Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 284: : Dongfang Ice Ling's debt!

“How many levels did I break through?” Yang Dingtian trembled and asked.

"You broke through the 16th level." The East Nirvana said: "You are now a six-star Wu Zong-class powerhouse, and there are only four levels from Wu Zunqiang."

"What?" Yang Dingtian once again stunned.

Sixteen? After half a year of coma, he even broke through the amazing 16th level.

Can you upgrade when you sleep? This kind of good thing, when is it on your head.

"There is still a more shocking thing." The East Nirvana said: "In your qi, there is a heart fire, and it is a mysterious fire, it is the real Yiling demon fire. You have Xuanhuo Now, you have become the strongest person in the world. From now on, you can practice twenty-four hours a day, you can forge the soul sword, you can refine the martial arts, you can do what you almost want to do. Everything, because you have a mysterious fire. Next, even if you don't have any adventures, you can break through the master class for up to five years. For more than ten years, you can reach the master's strongest repair, and that At the time, you were twenty years younger than the master."

"I have a mysterious fire?" Yang Dingtian suddenly stunned his body, although he was psychologically prepared, but after confirming this matter, he was still full of incredible ecstasy.

Xuan Huo, the symbol of the world's top powerhouse.

At present, the whole world, with Xuanhuo, does not exceed five or six people.

With Xuanhuo, all of them will break through the big masters.

Now, Yangdingtian has a mysterious fire.

God still loves him Yang Tiantian.

For this mysterious fire, Yangdingtian paid the most.

Experienced thousands of difficulties, countless setbacks.

The first fake fire was swallowed up by Yan.

The second ice Xuanhuo was swallowed up by the Oriental Ice Ling.

At that time, Yangdingtian paid all but was cheaper. But he still has not been knocked down, he wants to use the energy of red spar to make a breakthrough. However, the red spar quickly lost all its energy.

At that time, Yangding was in desperate to be desperate and would collapse.

Just when Yangdingtian was completely desperate, the real Yiling demon fire bloomed, and actively entered the body of Yangdingtian, actively self-refining, and actively entered his sea of ​​air into a heart fire.

The previous process is extremely difficult, tortuous, and frustrating.

Later, Yangdingtian was sleeping, and Xuanhuo was sent to the door. He closed his eyes and got a mysterious fire. He closed his eyes and broke through the 16th level.

Is there anything more bizarre in the world?

Yangding naively does not know whether it is time to cry or to laugh.

God still loves him very much, but he also loves to play with him.

Yangdingtian closed his eyes and went to sense the sea.

Sure enough, a flowing flame burned there quietly. It looks like it's no different, but it is full of aura, just like another life in the Yangding celestial body, completely like an arm.

The power of this mysterious fire is incredibly amazing, and the effect is incredibly amazing. It can be said that as long as time permits, it is completely invincible.

For a long time, Yangdingtian couldn’t help but be a little bit tempted to try it out.

"Not good..." But soon, Yangdingtian thought of a very, very important thing.

Half a year has passed, but the Oriental Ice Ling is letting him wake her up in a month. You must know that the Eastern Ice Ling has entered the deepest level of silence. The time of one month is almost the limit. Now half a year has passed.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian quickly opened his eyes and turned away.

At first glance, I saw the oriental ice icing that was still naked, completely like a sculpture, sitting on the ground.

At this time, the oriental ice icicles still seem to be frozen, no heartbeat, no breathing, no pulse.

Yang Ding Tian Er said nothing, directly pushed the oriental ice to the ground, and then separated her legs,

In an instant, the most beautiful and mysterious lower body of the Oriental Ice Ling is completely open.

This picture is completely bloody, but Yang Dingtian can't take care of it. He directly uses his fingers to find the key points of the oriental ice in her perineum, and then pulls out a golden needle from the space ring. The key points of the spurt slammed into it.

Suddenly, the body of the Oriental Ice Ling trembled fiercely. In an instant, Yangdingtian felt an incredible amount of energy.

It was uploaded from the body of the Oriental Ice Ling. Her mysterious veins, her sea of ​​air, poured out incomparably powerful energy, much stronger than the previous Oriental ice.

In the past six months, the Oriental Ice Ling has also been refining the Xuan Huo, it seems that the repair has also made an amazing breakthrough.

Yangdingtian has a long and sigh of relief, and has a strong mysterious energy, which means she is not dead. If the Eastern Ice Ling died because he did not wake up in time, his conscience will always be uneasy.

Then, Yangdingtian felt that the Oriental Ice Ling gradually recovered its vitality.

After stabbing the key points of the Eastern Ice Ling, Yang Dingtian sat up with the tender body of the Oriental Ice Ling, waiting for her to wake up.

However, the Oriental Ice Ling did not wake up!

Yangdingtian put her ear on her chest!

Have a heartbeat!

Then, Yang Dingtian put it in front of her nose.

Have breathing.

Then, Yang Dingtian went to touch her pulse, which is also normal beating.

The signs of life are all right.

Whether it is heartbeat, breathing, or pulse, it shows that the body of the Oriental Ice Ling is unprecedentedly healthy.

Half a year ago, because of Barbie’s self-destruction, she was still dying. Xuanmai broke dozens of places and could die almost at any time.

Now she has completely healed.

Even her beautiful face has a faint blush, which makes her look more beautiful.

Her health is unprecedented, and she is much stronger than half a year. But, can't just wake up, what is going on?

Yangding Tian was suddenly panicked.

So, he once again pushed the Oriental Ice Ling to the ground, and once again pierced the golden needle into the hole of her perineum.

The body of the Oriental Ice Ling trembled, but still did not wake up.

Next, Yang Dingtian began to use all kinds of means, among the people, using electric shocks.

Oriental ice, never wake up.

what on earth is it? Being healthy and strong, you can't wake up.

From the space ring, Yang Dingtian found a set of long skirts for the Oriental Ice Ling, and then told the master to complete the whole thing.

"Master, what is going on here? Oriental Bingling's body is very healthy, and Xuanqi is stronger than before, but why is it completely unconscious?" Yangding Tiandao.

The Eastern Nervous Breath is full of worries, saying: "Small heaven, the oriental ice is too long to silence, and the consciousness has completely stopped. In the language of your earth, she became a vegetative person."

"Plants?" Yang Dingtian was shocked.

"Yes, vegetative." The East Nirvana said: "For the purpose of healing, in order to refine more Xuanhuo energy, let herself enter the silence.

That is to say, using mental techniques to force your consciousness and brain to almost stop thinking, only to keep the rotation of the deepest consciousness. During this time, she will not have any consciousness, nor will she dream at all. It is totally different from sleeping in a coma. In addition to being alive, the spirit seems to be completely dead. In this case, cultivation can do more with less. But the limit of this silence is one month. Once it is exceeded, the spirit and consciousness of this person will be completely silent, unable to be awakened and become the vegetative people on your planet. ”

"How could this be?" Yang Dingtian instantly fell into an endless stream of embarrassment.

He promised to have an oriental ice cream and awakened her for a month, but now it has been half a year.

Although the Oriental Ice Ling is his enemy, the Yangding Day at this time is still in great pain. Before I got the ecstasy of Xuanhuo, I broke through the ecstasy of the 16th level and disappeared without a trace.

"Children, this does not blame you, is the billion spirits of the fire to let you completely lose the knowledge of God." The Eastern Nirvana saw Yang Dingtian so painful, and said comfort.

"No, this is my responsibility." Yangding trembled: "Master, is there any way to let her recover her consciousness and let her wake up? No matter what, what the cost."

The Eastern Nirvana sighed a sigh: "I also hope that there is, because she is my daughter after all, but I really don't know if there is any way to wake up a person who has stopped knowing. Her situation is better than you on earth. The vegetative people are more serious."

"Is there really no way?" Yangding Tiandao.

"I really don't know what to do."

“What about holy water? Will it be useful?” Yangding Tiandao.

"Holy water may cure any injury, but the Oriental Ice Ling is not injured now, she just stopped the spirit."

Although knowing that the master is justified, Yangdingtian still took a cup of holy water from the space into the small mouth of the oriental ice.

This cup of holy water, the face of the beautiful ice of the East has a blush, but she still does not wake up. She is still closed and her eyes are not showing any signs of rotation, indicating that she has no dreams.

Yangdingtian does not give up, but also extracts some of the best medicinal herbs from the space ring, so that the Oriental Ice Ling will not be of any use.

"Ah..." Yang Dingtian screamed and slammed his fist on the red spar.

Then, lying directly on the ground, desperately thinking about various ways.

However, at this time his brain is full of chaos, and there is no way. Can only lie down and look at the pool above.

At this time, Yangdingtian suddenly felt that the back of the brain was wet, and there was a warm feeling.

He couldn't help but get hot. Did the water flow down? Impossible, this time, whoever can not enter this space.

However, if it is not the water in the pool above, where is the water from the wet top?

Yang Dingtian stretched his hand on the hair, and it was really wet.

Looking around, he knew where the water came from.

Because, the skirt between the legs of the Oriental Ice Ling, at this time a wet.

Because of her cessation of spirit and knowledge, and before drinking holy water, she was incontinent. (To be continued, this article is provided by the Dawning Update Group @芊羽漠漠.) If you like this work, you are welcome to come and choose the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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