Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 305: : Demon girl, your opponent is me!

Yang Dingtian slammed and slammed, and the sword in his hand slammed a five-foot sword mang, and squatted toward the sinister eagle.

The eagle was shocked and violently lifted a long gun to resist!

"Brush..." Yang Dingtian’s long sword slammed down.

The lion's rifle is not broken, but is directly broken. This sinister hawksman master was directly smashed into two halves by a sword.

The eagle on the ground suddenly became shocked. Immediately, the cross sword was on the scent of the fragrant scent, and she used her life to threaten Yangdingtian.

"Throw your weapon over, then stand up, or I will kill this beauty immediately." This eagle master is cold.

It seems that they also know that Yangdingtian has a superb sword, not only to let Yangdingtian disarm, but also to grab his treasure.

Yangdingtian stared at him coldly and continued to step forward.

"Don't think that I don't dare to kill her. Her greatest value now is her beauty." The eagle's high-ranking sorcerer smiled, and the sword in his hand was pressed, and suddenly a blood ran down from the fragrant powder.

Then, the hawksman's master reached out the evil hand and grabbed it toward the beautiful buttocks of the incense.

At this time, this brittle man has chosen from the top of his life and lust. He felt that as long as the fragrance was in his hands, Yang Dingtian could not help him. A few days ago, I could only see that I couldn’t eat the fragrant incense. He had already been ruined.

"Go to death"... Yangding Tianhan channel.

"The magic is born from the heart...""" Yangding Tianyun up the mysterious and Xuanhuo, squinting at the eyes of this person's temperament, igniting his anger.

"Boom..." suddenly, the strange scene appeared again.

A flame slammed through the belly of the eagle, and the flame was drilled directly.

The eagle man looked down and stunned!

Yang Dingtian’s sword in his hand slammed.

The sword mans flashed, slammed around the turn, bypassed the incense, and directly smashed the head of the sinister eagle man!

After killing two eagle people, Yangding held the incense to fall down before the sky.

"Mr. Shen." Xiang Xiang jerked the waist of Yangdingtian and cried: "I thought that Xiangxiang would never see you again."

Although she already knows that Shen Lang is Yang Dingtian, she has always called him Mr. Shen, or Shen Da Ge. Because, Yang Dingtian first saw her, and when she saved her, she used the identity of Shen Lang.

"How are you?" Yang Dingtian asked: "Can you still run?"

"The old thief seems to have given me some medicine and medicine, and my mysteriousness has been fixed." Xiangxiang said.

Yangdingtian takes a little holy water directly from the space ring, and the mouth of the fragrance is fragrant: "Drink it."

Xiangxiang did not hesitate to extend a small tongue on the finger of Yangdingtian, and ate the little holy water.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian felt the softness and slipperiness of her tongue, and the fragrance was also red.

"The old thief is not doing anything to you?" Yang Dingtian asked.

“No.” Xiang Xiang’s face was red: “He wants to marry me to the fox-like family, so as to win the entire fox-like family.”

The fox-like people, also known as the fox people, are more like foxes than humans. However, it is because of this fragrance to keep the innocence, otherwise Yin Tianchong this thief is extremely evil.

After just a dozen seconds, a blush oozing on his face.

"Mr. Shen, my mysteriousness has recovered, you, your baby is really amazing..." Xiangxiang said.

Yangdingtian was supposed to bring incense to the land, but there is now a battle. I am afraid that the island is safer.

"Is there an enemy on this island?" asked Yangdingtian.

"Nothing." Xiang Xiangdao.

"Then you are on this island, I will go to help, and I will pick you up." Yang Dingtian took out a weapon from the space ring and worked in the incense.

"Well, my brother should not worry about me." Xiangxiang said.

Yang Dingtian clenched the ugly sword and slammed into the air to observe the battle group there.

Thirty fox men and hawks masters, at this time are equal, each other with death and injury.

Although these 30 fox men have been repaired higher, but after all, the number is smaller, and the eagle people are born with flying skills. Therefore, the war between the two sides became a tie, and even the fox family was even worse. Thirty fox men and masters had fallen nearly ten people, and the rest were all bloody.

And hundreds of hawks masters, also folded a small and a half. At this time, flying in the air to kill, screams make people shudder.

The most shocking thing for everyone is the oriental ice!

The Oriental Ice Ling, in all the horrified eyes, and Yin Tianchong actually turned into a draw, although slightly lower than the disadvantage. However, Yin Tianchong could not occupy an absolute advantage, let alone live.

At this time, Yin Tianchong still had no teasing color on his face and became extremely dignified.

Not only Yin Tianchong, but also Qin Huaiyu and others were completely shocked. They know that the Oriental Ice Ling is very powerful, and it is more powerful than Du Gu Feng Dance and Qin Huai Yu. But it was only Wu Zun, but did not expect that it would be a draw with Yin Tianchong.

You must know that Yin Tianchong has been a master of the master class more than ten years ago.

That is not proof that the Oriental Ice Ling has broken through the master. The news is too shocking to know that the Eastern Ice Ling is only 21 years old.

However, this makes Qin Huaiyu and others more determined. Today, regardless of the cost, they must kill the Oriental Ice Ling, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable. At this rate, for up to ten years, the Oriental Ice Ling will be invincible.

At that time, it is the end of the Qin family in the northwest, and it is also the death of the solitary phoenix dance!

"Try to do your best, kill the day Bella, and then kill the Oriental Ice Ling!"

Suddenly, Qin Huaiyu will have to carry the evil law, repair and repair, damage the body, forcibly kill the sun, Bella:

As long as Bella is dead every day, the Eastern Ice Ling will die. Even if she is even more powerful, she will not be able to compete with a master, four Wu Zun.

Seeing Qin Huaiyu and others violently burst into a **** red mist.

Yang Dingtian knows that this is the sorcerer's **** demon dance of the demon road, which can be doubled in a short time.

However, only the Qinhuai jade and loneliness are unhappy. Yan may not be. The solitary phoenix dance did not know why, but did not make this sorcerer.

In the battle group, Yangdingtian was more surprised to find out.

The cultivation of Yan’s love is so amazing! Compared to the Japanese under the central lake at the time, it was impossible to simultaneously speak Japanese. It was far away from the solitary phoenix dance, but now there are some people moving side by side.

Although the phantom of the Xuanhuo is only a virtual fire, but it is also infinitely powerful, so that the repair of Yan's love is soaring.

Bella is dangerous every day! Originally, he played against Qin Huaiyu alone, Lonely and Unhappy, and Duo Fengfeng dance was just a good place. Now, with a Yan’s love, in the case of an enemy four, he has already fallen into the wind, and now the other four use evil. Law, I am afraid that he is really fierce.

"Oh..." Sure enough, Bella was slamming for a while, and was directly swept by Yan’s sword.

Suddenly, blood squirts!

Qin Huaiyu’s face is a glimpse, and he has to kneel down directly to the Bella’s head!

At this time, the Yangding Tian rushed to the ground, and the giant hand slammed out the eight-foot sword squatting toward the singular phoenix dance!

"Don't dance, your opponent is me!"


The back of the solitary phoenix dance was attacked, and under the life-saving, he refused to kill the Bella every day, and the body flickered, and escaped the swordsmanship of Yangdingtian.

One day, Bella was one less, and the opponent suddenly escaped Qin Huaiyu’s fatal blow.

Du Gu Feng dance turned sharply, staring coldly at Yang Dingtian, said: "You, looking for death?"

Yangdingtian landing A ugly slammed into the singer and danced: "The demon girl, your opponent is me!"

"Just by you?" Duo Fengfeng dance coldly disdain: "You are not worthy of being my opponent!"

"I want to try." Yangdingtian cold and cold road:

At this time, there is no joy in loneliness: "Feng dance, quick battle, kill him!"

The solitary phoenix dances with a beautiful look and says: "Do you want to die? Well, I will be yours!"

After all, she slowly stepped forward and got out of the battle group with Bella every day, closer to Yangdingtian.

Yang Dingtian sneered and said: "Don's phoenix dance, aren't you always bright and upright? Why are you still wearing masks, hiding their heads and tails, don't you feel ashamed?"

"You still have only one mouth." The solitary phoenix dance sneered, then yanked off the mask on his face, revealing the beautiful face of the oriental ice.

Just as I saw before, the face of the solitary phoenix dance was a little pale, and the cheeks seemed to be a bit rich.

She lifted the sharp moments, pointing to the top of the sky, and glimpsed the blood drops.

This autumn sword sword sword, or Yang Dingtian saw her forging.

"If you can't kill you within a stroke, I am not a solitary phoenix dance!" Li Jian pointed to Yang Dingtian, and the solitary phoenix dance disdain. (To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @swds all the way]] If you like this work, you are welcome to come (m) to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please Read to m.)

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