Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 290: : God's 1 kind of Yangdingtian (middle)

First, it can't be cured every day. Bella, the incense sticks in public and does not say that N gives up the patriarch's hereditary right, it is completely shocking.

For the millennium, the patriarchs of the fox family have been passed down from generation to generation. The hereditary power is completely uncontroversial. If the patriarch does not have a son, then the patriarch will pass it on to the daughter, and recruit one, and the daughter will enter the shackles. The son born is still the name of Bella, and inherits the position of the patriarch.

If a patriarch has neither a son nor a daughter, then adopt one from the same family, and the son integrates the patriarch’s position.

Therefore, Xiangxiang Princess said that it is a great temptation to let the patriarchs' hereditary rights and completely earth-shattering things happen to all the elders present.

All the elders of the fox family are the leaders of the ancestors of the surnames. They can never be the fox patriarchs.

Once you become the patriarch of the fox family, then the family of this person will expand and expand instantly. Because the entire semi-human family, the territory that each family can have, the number of troops is different: in order to let the patriarch have great power, the patriarch has almost half of the territory and army.

In order to save his father, there is a singer of the singer, and the conditions for this killer copper are raised.

At this point, the thunder face changed completely. Of course, he saw the difference. The Xiangxiang princess insisted that Naru treats Bella every day. It is obviously full of doubts and warnings about Lei Ming and Gru: Moreover, the relationship between Nalu and Xiangxiang is definitely different. In general, the previous hostility must be playing.

In this way, thunder is dangerous:

Or, if Naruzhi is good for Bella every day, then the death of Thunder will arrive. Because now Xiang Xiang is probably already aware of the thundering plot:

At this time, when competing for the right to heal, Yang Dingtian can of course expose the thunder of the conspiracy. At this time, the elders of the Fox people are there, and thunder is not afraid to kill people. However, he revealed that Lei Ming’s conspiracy did not have any evidence. It can be said that Naru was smeared with thunder for competing for the right to cure, so Yangdingtian never disclosed it:

At this time, the killer copper of Xiangxiang came out, giving up the patriarch's hereditary power. These elders suddenly changed. path.

"Yes, the old patriarch is the father of Xiangxiang Princess. He has the power to decide who to treat:"

"Yeah, and when the old patriarch was unconscious, the Xiangxiang princess is the only inheritance, basically equivalent to the patriarch, and has the right to exercise the patriarch."

F to everyone's words and fragrances finally sighed.

Of course, she has no confidence and confidence in whether Yang Dingtian can cure her father. She hasn’t had much dealings with Yangding, and she only had a good feeling before: this and the good feelings come from Yang Dingtian’s life saved her life and Yang Dingtian is human. Her heart is always full of human beings. Then there is Yangdingtian flying, once took her to the sky.

Everything about this peace and harmony is still just a good feeling and likes not to become a love for men and women at all.

In the state, the two people were forced to have an unusually close relationship, which caused a qualitative change in the psychology of Xiangxiang. And after knowing the thundering wolf ambition, she can only pin all her hopes on Yangdingtian.

And even if Yang Dingtian can't save her father, then it is better for her to give the position of the patriarch to other powerful families in the fox family than to fall into the hands of the thunder thief.

Lei Ming is her righteous brother, and her father is also very important.

Even, it is the meaning of the selection of the husband for the fragrance of the singer.

Everyday Bella is an infatuated person. After his wife dies, even if there is only one daughter, there is no meaning.

And all the time, although Xiangxiang has no male and female feelings for thunder, it also has brother and sister friendship. After only discovering a secret of thunder, the incense is full of nausea and disgust against thunder:

Moreover, after the father was seriously injured, the personnel were not saved. At the Presbyterian Conference, Lei Ming asked Xiang Xiang to go to the temple to bless the blessings, use moral pressure to drive away the incense from the side of Bella, and then completely control all the armed forces of the Patriarchal Castle.

At this point, Xiang Xiang is already full of alert to thunder.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian talked about the thundering wolf ambition, and after the scent was slightly horrified, Li actually believed.

Therefore, there is nothing to be done between thunder and lightning. He only knows that if this Nauru is cured every day, Bella, then it is a dead end:

In a panic, Thunder couldn’t help but glance at Gru.

Gru's money stepped out, facing the top of the road: "This gentleman invited!"

Yangding stepped forward in the sky and sat in front of Gru.

"My real name is not called Gru, but Yin Tianchong. Have you ever heard of it?" Nagru slowly said.

Yang Dingtian quickly asked in his mind: "Master, who is this Yin Tianchong?"

The Eastern Nirvana exclaimed: "Yin Tianchong? It used to be the elder of Xuantianzong. He suddenly disappeared more than ten years ago. He did not expect to have come here. At that time, he was very high in Xuantianzong. He was an alchemy teacher and a beast. By."

Yangdingtian looked up with a slight gaze: "Yin Tianchong? Xuantianzong elders, alchemy masters, beasts, the status is almost second only to Zhu Qingzhu, missing for more than a decade, I did not think that you are here."

This time, it is Gru's turn to be surprised that his position in Xuan Tianzong was very high ten years ago, but he is low-key and knows not many people. In addition, after the Qingzhu master screamed to kill him, so the world knows that his people are very, very few: but did not think that this Naru would know that it is not easy to see this person.

"Xuan Tianzong, the second in the world, I am the alchemy elder of Xuantianzong, the elder of the beast. So in the world, whether it is alchemy or ruling, I am afraid that there are not many people who surpass me." Gru faint "The patriarchs of the day delay the rise and fall of the entire fox family, so the treatment should be safe. So I would like to ask the brothers to show the name in human civilization. If there is a skill, I am naturally modest. Of course, the brothers should also pay attention to Whether it is a spiritual master or a refining pharmacist in human civilization, an outstanding expert, I will know one."

Gru’s meaning is very clear. If Yang Dingtian tries to impersonate it, he will definitely be exposed directly.

Yang Dingtian smiled slightly: "When I say the true identity, can Mr. Gru tell me, why did you suddenly disappear in Xuantianzong?"

"I have offended Zhu Qingzhu and prevented him from practicing some and very terrible martial arts." Gru faintly said:

At this time, Yang Dingtian’s heart couldn’t help but jump. Is this Gru’s certain and terrible martial arts referring to the soul of the soul?

"Now, the brothers should say your true identity:" Gru Dao.

Yang Dingtian sighed deeply, opened his cloak and revealed an ugly face, slowly saying: "The Nether Sea, the extinction of the head!"

As soon as this statement came out, the body of Gru suddenly shocked.

Yang Dingtian said that the extermination of the tortoise is real, and it is also the most refining pharmacist in the Netherland. At that time, the terrible injury of Yangdingtian was that he was cured.

Yang Dingtian didn't see him after he woke up, but he often touched in the coma, and he also knew his appearance through the portrait in the Nether Sea.

Therefore, Yang Dingtian eyes rely on this appearance to wear an approximate human skin mask, and then make up the makeup, dressed as an extinct head, of course, it is not exactly the same, but extremely ugly people are always very similar.

"Destroy the brothers? Is it really you?" Gru said with amazement: "I really didn't think of it. I want to say that there are more than me in the world of refining and healing. I am only convinced that only one brother is extinct. However, the extermination of the brothers in the Nether Sea is outstanding, why is it to this? If I remember correctly, the people of the Nether Sea can not leave without order."

Yang Dingtian sighed faintly: "I got a blood from the Naga, golden yellow:"

When this was said, there was a sudden change in the spot. The blood of the Naga is the treasure of heaven and earth.

Unlike humans, the great energy of the Naga is contained in the blood. And the blood of the Naga is more direct, using color to distinguish the level, the golden Naga blood is the highest level. If there is a tube of Naga blood, whether it is refining medicinal herbs or modulating syrup, it can make a person's cultivation leaps and bounds.

"I won't have to say it next..." Yangding Tiandao.

Glu Dao: "If you are really an extermination brother, then the patriarch of the ruling must of course be started by the brothers. But it matters a lot, can the brothers find something that can prove their identity, such as the blood of the Naga that you said ?"

Gru’s words are completely ill-conceived. If Yangdingtian can't get the blood of Naga, of course, he can't prove his identity. If Yangdingtian can take out the blood of Naga, then the greed of the whole fox family will be ruined. It will be difficult for him to leave the country and leave the grassland.

"I have already handed over the blood of Naga, otherwise I still have a life there? Of course, even if I surrender the blood of Naga, I will never return to the human land." Yangdingtian lamented.

"Oh, the world is always full of lamentations, but the east is far from the grassland, and it is like a paradise. You and I are the best people who have no desire for it."

"Also." Yangding Tiandao, the voice is full of infinite desolate.

Yang Dingtian’s play is extremely outstanding. Xiang Xiang knows that this man is Yang Dingtian, and he can’t help but regard him as the extinct head of the Netherland.

Gru went on to say: "I certainly believe in the extermination of the brothers, but things are too great. If the brothers can't find other things to prove their identity, then rely on this person to let the younger brother treat, of course, the brothers are also helping. Pointing. This is the patriarch of the day, that is, the two of us will work together to save."

At this time, Yangdingtian could not help but sigh. This person is really extremely hot. Every word is hidden in the needle, which makes people completely unable to refuse. However, it is of great importance in the immediate future. Of course, he will not be tied by the means of Gru. He just smiled and said: "In fact, there is another method. I will let Yin Brother F listen:"

Gru laughed: "The extermination of the brothers is definitely high, and the eyes are washed out!"

Yangding Tiandao: "How is this? We are going to try medical skills. Whoever is more brilliant will be able to treat the patriarchs."

Gru smiled: "This is of course good."

Everyone nodded again and again, and felt that this proposal was very good and the most just.

Glu Dao: "But there is no first in the text, no second in medicine. This is not like martial arts. It is not easy to compare with the high paper."

Yangding Tiandao: "In this way, we have found ten dying people. Some serious injuries, some serious illnesses, etc. can be. Then you and I will pick up five people to heal, to see who will save more in the shortest time. The person is limited to one hour, how?"

Gru has not yet expressed his opinion, and everyone has nodded and said that this method is good. This time, the fragrance of the fragrance of the Princess is full of worry and look forward to the sun. She knows the most clearly about the bottom of Yangdingtian. She knows that he is not a medically brilliant extermination head, but his opponent is actually the real Xuan Tianzong refining master Yin Tianchong. Compared with this, she is only afraid that Yangdingtian is No chance of winning.

"The method of extermination of the brothers is really good, just like this." Grudow.

Suddenly, the two sides made a decision to conduct a medical test, who won the Beira treatment.

After half an hour, I found ten dying dying people.

The situation of these ten people is also different, some are serious injuries, some are old, some are serious, some are poisoned, some are life-like zero and so on.

In short, it is impossible for either side to want the left arm in this and the situation.

Ten dying people lay on the ground, and suddenly there was a decaying atmosphere in the bedroom, but there was no sound of mourning, because these screams did not have the strength.

"Destroy the brothers, you are the sages, you choose first." Gru is very graceful.

Yang Dingtian is also welcome, and directly selected five dying people: And, the five people he chose are still very serious, and it seems that they may die at any time.

Gru also chose another person.

After picking up the pro, the two sides began to treat, and they were treated under the eyes of the public. There was no cover at all.

Gru's means of treatment, such as peers and rivers, do whatever they want, no difficulty and stagnation, completely calm, almost no fireworks between the movements, looks very comfortable, let people know that this is a master at a glance. His practice of medicine is similar to that of the world's refining master. He enters Xuanqi induction and takes medicinal herbs. However, one of the more powerful methods of Gru is that the medicinal herbs are melted in the palm of your hand and then delivered directly to the patient's key points:

The first person, who was completely unconscious, had a whole face that was blue and thin and had no human form. Moreover, even breathing and heartbeat are not felt.

However, under the treatment of Gru, his face gradually became rosy, and his chest had ups and downs and began to breathe.

After only one frying bell, this, the person who died will actually open his eyes and then sit up in sorrow.

During the time, some people in the place opened their eyes and looked at the scene incredulously.

"God skills, God's skill..."

Everyone exclaimed that Lei Ming’s face was a little more proud, and Xiang Xiang had more worry.

After curing the first one, Gru came to the second person.

This is a handsome young man who is squinting and not coma at this time, but his body is completely unable to move. And at this time his face was not pale, but a strange blush was surging.

Then, an elder suddenly came out and bowed down on the Gelu face: "Gruid, this person is my son: in the battle with the wolf, the wolf is riding with a giant hammer In the middle, the internal organs have been shattered. Now it is completely smothered with mysterious spirits and treasures, even if it does not last for three days, I ask the Gruids to save my son..."

Gru quickly stepped forward to raise the person, and entered a mysterious feeling to feel the injury of this young man, suddenly brows slightly wrinkled.

"What? Nothing saved?" the elder was shocked.

"It may not be saved if you switch to someone else, but since I am there, I might have saved." At this time, Gru’s words finally showed a arrogance.

Then, he pulled out a jade tube from his arms and poured out a red thing from it.

When the thing fell to Gru's palm, it began to squirm, and everyone saw it clearly. This is a red bug, a bit like a grasshopper on earth.

"This is a god-dead worm, almost undead, can be divided into countless lives, can be integrated and integrated anywhere:" Gludo: "This thing is a treasure between heaven and earth, your son is lucky to meet I got this worm, otherwise the gods are coming and it is hard to save."

Then, Gru's palms rushed out of a mysterious atmosphere, and the whole palm became red, and began to tremble at an extremely high speed: suddenly, the eternal life of the palm of the hand was broken into countless From dozens to hundreds of winters to thousands of tens of thousands, and finally completely subtle to the naked eye is almost invisible.

After splitting the 10,000-year-old worm into the extreme, Yang Dingtian’s palm slammed on the back of the young man:

Suddenly, the countless tiny sacred worms directly plunged into the young man's body, and Gru ran a mysterious temper, began to control these sacred gods, and repaired his broken internal organs.

Three minutes passed.

Five minutes passed.

Ten minutes passed:

Eighteen minutes passed.

The miracle happened. The faint blush on the face of this dying young man gradually dissipated, and the light of his eyes gradually condensed.

Then, his hands, which couldn't move at all, tried to move, then his feet tried to move, and finally the eyes began to turn, and the face had an unbelievable ecstasy expression.

Gru's palm just left his back, and the young man stood up and rushed to his father:

"Oh, I am fine, I am cured." The young man shouted.

He is really good, although there is still some weakness, but there is no shortage of strength between shouts.

In time, everyone looked at Gru as if they saw God. The injured father and son were directly squatting in front of Gru:

"Mr. Gru is really a man of God. This test is no match at all." ((To be continued, this text is provided by Dawning Update Group @哓霖儿.) If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for it. , monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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