Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 294: : Marriage Fox! The law of saving ice!

Before putting it on, the power of the Yangding Angel to make this move will not be great. But now it is not the same. After having the mysterious fire, this magical spirit seems to be completely tailor-made for Yangdingtian.

The sacred fire of Yangdingtian is the Yiling demon fire. It is the result of countless grievances and the fire energy of the heavens and the earth. It is most suitable for the magical heart.

The so-called magic is born from the heart, on the surface, there is no attack effect at all. Instead, it directly triggers the mysterious flame inside the enemy's sea of ​​air and self-immolates itself.

It is very, very difficult to do this.

As long as the other person is repaired higher than you, or has a lot of mental strength, or even completely into the state of alert. This type of attack will not work, and even if it works, it can be done with a mysterious pressure.

So in the absence of a mysterious fire, this trick is almost useless. It is precisely because of this that the devil is so powerful, but can only add tricks as the secret of the Eight Devils. And even though Yang Dingtian knew that the devil was very powerful, he did not use this trick when he was fighting with Ye Feng.

Now, after Yang Dingtian has a mysterious fire, it can be completely silent, igniting the thunder of the thunderous sea and burning itself. Moreover, Lei Ming also died on his own. When he heard that Yang Dingtian’s attack had been completed, he could not wait to open his mouth against Yangdingtian, and relaxed the defense, letting the silent flame burn Dressed in the sea, completely devour your body and life.

In this way, with Xuanhuo and the eight hidden magic swords of the hidden mysterious skills, coupled with Lei Ming’s own death, Yang Tiantian made this extremely shocking scene, directly intimidating everyone present, including incense Fragrant, Bella.

After everything was over, in the eyes of everyone who was shocked and shocked, Yangdingtian gently licked his sleeves, and Yangding Tianfang said: "Thunder, Lei Ming once said that I used the life of the patriarch to threaten the fragrance of the fragrance of the Princess. Chastity, this thing is illusory, and you can prove it to everyone."

The fragrant face was slightly red, and then the sleeves were opened, revealing a red dragonfly on the jade arm, which means that she is still the virgin body.

Then, Yangding Tiandao: "I once again vowed that there will be no meaning to the fox patriarch. After the patriarch of the day is cured, I will immediately leave the fox family, and will not force the fragrant princess."

When the words came out, everyone in the room was filled with the color of Suichuan.

Master Naru had such a great favor to the Fox people. Before the thunder of the thunder, the Fox people had doubts about him. At this time, Master Naru is so high-spirited and even more embarrassing.

Of course, regarding the thundering collusion of foreign enemies, trying to frame the day by, Bella, trying to conquer the position of the patriarch, Yang Dingtian did not say that this kind of saying is really against his master style, and it is entirely possible for the people present to make up their own brains. Or by the fragrant princess.

"Exterminating the brothers, you have helped the Fox people clean up the portal, then can I leave?" Gru (Yin Tianchong) suddenly said.

Yang Dingtian hurriedly said: "Yin brother, this is what I said. The reason why I am holding you is that the big east is away from the grassland. I only met you as a human being. There are many words in my heart that I want to tell you. It is completely I want to make friends with you, there is no other meaning."

Gru Priest (Yin Tianchong) smiled slightly: "I also want to be close to the extermination brothers, but here is a lot of inconvenience. I built a temporary grasshopper on the southeastern edge of the Fox People's Territory. During this time, I have to take a good tour of the surrounding landscape and collect some materials. If you want to destroy the brothers, Yin will welcome you at any time!"

Yangding Tiandao: "Must visit."

At this point, the heart of Yangdingtian was put down a little. Fortunately, this Gelu (Yin Tianchong) did not mean to turn his face, otherwise there was no one who could live to survive.

All the other people left, only Yang Dingtian, Xiangxiang, Bella, and every day, Bella three.

"Master Naru, once again thanked for the help of life, and expressed deep apologies for the previous suspicions." Bella is deeply worshipped.

"The patriarch can't." Yang Dingtian hurryed.

Just now, Xiangxiang only told the father of the thundering plot. As for the true identity of Yangdingtian, it was too late to say, and it did not get the consent of Yangdingtian. Therefore, Bella did not know it every day, and always thought that it was Lu is the extinction of the Nether Sea.

Yang Dingtian quickly smashed the cloak and ripped off the mask on his face, revealing the real face.

"The patriarch should not swear at me." Yang Dingtian quickly replied: "I am a good friend with Xiangxiang, so you are also my elder, I dare not have any bullying. I am not the genocide of the Netherland, I am The Shenlang you have seen before, of course, Shen Lang is not my true identity. My true identity is Yangdingtian, Yangdingtian of Yunxiaocheng."

At this time, Yangdingtian reveals his identity for a reason. First of all, Shen Lang is Yang Dingtian. This point has already been exposed. If you want to expose yourself to the identity of Shen Lang, it is better to expose it directly.

"Is it you?" Bella did not dare to set the channel every day: "When did you have such a supernatural power? Are you Yangdingtian?"

Every day, Bella and Shen Lang had two contacts, and the first contact with him was very cold and not very pleasant. The second contact was in the case of his confrontation with Qin Huaiyu. Yang Dingtian was not willing to harm him, so at that time, Bella was grateful to him. However, he did not know that this person turned out to be Yangdingtian.

"Have you heard of my name?" Yang Dingtian was surprised.

"Of course." Day by day, Bella said: "I am close to human beings, so I have been paying attention to the things of the human continent. I have heard many times more than half a year ago that your name is Yangdingtian. At that time, I judged in your heart, your future repairs. Perhaps next to the Oriental Ice Ling, it is no less than the young masters such as Qin Huaiyu."

Then, every day Bella said: "But I really didn't think that you are still better than I thought. Whether it is the means of saving people, or your cultivation is progress, it is completely unpredictable."

Yang Dingtian is embarrassed to say: "I am pretending to be a ghost in front of other people but I have to tell you the truth in front of you. In fact, what I can save you is not because I have any means, I am not going to cure it, I am not. It’s just that I have an extremely valuable remedy that can be brought back to life. It’s what I got in the secret. It’s this remedy that will bring you back to life.”

Everyday Bella was moved: "You are getting a few medicinal herbs in the secret, and you have used one in my almost unknown person. This is the real world."

Yangding Tiandao: "A total of three first ones I used on an injured old man. The second one is used in your body. The third one, I am preparing to give to my wife."

After hearing the words of Yang Dingtian, Bella once again deeply worshipped: "A total of three Baodan, you are all used for others, so I have never seen it. I have always been full of human beings. I was close to you, but Qin Huaiyu and others who met before made me full of disappointment. Now I finally saw a person of justice and nobleness, and finally let my world view be restored."

Yangding Tiandao: "I don't dare to be praised by you. Xiangxiang is my good friend and as a half-human being close to human beings, your weight in my mind is always very important. I should save you."

Fragrant incense finally couldn’t help but ask: "Sudden brother, your means of killing thunder is really mysterious and powerful. What is going on?"

Yangding Tiandao: "It's just a tricky way. It seems that I feel like a careless iron stick. In fact, this iron stick is my sword, it is a weapon of the gods. And my hand is a wave of me. One of the most powerful tricks of learning a mystery is the fatal blow I have made.

If Lei Ming is not defensive, he will not die, but he will be unable to wait for me to be beaten. I was finally beaten by me and eventually burned alive. ”

"Yang Xianzhen, you got the Yiling demon fire." Suddenly, every day, Bella asked.

Yangdingtian should have been horrified, but it did not show it at all, but nodded naturally. "Yes, this thing is very unexpected. The one that Yan’s love is swallowed is just a virtual fire. The real Yiling demon fire is It was born after the disappearance of Yinyang Mountain. Moreover, it was the one who took the initiative to choose the Lord. In fact, I was very surprised to get this Xuanhuo. Although I paid the most for this Xuanhuo."

"This is really God's will. From then on, you are destined to become the most powerful person in the world." Bella every day: "What about Barbie elders?"

"She is dead, and her son is dead." Yangding Tiandao: "However, I am not killing."

"I know that her cultivation is much higher than you. She will die for her own reasons." Everyday, Bella said: "And I feel very complicated about her, for her death, too There won't be much regrets, how did she die, and I don't want to get an answer."

By the way, Bella is staring at Yangding Tiandao: "Unsurprisingly, you should become a human leader in the future, at least one of the leaders. What do you think of the half-human?"

At this time, Bella's look is very solemn. It can be said that this is his most concerned issue and the biggest life philosophy of his life. There is not much emotion for the fox people to dominate him. His lifelong philosophy is to find a way to coexist with human beings.

Before Yang Dingtian represented the northwest Qincheng to negotiate with him, he was coldly rejected. In fact, every day, Bella pays more attention to the alliance with human beings than anyone else. Of course, it is important, not urgent.

Yang Dingtian solemnly said: "My strategic concept is very clear, that is, the integration of the half-human and the human beings, and finally completely eliminate the gap between the half-human and the human. Otherwise, one day, the half-human and the human will erupt in an unprecedented war. It will bring terrible consequences to the whole world. Now, the mainstream of human society is the contradiction between the Heavenly Alliance and the Demon Road. Once this contradiction is completely solved, then the contradiction between the half-human and the human will become a chaotic world. The main contradiction. And this contradiction is even more naked, and the war will be more direct and tragic."

As soon as this was said, Bella was physically shocked every day, saying: "How to integrate? This eliminates the gap between the half-human and the human."

"Intermarriage." Yangding Tiandao: "And, the violent killing race in the semi-human race is completely eliminated, and the violent and brutal race is completely returned to the ranks of the beasts. Humans choose the gentle and moderate race of the semi-human race to marry, cross marriage, pass several A hundred years or even longer, let humans and semi-humans completely integrate."

After Yang Dingtian finished speaking, Bella's breathing suddenly became heavy and he said: "Well, if you have one day become the leader of the Heavenly Alliance, how are you going to deal with the internal affairs of human beings."

"To eliminate the demon road, eliminate the Tiandao League and eliminate the martial arts to let the whole world enter the national system, liberate the vast majority, let them enter the production and construction links, let the vast majority of people give up practicing martial arts and form a completely different civilization." Tiandao: "Of course, this goal is too big, too far, and maybe it can't be completed for thousands of years. But this thing must be done, otherwise the entire chaotic continent will be completely destroyed. I faintly feel the ancient Nirvana It is because the martial arts developed to the extreme, the entire chaotic continent can not carry the energy demand of countless powerful warriors, so the big Nirvana occurred. The whole world turned upside down, not dare to be human or semi-human, the entire chaotic continent almost died. I think it is chaos. The mainland’s one-off process for us, if we don’t wake up again, we are still madly asking for enormous energy. One day, the Great Nirvana will come again and this time it will be completely ruined.”

After Yang Dingtian finished, every day, Bella could not wake up for a long time.

After a long time, he went deep into the sun and worshipped the heavens. He said: "Now, I finally know what is called Hongda Dazhi, and finally know what is called aspirational high. Compared with your ideal, what is Qin Wanqiu? It’s just a frog at the bottom of the well. In fact, I almost gave up the pursuit of martial arts more than a decade ago. I walked around the world thinking about many things, but I couldn’t figure it out, especially about the Great Nirvana. Now you wake up like dark. A bright light in the middle, let me understand a lot of things in an instant, let me suddenly realize.

Then, every day, Bella said: "So, how are you going to achieve your ideals?

"Strong, strong, strong...", Yangding Tiandao: "With violence, it becomes the absolute first in the world. When I am strong, I wish the Qingzhu, Qin Wanqiu, Du Guzhen and others to join me. When I am pointing, it is the moment when I implement my ideals."

Suddenly, Bella was deeply shocked again every day. After a long time, he slowly said: "Before, when I heard the name Yang Dingtian, I always thought that your ideal was to defeat the Oriental Ice Ling and kill Zhu Qing. Revitalize Yunxiao City and regain the position of the yin and yang lords. Now it seems that this is completely the ambition of the swallows."

"What you said was once my ideal. But when I saw the ancient mystery and discovered the grandeur of the whole mystery, it was completely impossible for manpower to complete at this time, and so many mysterious secrets were left behind by ancient civilizations. So I think, if I achieve the above goals, I defeated the Oriental Ice Ling, I killed the Zhu Qingzhu, after I regained the position of the Yin and Yang Sect, what else can I pursue? How can I be strong and strong? Is it better than those of the ancients? And even if the strength of the ancient powers is still unable to stop the occurrence of the Great Nirvana, what is the significance of my strength?" Yangding Tiandao: "So after leaving the secret, I will With the idea of ​​violent violence and the martial arts civilization. Of course, all of this can only be waited until I am really strong, otherwise everything is just empty talk."

Every day, Bella looked at Yangding for a long time, then extended his hand: "Many people laugh at me as a ridiculous idealist. Now, my ridiculous idealist is willing to form an alliance with you, Yang Dingtian, when you When it is strong enough, my whole Fox family will stand behind you and become a force to realize your ideal ambition."

Yangding Tianshou is a slight glimpse, then also reaches out to the palm of his hand, and every day, Bella grips.

Every day, Bella said: "It is a pity that I can only represent myself with you on behalf of myself, not the entire Fox family. If you want the entire Fox people to form an alliance with you, you must at least go to the Grand Master level. The Semi-human family is more advocating. By."

"I understand." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, every day, Bella said: "So, what happened to the Fox people this time? Is it specifically to save me?"

Yang Dingtian shook his head and said: "I came to the Fox family after to know your injury. I am here to ask for your help."

"Say, as long as I can do it." Every day, Bella.

Yang Dingtian will pick up the oriental ice on the side: "I want to save this woman. Her cultivation is very strong and her body is very healthy. But because the cultivation time is too long to wake up in the silence, the whole **** knows Suspension, I can't wake up at all. So, I need a very very powerful person who can wake up the weakest signal in her deep knowledge and completely activate his whole spirit and wake her up."

"Who is she? Your lover?" Every day, Bella did not speak, and Xiang Xiang quickly asked, and the look in the beauty was slightly complicated.

"No, strictly speaking, she should be my enemy." Yang Dingtian hesitated a little, said: "In fact, she is the Oriental ice."

After telling her name, Bella is not too surprised every day, in fact, he has almost thought of it. Moreover, when he was involved in the battle with Qin Huaiyu, he knew that the Oriental Ice Ling was also under the Central Lake.

"Spiritual, incomparably powerful spiritual teacher?," asked Bella every day.

"Yes, only a very strong spiritual master can save the East Ice Ling." Yangding Tiandao.

"There is such a person." Day by day, Bella said: "It is the spiritual leader of the entire East from the grasslands. In all the semi-human beings, it has almost supreme status. In the vast majority of the semi-human beings, he has near God. The location of the being." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the "starting" vote, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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