Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1207: The Emperor's soul sword attack!

The demon king who deeply understands this point asks the sky and immediately gives up the meaningless battle.

Immediately try their best to madly attack Naga's energy cover and prepare to escape.

Moreover, it is to directly grab the Yangdingtian and then escape.



The devil devours the sky, almost crazy, impact energy cover.

As long as the energy cover is broken, no one in the world can stop his departure.

However, how thick Naga's mysteriousness is, how thick Naga's energy cover is.

Perhaps, until the devil vain asks the heavens to be exhausted, the energy cover is not broken.

On the edge of the demon, Ji Ji, desperately swallowed Ju Xuan Dan, and then sat on the ground and resumed the battle.

After a quarter of an hour, the devil devours the sky and has hit the energy cover for thousands of times, but it is completely motionless.

At this time, the mysterious energy of the demon dying Ji has completely recovered. She first looked at Yang Dingtian, and then went to Naga Frost Road: "You put me in the past, I want to die with the devil!"

She simply did, knowing that it was not the opponent of Yangdingtian, immediately gave up fighting with him, ran over and fought side by side with the devil.

Naga Frost looked at the devil and looked at him, without any response.

In fact, the Naga snobbery is completely ignored for the human beings who have been repaired.

After the demon, the death of Ji was violently rushed, and then rushed through the middle energy barrier and returned to the demon king.

Immediately afterwards, the demon lord asked the sky to launch a sword attack against Yangdingtian.

As a result, it was stopped by the middle energy barrier.

This Naga's energy cover is really powerful.

Yangdingtian can pass by, but the demon king over there can't get through.

It is no wonder that Xiu Ling Ling can resurrect the Queen of the Sea Snake at any time. This layer of energy barrier in the middle is actually one-way.

Yang Dingtian is completely incomprehensible. How is this done?

Returning to the demon behind the demon king, he madly attacked the ancient sea snake empress.

however. Her attack on the twenty-fourth stage was still useful for Yangdingtian, but it was almost unscathed to the Queen of the Sea Snake.

Queen of the Sea Snake. Even completely ignore it, concentrate on attacking the devil.

Each of her attacks is close to the repair of the demigod.

Because it can be revived again and again, it is back. Her **** is a suicidal attack.

The entire body, completely turned into a streamer, fiercely hit the devil's body.

So on the scene, it suddenly became extremely fierce and terrifying.

After the demon, he became a purple streamer, and madly bombarded the Queen of the Sea Snake.

The Queen of the Sea Snake, turned into a yellow light, madly bombarded the devil to ask the sky.

Although the Queen of the Sea Snake is not as bad as Naga Frost, but every time she bombarded, it caused damage to the Chaos Emperor. Even more than Naga cream.

Therefore, the devil gnawed his teeth, but he was completely helpless.

Seeing my own woman, I saved myself from death, and I broke my bones again and again.

Looking at the chaotic armor on his body, the defensive energy is constantly falling.

Under the two quarters of attacks of the Naga Frost and the Queen of the Sea Snake, the defensive energy of the Chaos Emperor is only half of it.

When the devil vain asked Tiandeng, he said: "The Queen of the Sea Snake, what is the festival between you and me? Why do you want me to die so much? Are you willing to sell for the top?"

The Queen of the Sea Snake shook her head: "You and I have no enmity. I have not sold for Yang Dingtian, but between you and him, I chose to stand him."

The devil devotees to the sky and is not willing to say: "Why? I am obviously much stronger than him!"

The Queen of the Sea Snake said: "But you are much more greedy."

The devil vain asks Heaven: "What do you want? I can give it to you."

Queen of the Sea Snake: "I want Queen Medusa. Resurrect my sea snake people, can you do it?"

The devil devotees to heaven and asks: "I can't do it. Can it be done in Yangdingtian?"

The Queen of the Sea Snake said: "At least, he is much more likely than you."

When I heard the words of the Queen of the Sea Snake, Yang Dingtian could not help but tremble.

Unexpectedly, she actually pinned the hope of the resurrection of the Sea Serpent on her own. and. She never said anything, but first desperately fought for Yangdingtian, let him owe a big man's favor, and then made this request.

As a result, Yangdingtian has no reason to refuse.

The devil vain asked the sky to be furious and sneered: "You put the chip on him, at least he can win!"


In a twinkling of an eye, the Queen of the Sea Snake madly bombarded the Devil's illusion and asked dozens of times, and then sneered: "He, how can you not win? Your Chaos Emperor, can not support for how long."

The devil devotees to the sky and asks slowly: "That may not be!"

Then, he actually sat down directly, letting the Queen of the Sea Snake and Naga Frost attack him crazy!

Then, the devil slammed open his eyes.

His eyes began to change constantly.

From the human eye, it turned into two black flames, and finally turned into two green lights.

Then, his body began to deform.

Standing from both legs, it became a limb.

Then, the whole body grew one after another tentacle.

His body suddenly became extremely disgusting and terrifying.

The whole head has become enormous!

Seeing this scene, the Queen of the Sea Snake and Naga Frost, could not help but stop the attack.

Yang Dingtian also looked at this scene with a creepy bone. The demon king changed from a person to a huge octopus-like monster.

The whole head became huge, and both eyes became huge, sparkling with luster. Countless claws fluttered.

Yangding Tianji got up, this is the earliest state of the language!

The earliest non-language is a super-smart underwater creature. Because of the upheaval, this race began to move from the bottom of the sea to the land, and the whole body evolved into an upright walk!

Fallen Silver Dragon, the reason why the non-language was chosen as the candidate half-god race was because they had strong wisdom and spiritual strength.

However, the early state of the non-language is really ugly, ugly and ugly.

Of course, they landed on land and evolved into an upright walk. Although the claws disappeared, they are still ugly.

It was still seduce by the fallen silver dragon, and after it was planted, it became a little better. It is similar to people.

At this point, it looks like a big octopus.

However, the Devil chose to change at this time, and why?

Is this early language of the non-language similar to the octopus form. Is there any killer?


Suddenly, the demon-shaped demon king, the two big eyes on the top of his head, slammed a strange green light.

Yangdingtian just saw this green light, and the whole body was instantly solidified.

From Xuanmai, to Qihai, to every part of the body, it is completely solidified and motionless.

Then. After the devil died, Ji was also instantly coagulated.

The Queen of the Sea Snake, still like an energy cannonball, blasted to the devil.

Then in the air, it is solidified in an instant.

Suddenly, she was extremely scared and shocked!

Because, this feeling is familiar.

At that time, the Queen of Medusa, just took a look, let everyone petrified.

Finally, it is Naga Frost. She is proud of her, and she does not believe that the octopus-shaped non-language mental attack will be effective for herself.

However, Naga Frost. Also one inch and one inch, it is completely solidified!

Mental attack!

This is a mental attack, so that Yang Dingtian thought of Ximen Ningning. At that time, she could use her mental strength to attack the enemy and completely set her body.

This is the fossilization of Queen Medusa. It should be a mental attack of almost the same attribute.

However, compared to Medusa, it is much weaker.

However, it has already been very bad.

After the demon king is deformed, not only can the sea snake queen of the near-middle **** be fixed, but even the Naga frost can be fixed.

This is amazing!

It's no wonder that the silver dragons are fallen, but they will choose non-language. As a semi-god candidate race, they look really much stronger than the demon foxes.

After all the people have settled in, the devil devours the sky, walks with countless claws, and the two big eyes on the top of the head always keep a terrible green light, and keep everyone fixed!

The ugly demon, slowly walked in front of the Queen of the Sea Snake, one word at a time: "Obviously, you stood in the wrong team, now I will tear you apart, see if anyone can resurrect you?"

Then, the devil's disgusting claws caught the body of the Queen of the Sea Snake and jerked up at high altitude.

Then, it began to tear up desperately, to live to tear the Queen of the Sea Snake into pieces!

At this point, the coffin turned into a streamer, and immediately came out from the space ring of狡猾, she was completely closed when she came out!


Just drilled out, her beautiful body was immediately frozen in the air.

It’s useless to close your eyes.

The eyes of the devil's head are always shining with green light, covering the entire space.

As long as you are in this space, whether you open your eyes or not, you will be attacked by the spirits and will be settled.

At that time, Queen Medusa, when she eliminated the Sea Snake Empire, did not need to look at it at all. When she looked around, all the Sea Snakes became fossils.

The devil replied desperately, and suddenly the beautiful body of the Sea Snake Queen began to tear and deform and twist!

Because this is the energy body.

When the demon became a octopus-like figure, the spirit was extremely powerful, but the force was weakened.

Therefore, it is impossible to tear the Queen of the Sea Snake into pieces.

However, the Queen of the Sea Snake can't move, can't resist, and sooner or later it will be torn by life.

Once it is torn, there is no resurrection of the coffin, she will die.

Yangdingtian is in a hurry, thinking about how to save, how to crack the demon king's spiritual system.

He immediately thought of a problem. Medusa can turn the Sea Snake and the Mermaid into fossils. Can it turn the Naga into fossils?

Shouldn't it work? However, the Naga frost in front of me was also fixed.

"I don't know the spirit of the Naga king sword, can you break this spirit, but still have to try!"

Yang Dingtian consciousness, a chaotic emperor sword, blasted out.

The golden Naga royal swordsman, overwhelming, flew toward the devil!

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