Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1267: Insane devour, repaired by leaps and bounds.

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Sure enough, it was finally successful!

The exact same success as the taboo of the mainland illusion, and indeed between the two energy bodies, opened an absolutely balanced energy gate. With the energy of Tongtian Emperor Jingyin and Yang, they can open them.

Next, it is to enter this energy body space, devour this endless energy.

Yangdingtian body shape flashes, it is necessary to drill into this energy gate.

At this point, the two energy spheres are still only less than ten centimeters in diameter, and the energy gate is only about 10 centimeters in height.

But now for Yangdingtian and Naga Frost, the size and volume of the surface has no meaning.

Naga Frost said: "No, husband, I am advanced."

After all, the frost turned into a streamer and directly penetrated into the energy gate.

If placed before, this behavior of Naga Frost is easily misunderstood as greed, and wants to dominate the energy inside. But in fact, he is only concerned about the safety of Yangdingtian. Two people share life. She is advanced to find out, even if there is any danger, as long as Yangdingtian is safe outside, she will not die.

While she entered the energy space, Yangdingtian read her vision for the first time.

Therefore, everything that Naga Frost saw, Yang Dingtian can also see.


A stream of light generally rushed into the energy space. Suddenly, Yangdingtian and Naga Frost were shocked!

Naga frost, entering the energy of the yin system.

The space inside is really incomparably huge, and it is a huge unimaginable thing.

The entire space is made up of a huge energy vortex.

Incomparably complex energy vortex, a layer of a layer, incomparably complex, incomparably exquisite. The layers are stacked and the rings are wound around.

It seems that there is really a feeling inside the computer CPU, and there is also a way to create isolation space. The dark vortex made with dark black fire is so complicated.

Dark whirlpools, large and small, require hundreds of thousands in total and millions of dark swirl stripes. Every circuit, every channel, every energy can not have any errors.

Therefore, the dark vortex can also be called an incomparably complex energy machine.

The inside of this energy body seen by Yangdingtian is more precise than the dark vortex of the space door. There are tens of millions of lines of energy that can be seen by the naked eye.

These tens of millions of energy, connected to each other, constitute an incomparable space world.

How to describe its size, at this time, Naga Frost has completely restored the original shape of Naga, a huge body of several hundred meters, in this space, it is like a dust.

Yangdingtian, it’s really alive and shocked!

Not only that, it's incredibly huge in the center of the energy vortex. There is a huge gathering of energy, just like a moon. All the swirl lines will pass through it.

The general energy gathering point of this moon is the core of the entire energy space.

Yang Dingtian understands that after all the energy is swallowed, it gathers in the gathering point through this complex and precise energy vortex channel. Then, release it and re-enter the vortex channel. This is a completely closed system. One in and one out, very powerful energy. Always keep flowing and maintain an absolute balance. Even if the energy is enormous, the entire space will not be destroyed or collapsed.


Naga Frost did not immediately take action to swallow.

"French, the energy array inside. Very very complicated and subtle, can not be destroyed at all, if it is destroyed. The consequence is that the destruction and collapse of the entire space, when the entire dark empire is destroyed, will be destroyed." Jia Frost Road.

Yangdingtian nodded. Agree to agree.

Naga Frost said: "There are countless vortices, complex energy channels, and countless energy flows in and out here. Once blocked, it will cause a complete collapse. So, as long as we devour the energy here, it will be interrupted. This flow, the entire energy space will also completely collapse."

These Yangding days are all seen.

Not only that, he even saw it, the energy gate that hit between the two energy bodies is not a space door.

Rather, after the energy of the impact exceeds a certain limit, the energy per unit time exceeds the tolerance of the individual veins of the energy body. In order to protect itself, the two energy bodies close their respective energy and become yin and yang.

Originally, the two energy bodies of the Yin and Yang dual systems were independent closed flow systems. It has been completely opened, so it has become a circulation system between two energy bodies.

The energy of one yin and one yang meets in the middle, cancels each other, and turns into nothingness, so an entrance and exit appears.

Yes, this so-called energy gate is not a door at all, it is simply nothing.

This is because the energy reaches the limit, so the yin and yang meet, and the huge energy is turned into nothing to achieve the purpose of releasing excess energy.

Therefore, with the yin and yang probes, the huge energy impact is not the opening of any energy space door, but the energy load and the self-protection mechanism of the energy body.

Therefore, these two energy bodies are simply an incomparable and incomparably sophisticated energy machine.

Then, to put it another way, these two energy bodies are now releasing their energy quickly. Numerous yin and yang dual-system energy is becoming nothingness and wasted.

Yangding innocence is amazing.

Any machine that is extremely complex and mysterious is largely based on an absolutely simple theory.

For example, the computer CPU, to put it bluntly, is the choice of 0 and 1.

And these two energy bodies, that is, yin and yang.

But when the two are independent, let the energy flow quickly and maintain an absolute balance.

When the energy is overloaded, the yin and yang blend and release the excess energy.

What a simple theory has created such a powerful energy machine.


"French, the human of the eighth era, is really great." Naga Frost said: "In fact, they are even stronger than the Naga. Because they do not rely on the fallen dragon, they become the hegemon of the chaotic world, even they Can resist the destruction of the chaotic world."

Yangding Tiandao: "Yeah, now I finally know why the fallen dragons finally made the semi-god race. We must use the human genes. So, the so-called semi-god race is simply a combination of fallen dragons and humans. And already."

Naga Frost said: "French, but now do this? The energy vortex structure inside is extremely incomparably complex. Any hindrance, any damage, any influence, may destroy its sophisticated and mysterious system, leading to the entire energy body. The crash. So. There is no way to swallow it."

Yes, the entire energy body has extremely powerful energy. But no matter that point, you can't swallow it. Even extremely devastating damage can lead to collapse and destruction.

Yang Dingtian closed his eyes and began to conceive.

Directly into the vortex channel, swallowing, certainly not. That way, interrupting energy flow can cause a crash.

So, directly into the core of the energy body? Certainly not. I am afraid that I have not entered yet, and it has collapsed directly. Moreover, to enter the core, you must pass the incomparably complicated vortex energy channel.

There must be a way, there must be a way.

Suddenly, Yang Tiantian’s eyes jerked brightly.

Yes, there is a way.

Today, the two energy bodies are connected together, constantly releasing their own yin and yang energy to fuse. Turn into nothing.

Then, between the two energy bodies of the pseudo-Dragon eye, there must be a vortex channel connected. Numerous yin and yang energy flows continuously. Blend in the middle.

Then, Yangdingtian and Naga Frost can replace this meeting point.

That is to say, the vortex energy channels of the two energy bodies have their own interfaces. The two interfaces are connected together so that the yin and yang meet. Then. Yangdingtian and Naga Frost replaced these two interfaces.

Yangdingtian acts as a positive interface and Naga Cream acts as a negative interface.

In this way, the energy that was originally neutralized and ablated was poured into the body of Yangdingtian and Naga Frost.

However, the energy flowing out of this unit of time is completely astronomical. Can the body and the sea of ​​Yangdingtian and Naga frost be able to withstand?

After all, this is the energy of the two worlds. The energy that has been swallowed up for more than 10,000 years is extremely amazing.

If Yang Dingtian and Frost's body can't stand it, the only result is that it will immediately vanish.

"Frather, can't bear it." Naga Frost went straight to the road.

She has been reading the mind of Yangdingtian.

"French, your approach is absolutely feasible." Naga Frost said: "But the energy released by these two energy units per unit time is too amazing, we can't bear it."

Yangding Tiandao: "Specific, how big?"

Naga Frost said: "Beyond the 89.5 times the load of our mysterious veins, the only result is that the smoke is gone."

Then, Frost said again: "Before the Naga Empire, every two thousand years, we must take these two energy bodies off, and then there are a dozen and a half gods Naga, released together, swallowed! And now It has accumulated more than 10,000 years of energy, especially for the last time, engulfing the sea of ​​4,900 near-middle **** Naga. Therefore, its energy channel releases energy, which is too much beyond our limit."

Yangding Tiandao: "There is no way at all?"

Naga Frost said: "Of course!"

She rarely showed a playful smile and said: "Your idea is to let us plug the two energy outlets so that energy can flow into my body. But in fact, our two interfaces can also be connected. Together, in this way, some of the energy will enter our sea of ​​urgency first. In addition, most of the energy that exceeds the load will still pass through our body, blending and turning into nothingness!"

Yangding Tianyi, said: "This is also possible?"

Naga Frost said: "Of course, because our body is now an absolute energy body, without any impurities, as an energy conductor is completely no problem."

Yangding Tiandao: "Then, how do we connect our two bodies, how are they connected together?"

Naga Frost said: "Last time, how did we fit together? This time, how to connect."

"Ah..." Yang Dingtian said with amazement: "At this time, doing that kind of thing, not good."

"Well, it is yours, it is the most common connection, even if you can shake hands." Naga Frost said: "Well, you should enter a positive energy body, and then find the intersection of two energy bodies. mouth."


"Hey..." Yangding Tianhua became a streamer and drilled into another energy body.

The structure of this energy body is exactly the same as that of Naga Frost, and the size is exactly the same. It is also a huge array of energy vortexes.

However, the one in which the frost is in is negative, and the whole energy is blue-white, like moonlight. The energy aggregation point in the middle is also like a moon.

In this energy space of Yangdingtian, all the energy is flaming red, and the energy aggregation point in the middle is like a sun.

Two people, constantly approaching the intersection of two energy bodies.

From the outside, the place where the two energy bodies are connected is just a point.

From the inside, these two energy bodies are more than a thousand miles in diameter. But the place to connect is not too big.

Yangdingtian and Frost, constantly flying, constantly flying.

Not long after, I saw the intersection of two energy bodies.

The entire energy body is a closed world. And this intersection is an energy outlet, and the two outlets are closely linked.

Yang Dingtian saw that this energy outlet is only one meter away in diameter. The energy tunnel connects this interface and releases the endless energy.

Now, what Yang Dingtian has to do is to rush directly to block this interface and let energy flow into his body.

Of course, this is a time lag.

"French, as long as 0.01 seconds, these energies can make us smashed and smashed." Naga Frost said: "But below this time, our body can still withstand. So, in this 0.01 second, we want Complete the following things while blocking this energy outlet, while holding your hands, let our bodies connect, and re-open the yin and yang passages of the two energy bodies. It must be completed in 0.01 seconds, and must be completed at the same time, otherwise the result There is only one, that is, the moment is gone."

It's completely impossible to do anything, and it's impossible to switch to anyone in the world.

It is impossible to complete the above actions in 0.01 seconds, let alone two people at the same time.

However, for Naga Frost and Yangdingtian, it is completely effortless.

Completing these things, even half the time is not needed, they can flash in an instant.

Moreover, all the actions are done at the same time, and there is no problem. Because the two people are in the same mind and united.


The two people turned into a streamer, which was easy and blocked the exit of the two energy bodies.

Then, two people hold their hands and connect their bodies.

Throughout the entire process, even one-third of the time did not go to and it was completely completed in an instant.

It was extremely painful to have such a powerful energy poured into the body, but after all, everything happened too fast, and Yangdingtian and Naga Frost had no feeling.

In the shortest time, Yangdingtian and Frost replaced the two energy interfaces, and once again completed the fusion of the two energy bodies.

Then, endless energy, poured into the sea of ​​two people.

Of course, only less than two percent of the energy enters the sea of ​​gas, and the remaining yin and yang dual-system energy cancel each other out.

The whole process is perfect.


The energy before it is like the ocean.

At this time, the energy is completely in the vast universe, and it is inrush.

Yang Dingtian and Naga Frost have endlessly swayed the sea, and they are constantly rising, and they are leaping forward. (To be continued.)

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