Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 993 A glimmer of light

"Yue Xiujun? Are you sure you can capture her?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but look back at Master Lian Gu.

He had personally experienced how powerful Yue Xiujun was.

Not to mention the other party's strong background, fame and prestige, her unpredictable transformation technique, which is difficult to distinguish between true and false, is far beyond what Master Lian Gu can handle.

If Yue Xiujun was a person who could be subdued casually, then she would not be called the "Red Embroidered Heroine", and even Master Gu would not be just a casual cultivator.

Master Lian Gu lowered his head and smiled sheepishly: "I can't do it alone. I definitely need the cooperation of the young master and all the ladies..."

"However, I can provide you with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity... Because after thinking about it carefully, there is a high probability that the other Gu worm that was paired with the Panjin Gu was bewitched by that lady. On your body!"

"As long as Rang gets close to her, using this Gu, I can quickly make her lose the power to resist. In this way, even if she is powerful, we will still be able to capture her!"

Lu Yu said in surprise: "Didn't you say before that you just took advantage of the chaos and didn't know who it was? Why are you so sure now?"

The smile on Master Lian Gu's face suddenly became even more shy.

"To be honest, sir, I have been immersed in the art of Gu for many years, so I have some special habits... In fact, when I was sitting at the wedding venue, I had already played the 'Guiding Gu' in advance..."

"The so-called 'Guide Gu' is actually a special kind of Gu. Compared with other poisons, it has great concealment. Except for the person who cast the poison, it is almost impossible for others to detect it. existence, correspondingly it has almost no harm to the human body..."

"But it can be used as a guide to provide accommodation targets for other Gu insects. If one person among a group of people is infected with the Guiding Gu, then the surrounding Gu insects will give priority to the person with the 'Guiding Gu' The targets are gathering, even if the Gu insects are already inhabiting other people's bodies at this time..."

"And the 'Guiding Gu' I cast before happened to be cast on Yue Xiujun..."

Lu Yu understood.

In fact, to put it bluntly, this kind of "guide Gu" is a scout who is responsible for exploring the path. He first quietly locates the target and then sends out more powerful "regular army" Gu. This can greatly avoid the risk of being discovered.

Otherwise, if a fist-sized Gu worm like the Panjin Gu Queen is taken out, everyone who sees it will still have to be careful.

However, Master Lian Gu would put the "Guiding Gu" on Yue Xiujun, and I'm afraid the purpose is not that simple...

"By chance? It's too much of a coincidence for you, isn't it?"

Master Lian Gu said with emotion: "Young master is a disciple of a high-ranking sect. He doesn't know the difficulties faced by us casual cultivators from outside the sect. We don't have the support of the sect, so we live in fear all day long. Sometimes we have to leave an extra escape route for ourselves... "

"At the wedding scene, the highest-status person I could come into contact with was the Red Embroidered Heroine. Just in case, I had to put the Gu on her body..."

"If nothing unexpected happens, then everything will be fine, but if something unexpected happens, I still have a trump card in my hand..."

"However, this can be considered a mistake. It gives me an opportunity to serve the young master and all the ladies!"

"Ah... don't worry, young master! I definitely didn't poison your body. When you and I met, you had already seen my miserable state. In that situation, there was no chance for me to poison you..."

Even though Master Lian Gu kept promising.

But Lu Yu still made up his mind silently in his heart: No matter what he says, this guy can't let him enter the cave space of the Spring Conch...

"Let's wait until we leave here to discuss this matter!" Lu Yu said ambiguously, "Now, whether you and I will leave this place with our lives is still a matter of debate!"

Master Lian Gu smiled and said: "With your master's ability, it will not be difficult to get out of trouble here!"

"In short, I have absolute confidence in the young master! The young master is not going to die young. He will definitely be able to turn danger into good luck and win the victory!"

"How about I call you Master first?"

"You must not refuse... The mountain is not high, if there is an immortal, it will be famous; if the water is not deep, there will be a dragon... Although I am a few years older than you, my cultivation level is luckily a little higher, but if you want to compare with Taoism The realization is beyond the reach of others!”

"I don't ask for anything else, I just want to be able to listen to a few more Taoist insights in front of Master..."

"Master, in fact, I have long wished to have a teacher like you... When I was a child, I had a dream. In the dream, a god preached to me. That god was born as an immortal. The Wind Dao Bone and Jade Tree stand in the wind, with elegant temperament and graceful demeanor, which makes people want to worship...Now that I think about it carefully, the appearance of the god in the dream is somewhat similar to the appearance of the master! So! Said, the master-disciple relationship between me and Master is already destined!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a chill.

Only then did he fully understand the power of this outsider cultivator.

No wonder this person, as a casual cultivator, has been able to stay in the cultivation world for hundreds of years and remain standing. At least he has the kind of shameless flattery that is rare among others.

The two walked through the chaos for a while,

I don’t know if Master Lian Gu’s compliments played a role or if Lu Yu and others were really lucky. When they experienced the shock of the fifth heavenly tribulation, the huge thrust of the shock wave automatically pushed them a long distance away. A few people arrived at the edge of this chaotic area in a daze.

The reason why this is the "edge zone" is because they feel the existence of gravity again. This long-lost feeling gives them the ability to distinguish between up and down.

The laws of heaven and earth in Guoyun Ancient City have collapsed, and it is naturally impossible for them to generate gravity anymore. Therefore, this sense of gravity can only be provided by the main world outside.

It can be seen from this that they are not far from the outside world!

After figuring this out, everyone was very excited.

Lu Yu ignored his injury and asked Master Lian Gu to use the Panjin Gu Queen to point out the direction, and then flew in the direction pointed by the Gu Queen.

After a while, the clouds and fog cleared up ahead, and a glimmer of light appeared.

They finally found the "exit"!

It was just the situation of this "exit" that made them gasp.

At the intersection of the two "worlds", due to the drastic change in gravity, the material originally on the side of the ancient city of Wuyun continued to collapse outward. After several times of catastrophic shock waves, the material on the side of the ancient city of Wuyun originally collapsed. The material has long been broken into rocks and gravel, with mud and sand falling down.

The current state of Lu Yu and others was as if they were soaking in a river composed of mudslides, and the exit was an abyss waterfall not far in front of the river, a thousand feet deep.

If you want to get out of the "waterfall", you must withstand the scouring force of the collapse of the entire ancient city of Guoyun. There is absolutely no leverage in this.

And this is the scariest thing. Outside the exit, you can also see bursts of thunder.

It is not difficult to see from the rolling thunder that it is an extremely huge vortex cloud, with layers of calamity clouds in it. It is unknown how many calamity cloud vortexes are hidden.

In other words, in addition to being washed away by the force of collapse, they also have to overcome a huge cloud of calamity.

Seeing this scene, Master Lian Gu couldn't help but feel his two sides tremble, and his face was as pale as paper.

"Master, what should I do now... Why don't you let me hide in your cave treasure for the time being..."

Lu Yu took a deep breath and said, "Don't you keep saying you want to become my disciple? It's not that easy to become my disciple. Let's take this as a test for you!"

After saying that, he didn't look back and rushed straight towards the ray of dawn with his sword.

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