Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1192: A peerless frost! Love each other!

This pyramid is indeed relatively stable, and there has not been much dramatic change around it. Oh,

Moreover, there are two energy arrays in the pyramid. The concentration of mysterious gas is of course far from the ruins of the earth, but it is not as high as the human kingdom.

In the ancient times, this pyramid should be the shared pyramid of the male and female Naga, so there are two mysterious arrays.

Yangdingtian sat down in the mysterious air and swallowed Xuan.

It turned out that at this concentration, it has completely devour any mystery.

Because, at this time, his cultivation of the sea has far surpassed the cultivation of Xuanmai. It is not good to spill out. It is impossible to swallow it into the sea of ​​air.

It’s not just Yangdingtian, but Lingbi can’t cultivate Xuanqi.

It is the Queen of Poison, she not only broke through the 21st order of the Holy Sea, but also the Xuanmai and the body have completed the Nirvana, and they have reached the 21st level.

Yang Dingtian was very surprised, how did she complete the transformation.

The Queen of Poison Sa said that it was almost a half accident.

In an energy storm, I thought it would die. Who knows this powerful energy, just helped her to complete the transformation of the sea of ​​sea and the mysterious veins, and become a true holy power.

Of course, despite this, this energy is still beyond the scope of the gas, and she is injured.

The temptation of the Queen of Poison Shah was not great. Now that Yang Dingtian is here, he has no more thoughts.

So, three people are chatting here and talking about things.

Then, I talked about how Yang Dingtian completed the transformation of Qihai and Xuanmai, and truly achieved the sanctification of the holy level.

Yang Dingtian said that with the energy storm, it was directly blocked by poison sand.

Because that kind of wife is dangerous, and such a small energy storm is not easy to find, it is very likely that he will be shredded directly. The fly is gone.

Finally, Poison Shaw said: "If Naga Frost is willing to help, take you directly to the drastic changes in the ruins, and then she will bear the remaining energy of fission, and it will be easy to help you break through the holy level."

I heard the sentence in the mouth of the Queen of Poison, if the Naga Frost was willing to help, the heart could not help but tremble.


Three people in Yangdingtian, in this relatively stable pyramid. Waiting for the appearance of Naga Frost.

One day, two days, three days!

Despite the anxiety, the three days passed quickly.

The Queen of Poison, with Yang Dingtian, walked out of the pyramid and came to a huge flat depression in the ruins. "Ten days ago, Naga Frost entered the center of the earth from here, and she should wait for it." Come out from here. Let's sit down and wait."

Yangdingtian, Lingbi, and Poison are all sitting down and waiting.

Although Yangdingtian is still relatively calm, the heart is still somewhat uneasy and anxious.

If it is really like the Queen of Poison, the Naga Frost has swallowed up the evil spirits of the Yuan Dynasty, so the temperament has changed greatly, then... that would be too bad.

There is no help from Naga alone. Defeat the devil and save the human kingdom. Almost completely impossible.

If it was the infatuated and simple Naga frost before, Yang Dingtian certainly had confidence in her.

However, since the transformation of Naga Frost, Yang Dingtian has never seen it, and it has been almost a year.

At that time, he swallowed the spirit of the Yuan Dynasty, from the Dark Empire. Naga frost is full of indifference and incitement, and is far away from Yangdingtian. When Yangdingtian caught up, she almost attacked him.

Even before the transformation was completed, Naga Frost had attacked Yangdingtian twice.

The frost at the time. Still, not to mention this time.

Naga, after all, is a semi-god, a ruled race of the ancient times. It really is not like human beings can control.

In Yangdingtian's anxiety and restlessness, time is lost in one minute and one second.

Naga frost, still not coming out.

At this time, Yang Dingtian has even made the worst plan in his heart.

If the Naga frost has been greatly affected by the Yuanshi evil spirits and is not willing to help, what should I do?

Then, it seems that there is really nothing to do.

I hope that the situation will not be bad to this point.


At this time, suddenly the ground of the spar underneath, trembled fiercely.

Poison Shaw said: "The Naga frost is coming out."

Yangding Tian suddenly condenses the spirit, and the spirits look pale, and the beauty is full of fear.

For the powerful species of Naga, she is really instinct full of fear.

You know, her body is Shura, and the fear of Naga comes from the depths of the soul. It is an instinct.


After a burst of strong vibrations.

Suddenly, this huge hollow spar began to shatter.


Then, countless spar suddenly collapsed and became a huge deep pit!

Then, a golden figure flew out.

It was Naga Frost, a huge body of a few hundred meters, rising from the vast abyss and making a burst of shackles.

Every Naga is like this. When it is about to appear, it will warn that no creature should be near her hundred miles, otherwise it will kill.

She has completely turned into a human form, but at this time it is still the shape of Naga.

Of course, at this time, she has become more like a dragon.

It looks pretentious and horrible.

Below, the huge abyss, completely invisible.

Yangdingtian knows how hard these energy spar is, and the Naga frost easily creates such a huge abyss, showing how powerful she is.

Naga is very greedy. After she completely swallowed the mysterious crystals in this ruined crypt, the energy spar in this area was completely abolished and turned into slag, so it was so big. A deep pit.

It can be said that all the energy in this deep pit was swallowed up by her.

Therefore, the color of Naga Frost has become stronger in the sky than in Yang Tianding. In the golden yellow, it is faintly revealing green light. It is a strange color. and. The figure is a lot more than a few times.


Naga screamed and flew up into the sky.

Her deep and terrible eyes stared at the three people in Yangding, and then hovered.

Finally, she landed slowly in front of Yangdingtian.

The long, huge body entangles the body of Yangdingtian. Then the huge head was brought to the front of Yangdingtian.

"F, husband?"

After shouting out this sound, her body shape shrank sharply, and when it returned to three or four meters, it directly became a human form.

The complete human figure is indecent.

Yang Dingtian finally saw the Solitary Cream again.

Then, directly by her gas field, beautiful. Thoroughly suppressed.

Repression, the word is rude, but it is.

At this time, the beauty of the solitary frost is really like the sun, dazzling bloom.

Every inch of the face, every inch of the body, seems to release light. Shining people can't open their eyes.

Even a beautiful woman is in front of her. They are instantly eclipsed.

No matter where she goes, she is really like the sun, shining.

This beauty has completely risen to the realm of spirit and energy.

Even the Queen of the Sea Snake Empire, in front of her, will be completely suppressed.

no doubt. The now lonely cream has become one of the most beautiful women in the world.

She, directly occupying the tip of the pyramid, the only pyramid tip.

Even this dazzling beauty. It has already made people dare not look straight and wink.

"French, is it really you? Really you?" After Naga Frost stared at Yang Dingtian's eyes for a long time, he immediately hugged him.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian and the Queen of Poison have long breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the bad situation did not happen.

Solitary frost, still willing to admit that Yang Dingtian is her lover, still shouted out the husband without hesitation.

For others, she is indifferent, but she is still like the past.

After staring at Yangdingtian for a while, Naga Frost directly put a small mouth and kissed Yang Dingtian deeply.

She kissed very slowly, as if looking for some kind of memory, some kind of feeling.

She has been away from Yangdingtian for too long. In her thinking, these memories may have been somewhat blurred, so she is looking for it.

Gradually, she kissed more and more deeply and became more and more emotional.

The beautiful petite body, gradually launched, a pair of flawless super beautiful legs, will entangle the Yangdingtian body.

She finally changed her shape completely, and there is no difference between it and human women.

After a full quarter of a deep kiss, the solitary frost only released Yang Dingtian, and continued to stare at his face, Mei Hao shot a very radiant and affectionate light.

"French, how come you come?" Naga Frost said: "I have to wait for an emergency."

"I'm sorry, I am late, I am late." Yangding Tianrou channel.

"It's not too late, it's not too late..." Naga Frost said: "As long as the husband comes, it is not too late."

Frost, it seems to be as mad as before, but not so childish, as if mature.

Yang Dingtian gently embraced her, softly said: "Okay, can we go home now? I will take you home."

Naga frosts glimpsed a little, and the beauty of the light was a little struggling Yangding Tiandeng heart jumped.

Then, Naga Frost showed a gentle smile on the top of the sun, and reached out to touch the sea of ​​Yangdingtian. He was pleasantly surprised: "French, you have already broken through the holy sea, but you have not completed the transformation, yet Really break through the holy level, I will take you with you."

Yang nodded and said: "Okay."

Then, Naga Frost held Yang Dingtian and flew away directly.

For the Queen of Poison and the Lingbi, it is completely ignored, let alone say hello, and even did not even look at it.

She took Yangdingtian to go to the sea and break through the holy level.

And Yang Dingtian saw it, she could not bear to leave the ruins of this old Naga Empire.

Her greed for energy made her reluctant to leave.

Of course, this situation is not too bad, at least she is still dedicated to Yang Dingtian. (To be continued..)u

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