Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 997 Determination

"Do you still want to become my disciple now?"

Lu Yu's voice suddenly sounded from the side, and Master Lian Gu came back to his senses.

"You also know what happened in Guoyun Ancient City before. This is just the beginning. Not only the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect, Jade Sea Immortal Sect, and Wuya Immortal Pavilion will not let me go, but there may be more in the future. My enemy said no, are you sure you want to continue to follow me?”

Master Lian Gu turned around silently.

He found that although Lu Yu was talking to him, his eyes were fixed on the Pegasus cavalry, which had turned into black spots in the sky.

In addition, Chudie, Yudie, and Ye Weilan also walked out of the Spring Conch.

Several people also silently watched the black armored cavalry who was about to disappear into the sky.

"Master, here you are, please accept my disciple's bow!"

Master Lian Gu suddenly knelt down again and kowtowed hard to Lu Yu.

This unexpected move made the four of them turn around at the same time and look at him in surprise.

"You still don't give up?"

Lu Yu said with a weird look on his face: "Have you not figured out what I mean? Waiting for us in front is not only the Ice Emperor Island Master and his group, but also Yue Xiujun, Master Kunpeng, Tiantian Jinpeng, Ancestor Xueyun, Ancestor Changmei, and the other five of the Seven Ancestors of Wuya..."

"And this is just for the present. In the future, there may be existences above the Tiangang Realm..."

In this world, the upper limit of cultivation realm is Tiangang Realm. The existence above Tiangang Realm is something that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Just the thought of it is enough to make people shudder.

However, Master Lian Gu did not hesitate at all and said firmly: "Master Master, I am serious. I have never been as serious as I am now..."

"I started building foundations and practicing at the age of six. I entered the path of Gu insects at the age of seven. I attained the realm of the physical body at the age of thirteen. I entered the realm of the true essence at the age of fifteen... I have been working hard and diligently until I was eighty-three years old. I finally attained the path and became a real person. Today, my life span is exactly two hundred years old."

"A mortal body is only a hundred years old. I have lived for two hundred years. I originally felt that I had transcended the mortal realm. But today, when I got along with Master and all the ladies, and after experiencing a series of changes, I realized that I have not escaped. In the realm of the mundane, it is still just a piece of grass for all living beings. Just like the Gu insects I raise, they may be crushed to death by others at any time..."

"There is an old saying: If you hear the Tao in the morning, you will die in the evening! I would like to be an insect that hears the Tao in the morning glow and lives towards the sun, rather than hiding in a bag and living in mediocrity and trembling! Even if someone wants to do it again in the future. If he wants to crush me to death, he must pay the price with his blood! I beg you, Master!”

Master Lian Gu's face was full of piety and his eyes were shining.

Lu Yu couldn't help being completely stunned.

Unexpectedly, Master Lian Gu would have such firm belief in order to become his disciple.

Obviously, when the owner of Ice King Island interrogated him before, his unscrupulous manner of taking life and death gave him a lot of stimulation...

For a moment, Lu Yu couldn't help but hesitate.

Originally, he had no intention of accepting the other party as his disciple, but now the other party's confession revealed his extremely pure and determined spirit.

This kind of enterprising spirit is extremely rare even in young people, so he couldn't help but feel a little shaken.

What is the most important thing in the way of cultivation?

Is it a bone? Is it qualifications?

Is it a spiritual energy resource? Or various treasures?

Is it a supreme skill that points directly to the source, or is it a mysterious and unpredictable method that defies heaven?

Lu Yu felt the same way at first about the above.

But as he practiced for a long time and his realm deepened, he gained a new understanding...

The way of cultivation is essentially to go against nature.

On this basis, what really plays a decisive role is not the above, but a solid Taoist heart.

Only a Taoist heart that is stable enough can control powerful enough power. Otherwise, even if one has unparalleled power, one day the power will backfire, because the way of heaven is like this.

The strength of Taoist heart is evolved by extreme emotions, and determination to make progress is the most potential one among many emotions.

From a certain point of view, Master Lian Gu, who has completely changed his past and has suddenly awakened, undoubtedly has unlimited potential...

However, although Lu Yu was tempted, this moment was not a good time to accept a disciple...

So, he looked at Chudie and Yudie on the side as if asking for help.

Although the relationship between the three of them is very messy, in terms of their seniority, they are both his seniors, so it is natural to listen to their opinions.

Yudie snorted softly and turned her head away proudly.

Chudie just spread her hands helplessly, looking helpless.

They wanted to worship him as their teacher by name, so how could they have any good opinions?

"This matter... let's wait until we return to Dali Sword Sect!"

Lu Yu finally decided.

"Even if I want to fulfill your wish now, I don't have such conditions..."

"When you return to the Dali Sword Sect, don't say whether you want to be a disciple or not. Then you can stay on Jade Butterfly Peak as a guest. You and I can learn from each other and discuss Taoism..."

"If we can still go back..."

Even Master Gu has to say it again.

However, Lu Yu directly waved his hand to stop him: "Okay, let's not mention this matter again!"

He turned around again, looked at Chudie, Yudie, and Ye Weilan, and said, "I didn't expect that Lan Qianqiu would turn out to be like this after he was taken away by Lord Chiyue. He really doesn't look like this now. I don’t know whether he is a member of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect or the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect…but one thing is for sure, his power is stronger than before!”

Ye Weilan said: "Not only him, but also the subordinates he was with. They are all in a strange state. If I remember correctly..."

After saying that, she hesitated, "They should have all died in the Golden Rooster Islands..."

She had outstanding eyesight, and she had been guarding Lu Yu as a guard during the Battle of the Golden Rooster Islands, so she could see the changes in the entire battlefield very clearly.

Although these black-armored cavalry were covered in black armor, with her keen insight, she could still see quite a few clues... In her impression, most of these people should have been there at that time. He died in a battle.

"Resurrected from the dead?" Yudie's beautiful eyes showed a surprised look.

Lu Yu shook his head slowly: "Except for Lan Qianqiu, no one else spoke. We see that they have lost the ability to communicate normally with others. It is hard to say whether they are alive or not!"

"So, this is a group of puppets made up of dead people, and they are all puppets with the strength of the Golden Core Realm. Is this possible?" Yudie asked in astonishment.

Chudie replied: "If it is related to the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect, then there is nothing impossible..."

Yudie couldn't help but smile like a flower: "Interesting... I didn't expect that I had been trapped in Tianhuan Palace for so many years, and I encountered such interesting things as soon as I came out!"

"And even the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect has made a's so interesting!"

Seeing the expression of enjoyment on her face, Lu Yu and others were speechless.

It seems that she has no idea how much trouble the Scarlet Moon Demon Cult has brought to the Dali Sword Sect in the past few years. Even the Elders' House has been troubled...

But having said that, when it comes to determination to forge ahead, Yu Die is no less than Master Lian Gu...

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