Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 285: : Take care! marriage?

Yang Dingtian almost dared to look at the scene in front of him.

Oriental ice ah, nine days of mysterious girl.

The world's most proud, most powerful, and the most frosty person. Very restrained. Nibi is graceful and elegant.

Now, even peeing pants.

Yangdingtian can't do anything. She can only take off the skirt she just put on and clean it in the pool above. Then use Wansi Xuejin dipped in the pool water to clean the body of the Oriental Ice Ling. After drying it, use the flaming scent to dry the washed skirt and dress it again.

There is no way, there is only one set of skirts in her space ring, or the Ningning sister put it inside.

After changing the skirt for the Oriental Ice Ling, Yang Dingtian told the master of the East Nirvana: "Master. Oriental ice Ling urine pants."

There is not much horror in the Eastern Nirvana, a sigh: "Normal things, there will always be in the future."

Yangding Tianyi said: "Master, then how should I take care of her?"

"Send her to Yin Yangzong and let her mother take care of her. You still have to do something important to do: "The Eastern Nirvana: "But on the way to send her to Yin and Yangzong, there is no need to give her food, half You can take a medicinal herb every month. However, the water should be drunk as usual, so the diaper will often be there in the future, and there may be several times a day. Also, often bathe her and massage the body. In short, She sent it to the road of Yin Yangzong, you have to take care of it:"

Yang Dingtian once again fell into silence. After a long time, he suddenly said: "Master, I want to wake her up."

"No, absolutely not." Oriental Nirvana said: "Send her to Yinyangzong her mother, then you go to do your own thing, you have more important things to do. You have to kill the abyss lord You have to go to the remaining nine hundred thousand years of blood Wujin, you need to forge a real soul engraving, as long as you want to break through the Wuzun class in a short time, so in the big battle of the city, you will have Winning. And, you still need to pick up the flames:"

Yangding Tiandao: "Master, but I really want to wake her up:"

"No, this is the order." The East Nirvana said: "Now, you will leave here, leave the East from the grassland, send the Oriental ice to the Yinyang Zong can also be sent to Yang Peipei to take care of it. In short, you have to do Your own business."

Yang Dingtian continued to silence, but after a long time he slowly said: "Master, if the East Ice has been going on like this, what is the significance of my strength?"

"Stupid!" The Eastern Nirvana screamed and shouted: "Is your strength completely to defeat the Eastern Ice Ling? The power of your fault is to save the Yunxiao City, to save the Yin and Yang dynasty, and even to save the whole world."

Then, the Eastern Nirvana said: "Children, tell you the truth, because you are not strong enough, so there is a bigger secret I have not told you. Your mission is still very big, you can not be the primary and secondary parts. Children you million Don't let me down. You will leave now and send the Oriental Iceberg back. Then do your own thing."

Yangdingtian still did not respond.

The voice of the Eastern Nirvana suddenly changed a little more softly: "Children, Oriental Ice Ling is my daughter, to say that love and care, I am the most painful person in the world. But you really have more important things. To do what you are not just the hope of the master, but also the hope of the West Endless, is the flame of Ximen, is the hope of many people. Go, now leave here."

"Oh...", Yang Dingtian did not answer, sighed deeply and then picked up the oriental ice, picked up the mysterious, slammed into the pool above, and left the red spar space.

After entering the water, because the sun is full of sighs, the water is not close to the side of Yangdingtian, and the clothes of the two people will not be wet at all.

Yangdingtian is constantly rising.

At this time, the original kilometer of the pool and the central lake have no boundaries and become a part of the entire lake.

A minute later, the sky was rushing out of the water with the ice.

He finally left here. This mirror-like central lake, he stayed for more than half a year.

After rushing out of the water, the Yangding Tianfan moved the empty wing and flew toward the sky.

The entire center lake is still as clear as a mirror, and the sky is still washed like water. The entire bone-buried land is almost the same as it was half a year ago.

A little bit of nostalgia looked at it, and then Yangdingtian flew in the direction of the south with the oriental ice.

When the edge of the bone-laying land was near the fox-man territory, Yangdingtian landed from the air and ran on the ground with the oriental ice rink, because if it was still in the air, it would be too eye-catching.

The destination of his trip was still the Fox people. Although the master ordered him not to worry about the Eastern Ice Ling, Yang Dingtian was still very reluctant. No matter how much she hated the oriental ice, she was the only daughter of the master, and she became like this because of Yangdingtian. The most important thing is that Yangdingtian will beat her upright after four years.

Therefore, he has to find a way to rescue the oriental ice.

The Eastern Ice Ling was stopped by the imprisonment in the depths of consciousness, so it was impossible to wake up. If you want to wake her up, you must think of it mentally.

Compared with humans, the half-human is more mysterious, and the talents of all aspects are higher than humans. Therefore, in the rescue of the oriental ice, the half-humans have more surprises and can’t say.

Yangdingtian entered the territory of the Fox people with the Oriental Ice Ling.

At this time, he was covered in a black cloak. This dress is not very bizarre, because many priests are dressed like this. As for the oriental ice, it is placed directly on the horse.

The Fox people have three tribes in the east from the grasslands, adding up to more than one million. The three tribes are still united in the big issue, but there are also internal disputes.

This day, Bella is the largest of the three tribes, with about four hundred and fifty thousand, nearly a thousand miles.

The same is the Fox family, the reason is divided into three, because the three fox people have a different appearance. The Beira family is very, very similar to humans, with only the tail and the characteristics of the fox in the ear. The other two foxes, one of them has not only the tail, the ears, but also the eyes, and even the face has the characteristics of a fox. The other one, in addition to these, even has fox characteristics on both feet, it seems that it is not quite human.

Therefore, among the three foxes, Bella is also the closest to human beings. Of course, because the solitary phoenix dances come to steal their sacred objects, this and the closeness with human beings are bound to be severely impacted.

The fox-man tribe where Bella is located every day, the central city is called Nabella. Of course, it is a city. In fact, it is only a larger market town. The last time Yangding Tianzhouzhou entered, it was directly put into a closed carriage, and it passed without a clear look:

This time, re-enter the Bella, Yang Dingtian carefully saw the market town:

The whole was pulled, built in a huge valley, except for the huge gates that entered the place, almost no trace of the city, just a relatively large village.

The densely populated houses are scattered throughout, stone-built, and wooden. Although not magnificent, there is no lack of beauty:

After entering the city of the valley, I suddenly saw countless houses, built on the hills, and spread dozens of miles away. Many roads, like ribbons, stretch out to the horizon, and are indeed full of extraordinary visual impact. However, after entering the pull, Yang Dingtian still felt a tense atmosphere. Most of the houses have gold coins on the door, and there are few pedestrians on the road. Most of the shops on the roadside are closed. On the road, there is often a patrol cavalry passing by.

The fox family of Bella every day seems to have something, but it should not be a big event of foreign invasion, because the gates are not very strict, and Yangdingtian has not encountered any cross-examination on the road.

Yangdingtian didn't know where the house of Bella was, and he was not the patriarch. So when he asked someone to ask for it, he knew that Beira lived on the top of the mountain.

Yangdingtian was about to urge the horse to run to the top of the mountain. Suddenly a pair of fox knights chased him up and said, "Are you going to the castle of the patriarch?"

Yang Ding Tian Xin suddenly filled with alert, nodded, and did not answer.

"We have been waiting for you for a long time, adults." The leader of the team of knights said: "We will **** you to see the patriarchs Yangdingtian could not help but glimpse, what does this knight's words mean? I have been waiting for myself for a long time? I know that Yangdingtian is dressed up in disguise, no one knows himself. But after a while hesitating, Yangdingtian nodded and followed the knight to the day, Bella’s house.

The patriarch's house of Bella every day is a castle of several hundred acres. It is built with boulder and big wood. It is the most similar building of the whole fox-like tribe in style and humanity. It can also be seen that this person is close to human beings. .

The whole castle did not look magnificent, but there was no lack of beauty and elegance. Even the color of the stone is faint white. However, after entering the castle, Yangdingtian clearly felt a repressed atmosphere. All the warriors, all the servants, all the maids walked cautiously, did not dare to make any sound, and did not talk to each other. But the entire castle is covered with red and festive banners, as if there is any big joy.

"Are you a happy event for the nobles?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Yes." The knight leader said: "After three days, our Xiangxiang princess will be married to Lei Ming."

Fragrant Princess? Yangding Tiandun remembered the girl who was tender and gentle but full of aura. She should be regarded as the most beautiful girl in the fox family, beautiful and dazzling.

~(To be continued "This article is provided by Dawning Update Group @毁梦n". If you like this work, you are welcome to come and choose the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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