Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 994 Return to the Earth

Seeing that Lu Yu had already rushed forward, Lian Gu Zhenren had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow him.

He himself also knew that only by hugging Lu Yu's big tree could he have a chance to survive, otherwise it would be impossible to escape.

"You only have one chance, so you should keep up, otherwise if anything goes wrong, I won't be able to care about you anymore!" Lu Yu said.

Master Lian Gu was shocked.

He was still full of questions and was about to ask Lu Yu about his specific strategy to escape, but Lu Yu blocked him with one sentence.

The meaning of the other party's words seems to be summed up in two words: follow closely...

What kind of strategy is this?

But Lu Yu refused to say more, and he had no other options.

He could only follow Lu Yu with his eyes wide open, fearing that he would miss any of his tiny movements.

Within a moment, the two of them had reached the edge of the gap's exit.

Countless amounts of sand and gravel flowed down along the gaps, and it seemed as if the entire sky had turned into a mighty waterfall, with no end in sight and a surging momentum.

This picture is extremely shocking.

But Master Lian Gu had no time to appreciate the splendor of this, and he only felt nervous and fearful.

At the last moment, he quickly grabbed Lu Yu's clothes tightly.

The next moment, the two of them had fallen into a waterfall formed by the accumulation of mud and sand.

An incomparably huge force poured from above his head.

Under such a huge force, Master Lian Gu could only grit his teeth and persevere.

Looking at Lu Yu in front of him, a circle of red lotus flowers suddenly flew up around him, spinning around him continuously.

Master Lian Gu couldn't help but feel frightened.

As expected, I was right. This kid was really profound. I didn't expect that in such a situation, he could actually adjust the direction of his fall by unloading his force...

But what's the use?

Falling into the whirlpool of calamity clouds...

The speed of falling is getting faster and faster...

The distance between the swirling clouds is getting closer and closer...

But Lu Yu still didn't make any response.

Master Lian Gu's heart was in his throat.

It's a pity that he couldn't speak at all under the huge force, otherwise he would have screamed loudly.

Seeing that he was about to sink into the vortex of calamity clouds, Master Lian Gu was about to fall into despair.

But at this moment, Lu Yu suddenly drew a sword.

Even if the surroundings are washed away with great force and the mud and sand fall down, they still cannot cover up the bright brilliance on the tip of the sword.

Immediately afterwards, a magical scene happened!

The tip of Lu Yu's sword actually cut through the vortex of the calamity cloud, tearing a hole amidst the violent thunder.

The eighth secret of the stars!

Just like when he first entered the ancient city of Guoyun, Lu Yu's eighth star secret was blessed with the power of the red lotus, causing the tip of the sword to form a high-speed rotating force field, directly splitting the microscopic world in one fell swoop.

Although the opening was extremely small, it was enough for Lu Yu and Master Lian Gu to fit in it at the same time.

The next moment, the huge force of the wash suddenly disappeared, and the two of them entered the vortex of the calamity cloud.

The world around him instantly changed from deafening to extremely quiet, and Master Lian Gu could hear his own pounding heartbeat.

"How is this going?"

Master Lian Gu's face was filled with shock.

He couldn't believe the scene in front of him. Lu Yu in front of him actually cut through the vortex of robbery clouds with his sword, brought him in with him, and managed to break out a glimmer of life in a dead land...

Lu Yu didn't respond to him, and continued to move forward with all his energy.

Thunder rolled around them, and they were surrounded by heavy clouds of calamity. This scene looked extremely terrifying, but it was far less shocking than Lu Yu's sword.

Even the vortex of calamity cloud can be cut with a sword. Is this guy still human...

Although before in Tianhuan Palace, even Master Gu had seen the scene where Lu Yu killed King Ming Master with one sword, but at that time he relied on the power of the Sacred Heart Gourd, and a large part of that sword was The work of the Sacred Heart Gourd.

But he didn't expect that even without the Sacred Heart Gourd, he could achieve this level with just his own strength... Now Master Lian Gu was completely shocked!

Throughout the entire process that followed, even Master Gu was in a state of confusion.

Lu Yu's swords were drawn out one after another, and the vortexes of the calamity clouds were split one after another. They just kept running rampant in the heavy calamity clouds.

I don’t know how many calamity clouds they passed through, but finally their eyes lit up, the thunder dissipated, and they were able to see the clear sky and earth again.


Lu Yu couldn't help but let out a long breath.

At this moment, he was almost paralyzed from exhaustion. He lacked the strength to even move his fingers. His body was like a paper kite with its string cut off in the air, swaying and drifting in the wind.

Fortunately, Ye Weilan appeared in time and hugged him. The two of them supported each other, stabilized their bodies, and slowly fell.

After a while, everyone landed safely and finally felt down to earth again.

This is already the Cangyuan Continent. As for the specific location on the Cangyuan Continent, it is temporarily unknown.

At this time, sisters Chudie and Yudie also walked out of the Spring Conch to witness this rare moment.

Looking back, I saw that the originally huge vortex cloud in the sky had countless things hanging down from the center, and it had turned into a cone shape similar to a mushroom cloud.

Looking at this scene, everyone's mood was a little complicated for a while.

There is not only the joy of surviving the disaster, but also regret for the fall of the ancient city of Wuyun, and an unreal feeling like being in a dream.

"Master, I'm here, please accept my disciple Gu Baitian's bow!"

Suddenly, a voice broke the calm of the scene.

I saw Master Lian Gu prostrate on the ground, bowing to Lu Yu with a very humble attitude.

A real strong man, even if he is a casual cultivator from the side sect, he is a genuine Jindan Realm cultivation. He actually worships Lu Yu, who only has the Guihai Realm cultivation, as his teacher. If this scene is seen by others, I am afraid that it will be embarrassing. People's jaws dropped in shock.

But all this was done willingly by Master Lian Gu. He was completely impressed by Lu Yu after the experience of escaping just now.

"Get up quickly! Stop doing this!"

Lu Yu was unmoved at all, "I'm not the Saint of Great Luo. I can't give you what you want...Besides, you are a real strong person, are you really embarrassed? Even if you are not afraid of others making fun of you, when did I say that I want to Are you accepted?"

Master Lian Gu blinked his small eyes: "Master Master, you said before that you regarded the process of escaping just now as a test for me. Have we not escaped successfully now?"

"Who said a test is just a test?"

Lu Yu slowly shook his head, "Our troubles are not over yet, let's wait until we get past this level!"

As he spoke, he looked up at the sky, with a vigilant look in his eyes.

Master Lian Gu was startled, and following his gaze, he saw a group of Pegasus horses that were surrounded by dense black energy and were extremely splendid, galloping towards this side.

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