Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 995: Concealing the truth

"Who are these people?"

Jade Die frowned and asked.

Although the two sides were far apart at this time, the powerful aura on the other side was clearly visible. Even in such a chaotic world, it seemed particularly eye-catching.

"The Scarlet Moon Demon Sect." Lu Yu replied slowly, with a look of deep fear in his eyes.

At first, he didn't recognize the identity of this group of Pegasus cavalry, but as the distance between the two sides continued to get closer, he clearly sensed a familiar power fluctuation, which was the power belonging to the Red Moon Lord.

"Are you sure it's them?" Chudie also said solemnly.

Lu Yu nodded slowly.

There had already been a head-on contest between him and Lord Chiyue, and that time the two people's powers collided without reservation. How could he admit his mistake?

"Then what should we do now?" Ye Weilan said, "How about I hold them back..."

Among the four, she is the only one whose strength has been completely preserved. Although the group of Pegasus cavalry in front of her is menacing, she still has the magical weapon of the Dragon Fish Black Tail. If Ye Weilan equips the Dragon Fish Black Tail to deal with the opponent, it may not be possible. There is no chance of escape.

Lu Yu's eyes flickered and he analyzed: "The Scarlet Moon Demon Sect, the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, and the Wuya Immortal Pavilion are all in one alliance. Now that the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect appears here, I'm afraid the other two are also inseparable. Too far..."

"As soon as we got out of the trap, they came directly to us. This shows that they had obviously made arrangements in advance. I'm afraid just running away is not an option..."

Lu Yu didn't say any more.

Although the ancient city of Guoyun has collapsed, the floating battleship of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect was guided by the Sky-Swallowing Golden Peng and was not too damaged. This was already proven by Master Lian Gu's Panjin Gu Queen.

In addition, none of the Seven Ancestors of Wuya is missing. If these parties unite, no matter how they deal with it, they will not be able to escape.

Yudie suddenly used Die Shuangfei, holding the sword in his hand, with a ruthless look in his eyes: "Since escaping is not an option, let's give it a try! If we kill them directly here, the news will not be leaked. "

As she said that, she couldn't help but glance at her sister beside her: "After the rest just now, I have regained the strength to fight. Yang Chudie, what about you?"

Unexpectedly, at this time, the two sisters would not forget to say goodbye. The relationship between the two sisters is really difficult to describe.

Chudie smiled faintly, but said to Lu Yu: "Although I am injured, the power of the tide in the Spring Conch has not been used, so I can really consider giving it a try."

Lu Yu is still thinking about it.

The Pegasus cavalry in the air suddenly scattered in all directions, as if they were searching for something.


Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

Could it be that the other party is not sure of their location and therefore needs to disperse the search?

This is normal if you think about it carefully. Due to the collapse of the ancient city of Guoyun, although the location where they landed is far less chaotic than the central area, the surrounding situation is also completely chaotic.

It is very likely that the opponent only captured the position where they first left the vortex cloud, but could not accurately judge the final landing point.

Suddenly, Lu Yu had a brand new plan in his mind.

"You hide in the Spring Conch first!" Lu Yu suddenly said.

"what are you up to?"

"It is definitely inevitable to give it a try, but this can only be our final option. Before that, we might as well find a way to delay as much time as possible and restore our condition to the best... You will know the details later. I know, don’t talk now, there’s no time!”

The three women looked confused, but still followed Lu Yu's instructions and entered the Spring Conch.

Lu Yu took the Spring Conch in his hand and walked up to Master Lian Gu who was looking at a loss.

"Can you give me one of those empty bags you have for cultivating gu?"

Master Lian Gu was startled and obeyed the instructions honestly.

Lu Yu took the bag in his hand and looked at it, then put the Spring Snail in his hand, and then hung the bag back on Master Lian Gu, right in the middle of a pile of Gu raising bags.

"Let's talk about whether it's a master or a disciple. This time I brought you out of it, and now it's time for you to repay us!"

After saying this, Lu Yu suddenly flashed and got into the bag himself.

Naturally, the Gu-raising bag couldn't hold anyone, so he just hid in the cave space of the Spring Conch, and locked the mouth of the bag tightly with the last remaining strength.

On the surface, it seems that this is a Gu kept by Master Lian Gu, and there is no flaw in the appearance.

Master Lian Gu was stunned, not knowing what was going on. Then a strong wind came, stirring up flying sand all over the ground, making it difficult for him to open his eyes.


The snort of a horse rang in my ears, and just by listening to the sound, I could feel that it was filled with a majestic aura.

At this time, even Master Gu already understood.

The Pegasus cavalry from the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect had already arrived. Lu Yu wanted to use himself as a cover for them so that he could hide from the enemy and get through.

"Tao, fellow Taoist..."

Master Lian Gu slowly opened his eyes and wanted to say hello to the other party, but the scene he saw made him take a breath, but he couldn't finish the second half of the sentence.

He saw a man and a horse standing in front of him, and his whole body, including the horse, was covered in black armor, filled with a gloomy, cold, and strange aura.

Especially the rider on the horse. His body is full of powerful power, but his face has very hideous scars, and his eyes are hollow, as if he has no consciousness of his own. He looks like a The stitched-up monster...

Even Master Gu felt his teeth chattering, and he didn't know what to do for a moment.

The other party was also extremely patient, and just "stared" at him quietly. Although he didn't ask questions or take any offensive measures, his "eyes" were full of a warning, and it seemed that as long as he was more If you move, the opponent will immediately use coercive measures...

In front of such a "monster", every second longer is torture.

However, Master Lian Gu bravely endured it silently. After all, neither the monster in front of him nor Lu Yu, who was hiding in his breast pocket, gave him any instructions.

I don’t know how much time passed, but suddenly there was another gust of wind and sand.

When Master Lian Gu opened his eyes again, there were several more identical cavalry figures in front of him, but this time there was a cavalryman with scarlet flames dancing in his eyes.

"I am Lan Qianqiu, the master of Ice King Island. Who are you? Have you seen anyone passing by here?"

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