Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1210: The final match! Simon is boundless!

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Demon King said: "And the repair of Yang Dingtian is too low and too low. Once you are with him, at least half of the energy is lost to transform his body. He not only wants to share your demigod, Also share your powerful cultivation. He is exactly like a parasite, right?"

This time, Naga Frost did not nod and responded silently.

Demon King said: "But you have no choice at all. Because there is no male Naga in this world, Yangdingtian is the only human that can make you estrus. So, he is your only companion, can't Alternative, right?"

Naga Frost, motionless in the air, a few hundred meters of body seems to solidify.

Demon King said: "So you are in a dilemma. Once you meet, you will lose most of your energy. If you don't meet, you will suffer huge trauma. Now, I have a best of both worlds. Do you know if you are willing to listen?"

Naga Frost nodded: "Speak and listen!"

The devil said with a smile: "You should know that the cultivation in my body is infinitely close to the demigod. I am in the air, I don't know how much mysterious in stock, I can only sink in the abyss of the sea." For many years, on the throne of the darkness, I have swallowed up infinite energy. It can be said that if it is not because of the limits of talent, my cultivation and the sea of ​​illusion have already broken through the gods."

Naga Frost sneered: "I am not coming to listen to you. Whether you are a despicable human or a despicable octopus, you want to break through the gods, you are dreaming!"

Devil King said: "I want to say. The energy storage in my body is no less than you, Lord Naga. Only. Most of them can only sleep in the abyss of the sea and cannot be used."

"And then?" Naga frosted.

Demon King said: "The reason why Yangdingtian makes you estrus is the special energy of his body. Is it irrelevant to his personality and character?"

Naga Frost thought for a while: "I want to say that it is related to character personality, but it really does not matter. Our Naga's emotions are based on energy smell."

Demon King said: "In this way, the best of both worlds will be there. I completely destroy the soul of Yangdingtian. Let him become a walking dead. Then I will take his body and meet you. How?"

When this was said, the Queen of the Sea Snake, the coffin, was completely discolored.

Only Yangdingtian. Almost expressionless!

Naga Frost said: "How do you choose to wear Chaos Emperor?"

Demon King said: "It's very simple, go to the Dark Empire! I wear the Chaos Emperor, Yang Dingtian's body, together into the refinery of the Dark Empire and the fusion of large arrays. In this way, you can complete the fight, I The soul and all the energy will be injected into the body of Yangdingtian. And the Chaos Emperor also wraps the body of Yangdingtian, so that this incomparably powerful energy will not overflow. The body of Yangdingtian will not be wiped out."

Naga Frost said: "When it is wrapped in Chaos Emperor, how should we meet?"

Devil King said: "You can find a place where the air pressure is extremely incomparably big. This way, you can balance the pressure in the sea. Then we will meet in that place!"

Is there a place for this? Of course, the ruins of the old Naga empire, hundreds of thousands of times more than the mysterious, fully solidified sacred crystal, have this energy pressure.

After the explosion of the Chaos Emperor. Yangdingtian body will not be smouldering.

Then, make a cross at that place.

Naga frost can pass through the estrus period. And it won't lose energy, but it will harvest a lot of energy.

This is indeed the best of both worlds!

The devil smiled and said: "My Majesty Queen Naga, my way, how?"

Naga Frost said: "It is indeed the best of both worlds!"

Devil King said: "Are you promised?"

At this point, the face of the Queen of the Sea Snake has become extremely ugly.

Although, she has no extra emotions for Yangdingtian. But at least, he is a man of Naga, who is the only savior in the world.

At this time, the demon king is negotiating with Naga Guangming, **** the soul of Yangdingtian and occupy his body.

But Yangdingtian is completely expressionless.

As for the coffin, it has been completely completely sluggish, as if it has lost the ability to respond.

She didn't know at all that it was a simple matter to destroy the devil. Why did it develop to this point?

The devil devours Heaven and asks: "Where is the Queen of Naga, what is your decision?"

Naga Frost said: "Your suggestion is very good, but do you think I will promise? Will I betray my husband? You know, our Naga's loyalty and specificity to the partner is forever."

"No, no, no." Devil Wang said: "Your greed for energy is forever. You are loyal to your partner. It is because of sharing and repairing and sharing fate. Moreover, once Naga meets, The combat power is exactly the result of one plus one and more than two! Because in the Naga empire, there is no family, and almost no reproduction of the offspring, so in order to compete for more energy, you must meet, and if you fight alone, you will probably lose! This is why Naga is loyal to her partner and has nothing to do with feelings."

Then, the devil smiled and said: "So, I think you will promise me."

Naga Frost smiled: "In this case, you still ask me to decide, what to do?"

The devil smiled: "It is better to ask clearly, better!"

Naga Frost said: "I said it earlier, I agree to the deal!"

Despite this sentence, it is still unclear. However, the devil devotees to the sky without the slightest persecution.

Because, before Naga and Yang Dingtian, there was already a crack that could not be bridged.

Then, Naga Frost waved: "Take the original evil spirits!"

Devil King said: "Of course, but I think you can express your sincerity a little."

Naga Frost said: "I have stopped attacking you. Your chaotic armor, even one percent of the energy is not left. What kind of sincerity do you want me?"

Demon King said: "For example, remove the energy wall in the middle."

Queen of the Sea Snake: "The master of Naga, no."

At this time, Yangdingtian said to the spirit: "Enter my ring."

The coffin has changed. Directly into a streamer, drilled into the inner space of the Yangding space.

Naga Frost reached out directly and slowly said: "I promised that nature would count. Take the Yuan Shi evil spirits!"

The demon king confessed to the sky, hesitated for a moment, then his hand, gently loose.


The spirit of the beginning of the soul wrapped in the soul of the devil. Flying to the hands of Naga Frost!

Naga sulphate eyes, the golden light of the whole body. Almost burst out of the sky.

Incomparable ecstasy, excited!

Then, her face of Naga slammed.

She stretched out her claws. Suddenly its terrible claws, once again stretched and stretched.

The part that grows again is completely green energy.

"Oh!" In this way, Naga's energy claws lived into the evil spirits.

At this point, no human being can do it, directly into the evil spirits.

Then, Naga is a little bit. The Yuan Shi evil spirits were torn open, and the soul of the demon and the dead inside was crushed bit by bit. Finally, I pulled it out with a trace.

Throughout the whole process, the soul of the deceased, no longer struggled, no screaming.

All her grief and anger, all miserable. All deaths have been completely exhausted.

and so. She did not react in the process of the soul being completely destroyed.

In this way, the soul of nothingness is gone.

Yuan Shi evil spirits were completely stripped.

Then, very straightforward, she slammed into the mouth with a sinister spirit.


The Yuanshi evil spirit entered the body of Naga, and instantly burst into the incomparably white light.

Naga frosted a few hundred meters of huge body, violently.

Then her golden body quickly became bigger.

The whole body's radiance exceeded the two days, almost completely illuminating the entire first dark field.

Then she made a lot of excitement, crazy screaming, hey!

This moment of powerful energy, she suddenly lost all reason.

It is like a dark wanderer with a lot of addiction, and it has swallowed up countless dark energy.

The moment of ecstasy is enough to make her forget everything!

In the end, she turned into a streamer and flew to the sky.

The two halves of the body begin with evil spirits, and they are one.

The most powerful energy in history has exploded in her body!


This half-element evil spirit, in the body of the devil, is nothing more than that.

But after entering Naga's body, the energy that came out of the scorpion was completely earth-shattering.

She was in the air, madly released, and in a blink of an eye, flew thousands of miles away.

It is like the sun flying in the air.

Naga completely forgot the battlefield here, and threw Yang Dingtian and the Queen of the Sea Snake directly in the same place.

Suddenly, the energy cover he laid down disappeared instantly without a trace.


At this time, on the original open space, there will be Yangdingtian, the Queen of the Sea Snake, and the Devil King will ask the three people!

The demon king spread his hand to the top of the sky: "Yangdingtian, have you thought about this scene?"

Yang Dingtian laughed at himself and did not expect it.

Demon King said: "I have said that Naga's greed for energy is eternal. What Naga is loyal to his partner forever, only ignorant people will believe this. When you take Naga as At the time of the Savior, you have already destined for your tragic ending."

Yangdingtian still laughed at himself.

The devil snorted and said: "In fact, after the Naga completed the transformation, the first estrus will come. At this time, they are getting higher and higher. So, as long as you take the initiative to tease, then half-push, you can meet her. Because, when she was stunned by reason and mind, she forgot that she had to pay half the energy. At that time, you can cook the raw rice, and after she wakes up, everything is a foregone conclusion. Unrecoverable. And at that time, you are already her true companion, she is really dedicated to you forever, because she has no choice."

This possibility, Yang Dingtian also really thought of it.

The devil snorted and said: "But I know. You are hypocritical, you are completely disdain to do this kind of thing. You have to wait for the woman to actively climb your bed, not to overthrow the bow. Hypocrisy. Really killing people. Ah, you are killed! If you forcibly join with Naga, you will have an undefeated body. Where can I have a chance?"

Yangding Tiandao: "My hypocrisy and stupidity have been seen by you. What else can you say?"

The Devil has no need to use his own flash. Step by step, slowly said: "Yangdingtian. Now in the sky and underground, who else can save you?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Probably, no more!"

Devil King said: "So I am very sorry, I want to use evil spirits. Take your soul out and destroy it completely. Then, take your body, occupy your identity, enjoy your woman. There is a saying is not This way, my son, I raise it. I am married, I am sleeping!"

Yangding Tiandao: "Then my wife, Ximen Flame, are you going to sleep?"

This is the case. The devil appeared to pause for a while.

Yangdingtian slowly said: "My Majesty the Devil, what should I call you now? The soul within your body has been more complicated than ever! The one with the earth asks the sky. There is also the crippling world of the chaotic world. Heaven, there is another faltering retreat in the corner because of the fall, and who is it? Who is it? When you leave the dark throne and enter a person's body, who is he?"

The devil stopped and said: "Yangdingtian. What do you mean by this sentence?"

Yangding Tiandao: "The former demon king asked the sky. It has been on the dark throne, just a powerful soul energy. Later, you defeated me and failed. You have to leave the dark empire in person, so you have to have a body. Of course, this body is exquisite. It is not a normal body. You must leave your unique soul mark on your brain, so that you can use these bodies without any obstacles and use his brain. Otherwise, it will be like my master's oriental nirvana. Although it completely occupies the body of the cold blue dust master, there is still a strong rejection in the brain, so there will be memory disruption and disorder, and it has been suffering for a long time. And Yang Yunchong took the body of Yang Lan, and every three or five days, he had a headache and a painful desire. On this point, Yongshe asked the heavens, and the memory is still fresh."

The face of the demon violently twitched, apparently evoking the memory of the pain, hoarsely: "Continue, say it!"

Yangding Tiandao: "The so-called soul imprint, I think it should be a meaning equivalent to the reproduction of the soul. That is, to completely copy a person's memory of consciousness and place it in the depths of another person's brain. Usually these memory of consciousness Fully crouching. When you need it, directly occupying this person's body, you can easily activate these copied consciousness and memory, and seamlessly connect the soul and the body. Is that true? Devil's Majesty?"

The devil nodded and said: "Although not all, but almost the same. This body is called the body of the contract."

Yangding Tiandao: "I can make the soul copy, I think the whole world, except the Queen of Medusa, no one can do it. Therefore, the original owner of this contract body must have been to the Temple of the Soul!"

The devil nodded: "Exactly."

Yangding Tian said with a finger: "Who has been to the Temple of the Soul? I wish the Lord, lonely and lonely, alone, and one person, I don't know who? Who is the body of your contract? What?"

Devil King said: "Guess guess!"

Yangding Tiandao: "Don't be alone, it shouldn't be. Because this kind of energy reproduction may still require a completely voluntary principle. Therefore, the Temple of the Soul will exchange some things, so that they willingly contribute their brains. For example, the solitary aliens got the tyrannical male Shura body. Wishing the Qing master, he got the soul of the soul. But he was alone, but he did not get anything."

Devil King said: "I felt so at the time, and later I realized that he took a baby girl!"

Yangding Tiandao: "The solitary alien is not the body of your contract. I wish the Qing master, disappeared for a long time, he may be. Of course, the body of your contract may be another person, the fourth enters the temple of the soul. Mysterious person."

The devil looked down.

Yangding Tiandao: "Then I guess, the body of your contract is the mysterious fourth person, not the wishing father."

"Guess the right." Devil said: "Continue to guess!"

Yangding Tiandao: "The Devil's Majesty, now in your body, which soul is the master? Earth asks the sky, the chaotic world asks the sky? Or the body of the contract?"

The devil smiled and said: "The body of the contract, when the time comes, his soul will completely die out. How can he be the master?"

Yangding Tiandao: "In case, is he very smart? For example, before the time comes, he will let others use the soul of the soul to destroy himself, and then completely freeze himself? In this way, he is completely Between death and no death, maybe you have escaped the time limit, and the soul has not perished? This is called after the death."

When the words came out, the devil stunned, even involuntarily, stepping back half a step!

Yangding Tiandao: "We all know that whether it is the earth asking the sky or the chaotic world, the soul has been destroyed and split many times, and it has already been incomplete! So they basically have to lose ~www.mtlnovel. The soul of com~ and vain, because of the long-term engulfing of dark energy, is swaying in the corners of the brain. It is all the souls in the body, only you are complete and powerful. After the yellow-cups are in the fight for this soul, I am very optimistic about you, my father-in-law!"

In an instant, the devil's eyes burst into a trembling light.

Yangdingtian slowly said: "My master, the Eastern Nirvana, was destroyed by you and imprisoned under the ice and snow. Otherwise, how was it so skillful, how can I meet you in the snow? You Yunxiaocheng went to Yinyangzong, why do you have to go through such a big bend, there is no need to go through the ice and snow!"

The devil's breathing, after extreme confusion, gradually subsided.

Yangding Tiandao: "And, when you saw my first side, I would pass the owner of the Yunxiao City to me. I would give it to me. It is very unreasonable. Now I want to come, it should be that I am in a coma. Say a Chinese on the earth!"


Note: Brothers, please ask for a monthly pass, thank you! (To be continued) I752

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