Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 306: : 1 sword pierced, demon woman chest!

"Jian Ying Nishang..."

The solitary phoenix dances in the air, the original black robes instantly become fiery, and the whole body seems to be burned.

Suddenly, she was pale and pale, and she suddenly became very beautiful.


Suddenly, the flames and mysterious condenses into countless and more fascinating phantom flowers, and the sun rushed into the sky.

For a time, Yangdingtian only felt that what he saw in front of him was full of beautiful flowers and rain, and it was beautiful and romantic.

However, this is full of murderousness.

Yangding Tiandan holds a sword, and his body suddenly bursts out. Among the sea of ​​air, the glamorous Xuanhuo is fiercely high.

Yin and Yang are angry!

The mysteriousness of the mysterious fire burst out of the whole body, turning into countless horrible faces of horrible ghosts, opening their mouths, and swallowing away those virtual shadow flowers.

This is still yin and yang, but Yang Dingtian does not know why, after mixing into the black fire, it will become such a surprisingly different effect.

This billion-year-old demon fire is made up of the fire energy of thousands of miles, and hundreds of millions of souls and souls. Now, after being swallowed and refining by Yangding, the billions of grievances are still hidden in this mysterious fire.

Therefore, when the yin and yang of Yangdingtian was transported to the extreme, there was such an amazing scene.

Suddenly, I saw only the faces of countless long scorpions, opened the mouth of the blood, and swallowed countless swords.

Yang Dingtian certainly knows that the cultivation of the Dingfeng Dance and the thunder are not the same in the same day, and they are much higher than themselves. His own yin and yang qi can solve the thundering magical attack, but it may not be able to resolve the mysterious skills of the solitary phoenix dance.

Only in the immediate situation, can only fight.

After countless long grievances devour the mysterious swords of the singular phoenix dance, they began to distort.

"Booming..." Then, burst open in the air.

The yin and yang of Yangdingtian is only able to resolve the mysterious attack of a part of the solitary phoenix dance.

There are countless mysterious swords and flowers that slam into the body of Yangdingtian.


Numerous delicate flowers, slammed into the chest of Yangdingtian.

Yangdingtian erected a ugly sword and stopped it!

Despite this, it is still a stormy attack.

"Hey..." Yang Dingtian looked up at the blood.

The entire body was slammed into a few hundred meters.

The whole body of Yangdingtian seems to have been completely burned, and it is red.

After being pushed to the height of 100 meters, the body leaned back and fell straight from the sky, the blood is foggy, and the personnel are unconscious.

"Brother..." The fragrant incense in Huxin Island screamed and rushed over.

Just when Yangding Tianyu fell to the ground, suddenly the Xuanhuo in the sea was violently gas.

In an instant, the vitality of Yangdingtian, which has almost been extinguished, is once again ignited, and the mysteriousness within the Xuanmai is once again fierce.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian slammed in the air and stood up again, jumping to the front of the solitary phoenix dance.

"Don's phoenix dance, how have you not seen it for more than half a year, your repair is not only a little bit of growth, but a lot of backwards." Wipe the blood on the lips, Yangdingtian cold and cold.

"Even if you regress, killing you is still easy." Du Gu Feng dance sneered: "However, you surprised me. More than half a year ago, you couldn't even hold my fingers. Now, I can resist me. It’s not dead. Although it’s just Wuzong’s standard, the combat power is close to Wuzun’s level, and the real three days are gone, and it’s fascinating.”

Yangding Tiandao: "You just said that if you can't kill me if you can't kill me, you won't be alone. Now, your first move, but you can't kill me, then what are you going to do?"

"Of course, continue to kill you." Du Gu Feng dance said: "Duo Gu Feng dance is just a name. I don't care if I call her, you can call me anything."

"The demon girl is a demon girl, and it is still so shameless." Yangding Tiandao.

"I am shameless, not me." Duo Fengfeng said: "Who is talking about the hate of the East Ice, and now I don't know how to shamefully follow her ass, do the cows? What a sigh..."

"Ha ha..." Yang Dingtian did not care about her irony: "The solitary demon girl, I always thought that you are the same person as the Oriental ice. Now I know that I am wrong, you are far worse than the Oriental ice. Although she It is also very annoying, but she is at least proud of the end. It is not like you, in order to achieve the purpose, with the disgusting scum can be mixed with each other. Everyone calls you and the Oriental Ice Ling is a great joke, it is a big joke, no matter the talent , or character, you are too far away for her..."

As soon as this was said, the solitary phoenix dance was so angry that the anger in the beauty seemed to burn Yang Tiantian into ashes.

"The last time, I didn't kill you. I will kill you with a sword and a sword. I will smash your heart and smash your head. I will see if your oriental ice will come. Save you?" The beauty of the solitary phoenix dances the fascinating light, and the beautiful face is also filled with blush.

She doesn't know why she is angry at this point.

Yang Dingtian saw that a red mist suddenly rose from her body, and her eyes became more and more glamorous and more and more horrible.

Just now, she killed the day. Bella did not use the evil spirits of the evil spirits to dance wildly. Now her cultivation is obviously higher than that of Yangdingtian. It has even led to such a sorcerer. What level of anger is hated?

While sacred to the sorcerer, she looked at the side of the Oriental Ice Ling from afar and sneered: "Your Oriental Ice Ling will soon be finished. Yes, she broke through the Master class, but Yin Tianchong is a five-master, she I can't support it anymore, I believe that I will soon fall into the old thief's claws. Rest assured, I won't kill you until she is completely finished, I will let you see her life without asking for death. A beautiful walking corpse for the devils to enjoy."

Yang Dingtian could not help but look at the battle of the East Ice Ling.

Sure enough, the Oriental Ice Ling has already fallen into the absolute wind. Just like Duo Fengfeng said, although she has already broken through the guru, and she is only 21 years old, it is completely shocking. If it is about the top of the sky, almost a decade or so, she may be able to win the world first.

But now, she is only 21 years old. Yin Tianchong is already over seventy years old. He was a master of the master class more than a decade ago. He is now a master of five genres, and he has many sorcerers of evil demon.

After the ice skating with the ice for a quarter of an hour, the Oriental Ice Ling fell into the wind. Moreover, the situation is getting worse.

At this time, she and Yin Tianchong, already fighting at an altitude of kilometer. A blue sword, like a lightning, danced in the air. A gray sword, like a devil's tentacles, tears every inch of the sky.

The vegetation on the ground is shattered and shivering!

Originally, Yin Tianchong, who was dignified, had an evil smile on his face again. The sinister eyes kept scanning the whole body of the ice rink.

"Eastern Yinxian, every inch of your body, I will play it carefully, even if I play for a year or two, I will not be tired."

"Oh..." After Yin Tianchong's evil laugh, the gray shadow slammed across the shoulders of the Oriental Ice Ling.

Suddenly, the clothes on her shoulders turned directly into coke ash and smoke, and her snowy scented shoulders showed a striking blood mark and went straight into the chest.

The Oriental Ice Ling trembled in the air, and a blood spurted out.

Seeing the injury of the Oriental Ice Ling, Du Gu Feng Wu sneered: "Seeing your dream lover is so miserable, but you are completely helpless, you should be very painful, very hate your weak."

Yangdingtian looked at the fascinating Duo phoenix dance, cold and cold: "Don's phoenix dance, now you are not even a woman."

"Is it?" Du Gufeng danced to the extreme, sneer: "Soon, you will see your dream lover, it is really even worse than a woman!"

"Oh, a woman's dirty is not in her heart, not in the body." Yang Dingtian sneered: "I really regret it now, I have slept you..."

Yang Dingtian’s words are really poisonous to the extreme.

"Ah..." The solitary phoenix dance screamed fiercely, and the eyelids bleed through the bleeding wire, over-biting the teeth, and the blood stains spilled from the corners of the mouth.

"Yangdingtian, you remember, today I will make you a thousand knives, I will cut your flesh with one knife and one knife, let you regret that I have insulted me." After that, the solitary phoenix dance sword slammed, Dao: "Next, I don't need mystery. I will use a sharp sword to destroy you from the flesh in the most direct way. I am not in a hurry. I will come to the sword and wait until the ice is finished. I am Complete the knot again..."

At this time, a **** red mist will surround the sword of the solitary phoenix dance.

Du Gu Feng dance blood sacrifice sword!

"Death..." Du Gu Feng dances a fierce drink, the sword is one, and it turns into a bright red streamer, rushing to the top of the sun.

Yang Dingtian has a big sword in his hand.

Kill the pig sword, dig your heart to the lungs, and smash it toward the sword of the oriental ice.

The sword of Yangdingtian, the world is unparalleled! He is not afraid of anyone than the sword.

In an instant, the sword of the solitary phoenix dance slammed into the net of Yangdingtian, and was instantly entangled.

Then, Yang Dingtian puts a thousand and two pounds, and will fly her sword directly.

However, in the face of absolute strength, any trick is useless.

The solitary demon woman, in the most direct and violent way, directly slammed the sword through the sword net of Yangdingtian and stabbed into the arm of Yangdingtian.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian’s arm suffered a sharp pain.

A hot sigh of anger rushed from the sharp sword, and at the moment his arm was wounded, a group of burnt black.

The solitary phoenix dance sword sharply picked.

In an instant, the blood was arrogant, and after Yang Tiantian’s arm was punctured, he was picked out for a four-inch long blood.

Bloody and shocking.

"This is just the beginning." Looking at the wound of Yangdingtian, the solitary phoenix dances his mouth and trembles fiercely.

"It doesn't matter..." Yang Dingtian exchanged the big sword to the left hand and said: "You continue."

"Good..." A solitary phoenix dance and a lightning-like sword.

Yangdingtian once again tried his best to resist.

But whether it is speed or mysterious energy, there is really too much difference, and it is still not blocked.

He held the sword's left arm and was pierced again.

Now, Yang Dingtian’s two arms are pierced.

"Yangdingtian, you beg for mercy..." Duo Fengfeng dance sneered: "Maybe, I will be merciful."

"You continue." Yangding Tianman does not care.

Also changed the big sword to the right hand.

"Have you noticed? You have suffered the same, and the Oriental Ice Ling has also suffered. You are really suffering from it." Du Gu Feng said: "I pierced your two arms, and the two arms of the Oriental Ice Ling were also The old thief’s sword was pierced."

Yangdingtian looked up and saw it. The two arms of the Oriental Ice Ling were also directly pierced by the terrible sword. However, unlike Yang Dingtian, bloody, only the white jade arm, there are two terrible red marks, in fact, the degree of damage is even heavier than Yangdingtian.

At least at this time, the Oriental Ice Ling, the sword stroke has been very smooth.

At this time, the occupation on the scene, the Yangdingtian side fell into a complete downwind, completely at stake.

The 30 fox men have fallen more than half, only less than ten are still fighting, and everyone is **** and scarred.

And the fierce hawks, there are about forty people, is surrounded by the fox people master, to do the final fight.

As for the day by day. Bella, despite the lack of a solitary phoenix dance. However, Qin Huaiyu and Lonely Huanhua used the sorcerer, and Yan’s love was repaired at this time. Almost no less than a solitary phoenix dance, so, every day, Bella is still in the doldrums.

As for the Oriental Ice Ling, it is completely in the most dangerous state, and it is at stake at any time.

As for the side of Yangdingtian, it is completely passive killing!

Therefore, the Yangdingtian side completely enters the most dangerous situation and will be wiped out at any time.

"Next, the sinister old thief will stab the thigh of the Oriental Ice Ling." Du Gu Feng said: "So, I will stab your thigh!"

"Oh..." Then, the demon woman turned into a strange streamer, and lightning was generally stabbed.

Yangding Tianjian sword resisted.

But the arm was traumatized and could not be blocked at all.

The sword of the solitary demon woman slammed into her thigh.

At the same time, the eastern ice icicles in the air, the thighs were directly pierced by the swords of Yin Tianchong.

Sure enough, what happened to the Oriental Ice Ling, what happened to Yangdingtian.

"The next step is the other side of the thigh."

Then, she was a lightning-like sword, directly piercing the other thigh of Yangdingtian.

The oriental ice icing in the air, another thigh, was directly pierced by Yin Tianchong's old thief.

At this time, the Oriental Ice Ling was seriously injured in the limbs and was faltering in the air.

Yin Tianchong's gaze stared at her charming lower body: "The Eastern Virgin, the next sword, is also the most crucial sword. The goal is your sea. Of course, it is well known that the sea is in the lower abdomen, away from you. The most fascinating place is very close, so when my sword is piercing your sea, you will stop by your charming secret."

If the sea of ​​water is pierced, the oriental ice will be completely destroyed.

Du Gufeng dances and looks at Yangding Tiandao: "I am also the last sword. The goal is also your sea of ​​air. I don't know your deep sea Xuanyi, and I don't wrap it there."

After all, the solitary phoenix dance is a lightning-like sword, slamming into the sea at the top of the sun.

Suddenly, Yang Ding’s abdomen in the abdomen violently violently slammed into the sea, and the sky was overturned and frantically surging.

However, the sword of the Oriental Ice Ling is still blocked by the deep sea Xuanyi.

"Let's go to the same place, the solitary phoenix dance..." Yang Dingtian's eyes are all red, a blood red!

"Boom..." A flame of flame violently burned from his body.

Yangdingtian completely ignited the Xuanhuo in the gas sea, and ignited all the sin of the whole body.

The whole body, together with the sword in his hand, turned into a raging flame.

Xuanhuo energy, wrapped him all over the body.

A solitary phoenix dance can not pierce the sea of ​​Yangdingtian. The Jiaotuo lightning generally withdraws from tens of meters, looking at the completely burning Yangdingtian, saying: "Because of the mystery, in the face of absolute strength, what tricks are useless. ”

"Even so, I have to do the last fight." Yangding Tiandao.

"Oh..." Then, Yangdingtian’s body violently rotated, like a cannonball, rushing toward the solitary phoenix dance.

The speed is extremely fast and the momentum is amazing.

The whole person is like a burning giant sword, and all that has passed is a piece of coke.

Du Gu Feng Wu stood still in the same place, staring coldly at Yang Dingtian, and did not care.

"Call..." A group of blood red fog emerged again, completely enveloping the solitary phoenix dance.

This is the blood sacrifice light shield! Defend everything from its own energy.

Therefore, the fatal blow of Yang Dingtian is totally worthless in her eyes.

"Yangdingtian, finally give you a chance, worship in front of me..." The solitary phoenix dances coldly.

"Dreaming..." Yang Dingtian broke off.

The giant sword of Yangdingtian slammed into the crisp chest of the solitary phoenix dance.

Blocking him is the blood sacrifice shield. The sword of Yangdingtian is so difficult to stab forward.

That light shield, the energy on the Yangding Tianjian swallowed quickly.

Suddenly, the flame on Yangdingtian is getting smaller and smaller.

The solitary phoenix dances and looks at the huge sword that has been stabbed, disdainfully smiles, and the jade arm slams a slam, and it is necessary to directly fly out of Yangdingtian.

However, the situation is abrupt.

Her blood sacrifices the light shield, suddenly disappeared, and I don’t know why.

Suddenly, the sword of Yangdingtian did not hinder the stab in the first place. After the light shield was scattered, Yangdingtian saw the chest of the Duofeng dance in front of her eyes, and her expression of horror and trembling, and her incomparably complicated Eyes.

Time Du Gu Feng Dance and Yang Ding Tian all kinds of past, all vivid in sight.

Yang Dingtian and her school sword, Yang Dingtian gave her a cure.

A fragrant picture, a speechless picture, a happy picture.

In the end, the solitary phoenix dances naked on the body of Yangdingtian, and gives his true virgin 贞C to Yangdingtian.

This woman, and Yang Dingtian has a skin of love, with deep entanglements.

Yang Dingtian has saved her life many times.

Suddenly, the sword of Yangdingtian slowed down.

At this time, the loneliness and no joy there found the situation here, and exclaimed loudly: "Shen Lang stopped, I let you go, don't kill her!"

Look at the solitary phoenix dance, the pale face, still stubbornly fierce.

In the end, Yang Dingtian’s brain appeared in the picture of the solitary phoenix dance after he had a sympathy with himself.

Yangdingtian eyes condensed and slammed his teeth.

"Done phoenix dance, I swear after you last killed me, I met you again, I will never show mercy!"

After all, Yang Dingtian’s giant sword slammed.

"Oh..." In her horrified eyes, the sword of Yangdingtian slammed the chest of the solitary phoenix dance.

Blood slammed out and spattered on the face of Yangdingtian. (To be continued, this text is provided by Dawning Update Group @87453198. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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