred of destroying the country and annihilating the clan. No matter what rumors there were outside, he always followed the Saint of Daluo. This time undoubtedly proved his vision... to transcend tribulations and ascend, which many cultivators cannot achieve in their lives. An achievable dream!”

"His deeds undoubtedly prove that following the right person is a very important thing..."

"The young master killed Tiangang with the power of a sword, and he is also a good friend of the Saint of Daluo. It can be seen that even the Saint of Daluo relies heavily on the young master. How could the young master's achievements be within nine days if time passes?"

"In addition, I know that the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and the Dali Sword Sect are now at odds with each other... I am willing to capture the head wife of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, Yue Xiujun, as a token of submission. I only ask the young master to take me into his sect!"

This long "revelation of true feelings" by Master Lian Gu only made Lu Yu feel dumbfounded.

Only when he heard the last sentence, he couldn't help but feel a little interested.

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