Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 996 Cross-examination

The owner of Ice King Island? Lan Qianqiu?

Master Lian Gu couldn't help but be startled.

He had naturally heard of the name of Ice Emperor Island Master Lan Qianqiu, but he never thought that the majestic Ice Emperor Island Master Lan Qianqiu would look like this. This was completely inconsistent with the rumors...

Furthermore, didn't Lu Yu insist before that this was the pursuer of the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect? Why did he suddenly become the Ice King Island Master of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect?

What is going on?

At the moment, even though he was full of questions, Master Gu could only choose to suppress these questions first and answered honestly:

"It turns out that I am the owner of Ice King Island. I have admired his name for a long time, and I am disrespectful and disrespectful... I am a casual cultivator of Fenghua Mountain, with the false name of Master Lian Gu. I haven't seen anyone passing by here..."

"Master Lian Gu?"

Lan Qianqiu's scarlet eyes stared at Master Lian Gu with a cold glint.

"Why are you here?"


Master Lian Gu was thinking rapidly: "Speaking of which, I would like to thank Madam Zhong of your sect. Thanks to the floating fleet she led for taking me out of the ancient city of Guoyun. Who would have thought that the ancient city of Guoyun, which is in such good condition, would Suddenly something like this happened..."

As he spoke, he bowed to the other party in a pretentious manner.

In fact, he originally wanted to make up a random excuse to get away with it, but then he thought about it. After all, he had already appeared in Tianhuan Palace, and the other party was from the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, so he might as well just tell the truth half-truth. .

"Were you also a guest at that wedding? Then why are you here?"

Lan Qianqiu's face remained expressionless, but his scarlet eyes became even sharper.

After Master Lian Gu told his first lie, he somehow felt at ease.

When he heard Lan Qianqiu's questioning, he touched his chin and said, "What else could I do here? Naturally, I want to take advantage of this opportunity..."

"Originally, I was staying on your sect's floating battleship, but Mrs. Zhong seemed to have something urgent, so they went over there..."

"Ah! Could it be that Lord Blue Island is looking for your sect's floating fleet? Then you are looking in the wrong direction, they should be over there!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and pointed to the side.

This direction is naturally true, because this is the guidance given by Queen Panjin Gu.

The flame in Lan Qianqiu's eyes suddenly softened slightly.

Master Lian Gu can point out the direction of the floating battleship, which shows that he is indeed the first batch of people to escape from the ancient city of Guoyun. Although it is not clear how he got here, it at least proves that he has what he wants. The objects being tracked are not all in one group.

He had no idea that the other party actually determined the direction through Gu magic.

However, he still did not completely dispel his doubts.

After all, they watched someone break away from the whirlpool. The person who came out at this time must not be simple. It was probably Lu Yu and others, but they followed the other person's falling trajectory. However, no trace of Lu Yu and others was found. He only found a casual cultivator like Master Lian Gu at the same place. Naturally, he would not give up his doubts easily.

"What's in these bags on your body?" Lan Qianqiu asked again.

Master Lian Gu replied: "I'm not afraid of being laughed at by Master Lan Island. I have no other talents and can only rely on some trivial deeds to save my life. These are the Gu insects I raised..."

"Gu worm? Can you let me check it?"

"Well...these Gu insects I raised are only close to me. If others touch them without permission, I'm afraid there will be some danger..."

"It doesn't matter, we are not afraid!"

With that said, Lan Qianqiu waved his hand.

Suddenly a cavalryman stepped forward, reached down and grabbed Master Lian Gu's chest pocket.

The other party's actions are extremely unreasonable, but how can Master Lian Gu have any qualifications to resist?

A handful of earthworm-like worms were taken out and squirmed crazily in the cavalry's hand, emitting sizzling white smoke.

Master Lian Gu's expression suddenly changed.

It’s really not what kind of existence these monsters are!

He has been raising these Gu insects for many years, and they usually have very strong attack power. Even when he drives them, he has to be careful. Unexpectedly, they have no impact on the other party. It seems that Lan Qianqiu's so-called "we are not afraid" is not Just a lie.

The cavalryman kept moving, tearing off the pocket in front of Master Lian Gu one after another, constantly grabbing out the Gu worms inside, and then crushing them in his hands.

Master Lian Gu's expression was extremely ugly.

She felt sorry for the Gu worms she had raised for many years, but at the same time she was worried that the other party would find the pocket where Lu Yu and others were hiding.

After a while, the other party had crushed five bags of Gu worms to death in a row. Just when he was about to reach into the next bag, Master Lian Gu suddenly turned pale, his whole body trembled, and he fell down.

"Master Blue Island, can you spare my life? These Gu insects are raised by me with my essence and blood, which is equivalent to a part of our own cultivation. If you continue to kill them forcefully like this, I will soon be dead... "

Master Lian Gu had cold sweat on his forehead and begged for mercy pitifully.

Lan Qianqiu waved his hand, signaling the cavalryman to stop.

Instead, he got off his horse and walked up to Master Lian Gu.

He knelt down and met Master Lian Gu's eyes with his scarlet eyes. They looked at each other silently for a while before he said, "Let me ask you one last time, did you see anyone passing by nearby?"

"I...I really didn't see anyone passing by..."

"But before you came over, there was indeed a shadow flashing here. I was attracted by it. I thought I could catch something, but I didn't find anything..."

"To this day, I'm not sure whether it's a human or something else..."

Master Lian Gu's face was pale and his body was trembling.

He also wants to understand now that the other party has come here after confirming that there is something in this place. If he insists that he has not seen anything, they will definitely not believe it.

This sincere performance finally made the other party believe him.

Lan Qianqiu's eyes showed doubts, and he said to himself: "The shadow flashed? So fast? Could it be that they used that dragon treasure to escape?"

After saying that, he sent a communication talisman into the distance.

Then he got on his horse, led a group of Pegasus cavalry and flew away through the air, ignoring Master Lian Gu on the ground.

Master Lian Gu climbed up silently and looked at the retreating figures of Lan Qianqiu and others. A gust of breeze blew, and he realized that his back was already soaked.

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