Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1185: I am the mother of Ximen Ningning!

In this void world full of light, Yang Dingtian’s fast flight is getting closer and closer to the Queen of Medusa. £∝

The body of Queen Medusa is getting bigger and bigger, getting bigger and bigger, and finally surpassing the huge mountain peaks.

Not only that, but with the closeness of Yangdingtian, he completely felt a very strong mysterious energy.

The closer to Queen Medusa, the higher the concentration of mysterious gas. Moreover, this can be directly swallowed into the sea of ​​air, improving the absolute purity of the cultivation, almost no purification.

The concentration is getting higher and higher and getting higher and higher.

And the source of this mysterious gas seems to come entirely from this Queen of Medusa.

"Fu Jun, the concentration of mysterious gas here is so high, it is not many times that the human kingdom does not know." Lingbi suddenly said.

It is nearly a hundred times, and Yang Ding Tianxin has already calculated it.

Hundreds of times the concentration of mysterious gas, and with the Queen of Medusa, the concentration of mysterious gas is getting higher and higher.

As if it is close to the sun, the light is getting stronger and stronger, and it is getting hotter.

However, the sun here is Queen Medusa, she is not the light and heat, but the purest energy.

With the closeness of Yangdingtian, the concentration of Xuanqi has reached a point where people are completely unbelievable.

Even, the coffin whispers: "French, you are here to practice to the Holy Power, I am afraid it will not take long."

The concentration of mysterious gas here is indeed completely enough to break through to the holy level.

And with the approach to the Queen of Medusa, the concentration of mysterious gas here has even surpassed the momentum of the floating temple in the illusion of the skull hall.

And the most important thing is that the mysterious look here seems to be endless.

However, Yangdingtian quickly put down this tempting thought.

Because there is only one problem for him, can you cultivate to the demigod here?

Impossible, one hundred years. It can't be for a thousand years.

Moreover, with the mysterious veins and talents of Yangdingtian, it is impossible to reach the half-god.

Can not reach the demigod, can not defeat the devil, then it is practiced to the peak of the holy level, and there is an egg.

and so. Yangdingtian ignored all of this and began to fly.


It’s weird, this Queen Medusa is not very far away, how to fly so far.

Yangdingtian has already flown tens of thousands of miles, obviously feeling closer and closer, but it seems that it can never fly.

Suddenly, the spirit said: "You can see it."

Yangdingtian turned and looked.

In this space, Yangdingtian and Lingbi are not the only travelers.

At this time, Yang Dingtian, a purple phoenix flew over.

This purple phoenix. The magic fire phoenix that I saw in the sky was even more gorgeous.

The figure is also bigger.

It is far from Yangdingtian, and it is more than a few hundred miles.

But Yangdingtian has been able to feel its strong breath.

There is no doubt that this purple phoenix has been repaired beyond the Holy Class.

Although this purple phoenix is ​​full of alertness and hostility, it does not fly over, but it is flying faster and faster, flying faster and faster.

Desperately flew toward Queen Medusa.

This is the first one, and the second one is seen immediately after Yangdingtian.

this time. It is a monster like a nightingale.

However, it is much more beautiful than the nightingale. It is also much sharper.

Moreover, this is a pure energy creature.

When it is flying, between the wings flashing, there is a flash of light.

The air that it flies through has become the blue color unique to the electric energy.

This is another monster that exceeds the holy level. And it is still an energy monster.

With the second one, there will soon be a third one.

The third one is small compared to the other, only a few tens of meters, chasing up from the right rear of Yangdingtian.

This is actually a purple unicorn beast!

In the human kingdom for so many years, Yangdingtian has barely seen a living unicorn beast.

The Bright Council is a lot of unicorn's demon nuclear. It’s basically all excavated in the ruins of the ancient world.

Therefore, it is generally believed in the Guangming Parliament that the Kirin Wicked Beast has become extinct.

I didn't think that I saw a living unicorn monster at this time. I really don't know where they lived before.

There is no doubt that this unicorn beast is also more than a holy level of cultivation.

When it passed by Yangdingtian, the distance was only a few hundred meters.

Yang Dingtian clearly felt the incomparably strong breath on his body, enough to tear himself and the coffin into pieces.

Because the holy level of the beast is more energetic than the human sanctification.

However, it just looked at Yang Dingtian and glanced at them and continued to fly towards Queen Medusa.


In this way, more and more, more and more monsters, have caught up with Yangdingtian from behind, more than Yangdingtian, flying towards Queen Medusa.

In the end, it was so dense that there were hundreds of them.

There are all kinds of monsters, and more than half are energy monsters.

Moreover, there are rarely more than two of the same species.

So although the number of these holy monsters is quite large, there are still very few in the end, basically in the Great Nirvana, and the extinction of the entire chaotic world.

The speed of Yangdingtian is very fast, but they can't catch up with them anymore. Of course, if you use the soul sword, you may be able to catch up.

However, now these sacred monsters are very crazy, and if they venture into it, they will only offend them.

Moreover, Yangdingtian would like to know why this group of holy monsters flew toward Queen Medusa like a pilgrimage.

What do they want?

Yangdingtian flew far and far.

The Queen of Medusa is closer.

At this point, it has been clearly seen that this Queen of Medusa is extremely incomparably huge, far exceeding any mountains and rivers of the human kingdom, and even more than tens of thousands of meters.

At this time, thousands of holy monsters have already heard it. They are suspended in front of Queen Medusa and they have a very hot voice.


Yang Dingtian suddenly felt it. The world around you is getting brighter and brighter...

It seems that this light came from the eyes of Queen Medusa.

The eyes of Queen Medusa, once hit by her gaze, will all become fossils.

The sea snake empire and the mermaid empire at that time were destroyed.

then. Yang Dingtian immediately took the coffin and cast a stealth technique, disappearing into this space.

Then, he clearly felt that the whole world is getting brighter and stronger.

And countless monsters, more and more fanatic, and finally almost mad.

At the same time, the concentration of mysterious gas in this world is getting stronger and stronger.

Three hundred times from the human kingdom. Become five hundred times, one thousand times, three thousand times...

Yangdingtian is completely shocked!

Even when the martial arts civilization is the most prosperous, there is no 3,000 times the concentration of Xuanqi.

This, this is crazy.

Moreover, this is only the distance of Yangdingtian, and it is still far away, if it is next to Queen Medusa. How many times is the concentration of Xuanqi a human country? I can't imagine it at all.

So if it is next to Queen Medusa. With the level of the zenith of Yangdingtian, I am afraid that it will take a few days to make my own sea break through the holy level.

Is there anything more terrible in this world than this?

With normal cultivation, you can break through the holy level.

Moreover, with the current concentration of Xuanqi, it is possible to create a balance of energy pressure with the sea of ​​gas.

This is a great treasure.

At this point, the coffin couldn't help it anymore, saying: "French, you are going. At the Queen of Medusa, I am afraid that you will break through the holy level in a few days. And her eyes are also No one is a fossil."

Really not.

At this time, the eyes of Queen Medusa have become brighter and brighter.

The light of this world has reached the extreme, and almost the eye can not be seen directly, as if to blind.

At least, countless monsters have been completely shrouded in white light, almost invisible.

Moreover, the concentration of mysterious gas is still rising.

If there is no guess, then the concentration of mysteriousness around Queen Medusa may have been tens of thousands of times the human kingdom.

At this time, even if you don't take the initiative to swallow, the concentration of Xuanqi will be more active in your body and sea because it is too much. If you don't have to cultivate, you can improve it.

Under this terrible mysterious concentration, Yangding innocent will soon break through the holy level.

You know, he is only half a step away from the Holy Class.

The coffin has been intoxicated and trembled: "French, you are going. The concentration of mysterious gas is getting higher and higher. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you miss it, there will be no more. Now you can't use it. In a few days, maybe a few hours, you can let you break through the holy level."

At this point, Yangding is really very heart-warming.

Only a few hours, you can break through the holy level, and true heart is a beautiful thing.

Now she also understands that these endangered holy monsters, why madly pilgrimage, gathered around Queen Medusa.

Because, they are madly engulfing mysterious energy.

This is also a once-in-a-lifetime breakthrough opportunity for them.

Across the distance, Yangdingtian can feel that the cultivation of thousands of holy monsters is skyrocketing.

Really, true heart is a big bargain.

If there are a few hours, you can break through the holy level. That is really wonderful.

However, at this time...

Suddenly, the eyes of Queen Medusa suddenly slammed to the extreme, as if the nuclear bomb exploded in general, exceeding the countless times of the two-day light.

Then all the holy monsters disappeared from the field of vision instantly, and all the smoke was gone.

There are thousands of holy monsters in the world, and they disappear instantly without a trace.

Yangding Tian and Lingbi, completely stunned!

The hair of the coffin was erected, and the whole person could not help but tremble desperately.

Just now, she is still persuading Yang Tiantian to take advantage of it. If she really goes, now there is one more.

However, it was a time when Yangdingtian was very happy.

Suddenly, the beauty of Queen Medusa looked at the sky and said: "Human Yangdingtian is it? You come, I am the mother of Ximen Ningning!"

Suddenly, Yangding Tian trembled.


Note: There is one more, thank you. (To be continued, please search, the novel is better updated faster!

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