Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1260: Pounce on Medusa! The Holocaust!

Once Medusa is shot, it means that the end of the day really comes.

Ximen Ningning was very anxious, as if he didn't dare to stay for a second.

After she disappeared, Yangdingtian quickly flew into the dark empire.

He instinctively wants to order, and immediately retreats.

But soon, he changed the main, but instead had a completely opposite idea.

The Great Retreat ended immediately, and all members of the Bright Council, the army, all returned to the Dark Empire.

Moreover, the entire dark empire was officially closed.

In an instant, the entire dark empire fell into the most awkward state.


"How many people are there in the Dark Empire?" Yangding Tiandao: "I said people, including the demon fox, the half-human, and the mermaid warrior."

Nothing said: "From the beginning of the big retreat to the present, it has lasted for ten months, a total of about 83 million. Most of them are humans, Xiaoxitian demon foxes, a total of 320,000, mermaid samurai extremely underwater race A total of 130,000. The half-man, 190,000."

Yangding Tiandao: "How long can the grain reserve support?"

Innocent: "The demon road has been stocked for more than one hundred years of food, plus the food that comes from the source. The dark empire storage environment is almost vacuum low temperature, there will be no spoilage, so it will last for a few years. The key is fresh water. In the past ten months, we have used the dark dragons and the dark dragons to transport a large amount of fresh water. According to the limit distribution system, the stored fresh water can support more than half a year. But the water purification energy array has been completed. So many Water can be reused. Plus the dark empire and the mermaid empire figured out, there are thousands of miles of water, so you can go there to transport sea water to purify into fresh water."

Yangding Tiandao: "No. The mermaid empire can't go, there is the energy base of Queen Medusa, and there is more than one."

Nothing said: "The water in stock, even if it is reused, may only last for more than a year. Of course, if there are not so many people in the Dark Empire, it may be much better."

Yangding Tiandao: "From now on, whether it is food, vegetables, or fruits, the distribution system is adopted. Every person is regularly quantified every day."

Nothing says: "In fact, this kind of rationing system has been going on."

Yangding Tiandao: "Reducing the amount, especially fresh water, it is necessary to reduce the amount. I have a hunch that we will be trapped inside for a long time."

Nothing said: "So, what about the people outside?"

Yangding Tiantou said: "I will try my best to save, but first save the people in the Dark Empire."

Nothing nodded: "Know it."

Yangding Tiandao: "Also, ask Tian and Du Gu, in a single room, forbidden to close. And shield the Xuanqi and the sea."

Nothing to say: "They. Is there a problem?"

"No, they have no problem." Yangding Tiandao: "Just because they have ever entered the Temple of the Soul, I am worried that in their minds there are related spiritual procedures in the mind of the soul. And Medusa is able to pass their The vision sees a lot of things. Don't worry, they will understand, they are completely on our side."

Nothing said: "I will do it right away."

After a while, the innocent returned: "I have been late."

Yangding Tianyi, said: "What happened?"

Nothing said: "Qian Tian and Du Guzhen have already negotiated with each other, and then I will freeze myself in the non-freezing water. When I need them, I will wake them up."

During the Yangding, my heart touched and nodded. "I know."


After two hours.

All the dark dragons. Dark dragons, most of the flying horses have all been withdrawn into the dark empire.

Yangdingtian came to the Cangwu Hall and met with Naga Frost.

"Frost, if nothing else, then I will be outside the Dark Empire in the next time, and you will be in charge of the order of the Dark Empire above the Dark Throne of the Dark Empire." Yangding Tiandao: "I am out of the palm, you In the palm. We are trying to maintain."

"Okay, I know." Naga frosted.

Then, Naga Frost said: "Fei Jun, Ximen Ningning finally went very anxious, and she did not finish some words, or she did not dare to say."

Yangding Tiandao: "I know that she did not dare to say, but did not want that scene to happen. Therefore, she desperately fled, hoping to leave as far as possible."

Naga Frost nodded and said: "Ximen Ningning is really more lovely than me."

Yang Dingtian gently touched her neck. When Naga Frost did not completely change, she enjoyed the place where Yang Dingtian touched her neck scales.

After completely completing the transformation, she suddenly became tall and powerful, so Yangdingtian would not do this.

At this point, touch her neck again, Naga frost slightly stiff, then soften the body, close the beauty, gently pinch the hands of Yang Dingtian, revealing a gentle and enjoyable expression. After the complete transformation, Naga Frost is still adjusting his mood and mood.

"Well, I am going out." Yangding Tiandao.

Hey! Yangding Tianhua made a stream of light, rushed out of the dark empire and came to the ground.

Then, he flies higher and higher, flying higher and higher, until he can overlook the entire northwestern continent.

At this time, the bright parliament retreating from the ranks within a few thousand miles has returned to the dark empire. But farther away, they just returned to the Dark Empire at full speed just after receiving the order.

Yangdingtian can only hope that time is still too late.

He also wants to bring these troops back in person, but the number is too much.

At present, there are at least a few million troops left behind. It is to maintain order in all places and organize a wave of big retreats.

The most important thing about Yangdingtian is to observe Queen Medusa, how to shoot!


At this time, the sky is clear, the blue is cloudless.

At the height of more than 100,000 meters, Yangdingtian can overlook the entire northwestern continent and even wider.

of course. The people on the ground, the house is completely invisible.

But in the air, there are dense black spots in all directions.

There are probably dozens of troops. Riding a flying ride, is retreating at full speed towards the Dark Empire.

In the top of the sun, I was very anxiously waiting, waiting for Medusa's shot.

How will she shoot? Where will I shoot?

This time is really the most difficult.

I know that there is a shoe to fall, but I don't know when it will fall.

However, the sooner the better.

At least, wait until all the troops of the Bright Council. All completed a big retreat.

"Booming rumbling..."

Suddenly, a loud noise!

The land below. Shaking for a while.

Yang Dingtian’s heart jerked and came, and finally came.

Located on the northwestern mainland, the highest mountain in the sunset mountains.

It’s weird. Why is it there?

Yangdingtian clearly saw that the mountain at an altitude of several kilometers suddenly slammed from the middle.

It is the entire mountain range, all split.

The landslide is like a nine-level, ten-level earthquake.

Then, a very incomparably thick thing, slowly extending from the crack of the mountain.

Don't know what it is?

That thing keeps growing and growing.

Yangdingtian saw it. It is a statue.

A long golden-haired viper, a beautiful face.

This statue does not break out of the soil. It is getting higher and higher and getting higher and higher.

The neck was exposed, the chest was exposed, the small waist was exposed, and the buttocks were exposed.

Finally, a complete snake body. The snake tails are all exposed.

Throughout the process, the sky is still cloudless.

And that sunset mountain range. Nearly completely collapsed and destroyed.

After a quarter of an hour.

A very incomparably beautiful and beautiful statue of Medusa, standing between heaven and earth.

This is not the Medusa trap that Yangdingtian has seen.

Although, the faces of these two statues are absolutely beautiful. But it is not one.

However, both of them are Medusa.

The Medusa, who guards the ruins of the old Naga Empire, feels more mature and older.

And this Medusa seems to be more beautiful.

At this time, Yangdingtian knew that the face of the Medusa statue born from the sunset mountain was the mother of Ximen Ningning.

The master of the Medusa trap, who guarded the ruins of the Naga Empire, should have died long ago, and sacrificed himself with all the Naga of the Naga Empire, creating the space for the imprisonment of the new Naga Empire.

That Medusa should be older than Ximen Ningning’s mother.

Of course, history can use the word long. But these two Medusas are tens of thousands of years old, so they can be used for a long time.

But now, Yang Dingtian knows exactly what Medusa's offensive means is.


This Medusa statue in the sunset mountains is about 30,000 meters high. There is no Medusa trap in the Naga Empire that guards the ruins.

At this point, it is even closed.

Yangdingtian flew toward the statue with the fastest speed.

Because at the time of the trap in Medusa, Yang Dingtian only took off its two eyes, the entire energy array lost its effect.

At this time, whether it was the people on the ground or the army that was desperately retreating in the air, the statue that saw the sunset mountain was completely stunned, and even stopped, and looked at the beautiful and unparalleled face in some confusion.

Yang Dingtian shouted loudly: "What are you looking at? Don't you retreat immediately?"

His voice echoed thousands of miles in an instant.

A large number of bright parliamentary forces in the air quickly flew desperately.

Yang Dingtian also loudly ordered: "All human beings must not look at the eyes of the statue, and the offenders will die."

Suddenly, most people quickly shifted their gaze. I didn't even dare to look at the face of Medusa.

Of course, there are a few people who still secretly watch because this face is so beautiful.

But most people are still full of fear about the unknown. They desperately drilled into the ground, hoping that it would be safe.

Yangdingtian flies quickly.

He is about 7,000 miles from the statue and can fly in less than half an hour.

The distance is getting closer and closer.


The Medusa statue slammed openly.

brush. Brush, brush, brush...

That is very beautiful eyes. It is completely deep like a starry sky, as mysterious as the ocean, if the gem is generally beautiful.

This is the most tempting and most touching eye in the world.

The gaze she shot, like a tangible substance, swept across the ground and in the air.

Yangdingtian is also the first time. Was shot by the gaze.

In an instant, his entire body. Completely solidified.

The whole soul consciousness is almost instantaneously extinguished.

The body that was flying fast, was motionless in the air.

At the same time, the bright parliament army is desperately flying in the air. Whether or not you look at this Medusa statue. After being stunned by the gaze, all one inch and one inch instantly solidified and turned into a stone.

"Brushing brush..."

Thousands of people in the air, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands.

All turned into fossils, whether he is a human being, a demon fox, a half-human, or a flying ride.

All turned into stone.

then. Falling down, falling on the ground, broken bones.

Followed by humans on the ground.

brush. Brush, brush, brush...

Whether it's on the roof, on the street, or in the mountains.

All humans exposed to the surface of the earth are swept by her gaze.

All. They all turned into stones.

And inside the house, in the water. Even a few kilometers underground.

The energy of Medusa's eyes also penetrated layer by layer.

They lived only half a second longer than the people on the ground.

In less than half a second, that terrible energy penetrated the ground a few kilometers and turned them all into fossils.

The statue of Medusa, slowly turning.

Standing at the height of three or four thousand meters, she can overlook the entire northwestern continent, and the territory of Wanli is within her scope of killing.

She keeps turning and turning.

The radius of her eyes is about seven thousand miles.

She turns once every minute.

All of the people in this fan are turned into fossils.

In other words, every minute, people on 200,000 square kilometers will die.

Every minute, it kills hundreds of thousands of people.

At this rate, after six hours, she just turned a circle.

Then, everyone in this circle died clean and turned into fossils.

Take the sunset mountain as the center and the radius is seven thousand miles. It just covers the entire chaos, the North, the Northwest, and some of the Southwest, and some of the ocean.


It turns out that the killing of Medusa is not the same as the previous Medusa trap.

The Medusa trap is to attract all creatures to cast their own nets and then to swallow their energy.

And the Medusa killing in front of us, and the Medusa smashing the Sea Snake Empire more than 10,000 years ago, the Mermaid Empire is not much different.

The only difference is probably. More than 10,000 years ago, Medusa flew by herself. At this time, it stood a statue of tens of thousands of meters.

But the result was exactly the same, and all that was illuminated by her eyes turned into fossils.

Even including Yangdingtian!

In the moment of Yangdingtian, all of them became fossils.

However, after a few minutes, it was thawed one inch and one inch and returned to the human body. After all, he is the body of the demigod.

Even if the Queen of Medusa was more than 10,000 years ago, there was no way to turn the same kind of Naga into a fossil.

At this time, Medusa's gaze has already been irradiated elsewhere.

Yang Dingtian quickly asked in his heart: "Frost, what about the Dark Empire?"

"Nothing." Naga Frost said: "The energy of Medusa's gaze cannot penetrate dark matter."

That's good, Yangdingtian long breathed a sigh of He saw countless humans and instantly turned into fossils.

He didn't even have time to feel sad and angry. After he recovered his body, he immediately flew toward the Medusa statue with the fastest speed.

Although, this Medusa killing is completely different from the Medusa trap.

However, as long as they destroy their eyes, they should be able to stop it.


The body of Yangdingtian is completely transformed into a streamer.

And the statue of Medusa, as if it did not see the general, continued to turn, continue to kill hundreds of thousands of people per minute.

After more than half an hour.

Yangdingtian has already arrived in front of the Medusa statue.

Without saying anything, Yangding rushed to her face. (To be continued)

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