Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1259: See also Ximen Ningning, deep love!

For the reunion with Ximen Ningning, Yangdingtian thought for countless times. network

There are good, bad, all kinds of reunions!

However, when the real reunion comes, it is totally different from the fantasy.


Yang Dingtian carefully placed his Naga female baby in the arms of Violet, and then directly turned into a streamer, flying out of the dark empire.

In the process of shuttlering dark matter, Yangdingtian fantasies over and over again. What should Ximen Ningning look like at this time?

Naga is beautiful and unparalleled, especially Medusa Naga. Therefore, the previous Ximen Ningning should be easy to pass.

So what is the beauty of Ximen Ningning?

But don't know why? In Yangdingtian's mind, Ximen Ningning's original appearance is the most beautiful.

Although, the Ximen Ningning that he had seen before, can only be regarded as a medium-spirited appearance in the face and color, and it is not beautiful.

However, Yang Dingtian's favorite is her gentle and delicate face.


Yangding rushed out of the dark empire and came to the ground.

Not far from the front, I saw a familiar and strange pretty back.

Really familiar and strange.

How many years have you seen? It has been a full decade. So, it seems strange.

However, this figure has appeared in countless times in his mind and dreams, so he is familiar.

"Ningning sister." Yangdingtian shouted.

The pretty figure turned around. The same as before, the same face as ten years ago.

It is still the quiet beast of Yunxiaocheng. There is no competition in the world.

"Small day..." The voice of Ximen Ningning was a little trembling. A gentle and apologetic smile on his face.

Before the top of the sky, she gently put her soft body into her arms.

Then, the two people were silent and smelled each other.

After a long time, Yangdingtian held the face of Ximen Ningning and asked: "Ningning sister. This time. You will show me the real face."

Ning Ningning said: "This is my true face."

Yangding Tianyi said: "Medusa Naga, shouldn't it be at the top of the beautiful pyramid?"

Ning Ning said: "Are you saying that I am ugly?"

Yang Dingtian quickly shook his head and said: "No, just strange. But you are the most beautiful in my heart. I am afraid that you are just like your mother, so beautiful that people can't open their eyes."

Ning Ning said: "Because, you already have a beautiful Naga wife who can't open his eyes?"

Yangding Tianyi, then whispered: "Ningning sister, I am sorry."

"Why do you say sorry?" Ning Ning said: "Because you combined with Naga Frost, I feel sorry for me, I feel betrayed the feelings between us?"

Yangding nodded.

"It's not." Ximen Ningning softly said: "First of all, I know the combination of you and the solitary frost. It is a last resort. Secondly... I like you, you like me, it is enough. Our spirit is Naga, I don’t care about this kind of reconciliation, I prefer spiritual love."

"Plato love?" Yangding Tiandao.

“Is this a noun for your planet?” Ning Ning said: “It’s a very nice look.”

Yang Dingtian was silent for a moment, said: "Ning Ning sister, when did you know that I am from the earth?"

Ningning said: "What you want to ask is, do I know that you are from the earth when you first see you?"

Yangding nodded.

"I don't know." Ning Ning said: "I told you that I grew up and grew up. I was very disgusted with the man's breath. I felt uncomfortable after a few feet, so I live alone in Yunxiao City. In the valley, but as soon as you appear, the breath of your body makes me very very excited. You know, the love of our Naga people is decided in an instant. And we don’t look at the face at all, we don’t look at identity and The repair is based on the taste. When you feel the taste, you will fall in love."

Yangding Tiandao: "I was still wondering why I saw you at first sight, so it was so good to me."

"Because I haven't seen you yet, I am heartbroken." Ning Ning softly said: "But I know that a man who can make my heart move is definitely not ordinary. It is probably the messenger in that fate."

"The messenger in your destiny?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"No, the fate of the **** of chaos." Ximen Ningning Road.

Yang Dingtian understood the words of Ningning and then asked: "On the day of the war with Qin Shaobai, did you show the prototype in order to save me?"

Naga Frost nodded and said: "You know, even though I am the spiritual system of Naga. But because the mother is still there, most of the energy is in her. I am not strong except for the mental power, in the human form. At the time, the repair was very low. So, I had to show the prototype, but when I was in shape, my whole body was covered with green fog. They didn't see that I was Naga."

Yangding Tiandao: "Then, you disappeared, because Queen Medusa, put you under house arrest?"

Ximen Ningning nodded and said: "I have repeatedly broken the taboos, showing that the prototype is even more taboo, the mother can't bear it, and I am called back to house arrest."

Yangding Tiandao: "Then, the deep sea mystery that you gave me is not taken from a far away place, but in your own body, right?"

Ning Ningning nodded and said: "But I have to go far away and try to force the deep sea mystery out of the body."

Yangding Tiandao: "And, at the time, your legs could not move, it was not because of the deep sea mystery, but because of the sequelae of the mystery, right?"

Ximen Ningning nodded again.

"Stupid." Yang Dingtian could not help but hold Ximen Ningning.

Spiritual Naga is really incomparable to the feelings of the crazy, deep sea mystery is the last life of Naga. In order to help Yangding kill the Millennium Night, she actually forced her deep sea to give it to Yangdingtian.

However, it is at this time. During the Yangding Day, my heart suddenly felt sour and sad.

This is not his own feeling, but the feeling of Naga Frost.

because. He and Frost are sharing everything. Frost is not very concerned about the relationship between Yang Dingtian and his wife. But she is very concerned about Ximen Ningning, because Ximen Ningning is also Naga.

"You told Frost, I am just a spiritual love with you, I will not take you away." Simon Ningning suddenly said.

Yangding Tianyi, said: "You, can you read my mind?"

"Of course. It will be very early." Ximen Ningning Road.

Suddenly. Yangdingtian is in a mess.

Now Yangdingtian and Naga Frost have the same mind, and Ximen Ningning can read the mind of Yangdingtian. In this way, the spiritual relationship of the three people is in a mess.

The two men quietly embraced for a while.

Finally, Yang Dingtian broke the silence. Because I still have to ask for an exit.

"Ningning, your mother let you come, what's the matter?" Yang Dingtian asked.

Ning Ningning said: "It's just a message. Because of your special relationship, she feels that let me come over and talk, maybe it will be useful to you."

Yangding Tiandao: "What is the word?"

Ximen Ningning said: "The vast majority of human beings must die, and every two hundred years of destructive reincarnation must be carried out."

When the words came out, the heart was shaking in the sun. Then he screamed: "Ningning, are you thinking too?"

Ximen Ningning softly said: "No, I have no idea. I only care about you, care about the flames, and your family. Others, I don't care. Also, no matter what you do, I will support you. You want I will promise if I want to do anything."

Yangding Tiandeng was very touched.

Ning Ningning said: "But Xiaotian, I can't change my mother's heart."

"I know." Yangding Tiandao: "This is something between me and her."

Then, Yang Dingtian asked: "This time, will she borrow someone else's hand?"

Ximen Ningning shook his head and said: "No, this time she will personally shoot. And she is very angry, she thinks you broke her rhythm and plan."

Queen Medusa wants to take it out personally.

This should be the worst news.

At least, Yangdingtian is completely unimaginable, and there is no way for him to stop Queen Medusa.

Yangding Tiandao: "The Queen of Medusa, what do you want me to do?"

Ning Ningning said: "She said, you do the wrong things yourself, make up for yourself. So, either you go to the New Naga Empire and release the later generations of the Naga army to destroy most of the human beings. Or, she You can kill most of the humans in person. You can control it in the former way. Once I get started, it is completely out of control."

Yang Dingtian closed his eyes and shook his head: "Impossible, I absolutely can't do that."

"I know." Ximen Ningning softly.

Yangding Tiandao: "Well, Queen Medusa, when will it be done?"

Ning Ningning said: "She has already started, and will wait until you confirm the response."

Yangding Tiandao: "Then my response, she should have seen it, right?"

Ximen Ningning nodded: "All that happened here, everything we said, she knows."

The pain in the heart of Yangding is twisted into a ball.

The choice given by Medusa is clear, either Yang Dingtian does it himself or Medusa is hands-on.

In short, most humans are dying.

If Yang Dingtian chooses to do it himself, he will die less.

Medusa started to die.

Yangdingtian gnashed his teeth and said: "Why? Why? Humans have not provoked her, why must they die?"

Ximen Ningning said incomparably: "I'm sorry, sorry Xiaotian, I don't know, sorry!"

Yang Dingtian gently hugged her and said: "This has nothing to do with you, even though she is your mother, it has nothing to do with you."

Then, Yang Dingtian asked: "Ningning, do you know where your mother is?"

Ximen Ningning shook his head and said: "I don't know, in fact, I have never seen her."

Yangding Tiandeng was very surprised. Ximen Ningning was the daughter of Medusa. She had never seen her mother?

Ning Ningning said: "In fact, I have been awakened for less than a hundred years. Before me, I have always been a consciousness of chaos. When I woke up, it was the present. I know a lot of things. I have a strong spirit. Force, as long as its mission is to lurk in the boundless side of the West Gate. As the highest messenger and monitor of the human soul in the human kingdom. When I woke up, it floated on the sea, on the Yantai Strait in the northwestern mainland. ""

Yangding innocence is completely horrified.

He originally thought that Ximen Ningning was definitely a big year old.

He even brainwashed, and at that time the Queen of Medusa had let go of the Mermaid Empire at the last minute and did not kill the light, and escaped from the Naga Empire. Did not follow other Naga to sacrifice themselves to cast the new Naga Empire imprisonment space. It is because there are children in the stomach.

In that case, Ximen Ningning is at least 10,000 years old.

But now, Ximen Ningning said that she has only woke up for only a few decades.

Reading the question in Yangding Tianxin, Ximen Ningning said: "Xiaotian. You think it is right. I really may have been more than 10,000 years old, but we are not measuring the size of time, it is energy. Measured. Although my mother is pregnant with me, she can decide to give birth to me at any time. Moreover, you also know that the half-god Naga couple will never give birth to their offspring until they decide to sacrifice. I tried to give birth to the later generations of Naga in the New Naga Empire, and also limited their energy."

This is true. Naga is a measure of growth in energy, not years.

Simon Ningning was silent for a while: "French, you rejected my mother, this is the last answer, right?"

Yangding nodded.

He does not need to hesitate at all. In any case, he will not kill his own protected human beings.

If you let Medusa kill more people, it is also a life.

In short, he will do his best to save more people. When he completely gave up, compromised, surrendered, and then personally killed a large number of humans.

Can't do it!

"Yes, I reject the proposal of Queen Medusa, no matter what the consequences, no matter what she will do." Yangding Tiandao.

Ning Ningning nodded and said: "I know, I can't help you in other aspects. The only thing I can do is to die with you. If you die, I will drink the venom and put myself up. Become a fossil."

Yang Dingtian’s eyes are sour, and if he stops, he does not say anything. Because, this is the frost is protecting herself, telling Queen Medusa, can not kill the sun, or she will die together.

"Ningning sister, are you staying? Come with me." Yangding Tiandao.

Ximen Ningning shook his head and said: "Small day, if you are the first choice, I will stay with you. You can't bear to do things, I will help you. But, you refused my mother's proposal, then I have no advantage in staying, because then, no matter what you do, how do you deal with it, my mother will know that she can see my vision."

Yangding Tiandao: "Now, does she see us here?"

Ximen Ningning shook his head: "I can't see it. At present, there are only a few fixed energy points in the world that can be connected to the Temple of the Soul. Of course, by leaving the Temple of the Soul, she can see everything. So, no matter you If you want to do anything, don't let Tian Tian and Du Gushen participate, because it will be known to my mother."

Everything that Simon Ningning said, Medusa can know. But she still said it, betray the secret of Medusa to Yangdingtian.

Yangding Tiandao: "So, can Queen Medusa control the will of the day or the loneliness?"

Ximen Ningning shook his head and said: "If she can't do it, she can only write a spiritual program in the brainfield of the soul temple and then complete it mechanically. At present, the spiritual procedures in the minds of Tian Tian and Du Guzheng should be long gone. ended."

In this way, Yangding genius relaxes.

Ximen Ningning gently left the arms of Yangdingtian and said: "Small days, time is running out, I have to go."

Yangding Tiandao: "What will your mother do? How to kill most humans?"

Ximen Ningning shook his head and said: "I don't know, I feel that she will soon be shot soon. Time is not enough, I am leaving..."

After all, Ximen Ningning rode directly to a soul beast and flew away.

"Ningning, where should I go to find you? Are you back from the soul hall?" Yang Dingtian asked loudly.

"No, I don't know where the Temple of the Soul is." Simon Ningning said: "I just find a place that no one knows, or in the middle of the road, she will shackle me up and then put under house in the Temple of the Soul. At an energy point in the human In short, the farther I leave you, the better. Because the distance is close, I can read your voice so that you can't keep her secret."

After all, Ximen Ningning is very anxious to fly farther and farther.

Yangding Tianda said: "Ningning, one day, I will pick you up, I will let you live with us."

Ximen Ningning smiled softly at him: "Small day, if the two emotions are long, they will linger in the dynasty."

Then, Ximen Ningning rode the soul beast and quickly disappeared into the horizon of Yangdingtian.

Yang Dingtian sent her back to disappear, and then waited for Medusa's shot.

All the pieces were used up, and Queen Medusa finally went into battle.


Note: The nearly 5,000-word chapter is still a day, sorry. (To be continued. (.))


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