Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1208: The death of the queen!

The energy barrier in the middle did not cause any obstacles. So many golden Naga royal swordsmen flew past.


The soul of the sword, frantically cutting the two big eyes of the demon king.

However, there is no use!

The two eyeballs are still under the protection of the Chaos Emperor.

Although it seems that these two big eyes are completely convex, they are still under the Chaos Emperor.

The sword of the Naga royal family still can't make any harm. All the attacks were all taken over by the Chaos Emperor.

Of course, the sword spirit of the Naga royal family has no destructive effect on the spiritual attack of the devil.

In fact, this is normal.

Because the spiritual and energy systems are completely different categories.

It is impossible to attack with energy and destroy mental attacks.

The transformation of the demon king weakened his own martial arts and strengthened his spiritual system. Yang Dingtian was completely helpless.

Because, whether it is the Queen of the Sea Snake, or the Naga Frost, or the Yangdingtian, it is not spiritual.

Of course, the devil is not a spiritual system, but it is not a language.

Yang Dingtian has only known until now that the original non-language can actually be transformed and possesses both spiritual and military forces.

No wonder, no language is so smart!


Seeing the attack of the Naga royal swordsman has no effect at all, the devil suddenly laughed and continued to madly tear the Queen of the Sea Snake!

Tear it to the extreme. The ultimate.

The beautiful body of the Queen of the Sea Snake has been pulled very horrible.


Finally, the Queen of the Sea Snake. It is directly torn by alive and instantly becomes a fragment.

During the Yangding, the heart trembled fiercely, but it could not move at all.

Although he and the Queen of the Sea Snake did not have any emotions before, and she has been lukewarm for herself, she is the mother of the poisonous sand, and it is the catastrophe that is to fight for herself.

Isn't she so fragrant and ruined?

The heart of Yangdingtian. It seems to be torn apart.

He really didn't know how to go back and talk to the poisonous sand!

Although the poisonous sand performance is deserted. But she is very delicate and sensitive, and she has a lot of emotional needs.

The appearance of the Queen of the Sea Snake gave her a strong sense of well-being, the feeling of having a family. Make her very happy.

Although she did not show very obvious, Yangdingtian can clearly feel it.

Now, in order to help herself, the Queen of the Sea Snake is so fragrant and ruined?

Just when the sun was daring, the smashed sea snake queen, countless energy bodies once again condensed in the air.

Then completely recover as ever and become complete.

She is once again resurrected!

Yang Dingtian was completely horrified, and the devil was more vain. More shocked.

How is this possible? How can it be?

The coffin has been fixed, and the whole body is mysterious. The gas sea can't move, how can you resurrect the Sea Snake Queen?

Then, Yang Dingtian and the Devil King both thought of it.

The resurrection of energy creatures by the spirits is also based on spiritual power, not on mysteriousness and qi.

Of course, the cultivation of the coffin is a breakthrough to the holy level. The spirit is also skyrocketing.

However, although the entire body was fixed. But consciousness and soul are both agile, so you can still resurrect the Queen of the Sea Snake!

Therefore, the devil attacked everyone with a mental attack.

Very powerful, very amazing.

However, this is not an egg!

The situation is exactly the same, except that the attack on the demon has stopped.

Even if the demon king killed the Queen of the Sea Snake again and again, the coffin revived her again and again.

Of course, the most important thing is that the demon king is madly rushing out to settle everyone.

It will not take long for the mental power to be completely exhausted.

In that case, he was completely tragic.

Therefore, the devil uneasily gave up the Queen of the Sea Snake, and once again frantically attacked the energy barrier in the middle, hoping to rush over to sway the sun, and then escape.




He desperately crowded the energy barrier.

Despite the entire energy hood, the entire ground, trembled fiercely.

The 10,000-meter ground under the feet of several people has been completely broken.

However, the energy barrier is still very strong.

Because, Naga Frost, has been continuously inputting the mysterious energy for the energy cover.

The devil is angry inside?

Her own mental attack, clearly fixed the body of Naga, why can't hold her gas and mysterious veins, she can still be a constant source, I want to enter the mysterious energy mask.

In this case, unless the Naga mystery is completely exhausted, the energy cover will not break.

So, the devil once again fell into a deadlock!

It’s no longer enough to walk and leave everyone.

The Queen of the Sea Snake, can not kill.

The spirit can be fixed, but her soul and consciousness can not be fixed, and the Queen of the Sea Snake can still be resurrected.

This is the most disgusting battle of the Demon King.

The Queen of the Sea Snake, Naga Frost, the spirit of the spirits, and pulled out one by one, he is not afraid, but also has a winning face.

However, when these three are combined, they become so unsolvable.

The devil is really regretting now, why should he carry the little coffin?

Giving her a powerful Shura body to her, she gathered her soul to her, and suddenly turned her into a powerful and powerful celestial teacher.

However, instead of contributing to the demon road, the coffin patted the **** and went to Yangdingtianhuai, and then bite his own back.

If there is no coffin today, I have already won.

This little monk, biting a bit, three points into the bone!

However, it is at this time!

The body of Naga Frost has recovered a little bit.

Naga. Sure enough, it is Naga, my own spiritual body, can hold her for a moment. But can't stay fixed.

She, recovered a little.

Moreover, her eyes are filled with the anger of the sky.

This kind of anger, even the devil looks, is extremely fearful!

Naga frost, look down on any human. But now it has been squandered and asked to settle.

It’s a shame and a shame. It must be torn into pieces. Only then can Naga frost hate.


Naga Frost, recovered one foot and one foot.

In the midst of the demon, she completely recovered.

"I don't care who you are, human beings. Or the ugly big octopus, you are dead today." Naga frost, slowly flying into the sky, word by word: "What **** demon, you are offended today I, you are dead!"

Then, the Naga frost in the air suddenly turned into a streamer, like a slingshot. Fiercely hit the devil!


A loud noise!

Suddenly, the devil flew straight out.

Then, a few hundred meters of Naga frost. Open four claws and frantically tear the octopus demon.



She opened a terrible big mouth and frantically bite.

Holding up his octopus body, desperately chaos, chaos!


At this time, the first dark field. It seems to have suffered a violent earthquake.

The entire ground is constantly shaking. trembling.

Naga lifted the body of the demon, and every time he squatted, the entire ground immediately appeared a few kilometers of abyss.

The sturdy ground is alive and teared to countless cracks.

The elemental creatures of the first dark field, desperately drilled out, ran wildly.

The entire first dark field seems to be the end of the world.

A fierce Naga is so terrible.

The demon king of the octopus form, the martial arts repair is weak, and it is captured by Naga, and there is no resistance at all.

In this way, he was violently jealous.

Heaven and earth, being madly mad!

And his spiritual fixation has long since failed in this temper.

Soon, the Queen of the Sea Snake also woke up.


She also violently turned into a living, from a beautiful woman to a few hundred meters of sea snakes.

Although it is ugly, it has become fierce.

So, under the energy cover.

I saw a Nami behemoth a few hundred meters, a sea snake monster of a few hundred meters, madly biting, and smashing a disgusting big octopus.

Roaring, earth-shattering!

I almost never know that the demon of the devil is ignorant, and I am really scared. I am really scared.

A fierce Naga, it is really chilling.

He clearly felt that his chaotic stellar defense energy fell rapidly.

From half to one third, to one quarter!

Moreover, it is still falling rapidly!

I turned into a spiritual system, from a trick to a trick.

Now, under the violent temper, there is no power to fight back.

There is a sense of being untouched in the sky and underground.

Two violent behemoths are still insane.

Even, I don't care about the consumption of mysterious madness.

The devil, suddenly found that his own chaotic armor, almost to bottom.

Do not explode.

As long as the Chaos Emperor does not explode, even if the defense energy bottoms out, it can take a long time to swallow enough energy to completely restore the defense.

For example, the last time, the mad attack of nearly a hundred holy expeditionary forces, the chaos of the Chaos Emperor was greatly reduced, but less than a month, after swallowing countless energy, it completely recovered.

However, once it is blown up, the Chaos Emperor will disappear forever.

Without the Chaos Emperor, the Devil has no advantage.

Under the violent temper of two monsters, the Chaos Emperor is getting weaker and weaker.

At this time, the demon dying, still frantically, the super-sea snake queen launched a suicide attack, and again and again.

Although it is impossible to prevent the Queen of the Sea Snake from attacking his man, it can at least slow down.

Seeing the scene of the demon and the death of the devil, the devil vain and ask the heavens, and the heart can not help but tremble.


Under a totally crazy attack.

Faster, the Chaos Emperor will soon explode, leaving only about one percent of the energy.

"Stop, stop, stop..." The devil screamed loudly: "Don's frost, we make a deal."

Naga Frost sneered: "You don't have any deals to do with me now!"

The devil shouted: "Yes, yes! I will give you the evil spirits of the emptiness, so that you have a complete spirit of the beginning of the Yuan, you can become stronger in an instant, you really break through the time of the gods, Can be greatly shortened!"

Naga Frost suddenly stopped and sneered: "I want to start evil spirits, can't I take it myself?"

Demon King said: "The Yuan Shi evil spirit and her soul are completely bound, unless she volunteers to sacrifice, and the Yuan Shi evil spirits are stripped from the body. Otherwise, you can't take it away. You tear her up a hundred times and she will be resurrected. A hundred times. Just like at that time, I want to win the sun, so the evil spirits go out, you have the opportunity to live and take it away. Now, you can't take her Yuan Shi evil spirit!"

Naga Frost said: "I can't take Can you?"

The devil devours Heaven and says: "I can certainly do it!"

At this time, after the devil died, he was still committing suicide attacks on the Queen of the Sea Snake, and it was still broken again and again.

In order to help the devil, to alleviate his attack power.

However, after hearing the words of the devil, she was shocked in an instant, and the whole body was completely settled!

Naga Frost said: "How do you take it away?"

Demon King said: "It's very simple. I use the evil spirits to take her soul out of life! In this way, the Yuanshi evil spirits are also drawn together. The first layer of separation is completed, and the sea and the evil spirits are stripped. Then destroyed. Her soul, for the second time. I will give you this half-event evil spirit, and you will have a complete spiritual spirit!"

When this is the case, the demon dies, or the illusion of zero, is exactly like a lightning strike, shocked the spot! (To be continued)

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