Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 295: : The sky is in the Red Sea, the end of the world!

"This time you can find the place where you can find the bones? Which weed weed has grown very high, it is blood thorns, only three inches a year, now it is more than one foot long. That is It has been said that the entire East has not been in a large war for nearly a hundred years, and more than a hundred years ago, almost every ten years or less, a half-human war broke out. Over the past 100 years, the total population of the semi-human has It has increased nearly ten times. All this is the credit of the spiritual leader."

"Why, because he is very strong?" Yangding Tiandao.

"No, it is because it is noble and fair. In the centuries, in the minds of most half-humans, it is sacred and inviolable. It is already a totem of countless half-humans." Everyday, Bella.

Yang Dingtian was surprised. He did not expect that there would be such a person in the grassland. In the human continent, there is a character who has the same status as his ancestors. Although it has never appeared in the past two hundred years, it has always been the undisputed leader of mankind.

"What is his name?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"I don't know what it is called, but all the Chansu called it the Holy One. No one has seen it. Even if it is a man or a woman, it doesn't know what race. When the Semi-Humanity Conference eight years ago, I also I only hear the sound of it, not even the sound. Because what it wants to say is remembered in your heart, not in the ear, so you fantasize about what it is, what sound it is." Belle every day: "So, if one person can use the spirit to wake up the oriental ice, then I think it should be the Holy One, the spiritual leader who is away from the grasslands."

Suddenly, Yangdingtian felt the mystery of this saint, and it was extremely powerful.

"So, does he live in the body?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"In the east from the extreme north of the grassland, the earth in the red sea above the 10,000 meters above sea level, also known as the Dead Sea, its temples float on the surface of the sea, drifting with the waves, half a mile in the Dead Sea, its temples may appear in any place. Finding its temple, it may not be in it at all." Bella Bell every day: "There are countless pilgrims who have gone to the Dead Sea to find its traces. Many people have entered its temples, but they have not seen them. It's traced. So, it only appears when you want to appear."

Yang Dingtian took a deep breath and this saint is too mysterious. If you really go to the Dead Sea to find him, what happens will be completely unknown.

But if you don't go, this saint looks like the only person who can wake the oriental ice.

Immediately after Yang Dingtian thought of the teacher's pure Eastern Nirvana, he could not help but ask: "If a disfigured **** is gradually disappearing, he can save, let this **** continue to survive."

This is a knot of Yangdingtian. According to the master's words, his knowledge of God can only survive for a few years in Yangdingtian. The last time I was struck by the brutal sword spirit, the time to survive was even shorter. Yangdingtian really didn't want the master's knowledge to be completely wiped out. But in fact, the time spent by the master and him has been less and less in recent times, because every communication is spending a small amount of his spiritual energy.

"I think, in the spiritual realm, it should be almost omnipotent." Bela every day.

"I will leave tomorrow, go to the Dead Sea and look for the temple of the Holy One." Yang Dingtian decided.

Bela every day: "You certainly can't stop you if you want to go."

But I just want to say no hope. And it's too mysterious, too powerful, and it's mysterious to a dangerous feeling. After all, it is the spiritual leader of the entire half-human race. I can only say so much. ”

Yangding Tiandao: "I know, thank you for your notice."

"Then rest, I want to practice Xuanqi. Everything you want to go to the Dead Sea tomorrow, I will prepare for you." Everyday, Bella.

Before leaving, Xiang Xiang suddenly said: "Silver brother, you know that Gru and Thunder colluded, why did you kill the thunder, but let go of this Gru?"

She finally couldn't help but ask.

Yangding Tiandao: "Because he is very strong, all of us are not his opponents until your father has not completely recovered."

"Oh it is." Xiangxiang said.

Then, after leaving Bella every day, the fragrance still did not go, but carefully carefully laid the bed for Yangdingtian and prepared a clean clothes.

Finishing everything, she still doesn't want to leave, as if she wants to say something, but she doesn't know what to say.

Suddenly, her eyes were exposed to the oriental ice rink that was unconscious. When she saw her trousers suddenly wet, she could not help but be shocked: "She, is she urinating?"

Yangding nodded and said helplessly: "Yes."

Then, he poured a basin of water, and he washed the oriental ice and changed his clothes.

Fragrant Bella Bella red ear equator: "Shen, do you want me to wash her and help her change clothes? I am a woman, after all, it is convenient."

Yang Dingtian shook his head and said helplessly: "Of course you are more convenient, but I am coming."

Fragrant Bella Bella line! "Why? Because she is very beautiful, so you want to see it?"

She knew that she shouldn't say that, but she couldn't help but say it.

"Of course not, I have cleaned up her dozens of times for her, and I have seen it dozens of times." Yangding Tiandao: "The reason why I don't let you do it is that she knows when she wakes up and runs to kill you." This woman is extremely proud. This kind of thing is a great shame for her. Let her know. Her first thought is to kill people who know this thing to participate in this matter:"

"Oh, then, come on." The fragrant Bella Bella fled red.

As a result, Yangding Tianchu once again forced the bath for the Oriental Ice Ling and changed his clothes.

Then wash the underwear, wash the skirt, and dry with Xuanqi. Next, give her a life-sustaining remedy and feed him water.

After all this is not counted, but also use her hands to massage her every inch of muscle. Because of the lack of moving bullets, Yangdingtian is worried that there will be muscle atrophy. Of course, her Xuanqi is so strong that this kind of thing may not happen, but just in case Yangdingtian still insists on giving her a massage every day.

Of course, there is no relationship between this and the price.

Oriental Ice Ling is a perfectly **** body, and every inch of Yangdingtian is very familiar.

After the massage, Yang Dingtian put her on the bed and then lay beside her. This is not at all a desire to share the bed with her, but to avoid the danger of being able to protect for the first time.

In fact, when sleeping side by side, Yangdingtian did not touch her body, let alone sleep with her body.

Early the next morning, Yangdingtian re-dressed as a priest Naru, riding a horse ready for Bella, leaving his castle, heading north to the Dead Sea, looking for the spiritual leader in the east, the legendary saint .

Every day, Bella and Xiang Xiang came to him, and the more they sent, the farther they were, the farther they sent, the more they sent out the territory of the Fox people.

The mounts sent by Bella every day are very strong and very fast. There is not much pressure on a day of riding, which is much stronger than human horses.

"Well, I can only send you here." Every day, Bella.

"Thank you for sending me, you go back:" Yangding Tiandao: "For Yin Tianchong's conspiracy. I was not convenient to say more. But I think, in the current situation, I still don't know everything, not with the power of Yin Tianchong. Direct conflict is good. "Be careful." ”

"Reassured, I know." Bella smiled every day, then he directly folded and urged the mount to leave.

But the fragrance of Bella did not leave, but went up a few steps, down from the mount.

"Shen Big Brother, I have a few words to tell you." Xiang Xiang Chaoyang topped the day and waved.

Yangdingtian also came down from the mount

Xiang Xiang came to Yang Dingtian and said: "I told you to tell you that the fusion of the half-human and the human beings starts from the two of us. If you come back from the Dead Sea, whether or not you will rescue the East. Ice Ling, go to my house before you go back to the human continent."

After that, Xiang Xiang jumped back to the mount, quickly adjusted the direction and chased him in the direction of his father.

Looking at the fragrant shadow of Xiangxiang, Yangdingtian smiled helplessly, then jumped onto the mount, hugged the oriental ice rink on his chest, and quickly rushed toward the north of the Dead Sea.

On each of the following days, Yangdingtian is traveling thousands of miles a day.

Because his priest's dress, although he crossed the territory of many half-humans, he almost never encountered any trouble: because in the east, the priest is equivalent to the believer of the saints. No matter who is the race, no one will offend, and even be worshipped and worshipped by many races.

On this road, Yangdingtian knows more and more about this legendary saint, and the inner shock is getting bigger and bigger.

This omnipotent spiritual leader is becoming more and more mysterious and more powerful in his eyes.

Perhaps the power of this saint has surpassed any of the powers currently known on the human continent.

He also fully understands that this saint is far from the grassland in the east and is really a god:

The Red Sea (Dead Sea) in the sky is about 8,000 miles away from the Fox People’s territory, and Yangding’s ceiling is eight days. After rushing through the eight thousand miles.

During the eight days, Yangdingtian had to wash the body three times for Oriental Ice Ling every day and changed clothes three times. Feed the dandruff twice, feed the water five times, and massage once.

It can be said that Yangdingtian has never taken care of a person so carefully. Even for the flames. Have never been. The Oriental Ice Ling is considered to be his enemy, so Yang Dingtian feels that this is really a fight for fate.

On the ninth day, Yangdingtian finally arrived at the destination, the sky in the Red Sea!

Looking at the scenery in front of me, Yangdingtian was completely shocked. (To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking of the update group @swds all the way]] If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the "first" vote, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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