Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1191: Reunion! The change of Naga Frost!

In many cases, the more important things, the more tortuous. [[,

However, this time Yangdingtian is very smooth!

After releasing the first Xuanhuo lightning, Yangdingtian sat down, closed his eyes and meditated, restored the mysteriousness, prepared to go to another position, and released a Xuanhuo lightning.

However, just after a quarter of an hour.

The coffin suddenly exclaimed: "French, look."

Yangding opened his eyes and suddenly saw a beautiful white figure flying from the west.

It is the Queen of Poison.

In the void, she keeps flying, as if avoiding an invisible energy vortex.

When there was still a hundred miles from Yangdingtian, they saw each other.

Then, even if it is far and far apart, Yangdingtian also easily feels the ecstasy in the eyes of Queen of Poison.

A few minutes later, the Queen of Poisons flew over the sky above Yangdingtian and slowly fell.

The first time, she directly invested in the embrace of Yangdingtian, softly said: "Xiaotian, you are finally here, you are finally here. You actually came..."

She spoke repeated words over and over, exuding inner joy and happiness.

"Sorry, I am late." Yangding Tiandao.

"No, no, no..." Queen of Poison said: "You came much earlier than I thought. I am really worried. You will be in danger. I am worried that the devil will ask the sky and worry about the war of destruction... ”

Yang Dingtian gently stroked her back, and pleasantly said, "Sasha, have you broken through the holy class?"

Queen of Poison Shaw said: "The concentration of mysterious gas here is too high and too high. All pyramid energy arrays have been abandoned. Any pyramid can make you break through the holy level."

Then, Poison Sha said with a smile: "I am still absent-minded, and I have surpassed the twenty-first order."

Then. Poisonous Sha looks to Yangding Tiandao: "You, Qihai repair is also more than twenty-first-order? How fast?"

Yangding Tiandao: "I and the coffin, was involved in the ruins of the center of the earth, where the concentration of mysterious gas, and finally turned into an ancient crystallization, I am really a mysterious vein and the body is limited. Otherwise, how many can be broken, to The back body completely lost control."

Poison Shake said: "You actually entered the core of the ruins? It is very dangerous."

Yang is not guaranteed. ”

Then, Yang Dingtian pointed to the Lingbi Road: "This is a coffin."

"Ling, this is poison sand." Yangding Tiandao.

The spirit came forward and bowed and said: "See the poisonous sister."

She is so embarrassed that she is called the poisonous sister, not the aunt.

"Ling, you finally came over." Poisonous voiced and laughed.

Yangding Tiandao: "Sasha. Frost?"

Poison Shaw said: "After she was completely degraded, she recovered her mind and tried to leave the ruins of the old Naga Empire several times, but all failed. Then she temporarily gave up and left, initially practicing in the pyramid, then disgusting the pyramid. The concentration of mysterious gas inside is too low, and each time I wait for the energy storm to open, I will dig into the heart of the ruins. I will devour the most powerful mysterious energy."

Yangding Tiandeng was shocked.

Naga, it is Naga. It is so powerful that it is so terrible.

Yangdingtian was accidentally involved in the ruins of the heart, almost nine deaths, and it was entirely lucky, and escaped in the center of the energy storm.

And Naga Frost, actually took the initiative to go to the heart to practice.

Yangdingtian couldn’t help but say: "So now, how is the frost?"

The Queen of Poison Shakes her head and said: "I don't know. She never talks to me, but I seem to know that her cultivation is not fast. Every time she breaks through the level, she needs the energy of mysterious energy. It is much more than us. More, it seems to take many times."

Yang Dingtian could not help but be puzzled. Why?

Poison Shaw said: "But even so, she has been practicing in the heart of the earth for a long time, and it must be very powerful."

Yangding Tiandao: "So how do we go to find her?"

Poison Shaw said: "We can't find her. Every ten days, she will come out once."

Yangding Tiandao: "However, after the concentration of mysterious gas in the center of the earth reaches a certain level, it will erupt into an energy storm."

Queen of Poison said: "But after she was swallowed up, she could not break out."

Yangdingtian is wrong and speechless.

This, this is too bad!

Then, Yang Dingtian asked: "How long has it been for him to practice this cycle?"

Queen of Poison said: "Seven days, there are three days to come out, let's wait. I will take you to a more stable pyramid waiting for her."

"Yeah." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, Queen of Poisons took Yang Tiantian and carefully flew into the air.

Flying straight, it is definitely not enough, you must turn, because there are invisible energy vortices everywhere.

The Queen of Poison has been here for a long time, so she is already familiar with it.

"Small day, the battle of destruction, have we won?" asked Poison.

"Win it." Yangding Tiandao.

"The devil asks the sky?" asked Poison.

Yangdingtian paused for a while, then he snarled everything.

After talking for almost a quarter of an hour, I finally told the story about the demon king and the vain combination.

Then, Yang Dingtian asked: "Sasha, can the frost now rival the demon king?"

The Queen of Poisons thought for a while: "According to what you said, the devil is infinitely close to the demigod, but his physical talent can't reach the demigod, and the mysterious energy of the sea is also half-god. And, also There are terrible chaotic empire, so only half **** can beat him."


Queen of Poison Sa: "But the frost is definitely not reaching the demigod."

Yangtou said: "I know that the ancient Naga will be thousands of years old, and will be cultivated into the realm of demigod. Frost is only a few decades old, and it has just been completed, and it is impossible to become a demigod."

Queen of Poison said: "But you can rest assured that Frost is definitely unbeaten. Her demigod is completely fearless of any harm. The demon is infinitely close to the demigod. It is impossible to hurt her."

This is absolutely true. A Naga, which has completely completed its transformation, is simply invincible.

Except for the higher-order Naga, no creature has been able to harm her.

Then, the face of Queen of Poison was slightly a little worried: "So, if Naga Frost is willing to help. We should be unbeaten."

Yang Dingtian couldn't help but say: "Sasha, what do you mean? If she is willing to help, she is not always our family?"

The Queen of Poison Nod said: "I know that Naga's loyalty to his partner is absolute, lifelong, and absolutely specific. However, after all, you have not combined, so it is not a true lover."

Yangtou said: "I know. But my relationship with Frost is definitely not only physical and physical, but also spiritual and emotional."

The Queen of Poison Nods nodded: "I also believe this, but now the situation has changed a little. Because she has more spirits in her body, I am worried about her temperament."

Yangdingtian could not help but frown.

Queen of Poison said: "Of course, I am just worried. After all, you have to know that once you meet, not only do you share her demigod, but you will also share her cultivation. That is, she The energy that is hard to be swallowed will lose half. In the ancient Naga, the male and female Naga are basically repaired to be quite the same, most male Naga is higher, so the two meet, the female Naga is cheap. And once Frost meets you, she loses too much energy."

Yang nodded.

If the repair is for sharing. Nagara frost is really a lot, a lot and a lot.

You know, the energy that Naga needs to break through the first order is not known how many times it is human.

Because the energy she swallowed is not only used to improve cultivation. Also used to transform all of his body.

Therefore, once she and Yangdingtian meet, almost lose most of the energy, let Yangdingtian transform into a demigod, know that Yangdingtian is now only a human being.

Queen of Poison Shaw said: "The original frost is definitely a must. But she now has the Yuanshi evil spirit in her body. This energy is very greedy and evil. So, I am worried. Of course, I am just worried, there is no basis."

Yangding Tiandao: "The frost, what specific performance did she have?"

Queen of Poison: "Indifference, arrogance! Although, I gave birth to her, but she never said a word to me, seeing my eyes are like ants. And, the infinite desire for energy and greed, Almost every moment, it devours energy."

Then, the Queen of Poisons said: "The original ruins of the old Naga Empire, although constantly distorted and drastically changed, do not often burst into an energy storm. However, Naga Frost is completely dissatisfied with the ordinary devouring of the pyramid, but Entering the center of the earth to devour hundreds of thousands of times the concentration of mysterious crystals. This kind of engulfing is amazing, usually devour a piece of mysterious energy, it is a waste of more than one hundred. Plus the burst of energy storm So every time she devours an energy, it takes 10,000 times the energy to break. So, the old Naga Empire is constantly collapsing and quickly dying."

Yang Dingtian frowned, Naga's greed attribute is really amazing.

Especially frost, the greed of energy seems to be more intense.

Queen of Poison Shaw said: "So Xiaotian, I suggest that after seeing Naga Frost, you should not take the initiative to submit a joint, share her energy and demigod talent, so as not to arouse her greed and uneasiness."

Yangtou said: "I understand that as long as I can defeat and destroy the sky, my cultivation is indifferent."

Poison Shaw said: "And, don't show any intimacy with the Lingbi girl, Naga is extremely good and has a strong heart."

"I know." Yangding Tiandao.

Although the coffin was pale, he nodded hard.

Poison Sha took the sun and entered the pyramid, waiting for three days, the appearance of Naga Frost. (To be continued..)u

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