Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 977: Body and mind fall, shameless man!

Ps: I want to hear more of your voices. I want to receive more suggestions from you. I will search the WeChat public account "qdread" and pay attention to it, and give more support to Jiuyang Jiansheng!

If you go straight up, it will definitely not work, and you will definitely be killed alive!

Moreover, Yang Dingtian is now a fake konjac, which completely eliminates any possibility.

In the eyes of the mermaid, the konjac is a livestock.

However, direct exposure to human identity is not enough, and it is even more difficult to directly expose yourself to the identity of Yangdingtian. In the event that the mermaid queen irons his heart with the demon road, then Yang Dingtian is also a dead end.

On several occasions, when Yangdingtian hit the mermaid queen with lightning, she was able to climb the bed at the most exciting time and touched the body of Yangdingtian. However, at that time, Li Jiji rushed in and drove the queen down.

It is a pity that, after a few more times, the Queen of Mermaid no longer has the intention of climbing into the bed.

However, as long as the sun top increases the energy level of the dark lightning, and even penetrates into the darkness of the energy of the dark fire, there may be some miraculous effects.

Facts have proved that the dark Xuanhuo can't make the demon fox and the snake human estrus, but it is enough to make their hearts sway.

At that time, the enchanting smell of the dark energy in the flames, and the heart was a little bit tempted. When the East is away from the Dark Xuan Fire, it can also make the Heart of the Queen of Hearts twitch.

Therefore, as long as the energy is increased, coupled with the dark mysterious fire, it will certainly succeed.

As long as the fish queen takes the initiative to climb the bed, the next thing may be just a matter of course!

Well, at present, we are only waiting for the mermaid queen to summon again. It is said that there is always everything that is ready and only owes the feeling of the east wind.


then. Next, Yangdingtian really entered the mentality of the face-to-face, waiting for the call of the mermaid queen every day.

It is said that this is the second time he has done the first job. The first time is Qin Meng! As a result, it was a very good ending to make a face-to-face husband.

Then. I hope that the trip to the top of Yangdingtian will be smooth.

Just like this day, Yangdingtian has been waiting for the call of the mermaid queen.

Of course, within these days, he has not been cold and sturdy, and you can't tell you secrets because you are thrown aside.

Yang Dingtian still very much hopes to develop Li Zhiji into a comrade-in-arms. After all, she has a just and loyal heart.

The most common gentle way to face Yangdingtian is to wash your hair. Bathing, cooking, and then there is normal chat.

However, Li Jiji is gradually becoming addicted. Although her mouth is still stunned, the ice in her eyes has already melted, and the heart that had been dying before has already flown to the clouds.

and. I have already begun to enjoy the gentle care of Yangdingtian, and Yangdingtian asked about the martial arts martial arts. She will also communicate.

Next, Yang Dingtian’s words gradually turned to her appearance and her body.

Although not at all contemptuous, it is more explicit. For example, her praise on the chest and the praise of the super invincible legs.

After praise. Li Kou Ji always forcefully slammed Yang Dingtian and ordered her not to say anything more, but she always had a red face, as if she was drunk.

Next, Yang Dingtian proposed. She has been lying on the bed for a long time, and she may have a certain contraction of the muscles of her legs. This **** and beautiful legs will greatly reduce the charm.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian did not get her consent, began to massage her legs and maintain muscle vitality.

At the beginning, Li Kou Ji did not agree, and directly turned his legs into the fish tail of the mermaid.

But Yang Dingtian didn't think so, but began to massage her arms and back.

His movements are very professional, and they are not frivolous at all, nor do they mean cheap.

Obviously, Li Zhiji has never accepted such a service. Don't even talk about the muscles of your body, that is, even the bones have a feeling of being crisp.

Then, unconsciously, her lower body changed from the fish tail to the super big legs.

As a result, Yangdingtian began to massage her legs again, very hard, and even the temperature of her hands became very high, stimulating her blood circulation.

From the beginning to the end, Yang Dingtian's movements have not been frivolous.

Physical contact between men and women is the easiest to increase intimacy.

In the game of an island country, there is a very crucial process in the steps of the girl, that is, to massage the body.

It can be seen that this thing is very useful.

Therefore, when it comes to the back, Li Guan Ji Wang’s gaze to Yang Tiantian has begun to dodge, and many times he will fly away from the sky, constantly dying, and he does not know what to think in his mind.

Every time she wants to be discovered by Yangdingtian, she will be red-faced and shy, and then he will swear at him and say, "What are you looking at?"

Although the tone is fierce, one has changed from a fierce leopard to a bluffing kitten.


Despite the fact that he and Li Jiji get along very smoothly, they are progressing fast.

But within a few days, the mermaid queen did not even summon Yangdingtian once.

Just in Yangdingtian, I was going to use the noodle plan, and I went straight to Huanglong. When she took her, she didn’t even summon Yangdingtian.

Seeing that it is getting closer and closer to the era of the war, the heart is filled with infinite anxiety and anxiety.

He faintly expressed this anxiety, but it did not show up!

In the past few days, Yangdingtian has begun to guide Li Jiji through another kind of life, such as playing cards, walking around the scenery, even raising a child and so on.

Although the change of Li Kou Ji has been great, but she has never smiled since she met her from Yangdingtian, and she always has a face.

Yang Dingtian said many times that she has a blue hair, and her face is so beautiful, especially the lips are so delicate, smile should be very beautiful.

However, Yangding Tianyue said that her beautiful face is even more powerful.

Finally, when Yang Dingtian gave her a massage, it made a bad!

While massaging her sturdy, tempting little waist. On the soft meat on her waist, gently pinch and scratch...

"Ah..." Li Jiji screamed, then violently bounced and struggled to escape.

As a result, Yang Dingtian directly pressed the waist. Then scratch it hard.

"You, let me go, let me go, or I will kill you, I will kill you... hahaha... haha, you let me go, I killed you..."

Li Knife couldn't stand it anymore, struggling desperately and couldn't help it. Laughing desperately.

However, she has no strength at all, and she is struggling.

After Yang Dingtian flexed his waist, he scratched his soles and finally flexed his armpits.

The ice on the face of Li Knife and the powerful disappeared without a trace, completely laughed out of breath, and laughed and tears flowed out.

"Hahaha... oh... spare me, let me go. I killed you... hahaha..."

Finally, when Li Zhiji laughed to be angry. Yangdingtian stopped.

Li Ji Ji was on the bed, constantly twitching, constantly breathing, and the shoulders continued to rise and fall.

"Look, smile, isn't it good?" Yangding Tiandao.

Li Jiji is still where he is. Slightly twitching, and then soon became a sob.

She actually cried out!

Yangding Tian stunned, then forced her to turn over her body and face herself.

She struggled desperately. Not willing to face Yangdingtian.

However, at this time, she could not resist the power of Yangdingtian, and her life was reversed.

I only saw tears in her face, her eyes cried red.

Yangding Tiandun was uneasy and softly said: "What happened? I hurt you, or are you angry?"

Li knife Ji does not know why, the whole body and heart, are in a very sour feeling, crisp and numb has never been sweet. But it is sour and sour, very sad and sad.

She watched her cold armor, and her inch was peeled off by the sun, and it became weak day by day.

"You, you are just using me, you don't think I don't know." Suddenly, Li Knife cried loudly: "Your goal is to leave Her Majesty, you are just using me, your despicable thing."

Yang Dingtian did not speak, but gently wiped the tears on her face.

Now she knows about women too. The more powerful the woman is, the more fragile her heart is, such as the solitary phoenix dance.

And some women with weaker faces have stronger inner strengths, such as Ling Rabbit.

As a result, the tears on the face of Li Jiji can't be wiped.

"You said, are you using me?" Li Knife shed tears and said: "You are so gentle to me, are you using me? Once the goal is completed, throw it aside and step on it. One foot, say that I am an idiot, right?"

Yangding Tiandeng could not find a verbal answer.

"Look, I was talking about it! You can't speak, you said, you said ah..." Li Knife angered, and suddenly cried even more.

"I want you to help me." Yangding nodded.

Li Jiji suddenly turned pale, cold channel: "You want me to help you, you directly said, why use such a mean means?"

"I'm sorry." Yang Dingtian hanged his head and said: "However, I have two or three wives who used this kind of disgraceful means to go home."

Suddenly, Li Ji Ji slammed!

Yang Dingtian’s words are actually shameless enough. Not only did he say that he had a lot of wives, but he still used his disgraceful means to go home.

However, at least there are three words to go home, instead of using them to throw them aside.

"My dignity and pride are not to be defiled." Li Jiji said coldly: "From today, don't touch me, don't say a word to me."

Yang Dingtian quickly raised his hands and showed a surrender!

Then, turn and cook.

When a woman is angry, don't talk back.

When she is full of suspicion and feels that her self-esteem is damaged, don't explain it, just surrender directly.

After the meal, it is still very delicious.

Then, Yang Dingtian fed her by hand.

"I said it, don't touch me."

"I didn't touch you, it was the spoon that touched you." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, Yang Ding Tian Er did not say, directly put the food into her small mouth, Li Zhi Ji desperately blocked one or two times, and could not stop it, he recognized it, and ate it bit by bit.

After eating. Rinning for her, brushing her teeth.

Yang Dingtian always touched her with a cup, touched her with a small brush, and her hand never touched her.

Li Kou Ji is also mad, let him act.

When it was time to take a shower, Yang Dingtian untied her clothes.

"What are you doing?" Li Knife angered: "I have said it. Don't touch me."

Yangding Tian raised the hand: "I am wearing gloves."

Sure enough, wearing a thin layer of fish leather gloves.

Li Jiji couldn’t help but said: "You, you really shameless, really shameless..."

Then, I couldn't help but raise my fist and want to come over to him.

Yang Dingtian directly put his face together, without any Xuanqi protection, let her soft fists come up.

but. Was stunned by the nose, Yang Dingtian could not help but cry, tears came out at once.

"Shameless, you get out, get out..."

Li Ji Ji was on the bed and began to struggle desperately.

Yang Ding Tian Er said nothing, directly twilight, and then cleaned the body clean.

“Would it be convenient?” Then Yang Dingtian asked.

Li knife Ji curled up again. I am constantly crying.

Her figure is completely a devil curve, and this curls up. Fully filled with the urge to commit crimes.

Yang Dingtian let her cry, still writing and painting there.

After more than half an hour, Li Zhiji’s crying gradually stopped.

Then, she turned her face, as if to make herself strong, cold and cold: "Let's say. You have to be jealous. Want me to do something, let's talk! Big deal is dead."

Before Yangding, I wiped her tears and then seriously said: "I just want you to trust me, from trusting me to becoming a mission of trusting me. As for helping you not help me, this thing is too big. You should not make a decision now."

"Isn't it be betrayal? Isn't it to help you in the human kingdom?" The Queen of Mermaid said: "I don't betray the Mermaid Empire, but since you are using me here, how can I not help you, not a death."

"Tell the child again." Yang Dingtian seriously said: "I will say it again, I will not hurt you, but also do my best, not to hurt the Snake Empire. Even, I will try my best to let the Snake Empire get ourselves. New home."

"You, who are you?" asked Li Jiji.

"I said my name, you don't know." Yang Dingtian smiled: "When, you no longer say that I use you, I will tell you again?"

"Isn't it? Are you not using me?"

Yang Dingtian's reply is that she is directly on her **** and slaps a slap!

Suddenly, Li Ji Ji Jiao shuddered, exclaimed, and then tried to climb up and want to desperately.

Then she lay down and whispered: "No matter who you are, what do you want me to do, beg you to tell me, okay?"

Yang Dingtian did not answer.

Li Gong Ji couldn't help but red, and said: "You feel that you don't trust me, I am afraid that I will leak it, so let me tell you when I fall into your body and mind. Then I told you, it is time, you do Yes, you do..."

Then, she began to cry again, constantly hating herself, and felt that she was very weak and very ashamed to say this.

She almost never cried in her life, but the number of times she cried during this time was even more than a delicate lady.

Yang Dingtian struggled for a moment, then gently picked her up and smashed into the ear of Li Jiji with sound waves. He said: "I am the Lord of the human kingdom, we are facing the disaster of extinction. The destruction of the demon road The World Corps, and the maritime army of your mermaid empire, will easily destroy our world. I am here to save it."

Li knife Ji trembled, but more because Yang Dingtian finally said it. She is not very surprised by this answer.

"Then, what are you going to do? I, I can't betray the mermaid empire."

Yangding Tiandao: "I will not let you betray the mermaid empire. The mermaid empire can form an alliance with the demon road and gain a new home. Can you form an alliance with me? I can cede 50,000, 100,000 nautical miles to you. As your new home."

“Really?” Li Jiji surprised.

"Of course it is true, you and the evil spirits alliance, you still have to fight to get home. And you and I, you can directly get a new home." Yangding Tiandao.

Li Knife said: "That, then I will go to the Queen."

"No, the Queen of your family is squatting, and the heart is full of destruction of all good, she does not even want a new home, she is to destroy, to war." Yangding Tiandao.

Li Knife is silent. She agrees with Yang Dingtian’s statement that the mermaid queen is indeed like this. The heart is full of distortions and wants to destroy all the good things. Therefore, she ruined the chastity of Li Jiji, and she wanted to take the devil and fall down together.

Suddenly, Li Zhiji cautiously said: "Then, what are you going to do? I, I will not hurt the Queen."

Yangding Tiandao: "I plan to sleep directly with her!"

"Ah..." Suddenly, Li Zhiji was surprised to jump directly.

"You, you are shameless..." Finally, Li Jiji couldn't help but say: "You, you really use me, you are for the queen."

Then, Li Jiji suddenly struggled, and his eyes were full of hatred for Yangdingtian.

Yangdingtian held her down and said: "Your queen is not incomplete. She is a complete female. The reason why she is closed below, there is no female organ, because she is trained to be the next generation. Ga. It was originally sent to the human kingdom to breed the semi-god Naga. But for some reason, her body was fixed in the human form and could not return to the mermaid form. So, many things could not be released. Makes her distorted. So, as long as she returns to the full woman, everything will return to normal. And I am the only one who can make her a woman."

"Really? You didn't lie to me?" Sword Knocked his eyes wide, full of doubts.

"I even said that the Queen is so mean and shameless, it must be true." Yangding Tiandao.

Li Kou Ji looked at Yang Ding for a long time, and later, said: "What am I? Are you using the tools?"

Yangdingtian is This woman is really screwed.

"I sleep in the Queen, don't rely on you to help, and don't use you, okay." Yangding Tiandao: "I am doing this to you because I have slept you, I have to be responsible, and I want you to fight alongside me. Ok?"

At this time, the distant sound of the mermaid queen sounded in the room.

"Molo, come here!"

Finally, the mermaid queen finally couldn’t help but summon him again.


Note: Once again, Cavan wants to die, and finally completes the five thousand chapters, sorry! (The novel "Jiuyang Juggernaut" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click on the "+" sign "Add friend" in the upper right, search The public number "qdread" is concerned, the speed is fast!) (to be continued.)



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