Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 976: Gentle means, to win the hearts!

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Of course, Yangdingtian is only a little horrified, and there is no very very unexpected. Oh,

Because, in fact, he did not have too much cover-up, and did not deliberately go to the eccentric and stupidity of the fake konjac.

Moreover, this is his slightly deliberate behavior.

Because, if Yangdingtian is positioned in the konjac, it is doomed to have no possibility to make a breakthrough in the mermaid empire.

The status of the konjac is too low and is completely defined at the level of the sea beast.

The status of human beings is very strange in the eyes of mermaids!

First of all, in terms of strength, whether it is a mermaid or a sea snake, they are very contemptuous of humanity.

However, whether it is a mermaid or a sea snake, the ultimate evolutionary direction is pure human appearance.

Because they are all tempted races, they are all fallen races, and there are more or less human bloodlines in the body.

Yang Dingtian knew in the New Naga Empire that the evolution from the mermaid and the sea snakes to the Naga was a very, very long-term result.

And the most primitive mermaid and sea snake family, there is no human form at all. That kind of ugliness, that kind of weirdness, cannot be described in words.

In the very early and early days, the mermaid and the sea snakes were transformed. After countless years, another transformation, the birth of the original Naga, followed by the next generation of Naga, and then the demigod Naga, of course, there is a later generation of Naga.

Therefore, the mermaid and the sea snakes are proud of human beings in their bloodlines. In power, despise humanity.

So, as long as humans are strong enough. Still let them look up.

For example, after the arrival of the Naga empire, the vain fluttering was not excluded and attacked, but was worshipped and became one of the leaders of the Naga empire's highest decision-making.

Another example is to ask the soul of the heavens to enter the new Naga Empire. I immediately got the weight of the sea snake Naga leader Bu Yi.

Therefore, returning to human identity is the basis for Li Zhiji’s identification.

Moreover, the two key people have had the most intimate relationship. Yang Dingtian’s human identity makes it easier to get Li Zhiji’s sense of life.


Therefore, after hearing the words of Li Kou Ji, Yang Dingtian did not speak, just looked up at her and then continued to write and draw.

"Speak. Who are you? Are you a demon stalker in the mermaid empire? Is there any attempt to marry the Queen?" Li Kouji asked: "Although my body strength is locked now, Unless you kill me, I will still expose you."

Yang Dingtian finished painting, and then came to the back of Li Jiji, came a basin of water, sniffed a bit on her short blue hair, then took out the shampoo's special flower dew and pressed her face into the water.

"How. To kill me and kill me, drown me?" Li Jiji sneered: "Don't forget. I am a mermaid, born in the water."

After all, Li Jiji suddenly turned into a body, and two beautiful long legs became the tail of the mermaid.

"Oh, it won't be drowned. That's better." Yangding Tiandao, then press her into the basin and pour the toilet to wash her hair.

When Yang Dingtian’s hand shuttled through her hair, Li Jiji suddenly stunned and felt a numb feeling.

Being shampooed. It was a strange feeling.

Yang Dingtian washed very carefully, and still massaged her scalp, and her face was drenched in the water, and the knife squirting became rushed. As a mermaid, she even felt a little breathless.

It’s hard to wash it out, and Li Jiji has a long sigh of relief, but some of them are lost, and they are reluctant to be technical.

Yangdingtian used her heated scent to dry her short hair.

"Why do you cut your hair so short, isn't it better to look at it?" Yangding Tiandao said: "Your face is so beautiful, and it is not very suitable for short hair."

"In case, it is not conducive to fighting."

Then she said: "You don't want to shift the topic, let alone try to corrupt me with diligence and gentleness."

"You said that I am not a konjac, then what kind of race do you think I am?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Humans, the evils and spies left by the demon road."

Yangding Tiandao: "What is the purpose?"

Li Kouji said: "Seduce the Queen, and finally completely control the Queen."

"Oh? Yes, why didn't they do that?" Yang Dingtian wondered: "Do you not like the evil demon?"

"Hey!" Li Jiji snorted and expressed his attitude, but did not say anything.

"What do you think of the current strategy of the mermaid empire?" Yang Dingtian asked.

Li Kouji said: "Of course I support the Covenant and support the attack on the human kingdom, so that the civilization of our mermaid empire can be continued."

Yang Dingtian sighed softly and did not speak.

"What are you sighing?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Would you die in the human kingdom?"

Li Knife was silent for a moment, then said: "In the face of survival, we have no choice."

Yang Dingtian did not speak again, but changed the basin of water again, then poured the flower dew, and wiped the body of Li Jiji with a soft towel.

Suddenly, Li Zhiji became more unnatural, and the whole body was tight.

"You, you don't want this." Li Jiji said coldly: "You should not touch me."

Yangding Tiandao: "Your mysteriousness is repaired, so it will be stinky if you don't bathe. Especially you are a mermaid. After all, it is a little different from human beings. It is still a little uncomfortable to leave the water. ""

When wiping under the waist, Yangdingtian found that there was a fish tail below, looking at the crystal clear but with wet scales. Yangdingtian didn’t know where to start, but couldn’t help but sigh and smell it.

"What are you doing?"

Yangding Tiandao: "When we usually eat fish, before we cook, we feel that the fish is very embarrassing, I can't help but smell it."

"You bastard, people who eat fish can't die."

"Okay, I will not eat fish after that. My family will not eat." Yangding Tiandao.

Li Knife asked: "Do you have a family?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Who has no family?"

Li Knife has been silent for a long time, saying: "Many of us have no family."

After a while, Yangdingtian asked: "Why?"

Li Knife said: "Because the space is getting smaller, the mermaid warrior of the empire needs collective management. So we just got born. I was received a place and trained. I don't know who my parents are. Don't even know if they are alive or dead?"

At this time, if Yangdingtian is shallow enough, I will say that I am your family. However, he will certainly not say it now, and it will make people look down on it.

"I hope that after this generation, the tragedy of the mermaid, do not continue." Yangding Tiandao.

The beautiful face of Li Jiji shivered slightly. Then said: "You haven't told me, who are you? What are you doing? Don't think about it."

Yang Dingtian was silent for a long time, then said: "I can only say that every cell in my body does not want to hurt you. I will work hard to get the best results."

Li Kou Ji looked at Yang Dingtian, and then said: "Hey, you are not a konjac. So it will be said that these sounds touching. In fact, nothing has been said."


Although the time is very, very urgent, the so-called big marriage from Li Ming. The collective sentiment from the Mermaid Empire and the Dark Empire is getting closer and closer.

However, the more critical moments, the less urgent you are.

And Yangdingtian can be sure that as long as the mermaid empire does not send troops, the dark empire will not be able to come out.

and so. The more this time, the more things have to be done.

At the very least, be sure to turn Li Jiji into his own ally and become his own.

In fact, this looks like a very awkward woman. It is best to deal with it.

Gentleness is a means of nowhere. Don't care what she said, don't pay attention to how much poison she has, and just take care of it so gently, she will be addicted. Moreover, because of the special circumstances, under the persecution of the mermaid queen, she and Yang Dingtian had the most intimate relationship.

one way or another? Let me not say that she loves not to love Yangdingtian! Instead, let her trust Yang Dingtian first to trust him from the bottom of her heart.

And this is precisely the strength of Yangdingtian.

His greatest skill is to let anyone trust him. And so far, indeed, anyone is willing to trust him.

In the next few days, the mermaid queen summoned Yangdingtian once a day.

The lightning in Yangdingtian is getting sharper and darker.

The mermaid queen is getting deeper and deeper and deeper and completely unable to extricate himself.

Even, she is almost somewhat addicted to the dark lightning, and some rely on Yang Dingtian. At least, now she definitely does not want Yang Dingtian to die.

And Yangdingtian, has not been exposed with what Li Zhiji.

Two people lived in a house all the time. Yangdingtian still took care of her, shampooed her, bathed her, gave her a fragrant flower, and put on her beautiful clothes.

Suddenly, Li Jiji changed from a pure female warrior to a beautiful woman.

Even she felt that her eyes were getting softer and softer, and her expression was getting softer and softer.

She felt that she had fallen and fell into this warm and gentle feeling.

In particular, Yangdingtian cooks every time and then feeds her mouth.

Moreover, from the beginning to the end, Yangdingtian did not infringe her, nor did she lighten her.

In the end, when Li Zhiji suddenly slept one day, he suddenly opened his eyes and asked, "Who are you? What do you want from me?"

"Trust." Yangding Tiandao.

"What do you trust?" asked Li Jiji.

"Trust me will not hurt you, I will not hurt you." Yangding Tiandao.

"Are you from the human kingdom? Although I don't know how you came from, because except for the devil, there is no way anyone can enter the mermaid empire through the dark matter. But I think you are human. The people of the country." Li Knife.

Yangding Tiandao: "Why do you think so?"

"Because I think you are worried, your feeling of protecting a lot of people, the flow is very obvious."

Yang Dingtian did not deny, but looked at her and said: "So, do you trust me?"

Li Knife did not answer directly, saying: "You are so gentle to me. Do you want me to betray the Queen and help you to deal with her?"

Yangding Tiandao: "You still don't trust me. If you trust me, you know that I will not let you betray or hurt you. Let me help me with the Queen's Majesty, and it will be fatal to you. I don't." Will do it."

Li Kou Ji looked at Yang Dingtian, and his breathing gradually became a little more urgent. He said, "Well, then tell me first, what is the first substantive thing you want me to get here?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Why is Her Majesty the Queen... so abnormal!"

After considering it for a while, Yang Dingtian decided to adopt direct wording.

Suddenly, the face of the knife was changed. "You are not allowed to say that the Queen is under her command. She is very great."

Yangding Tiandao: "She has a tendency to destroy the good, such as she let me beat her with lightning. She will get the same satisfaction in the ultimate pain. And when she finds that you are particularly fierce, it will deliberately destroy Off this kind of enthusiasm, you should be her confidant, why is she like this?"

"Are you separated from us?"

"No, I am learning about her." Yangding Tiandao.

Li knife Ji hesitated for a long time, and felt that telling Yang Dingtian about this matter is not a betrayal. Then he said: "The reason why Her Majesty the Queen is like this is for a special reason. She is different from us. She used to be a mermaid who was trained as a next-generation Naga. Since she was hatched, she has lived a long time. The reason why she is very disgusted because she is not a complete female?"

Yangding Tiandao: "What do you mean?"

Li Knife said: "Every time, when she lets you hit her with lightning, it will block your eyes. Just to prevent you from seeing her body. Because she has no female organs, just like you. Like many konjac people, there are no gender organs at all, they are deformed. It is incomplete and a product of failure. Her Majesty also feels that she is a product of failure."

Yang Ding Tianxin suddenly trembled.

This, this is not the same as the snake people, the demon fox, can not estrus at all, so the following is light and tight, without any gender characteristics.

Just like a enchanting, but once estrus, it will be the same as a normal woman.

If this is the case, then it is a godsend. Yangdingtian is the only human that can make this special race estrus.

But it is very strange, the demon fox is facing humanity, but the combination with the demon fox is really no problem.

The same is true of the Snake Terran. When it becomes a human form, it cannot be estrus to human beings and has no gender characteristics. But with the male snake, it can be mated.

However, Yang Dingtian soon remembered that when the snakes crossed the race, it was the form of a pure sea snake, not a human form.

The same is true between the demon foxes! This secret, Yang Dingtian did not know until recently.

Although the high-level demon foxes are human forms most of the time, when they meet each other, they still have to restore the original body of the fox.

The mermaid queen is not unable to estrus, but when it is in the form of a human body, it cannot be estrus.

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian asked: "Is Her Majesty the Queen, is it always a human body, can't be a mermaid?"

Li Zhiji was surprised: "How do you know? This is top secret! Her Majesty the Queen, many times even use phantom surgery to have a fishtail, so that all subjects see her like all mermaids."

Yang Dingtian understands that this is it.

For special reasons, the mermaid queen was completely fixed in human form. The form of mermaid cannot be restored, so it cannot be combined with mermaid. However, in the case of human form, there is always no estrus, and there is no gender feature.

So under the suppression of countless years, she will be so abnormal.

Moreover, there are a large number of examples of geniuses without gender features, which are completely the product of failure, which makes the fish queen even more questionable about himself.

The reason why she wants to destroy the chastity of Li Zhiji is largely jealous and jealous that she possesses the characteristics of a complete woman.

After thinking of this, Yangdingtian was excited.

This is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Things have suddenly become pure and have become straightforward.

Want to solve the problem? Very simple, just really push down the mermaid queen!

So the question now is, **** her when she is overthrown! (The novel "Jiuyang Juggernaut" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click on the "+" sign "Add friend" in the upper right, search The public number "qdread" is concerned, the speed is fast!) (to be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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