Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1209: The most ugly death!

Even, after the devil, Ji Ji, almost unable to react!

The words of the devil, for him, it seems that the sound of the sky is not true!

His previous feelings with her have spanned more than two hundred years.

Perhaps the soul of this demon king has become so complicated.

But in the final analysis, still ask the sky!

Whether it is the earth's questioning day, or the chaos of the evil world of the chaotic world.

In front of this demon, no matter how many changes have been experienced, the soul of this demon body is ultimately asking the sky!

Not a Yongshe, nor a vain!

The soul of Yongshe has long been crushed. The soul of the vain, already killed by the dark energy, was suppressed in a corner, shivering!

The questioning day that loves nothing more than two hundred years ago is the combination of the earth and the world.

She never knew it clearly, and she didn't want to distinguish it clearly. It was also unclear.

In love, nothingness has been abandoned.

Since the demonization, she has never left, even if Yang Dingtian once won a complete victory, willing to accept her return, she also resolutely decided to loyal to her love. Even if that happens, it may be death.

And just now, she once again rejected Yang Dingtian’s invitation to return.

She has all the reasons for her return. She was originally a descendant of the emptiness. Moreover, it is also the teacher of Oriental Ice Ling.

After the magic turned into a demon, although she was not very good, both battles were defeated.

But at least. She is wholehearted, loyal to the devil, loyal to the demon!

just now. She would rather choose to live with her lover, so choose to come over.

Once, once again, suicide attacks were launched, and they were wiped out.

Just to fight side by side with your own man, just to save the devil!

Although she did not do it, she did her best!

In one sentence, the devil died for his own love. Dedicated everything, including your own life!

Betray the word. She never thought about it. Not only did you not think about yourself, but you never thought about the devil!

This is the most solid love in the world, how can there be betrayal!

However, this kind of near-belief is sturdy, in the words of the devil's understatement. The fly is gone.

The devil said that when he used evil spirits to deal with her, he said that when destroying her qi, when she said that her soul was destroyed, her tone was dull and there was almost no fluctuation!

For a while, all the consciousness seems to return from the surroundings to the body.

She only remembered why she felt so uneasy before coming from the dark crack.

It is more disturbing than the uneasiness of Prince Edward.

original. The source of this uneasiness is here!

That's right, this is a huge trap! However, it is not the trap under the top of the sky. It’s the devil’s cloth!

She still felt very strange at the time, why the millions of troops of the foxes are not given to them!

He is the one he trusts the most! Why do you have to bring yourself to the first dark field, there is no reason for the battle against the sun.

Because the repair of the queen is powerful. But her twenty-fourth order is obviously superfluous in this battle.

in case. Yang Dingtian did not find Naga Frost, the Devil can win without any effort, and catch the Yangdingtian. After she is demon, there is no need to come.

If, Yang Dingtian found the Naga frost, and even found a stronger helper. After the devil, there is no need to come.

Because she can't help at all, she will become cumbersome.

The reality is a complete proof of this. After her devil, she has been beaten by Yang Tianding.

Despite her desperate suicide attacks, again and again, the bones and bones were broken again and again, but even the attack of the Queen of the Sea Snake could not be done.

Her attack, though tragic, is useless.

Everyone present, completely when she does not exist.

She has no need to come at all, why is the devil hard to bring her?

The reason is very simple. It is brought as a chip. When it is critical, it is used for trading and used for sacrifice!

This is not the temporary intention of the devil to face the crisis, but the plan that he had already had. He had already planned to make the situation worse when he had to do so.

After the devil, Ji Ji finally couldn’t help it. He said, “Ask God, you are not saying that there are two kinds of feelings that are forever and single. One is spiritual sustenance, the other is guardian responsibility. And I am your spiritual sustenance. Without me, you will always fall into the dark abyss, there is no trace of beauty."

The devil did not answer him, but stared at Naga Frost Road: "Transaction? Trading is not trading?"

After the devil died, Ji Wei said: "You answer me."

Yangdingtian turned to Naga Frost Road: "Fros, don't promise him, I don't allow it!"

This is the first time that Yang Dingtian used the tone of the command for Naga Frost.

Naga Frost, her brow wrinkled, stopped the attack, and sneered: "That, trade."

The devil is ecstatic.

The Queen of the Sea Snake was horrified, and then continued to attack the Devil.

Naga Frost ordered: "Sea Snake, stop attacking!"

Despite the horror and incomprehension, the Queen of the Sea Snake could not violate Naga's orders, stopped the attack, and even turned into a human appearance, full of fear and horror, looking at Naga Frost.

The demon king changed calmly and changed from an octopus to a human being.

His powerful spiritual ability disappeared and replaced by powerful force.

His eyes looked toward the demon and died, and opened his claws directly.

Yang Dingtian shouted loudly: "Fros, don't trade, stop him, hear no!"

Naga frost, just turn a deaf ear, just stare at the devil!

Yangding Tian Li said: "Frost, stop the devil!"

Naga Frost said: "Frank, do you still want to save the devil?"

Yangding Tianzhu said: "If she is **** after the devil, she should die in our hands. Not in the hands of the devil!"

Naga Frost turned her face and did not respond.

"Oh..." The demon king slammed his hand and directly sucked the demon and died.

After the devil died. Just looking at each other, without any resistance, one word and one sentence asked: "You are not saying, I am your spiritual sustenance. Without me, you will fall into the dark abyss, there is no trace of good inside?"

The devil faintly said: "Don't you know, my heart has already fallen into the abyss? Where is there any good?"

Let me talk about it. His eyes are instantly green.

In the hands. A terrible energy spill.

Within the entire space, the ghosts are crying.

The entire sky, suddenly the darkness of the top.

Then, countless to green light. I slammed into the body of the demon.

Live and take her soul out of the body!

"Ah..." After the devil died, or if there was no drift, it made a very screaming, very painful scream.

"No!" Yang Dingtian shouted loudly and rushed over.

However, it is alive and hit on the energy wall!

Before the middle of the energy wall is one-way, the Yangdingtian side can pass.

But now it has been changed by Naga Frost. So that he can't pass.

In fact, the anger of Yangdingtian is not from the tragic experience of the queen.

He has already said it. After the devil refused to return, it was already dead. He has also decided not to forgive the queen.

His anger comes from the ugliness in front of him.

The devil and the Naga frost, the ugly play together.

The queen should be dead, but it should also be the top of the sky. Definitely should not be the devil!

Yangding Tian suddenly releases the dark Xuanhuo, and he has to create a space door. jump over.

However, immediately after the next moment, his body was completely frozen, and the sea and the mysterious veins were completely solidified.

Naga Frost, directly used to repair energy, and suppressed him.




The beauty is like the death of the devil after the death of the gods, issued the most screaming scream in history.

Her beautiful face began to distort.

Her beautiful body began to distort.

Huge black wings slammed back.


In this way, the Yuan Shi evil spirit wrapped her soul, a trace of it, was taken out by the living!

The evil spirits are over, it is over!

Finally, the soul of the demon is wrapped in the spirit of the Yuan Dynasty, becoming a strange energy light and shadow, floating in the hands of the devil!

And the magical celestial body after the devil, the beautiful and unparalleled face.

Thoroughly, it became a walking dead.

The body that has lost the protection of the Yuanshi evil spirits is no longer beautiful.

The whole body split, and the face cracked too much because it was too twisted.

The whole body is completely bloody.

On the back, the bone spurs slammed out, and it was bloody.

"Hey!" Her walking dead, directly to the ground, motionless!

The Yuanshi evil spirit wrapped a soul and continually surging in the hands.

The cry of the devil has already resounded through the space.

Naga Frost, looking at the half-early evil spirit in the hands of the demon, his eyes are full of greed.

Even her breathing has become heavy.

"Give it to me." Naga Frost, toward the demon king.

The devil slowly walked over and gently played the half-earth evil spirit in his hand.

Then, he trembled: "His Naga, since it is starting to trade, it is better to get a bigger one."

Naga Frost said: "Talk about Devil King said: "Yangdingtian is your lover, your partner, right? ”

"Yes." Naga frosted.

Devil King said: "And, if I have not guessed wrong, you will soon enter the first estrus period. Right? Once estrus, but did not get mixed and released, it is very unfavorable for your cultivation, right?"

When this is said, Yang Dingtian can't help but see.

There is still such a saying, she really does not know.

After listening to Naga Frost, he nodded and agreed!

Demon King said: "You are the weapon Naga, not the spiritual Naga! Only the spiritual Naga, will not be afflicted! When you are in estrus, once you do not succeed, you will cause irreparable damage to your body. right?"

Naga Frost has been very angry, but still nodded. (To be continued)

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