Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1186: Gentle and Ningning! Great harvest!

Ximen Ningning's mother?

The face of this Queen Medusa is infinitely beautiful, yet dreamlike.

But in short, she looks different from Ximen Ningning.

Although Ningning’s sister is very good and very delicate, she is definitely not a beautiful beauty. She is lacking in her face even more than Ximen’s flame. It’s not quite similar to the Queen of Medusa.

Of course, there is only one Queen of Medusa in the whole world today. According to Yang Dingtian’s guess, this only Medusa is the mother of Ningning’s sister.

However, in the ancient Naga empire, there is more than one Medusa.

Of course, it is very, very rare. When the Naga Empire was the most, there were only three Medusas.

And this Queen of Medusa is more than tens of thousands of meters tall.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian feels that this is not a real person, just a relic, a sculpture and the like.

Who knows, the other party actually opened to her, saying that he is the mother of Ximen Ningning, that is the only remaining Queen of Medusa in the world, is the only surviving Naga?

Where is this Medusa? It should be one of the ultimate secrets of the world, she should be the second only to the existence of the **** of chaos.

According to many people's guesses, Queen Medusa should be the master of the Temple of the Soul, then is it the Temple of Departure?

Not like it!


"Come on, human beings, let me take a good look, what is a human being, and take away my daughter's soul." Queen Medusa said: "You also saw it, I have it by my side. Very strong mysterious energy. I can easily make you break through the holy level, even higher, you come over!"

Yangdingtian is still in the isolated space, sneer: "You have to dream, you use the incomparable strong energy to attract these holy monsters, and then all their energy is swallowed up to support yourself. I After I went there, I was afraid that it would vanish in an instant."

"It's the heart of a villain." Queen Medusa said: "I am the sun of this world, the ultimate belief in this world. These phoenix bullyings are extremely admiring me, admiring me, my people. I Of course, give them energy, and give it every millennium. Your luck is very good, just in time for the millennium gift conference, do you want to miss it? I can easily break through the peak of the holy level."

Then, the light of Queen Medusa's beauty gradually faded and returned to normal. She smiled and said: "You said that I have swallowed up the energy of these holy monsters. What are the monsters in front of me?"

After the glare of the glare, Yang Dingtian once again saw the thousands of holy monsters.

Each of the repairs seems to have broken through a lot, and all the voids crouched in front of Queen Medusa, expressing their gratitude.

They are not dead, there is no smog. It was just that the light was too strong, which made them completely disappear in the vision of Yangdingtian.

Then, Queen Medusa sneered: "Let's say, I call you over, is it to devour your energy. The energy that you add together is like dust, I bluff in order to devour your energy? You too I can afford to be yourself."

I thought about it, but I also felt that there was some truth.

If you really want to devour energy, your energy is only really not in the eyes of Queen Medusa.

However, Yangdingtian still did not leave the space of stealth.

Queen Medusa smiled and said: "Yangdingtian, don't you want to see Ximen Ningning who dreams of your dreams?"

Suddenly, Yangding’s sky trembled fiercely.

Then, from the Queen of Medusa, suddenly there was a figure.

It is the familiar Ximen Ningning, she is still so delicate, so gentle, looking at the eyes of Yangdingtian, full of endless tenderness.

Yes, this is the gentle look.

Not a wife, but gentler than his wife, but also love.

At that time, it was this kind of tolerance and gentleness that washed away all the anger in the heart of Yangding, and turned him into a bright and upright person.

Therefore, although the time spent together is short, but Ximen Ningning is the woman who has the greatest influence on Yangdingtian.

See this familiar face, familiar eyes.

The heart of Yangdingtian is suddenly changed.

Then, instinctively reach out and touch it at a great distance, instinctively going out of the invisible space.

"Fu Jun, is this Ningning sister?" Lingbi asked on the side.

"Yeah." Yangding Tiandao.

Lingbi said: "I heard that she was imprisoned by her mother."

At this time, Ximen Ningning turned to Yangding Tianrou: "Xiaotian, you finally came, I finally waited for you."

Yangdingtian could not help but say: "Ningning sister, have you been waiting for me?"

Ximen Ningning nodded. "It is the mother who said that if you can find me one day, then you are qualified to be with me. But, how difficult is it to find it here? I did not expect it, only a few years, You have found me."

Yangding Tianyi, looking towards the Queen of the United States.

Queen Medusa nodded: "Yes, Ning Ning is my daughter. Our Naga people are absolutely loyal to their partners and will never change. So you thought I would look at my daughter's lonely life? Since you have the ability Come here, then my son-in-law. I will fulfill everything about you."

Everything is done?

Yangding is so strange.

Does it include asking yourself to defeat the devil to ask the sky?

"Yes, including defeating the so-called Devil King." Queen Mesa said.

Yang Dingtian was shocked. This Queen of Medusa seems to know exactly what she is thinking.

However, the new devil now asks the sky, is almost half-god, and has the chaotic armor, how powerful. Unless Medusa personally takes it, it’s just that Yang Dingtian’s own words...

"No, I can't do it myself." Queen Medusa said: "She, also my believer, I can't kill my followers personally. But you can do it yourself. Chaos Emperor Although it is very powerful, but nothing is in front of me, I can easily crack it."

Yangdingtian said with amazement: "Will you help me?"

Queen Medusa said: "Of course, you are my son-in-law, and that asks the sky, as if it has exceeded our control. In my plan, his weight is not as heavy as it is now."

Then, Queen Medusa turned to the sky and waved: "Come here, about half a month, I can let your repair and the devil ask for the day, and then Ningning will follow you, plus her powerful The spirit of the demon, the devil will ask the sky to die, your victory is doomed!"

Half a month, even half a month?

In this way, the time to rush back to you is more than enough. You can rush back before the dark cracks bloom, then destroy the heavens in the first dark field, save the human kingdom and Xiaoxitian, and more importantly protect your family.

This is really a temptation for greatness.

There are countless adventures in Yangdingtian, but the odds of this time are the biggest.

Then, Queen Medusa smiled and said: "Okay, hurry up, what are you going to do?"

Yangdingtian instinctively will go out and fly towards Queen Medusa.

"Right, when thousands of holy monsters are brought along, when you dominate the chaotic world, it is just around the corner." Medusa continued, the chips in the words, more tempting.

However, Yangding suddenly slammed and stopped.

Not right!

What is the most terrible thing in the world?

The sky won't drop the pie!

Queen Medusa, why do you tempted yourself again and again?

Especially in the end, even with the chips that rule the world of chaos, tempted themselves.

This is obviously not right. Ximen Ningning fully understands himself, not such a power ambition.

Yangdingtian could not help but look at Ximen Ningning.

She still looked at Yang Dingtian in a gentle and infinite way, and that face, that look, was exactly the same as in memory.

No, no!

Although it is exactly the same as in memory, it is precisely because of this that it is not right.

At that time, Yangdingtian and Qin Shaobai, Ximen feared the war and fainted. After the life and death were unknown, Ningning’s sister suddenly turned into a body, and then killed countless people in Yunxiao City, helping Yang Dingtian and others to escape, and then she disappeared without a shadow. trace.

In the last scene, Yang Dingtian did not see it, so there was no memory.

But what is certain is that Ningning’s sister has turned into a green, and there are vague scales.

Her Naga body is revealed, so she should no longer be completely human, nor is it so white and delicate.

However, Yang Dingtian was fainting at the time, and there was no memory for Ningning's transformation.

At this time, Ningning sister is completely from the memory picture of Yangdingtian.

Therefore, all of these are illusions, all taken from the memory of Yang Dingtian, including the Ximen Ningning in front of you.

As for the appearance of Ximen Ningning after the transformation, because Yangdingtian has not seen it, it cannot be revealed in the illusion.

This Queen of Medusa is just reading her own memories.

No wonder, what she thought of, she immediately knew, and immediately said, as if reading the mind. But she didn't think of it, she didn't know.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian sneered: "Don't pretend, it's just an illusion! If I didn't guess wrong, you are not a Queen of Medusa, you are just a spiritual trap of Medusa, you stop any The creature enters the Naga Empire. Once you enter your trap, all the energy will be swallowed up."

This is the case.

In the distance, the Queen of Medusa, tens of thousands of meters high, trembled and then quieted down completely.

Then, the figure of Ximen Ningning was broken directly, and then disappeared without a trace.

"Ah..." a screaming scream.

Then, the surrounding light, the picture of the surrounding gods, completely collapsed and shattered.

All the illusions disappeared without a trace.

Around, there is a emptiness of the void, darkness, death!

Of course, this is not the dark void of the previous emptiness.

It is a dead void, still energy, but the energy of death.

In the far distance, there is a statue of Medusa tens of thousands of meters high.

However, it has collapsed a part.

Yes, it is the trap of Medusa that prevents all alien creatures from entering the Naga Empire.

Anything that enters the Medusa trap will immediately produce an illusion.

In the illusion, the most beautiful picture will appear, attracting you in the past. As long as she is tempted to approach her, there is only one ending, that is, the smoke is gone, and all the energy is swallowed by it.

After the Great Nirvana, the Naga Empire was destroyed.

But these Medusa traps still remain, still playing a part.

This has been for thousands of years It still swallows endless energy!

However, once the illusion is broken, then this spiritual trap is of no use.

Yangdingtian and Lingbi flew toward the tens of thousands of meters of Medusa.

Then, for the first time, Yangdingtian was deeply attracted by the two eyes on the statue.

These two eyes are really like the deep universe, with countless energy and countless mysteries.

This is not the energy source of the spiritual trap.

Moreover, in the past few years, these eyes have swallowed up the energy of countless invaders.

Therefore, the energy of these two eyelid gemstones is so powerful that it is completely unimaginable!

If you take these two Medusa eye gems, what effect will it have?

I can't imagine it at all! R1152

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