Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 291: : God's 1 kind of Yangdingtian (below)

"Mr. Gru is really a man of God. This test is no match at all."

That's right, this Gru is really a god, and the people who are broken in the internal organs are actually able to save them. It is too strong.

Everyone is looking forward to Yangdingtian, and I really feel that there is no suspense in this comparison. Less than three quarters of the time passed, and the Gru priest has saved two people. And Yangdingtian still did not save a person.

Everyone looked at Yang Diantian’s means of saving people, and he even shook his head.

Yang Dingtian’s treatment was completely unseen. He went to open the patient’s eyes, look at his tongue, and touch the blood of his wrist. He even took out a few needles where he was messing up and stirring. Did not see any specific treatment process at the end.

And the previous one has not been cured, he will directly throw it to the second, and the second is not good, he will save the third.

This way, it took three quarters of an hour to pass. All five patients were tossed by this Naru (Yangdingtian), but no one could understand what he did, and it didn't seem to have any effect.

You know, Gru has saved two people at this time. And this Naru, as if there is no head flies, is everywhere.

For a long time, everyone looked at Yang Dingtian's eyes more and more poor, and his heart has increasingly felt that he is cheating.

Thunder's face is getting colder and colder, and his eyes are getting more and more proud. He thought that this Narudo would have two brushes, but he did not think that he was completely unlearned, purely a liar. But even so, his dream lover, Xiangxiang Princess, was deceived and lost his body. When he thought of thunder, it was full of murderousness, holding a giant sword, and decided in his heart. As long as you wait until the end of the test, you will completely smash the Naru.

For the expression of Yang Dingtian, Gru was completely ignorant, and his face did not show any pleasing color.

After curing two people, Gru came to the third person.

This third person seems to be the best situation, and his face is not ugly. And the limbs are barely moving, and they don't see obvious scars, and they can even speak.

Whoever sees it will feel that the third injured person is the best treatment.

But Gru walked up to him, opened his shirt and glanced at his lower abdomen, and then entered a sneak in his heart to sense his body.

After doing all this, Gru shook his head and said: "This person's mysterious veins are completely broken, the sea is cracked, and the vitality of the whole body is overflowing with the mysterious atmosphere. Even if the gods can't save it."

As soon as this was said, the third wounded was completely desperate. The crowds nodded and expressed their full agreement and obey Naru’s statement.

Then Gru went to the fourth patient.

Just in this person, Yang Dingtian actually stopped all treatment and sat down looking for a chair.

Suddenly everyone snorted and looked at Yang Dingtian's eyes more full of disdain and hostility. When the liar sees that he can’t deceive, he simply doesn’t play. The broken cans are broken, and even the samples are too lazy to do. Sitting and playing directly? It was not so cheap. He was so bold that he dared to lie to the head of the Fox people and waited for him to pay the price.

At this time, the beautiful face of Xiangxiang princess is completely desperate.

Thunder went to her side and said: "Is this the doctor you are looking for? You actually asked him to cure the righteous father. I now suspect that you are ill-intentioned, in order to get into the position of the patriarch early. I intend to kill the righteous father."

"You are squirting blood." Xiang Xiang suddenly screamed, but after she finished, she could no longer speak.

Lei Ming smiled coldly and pulled out the sword. The loud voice: "Elders, this Naru is a swindler. It is very clear. Don't kill at this time. When will it be? Kill him!"

Suddenly, several masters also violently pulled out the giant sword, and Lei Ming had to come up to kill Yang Dingtian.

At this time, the first person who was treated by Yang Dingtian suddenly opened his eyes and sat up. He said, "This, what is going on? Is this dead to hell?"

Everyone was shocked!

This first person is so good. You must know that he is poisonous in his body and completely incurable. He is absolutely dead, and now he is so awake.

During the time, everyone stopped the action of siege and looked at each other. The face of Xiang Xiang’s princess suddenly showed an incredible and ecstatic expression.

And Lei Ming changed his face: "This is entirely accidental. Perhaps the poison of Naru's first patient suddenly faded. He suddenly became better, not Naru, he is still Liar, it is not too late, everyone will kill the thief."

After all, Lei Ming will rush over with a sword.

At this time, Yang Dingtian’s second injury also opened his eyes and sat up, saying: “Hey? How am I, where is it?”

This is an old man with a smashed light, full of more than one hundred and thirty years old, and there is nothing to cure. But who can think of it, he actually turned around.

The horror of the people was not over yet, and then the third person sat up directly.

Then the fourth, fifth...

Behind these three people, one is more serious than one, and one is more than one.

But I did not expect that they all turned around. One may still be accidental, but now all five people are fine, only to prove that Nauru is good.

It is important to know that the five people in Yang Dingtian’s side are seriously injured and sick than the five people on the Gru side. Now all of them have been saved, so how can everyone not be shocked, how can they not be shocked.

So suddenly, there was silence in the field. Everyone, really, looks at Yangdingtian as if watching God.

This Naru is really amazing. No one can understand the action he is treating. He doesn't know what he is doing. Originally thought to be a headless flies in general, after a mess, they broke the cans and broke the wrestlers. Who knows that the people have been cured.

Therefore, at this time, everyone in the field looked at Yang Dingtian's eyes full of awe. The movements that were previously considered ridiculous, seeing pupils, needles, etc., became unpredictable at this time.

Gru, who has always been elegant and calm, has completely changed at this time, and dare not look at Yangdingtian.

It’s really a godsend. He always thinks that his medical skills are invincible. Who knows that even the tail of the head of the genus is not seen, and even the means of treatment cannot be understood by himself. It is really a world of heaven. do not.

In the eyes of everyone, Yang Dingtian stood up and came to the third person treated by Gru. It is this person who has broken his muscles and broke open, and Gru has already judged his ending.

"Yin Shixiong, this person's Xuanmai is broken, the sea is cracked, do you think it has not been saved?" Yangding Tiandao.

"Yes, it was not saved, and the gods could not save it." Gru is still full of self-channel.

"Then let me try it." Yangding Tiandao, and then directly in front of the young man who broke the sea.

Still squeezed everywhere, take a pulse, and finally take out a golden needle and puncture a small remedy. Then, I saw that this small medicinal drug melted instantly and was completely dissolved on the surface of this golden needle.

Rubbing a few times in the palm of your hand, then Yangdingtian pricked the golden needle into the acupuncture points of the wounded person.

After only ten minutes, the miracle happened.

The young man began to move his hands and then stood up directly with his feet.

"You wave a punch." Yangding Tiandao.

This young man was over-expected at this time, and suddenly lost his reaction. Even the gratitude was forgotten. He was only immersed in ecstasy and shock. He couldn’t be awake. After hearing the words of Yangdingtian, he was just like hearing the imperial edict. Hit out.

Suddenly, the sound of tearing open the air, said that the man's fist is very vigorous and powerful, definitely not a person who can break the Xuanmai break.

The people in the room had already been shocked, and it was more like being thundered. Even some people fell to the ground directly.

All of this is absolutely impossible in reality. It is a miracle, a miracle of heaven.

The Yangding Tianchao Gru smiled slightly: "Mr. Gru, is it better?"

Gru's face was sluggish, and he bowed down and said: "No, the brothers are shocked by the world, Yin Tianchong is far behind."

Of course, Yangdingtian is definitely not a medical shock. Everything is due to the holy water, the holy water from the secrets of the Five Elements Temple.

Today, he saved six people with holy water. In fact, the holy water that he spent was not said, only less than half a cup. First, fill the holy water into the medicinal herbs, then insert the golden needle into the medicinal herb, let the holy water adhere to it, and after piercing into the human body, the holy water will start to function in that person.

The reason why the holy water is spent very little is because the cultivation of this group of people is not high, and the Yangdingtian is just a rescue, but it does not let them restore their mystery. Moreover, almost 80% of these mysterious qis are used in the young people who have broken their minds.

"Sir, I, I really didn't think of it..." Xiang Xiang directly rushed up to grasp the hand of Yang Dingtian: "Mr. ask me to help me At this time, Gru is again One worship: "Destroy the brothers, then everything is here to you, I will leave." ”

Thunder also shook his face: "I am going to send Gruid."

After that, the two will leave directly.

"Yin brothers wait a little, if you are not in a hurry, please wait a moment, wait for me to ask a few things." Yangding Tiandao.

Gru's face changed slightly, his eyes swept to the crowd, and he nodded.

The reason why he stayed, of course, is not because of Yang Diantian’s friendship, but because of his great grasp. He has been promoted to the rank of master for more than a decade. He feels that even if he stays, no one is his opponent.

“Thank you.” Yangding Tiandao: “Now I am going to start treating the patriarchs, please keep quiet.”

During the time, the scene was silent, and the words of Yangdingtian seemed to be sacred. He said that everyone was quiet, and everyone in the room could not even breathe. (To be continued.)

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