Nine Yang Sword Saint

: 1268: Yangdingtian breaks through the gods!

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At this time, the energy of the Yangdingtian is completely in accordance with his tolerance.

So now Yangdingtian wants to know how the energy of the two people in the world is compared with the ruins of the old Naga Empire.

Naga Frost said: "The energy concentration is several times longer than the ruins of the old Naga Empire. The speed of energy flow is countless times the ruins of the old Naga Empire."

Yang Dingtian was shocked, so high?

The speed of energy influx is known to the old Naga Empire. But in terms of energy concentration, in the energy cave of the ruins of the old Naga Empire, the mysterious gas of several hundred thousand times of concentration is already solid, and it is already in the form of energy crystals. It should be at the highest level.

How is the concentration of energy poured into the body in this ancient energy array even more than ten times higher than the solid crystallization?

Because the mind is connected, Naga Frost immediately knew the doubts in Yang Ding Tian Xin.

Laughing: "Wu, I will give you an example. When you started to use radio communication, what is the amount of radio waves that a machine can transmit or receive? Later, it used cable to transmit electronic signals, which is more than 100 times higher. Later, the use of fiber optic cable to spread the light wave signal, how much more than a hundred times?"

Suddenly, Yangdingtian understood.

In the human kingdom, when you are practicing ordinary, you are swallowing Xuan, which is equivalent to receiving signals by radio. The signal per unit time is just listening to a broadcast. The mysterious energy of this time is illusory, invisible and invisible.

In the ruins of the old Naga Empire, the direct engulfing of the mysterious energy crystal is equivalent to the use of cables to transmit electronic signals. Therefore, images and images can be transmitted. The amount of signal transmitted per second has reached several megabytes or more. The mysterious energy at this time is solidified into crystals.

In this ancient energy array, engulfing energy is equivalent to the optical signal transmitted by the cable. The amount of signal transmitted per second can reach a few T or more. And the energy form at this time, Yang Dingtian noticed. Sure enough, it exists in special light.

The humans of the eighth era really surpassed the energy limit of the current cognition, turning the mysterious energy into a light form.

No, this is not just a mysterious energy. This is too narrow. For the eighth era of humans, various energy conversions have become flexible.

Naga Frost said: "So, in fact, how much energy we can devour every second, there is no limit at present. It depends entirely on our seas and mysterious veins. At least for now, most of the energy entering our bodies is wasted. Lost. Over 95%."

Yangding Tiandao: "So, according to this terrible speed of engulfing, how long will it take us to break through the gods?"

Naga Frost said: "More than four months."

Suddenly, Yangdingtian is almost suffocating.

This, this is too much for them!

The original human kingdom had lost the opportunity to break through the semi-god. Later, in the throne of the Dark Empire, it had this opportunity, but it took hundreds of years.

Even in the ruins of the old Naga Empire during the heyday, it took more than a decade to use the devastating devour of the overdraft.

at this time. In this energy array, it only takes four months.

Feeling the horror of the Yangding Day, Naga Frost said: "What's so strange? In your primitive society, it is impossible to build a 100-meter-high building. In the middle Tang Wu Zetian period, use a few 100,000 people, spending a few years in the world, built a Tongtian Futu, that is, more than 100 meters. And when you come to your modern society, fully modeled, a building of more than 100 meters. Two months can be It’s done, and it doesn’t need to be a national effort at all. Just one company can. It’s just building, and the big explosion of knowledge is even more amazing. It’s been thousands of years before the progress of civilization can be accumulated. finished."

Yangding Tianshen takes it for granted.

Naga Frost sighed: "But what I have been searching for is so easy to get, it is really boring."

Yangdingtian is more deeply aware of it.

In the human kingdom, the limit of cultivation at that time was the infinite master. Within a few hundred years, there has been no breakthrough in the Holy Class.

later. To Xiaoxitian, a lot of holy level. This is a subversion of the energy order of the human kingdom.

Then, I went to the New Naga Empire. A lot of near-middle gods are another kind of subversion.

Nowadays, using the energy products of the eighth century human civilization, the model of the Naga Empire is subversive.

Every new civilization, entering a lower civilization, will cause tremendous changes and completely subvert the original order.

It has always been in the known world. The ancient Naga empire was the highest level of civilization, so Naga was so high.

Today, the eighth century human energy civilization is more powerful.

Therefore, Naga Frost also felt a kind of depression.

On the contrary, Yang Tiantian, but there is no bad feeling.

Because, he is very light on energy. What he wants is the continuation of civilization and the guarantee of order.

Therefore, he can stand on the heights.


In this way, Yangdingtian and Naga Frost, every minute and every second, are receiving infinite energy influx.

Every minute, the cultivation of both people is improving.

In the human kingdom, he still needs to swallow.

And now, sleeping with closed eyes is no problem. Because, the source of energy continues to enter the sea of ​​air, after breaking through the limit, the sea of ​​gas automatically changes, breaking the order.

After sharing the demigod of the body with Naga Frost, the sense of emptiness of each breakthrough disappeared completely.

Just a breath of gas, then there is no extra feeling.

Therefore, the so-called cultivation is really floating in the air, motionless.

In this way, time is one minute and one second, and it is lost day by day...

A month later!

Yang Dingtian and Naga Frost have already broken through the 37th order.

This speed is much faster than Yang Tiantian imagined.

Two months later, two people repaired, has broken through the forty-two orders!

And the energy is still pouring in madly, and the breakthrough made by the repair is not slowed down!

After three months of engulfing, the cultivation of two people broke through the forty-sixth order.

At a distance of four months and three days.

Yang Dingtian and Naga Frost, suddenly violently vibrate, then the whole consciousness, the whole spirit. All become nothing.

The brains and the sea of ​​the two people seem to have exploded with a nuclear bomb.

It’s been a good time.

The feeling of everything is gradually returning.

Breaking through the gods, and finally breaking through the gods!

Yangdingtian and Naga frost. Finally broke through the so-called half god!

That's right, this time must add the so-called two words.

Because this demigod is also named after the Naga people, to a large extent, is arrogant and ignorant.

If the Naga Empire is a demigod. What is the human civilization of the eighth era, even though they are very weak on the martial arts.

In other words, Yang Dingtian and Naga Frost succeeded in breaking through the 50th order, and it was the 50th level of Naga.


After breaking through the 50th order, Yangdingtian and Naga Frost continued to swallow.

At this time, there is still one month from the half-yearly period that Yang Dingtian thinks.

At this time, the energy of the energy array. Already more than seventy-nine percent, all of them were swallowed up by the two.

When 100% of the energy enters the sea of ​​two people, and there is no waste at all, then the breakthrough speed of the two people will continue to decline.

Sure enough, after 19 days of breaking through the gods.

The energy of the two pseudo-dragon's eye energy arrays has been swallowed up by the masculine gods.

At this time, the cultivation of Yangdingtian and Naga Frost is fifty-two.

Next, the two men made a breakthrough and it became slower and slower.


The final half of the contract has arrived! The cultivation of two people. The freeze is on the fifty-threeth order.

Fifty-three steps, almost magical fifty-three steps.

First, the ruins of the old Naga Empire were devastated, and then the energy of the eighth civilization of human civilization.

Naga Frost, only spent a few years in the world. It broke through the gods.

The Naga, the ancient Naga empire, is the fastest and fastest, and it takes hundreds of years.

And this breakthrough, the role of Yangdingtian is crucial.

Because, he found the right direction and went to the taboo of the mainland. In the mirror image of the ancient civilization, this strange breakthrough was found.

Civilization determines everything, and the breakthrough with wisdom is far more powerful than the breakthrough of force.


"Frost, just come here." Yangding Tiandao: "The promised world is here, I should go out."

Naga Frost is a bit reluctant, even if the speed of cultivation has been greatly slowed down, but it is still faster than the number of times in the Dark Throne. Compared with the pyramid energy allocation scheme of the ruins of the ancient Naga Empire, it is even more than ten thousand times faster.

In her view, even if Medusa's mental strength is restored, and then the energy is given to Ximen Ningning, controlling her will to kill the surviving human beings, there is nothing.

The dead light will die, and then it will devour energy, and it is important to break through.

However, she did not speak at all. Moreover, this ancient energy array needs two people to devour together, she alone can not carry out.

"Okay." Naga Frost said: "But the husband, we are repaired, may not be the opponent of Medusa."

Yangding Tiandao: "I know, but as long as we find the traces of Medusa, she will stop slaughtering the remaining humans and immediately will us as the primary goal."

Naga Frost nodded and agreed with Yang Dingtian’s statement. However, she still said: "If necessary, we will continue to enter this ancient energy array to swallow, there is still a lot of energy left. This is almost the only way we can make a breakthrough."

"I know." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, two people violently detached from the energy port and turned into a streamer, rushing out of the huge illusory light.


The figure of two people rushed out of the energy body of the pseudo-dragon, and appeared in the hall of the sky.

At this point, the two energy bodies are still less than ten centimeters in diameter.

The door of nothingness in the middle is still open.

It is difficult to open this energy gate, is it more difficult to close it?

No, it's very simple.

The two energy bodies are separated directly and the channel is automatically cut off.

Then, the two energy bodies automatically become independent closed-loop energy systems, self-circulating and reaching equilibrium.

Put the two energy bodies back into the space ring, and then ask the heavens on the dark throne of the Yangding Heaven: "The father-in-law, you can. You will restore the temple."

Asked the day did not answer.

Then, control the Dark Throne and let the two energy probes retreat.

Then, the yin and yang reflections of the general temple of the sky began to slowly overlap.

After two hours, one yin and one yang have two light and shadows in the temple, completely overlapping.

In an instant, the temple of the sky became the essence, and it was restored to the same as before.

After completing all this, ask the sky to go straight down from the throne, and the sun rises to the top of heaven: "Constrain my mysterious veins and the sea of ​​air, and consciousness, then freeze it."

Yangding nodded and said, "Sorry."

Going forward, I will ask everything about the day. Then, re-send it into the energy-tight room, put it into the non-freezing water, and completely freeze it!

And Naga Frost, with the energy storm, scraped the Dark Throne again and again.

Then, sit back on the dark throne.

Yang Dingtian is speechless, asking if the day is a man, but after all, it is his father-in-law. Naga Frost also showed such a disgusting appearance, not willing to touch the chair that the other party had done, and wished to use the energy storm to cut off a layer.

"I have given it to you here." Yangding Tiandao.

Naga Frost nodded.

It is said that Yangdingtian will go to the base of the soul hall, through the energy signal released by Medusa, and reverse the trajectory search. It is necessary to push a large amount of energy to the target position of Medusa. The energy of a person in Yangdingtian may not be enough, and the energy of Naga Frost needs to be added.

However, the two people share energy, so even if they are separated by thousands of miles, Yangdingtian can directly use the energy of the frost.

And at this time, Naga Frost is on the throne of the dark, continually engulfing energy. The energy of this dark throne may not be enough as a breakthrough in the sea of ​​seas, but as a battle of mystery, it is more than enough.


Yang Dingtian rushed out of the dark empire and once again came to the ground.

At this time, tens of thousands of meters of Medusa killing, still stand.

And the entire human kingdom is still dead!

Yangdingtian used the fastest speed to fly to the southwestern mainland.

At the southern end, I saw dense people. Fortunately, Medusa did not launch a new attack here.

Then, Yangdingtian flew to Nanmanzhou, and there was no trace of attack.

Then, Yangdingtian flew into the ghostly land again.

At this time, there have been millions of people living here. However, after all, it is the territory of the undead. Living in this area, even if it is not attacked by the undead, the vitality of every day will be lost.

Yangdingtian landed in the ghostly land and issued new orders.

The surviving human beings immediately evacuated the ghosts and moved to the islands of the vast sea to live.

Because, immediately it is the counterattack of Yangdingtian. Therefore, the safety of this group of people will have certain guarantees.

Finally, Yangdingtian flew into the ice and snow.

He originally thought that life here should be the most difficult.

Because there is nothing but ice and snow here.

The result is okay, because the materials brought in the evacuation are also rich enough. Despite casualties, most of the humans survived in the snow.

However, there is a shortage of materials soon.

Yangdingtian immediately let Naga Frost control the dark dragons, transport a large amount of materials, and go through the passage of underground dark matter to the ice and snow for replenishment.

Fortunately, it is in the snow and ice, the area where dark matter spreads, and all other places are shrouded in the death of Medusa, and it is impossible to pass through.

After finishing all this.

Yangdingtian flies east to the grassland, goes to the pyramid, and is away from the soul temple!

Next, he wants to find the place where Medusa is in a special way, away from the Temple of the Soul! (To be continued.)

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