Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 998 Ways to Guarantee the Bottom Line

Lu Yu added: "Before Lan Qianqiu finally left, he seemed to have made an action...did he send out a communication talisman?"

Since they were hiding in the bag at the time and could not see clearly what was going on outside, they asked Master Lian Gu for confirmation.


Lu Yu frowned: "A subpoena was sent to inform us of our location... It seems that the situation we were most worried about has happened. Even if Ming Wang Fa Zun is finished, their alliance has not collapsed. Not only are they jointly searching for our traces, And there is division of labor and collaboration.”

Chu Die said: "For them to be able to re-complete the division of labor so quickly, there must be powerful people coordinating in the middle. Maybe there are new powerful people from the Tiangang realm who have rushed over... Otherwise, if we only rely on ancestor Xueyun and Elder Changmei Ancestor, they also encountered a sudden change and fled in a hurry. I am afraid that they will not be able to regroup so quickly. "

Ye Weilan said in surprise: "Who will be the new Tiangang Realm powerhouse? Are they the other seven ancestors of Wuya?"

Chudie said: "This possibility cannot be ruled out..."

Everyone couldn't help but fell silent for a while.

If all the Seven Ancestors of Wu Ya rush back, it will be like opening a dragnet in front of them, and they will be unable to escape no matter how much they use their wings.

In front of Tiangang's strong men, even if they were equipped with Dragon Fish Black Tail, they would not have any advantage at all.

While there was silence, Lu Yu suddenly burst into laughter:

"So what if it's a dragnet? When we came here, they also set up a dragnet, wouldn't we also break in? What's the harm in breaking in again when we go back?"

Yudie glanced at him and said, "Do you have any other ideas?"

Lu Yu sighed with emotion: "It's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without straw. Even if we have any ideas, we can't implement them in our current situation. It's better to just don't think about anything. Find a place to meditate and adjust your breath first. When you regain your strength, you can think about what to do next." This level!”

But Yudie was an impatient person who refused to give up. She rushed in front of him, looked into his eyes and said, "Tell me first, what is the solution?"

Lu Yu said helplessly: "Now I don't even know the specific situation of the other party, so how can I do anything? But if we haven't come up with a better idea after we have recovered our strength, I do have a guarantee... …”

"How to guarantee the bottom line?" Yudie blinked, "What is it? Stop showing off!"

Lu Yu looked at Master Lian Gu: "Is the Queen of Panjin Gu okay? If there is nothing we can do in the end, how about we kidnap the wife of the head of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect as a hostage?"

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised.

In such a situation, Lu Yu's so-called "method" was to take action. I have to say that this was really audacious!

Yudie raised her eyebrows: "Are you really not afraid of death? Do you really want to capture Yue Xiujun?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said: "Look, you didn't expect us to take the initiative, and they certainly didn't expect it either. To catch us by surprise, first of all, we have already gained the upper hand strategically..."

"Secondly, although Mrs. Zhong has many followers and protection around her, it is better to face her than to face a certain Tiangang strongman..."

"Third, it is said that Mrs. Zhong has a prominent family background. The Yue family she came from has produced many Tiangang ancestors, and the existing ancestors also have great trust in her. If we capture her, we will definitely make the other party take advantage of it... Even if Regardless of the influence of the ancestors behind her, she is also a majestic wife. Isn’t her life worth more than ours? "

"Fourth, Master Lian Gu has finally tricked us to get the opportunity for us. Wouldn't it be a pity if we didn't take advantage of it?"

Several people couldn't help but were speechless.

Unexpectedly, in just such a short time, Lu Yu could list so many reasons, and also compiled one, two, three, four...

"All right."

Yudie was finally convinced.

"Listening to what you said, there is really much to be done at this time. It seems that we really need to seize the time to recover our energy immediately... What about the place where breath adjustment can be restored? We need to find a hidden place first..."

Lu Yu smiled: "What else are you looking for? The most dangerous place is the most complete place."

Yudie looked around and said in surprise: "Don't you just want to be here? This place is too open. Besides, if Lan Qianqiu still can't find our whereabouts, he might kill him... "

Lu Yu said: "I'm talking about the most dangerous place, but this place can't be called the most dangerous..."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, looking at his profound eyes, and then realized that the place he was pointing to was exactly below the center of the vortex cloud, where billions of pieces of matter continued to fall.

The entire ancient city of Wuyun fell apart, and countless stones and gravel poured down from the sky. After passing through the whirlpool, they started to rise up again. The area directly below the center of the whirlpool was in chaos.

If they could touch anywhere, they would be buried under thick sand in a short time. It would indeed be a good place to hide their tracks.

Therefore, several people agreed to Lu Yu's plan and went in the opposite direction and walked directly below the cone-shaped vortex cloud.

Everyone walked close to the ground without deploying the evasion light. They only used the most primitive body skills to move quickly in the sand.

Not long after, they entered the area below the center of the vortex cloud.

At this time, countless silts of sand rustled down from above their heads, stretching endlessly and penetrating into every hole. Even if they exercised their true energy, they could not resist it, and soon everyone became disgraced.

They did not dare to enter the core area, because it was equivalent to bearing the pressure of the entire Guoyun Ancient City overturning.

Everyone chose the range they could bear and sat down cross-legged.

After a while, the thick sand covered them, and they were buried deeply in the soil. They could not see their fingers and there was no light, but they finally got a chance to rest and recuperate.

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