Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1193: Frost is repaired! How to kill the devil?

Naga Frost carries Yang Dingtian, flying in the sky of the ruins, completely ignoring the energy traps everywhere, and the power to fill the area. ≥ ≥,

Just soaring and flying over, looking for a small energy storm, you can let Yangdingtian change and break through the true holy power.

In this way, always fly, keep flying.

It took almost half an hour to fly, and it hovered for thousands of miles.

Finally, in the ruins below, I saw a crack that slammed open.

Naga screamed with great enthusiasm, rushed down with the sun, and slammed into the crack of the tear.

The ruins of the old Naga Empire, the huge cracks occurred because of the constant collapse and contraction, the energy of somewhere in the center of the earth reached the extreme, and the eruption vented, thus forming an energy storm.

Frost and Yangdingtian directly entered the most violent place of the energy storm.

Almost instantaneous...

The energy that destroys the earth and the earth rushes into the body of Yangdingtian.

Yang Dingtian clearly felt that this energy is alive and is the energy of hundreds of thousands of holy powers.

Usually this time, encountered this level of energy, completely smouldering.

However, this is only a small part of this energy storm, and most of the energy left is taken up by Naga Frost.

According to Yang Dingtian’s prediction, this energy storm can not destroy the entire northwestern continent, but it is no problem to destroy the big cloud city.

Endless energy rushes in.

At this time, the sea of ​​air, like a black hole, is completely unsatisfied.

Always swallowed, swallowed, swallowed, swallowed...

After swallowing the ultimate.

The entire sea of ​​the sea. It is an absolute threshold.


Throughout the sea, it was forcibly expanded and completed the transformation.

Then, this incomparably powerful energy continues to emerge from the sea, like a storm. Baptism every inch of mysterious veins.

Every baptism, one place has completed the transformation.

After half a quarter of an hour.

The entire body of Yang Dingtian has completed the transformation of Nirvana and became the Holy Power of the 21st Order.

If in other places, Yangding Tianni becomes a holy power, there must be an earth-shattering reaction.

However, here, in this storm, it is just awkward.

Next, this energy storm will cause fatal damage to Yangdingtian.

Naga screamed fiercely. From the peerless beauty, it became a Nectama of a few hundred meters, and directly wrapped the Yangdingtian in the middle.

Suddenly, Yang hurts.

The energy storm continues to burst wildly.

The frost and the sun-top sky slammed into the void of tens of thousands of meters.

I have to say that the body of the demigod of Naga Frost is so amazing.

Such an amazing energy storm. No human being can resist it. The volume in the roll was almost smouldering.

Naga frost, but nothing at all.

Naga Frost will not forcibly fly away from the energy storm, although she can't do it with all her strength, but she won't do it.

Wait until the end of the energy storm, Yang Dingtian and Frost, has been rolled out thousands of miles away.


After the energy storm is completely dispersed. Naga Frost has changed back to the appearance of a peerless beauty.

"French, you have broken through the twenty-first step." Frost excited.

Yangding Tiandao: "Thank you, Frost, for you, how are you doing now? How many levels?"

Frost said: "Fr., we are different from human beings. We are not using steps to describe. We will divide the ranks after we break through the gods."

Yangding Tianran, said: "That is, in the Naga, only after breaking through the half-god, will it be recognized as a Naga warrior?"

Frost nodded and said: "Only the Naga that broke through the demigod is the real Naga."

Yangding Tiandao: "That frost, how far are you from the half god?"

Frost nodded: "There is still a long way."

Then, Frost was slightly proud of it: "French, in the ancient Naga, basically every Naga must break through the demigod, at least two thousand years old. And I am less than 30 years old this year, at the current speed. Going on, no more than twenty years, I might be able to break through the holy level, and I will be the fastest Naga in history.

Yangdingtian certainly knows how this is the fastest in history.

The ancient Naga, although possessing the perfect Naga empire, is a million Naga share.

Everyone can only occupy a pyramid of energy arrays.

And Naga Frost, but one person alone enjoys the energy of the ruins of the old Naga Empire. Although, this is a ruin, and it is constantly declining, one percent before the energy is insufficient.

However, the uniqueness of Naga's frost is more than ten thousand times that of the ancient Naga.

Especially the frost is very... greedy, she can't even wait to swallow in the pyramid, but into the heart of the earth, directly devour hundreds of thousands of times of mysterious crystal.

The speed of cultivation is naturally leaps and bounds.

"Let's go back, or else the poisonous sands have to wait." Yangding Tiandao.

Naga Frost frowned, then nodded and said: "French, in fact, according to the law of Naga, poison sand is definitely not able to meet me."

"I know." Yangding Tiandao: "But the Naga Empire, has not been destroyed?"

"No." Naga Frost smashed the railroad: "As long as there is a Naga presence, the Naga Empire will not be destroyed. When I am strong enough, I am the Naga Empire."

Hearing this extremely domineering words, Yang Dingtian could not help but tremble.

It’s really different to finish the changing Naga.

Then, Frost looked at Yangdingtian and changed his mind: "It should be said that we are the Naga Empire."

Yang Dingtian smiled at her and did not argue with him.

No one smart person will argue with a real Naga.

Their pride and stubbornness are totally inextricable.

You want to argue with them, yes, you can beat them first.


At this time, it is far from the pyramid of Queen of Tosu.

Naga Frost and Yang Dingtian, returning to fly.

Yangding Tiandao: "Frost, do you still remember the devil asking the sky?"

Naga Frost frowned, flashed a murderous murder, said: "Remember, you can rest assured that I am not afraid of his dark empire, I must kill him."

Yangding Tiandao: "But he is different now. His cultivation is originally a peak of the holy level. In Xiaoxi's day, there is a non-language vain, which is a demigod race candidate selected by the fallen silver dragon. He is The ancestors of the entire small Western civilization, the president of the Silver Dragon Temple, have been cultivated for thousands of years, only half a step away from the half god. Now, the two men fit together and put on more than a thousand The chaotic empire made by only the demon spirit, flashing faster than a few hundred miles, requires the energy of thousands of sacred powers to explode his stellar armor!"

Suddenly, Naga Frost was silent.

Then, said: "Even so, I am not afraid of him, he can't hurt me."

Yangding Tiandao: "I know, can the frost beat him?"

Naga frost is silent.

Silence means no.

"I won't lose." Naga Frost said: "But I can't kill him now, I can only break through the half-god before I can kill him. The devil asks the day is not terrible, as long as he blasts his chaotic empire, He will die no doubt. But the non-language, I am too young, and also a semi-god candidate race, so..."

Then, Frost said: "French, if he is not a non-language, but a Shura, then I have absolute control to destroy him. Because, although the Shura are the same as the demigod candidates, the physical talent is no less than the non-language. But it was extinct by our Naga, so it was born with a fearful gene for Naga. It is not a language, it is a race after the destruction of Naga, and there is no fear of us."

Yang nodded and asked: "How can we kill this demon with our status quo?"

Frost said: "There must be two steps, the first step, to explode his chaotic emperor, so although the body of the non-language is very talented, but the devil asks the heavens in the dark empire to swallow up the endless energy and suppress it. With the mysterious energy of the non-language, his sea is very dangerous, and as long as there is no demigod, he will never be able to change. So the second step is to attack his sea of ​​gas. Try to detonate his temperament."

Yang nodded.

Frost continued: "With the demon king asking the Yuan Shi evil spirit in the body, I have been swallowed up by me, so his sea of ​​air is no longer invincible."

Yangdingtian thought for a while, said: "Frost, there is evil spirit energy in his body, but it is only a second-class evil spirit. Moreover, the other half of the Yuanshi evil spirits are in the body of the demon, if the devil is willing If the devil is willing to do so, he can even have half a sinister evil spirit. Of course, this probability is very low."

"Yuan Shi evil spirits?" The frosty beauty shines brightly, full of greed.

Yangdingtian hesitated for a moment and asked: " That Yuanshi evil spirit, did you let some change... change?"

Frost looked at Yangding Tiandao: "It makes me practice a lot faster."

Yangding Tiandao: "Does it make your mind, make some changes?"

Naga Frost shook her head: "No, and the body of our Naga people has this kind of energy, but it is very thin."

When Yang Dingtian is wrong, Naga is born with evil spirits?

Then, Naga Frost said in one sentence: "The other half of the Yuanshi evil spirits, I must also take it back. If anyone stops us, we will smash him into tens of thousands of pieces and smash the bones."

Then, the frost turned and said: "Wu, when I am strong enough, we will kill the demon, kill the queen, and take back the evil spirits."

Yang Ding Tian Ruran, this Yuan Shi evil spirit itself is not yours.

Moreover, I need you to go back now and defeat the Devil! (To be continued..)u

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