Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 488: : Killing Mrs. Qin Qiu Ruohan!

Yang Dingtian took a long gun and then directly inserted the body of "Qin Qi Qi" on the gun.

In this way, with her body as a symbol, directly inserted in front of the head of the Qiushui Jianpai.

Then, look at the old young woman of Qiu Shui Jianpai. "You don't want to stay here. The dock on the edge of the island should have a boat. Leave it by boat. Someone will soon occupy Qiushui Island. Staying here is a dead end." ""

After all, Yang Dingtian body side, let the survivors of the Qiushui Jianpai pass.

Inside, there are two or three thousand people, most of them are women, and there are a few, young boys.

Did you kill the door of the Qiu Shui Jian faction this time? Of course there are.

Is there a fish that slips through the net? Of course there are!

But this is not important. What is important is that the fact that the Qiushui Jianpai has completely destroyed the door is enough.

It is enough to shock the world.

Yang Dingtian clearly saw that there were a few handsome youngsters who could not conceal their eyes and look at Yangdingtian with hateful eyes.

Especially the most central teenager, should be the highest-ranking, do not know how many years, but should also be around sixteen. Almost one hundred and seventy centimeters tall, but the face is slightly tender.

After coming to the main hall, his eyes never left Yangdingtian. In the eyes, there is no disguise of hatred, and a decisive gaze.

On the side of him, a middle-aged woman whispered desperately, to open his gaze, but the boy ignored it.

Song Chunhua frowned, directly pulled the sword and walked over.

The Yangding Tianchao recruited a beckoner and said: "You come over."

Suddenly, the middle-aged woman changed her face and hurryed to the ground. Cry and ask: "Yangcheng Lord, beg you, don't kill him, don't kill him. He is still young and ignorant. He offended you, I made atonement for him. No matter what you let me do, I beg you not to Kill him."

The boy looked at Yang Dingtian proudly and walked straight, and looked at him without fear.

His mother immediately followed up, screaming in front of Yang Dingtian, and took the boy to the top of the world.

"Who are you?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Autumn Jade, my father is Qiu Fengqi." That boy said.

After this was said, the middle-aged woman was suddenly ashamed and desperately hoeing her head. Until the tender forehead bleeding.

"This lady, then you are?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"I, I am Qiu Fengqi's wife, Li!" The middle-aged beauty woman, then she looked up, revealing the beautiful face of the charm: "Yangcheng Lord, my family husband was killed, that is his crime I don't blame. But this is already his only seedling. I beg you not to have a general knowledge of him. Please spare him a life. As long as you spare his life, no matter what you can do, let I can follow you as a slave."

"Mother, you shut up, don't lose the bones of our Qiushui Island. Don't give us a shame." The boy angered.

Song Chunhua stepped forward and said: "The sovereign, the grass does not remove the roots, the spring breeze is born again!"

Yangdingtian looked at the boy and said: "You are in my heart now. I must hate me very much. I want to kill me and take revenge."

"Of course, you will kill me now. Otherwise, ten or twenty years later, I will kill your family and avenge my father." Qiu Qingyu said: "You can kill me, but I will give you a kneel." I don't lack pride and anger."

"Hey..." Yangding suddenly slammed a slap in the face.

Suddenly, all four of the Qiu Qingyu flew out, half of the face was swollen, and blood flowed from the corner of the mouth.

"The pride and the enthusiasm in the greenhouse, nothing. You are not proud, not the bones. At best, it is just the peculiarity and ignorance of the wealthy children." Yang Dingtian said: "The pride and temper of a real man is not Letting your mother stand in front of her, she will not be indifferent to her mother’s squatting, but instead humiliate."

"Your so-called pride and temperament, I am about five slaps, you can make you cry, let you kneel." Yang Dingtian continued: "I hit you a slap in the face, in order to let you remember, in order to increase the heart Hatred, otherwise I am afraid that you will forget it after three or two months."

Then, Yang Ding Tianchao Song Chunhua said: "Bring this mother and son to Qin Wanqiu, he will like it."


Yangdingtian faces more than a thousand guests who are attending the wedding, and is also the executioner of Qiu Shuijian.

"You must be very worried in your heart. I will take you to Yunxiao City to fight. Or use today's things to force you back to their respective sects and lobby your head to join my side." Yangding Tiandao:

The faces of the people could not help but reveal the expression of course. There are more than a thousand people present, although there are not many people. But it has covered almost all the forces within three thousand miles. Yang Dingtian must take the opportunity to coerce and draw into his chariot.

"Don't worry, I won't do this." Yang Dingtian smiled faintly: "I only ask you to do two things after going back. First, let everything go out here. Completely include Qiu Shuijian. Destroy the door, including all of us, together with the seven thousand and seven thousand. The second thing, let your family, your sect, remain neutral in the next battle. Yes, just neutral!"

"Okay, let's go!" Yangding Tiandao.

Suddenly, more than a thousand people were present with unbelievable expressions.

Yang Dingtian has let them go so easily, and this thousand people are completely strange goods, so let go of it?

Then someone ran tentatively. When I saw Yangdingtian, there were no people blocking it. All of them suddenly ran to the beach.

Here, they are not willing to stay for a minute or two. There is nothing left in the Qiushuijian faction. The key is that the sword stabbed in Qin Qiqi is terrible.

Now, they just want to escape from here!

After all the representatives of more than a thousand and three thousand miles of power ran away, Song Chunhua said: "The sovereign, just let them run too cheap, you can take them as hostages and force them to follow the forces. Let them be among them. Part of it, join our chariot."

Yang Dingtian shook his head and dismissed: "These forces have all been scared by the demon road. It is useless."

Then, Yangding Tianwang looked at a few people: "There is such a joke, it is said that this martial art has a sinful guilty, weak and weak. If he becomes your enemy, you need to guard him with 10,000 troops. If he becomes your ally You need 100,000 troops to protect him. If he is neutral, then that is the best result."

Then, Yangding Tiandao: "In fact, their greatest and greatest use is to say everything that happened today. Dissipate the fear and put the blood of the Qiu Shui Jian faction on my declaration."

The crowd nodded.

"Well, it is time to leave here. Soon there will be a large-scale army entering Qiushui Island. I hope Qin Wanqiu can take a step faster." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, Yangdingtian is holding Qin Meng.

Song Chunhua took Qiu Fengqi's wife, Li, and Qin Huaiyu grabbed Qiu Qingyu and flew in the direction of the west.


Sure enough, when Yangdingtian just flew more than 10,000 miles from Qiushui Island. I saw the mighty fleet on the sea.

This is the fleet of the northwest Qincheng!

It is dense and overwhelming. In the vertical and horizontal.

Qincheng, dispatched tens of thousands! It seems that this time he is going to live and eat Qiu Shui Island completely into his stomach.

After seeing the five people in Yangding, the people on the fleet immediately pointed to the sky.

"Oh..." Then, countless spar arrows flew into the air, and five people shot in the sun.

of course. Of course, the arrow in the area can't shoot a few people in Yangding. This is just a statement of Qin Wanqiu.

Just in the Yangding Tianman does not care, ready to fly directly away.

Suddenly, a figure flew straight into the sky.

Cool and beautiful, mature and beautiful. It was Qin Qiuyu’s nominal mother Qiu Ruohan. It is not Qin Wanqiu, but Qiu Ruohan?

"Yangdingtian, it really is you, how will you send Qiu Shui Jianpai?"

Yang Dingtian sneer and laughed: "Autumn Swordsman, colluding with the evil demon, betraying the Heavenly Alliance. I have completely destroyed it. All the sinners of Qiu Fengqi down, all killed, and the head is placed in Jingguan, just in front of the main hall! ”

Suddenly, Qiu Ruohan’s beautiful face reveals the hatred and resentment of the bones. The beautiful face is pale in the end, and I look forward to Yang Dingtian’s voice: “You dog, even kill my brother, destroy my Qiu Shui Jianpai, today, I will You have broken the corpse!"

After all, Qiu Ruohan’s hair turned blue in an instant, and the violent temperament over the waist. The pointed nails suddenly grow more than half a foot long, and they are extremely fierce.

Yangdingtian eyes were cold, and looked at Qin Huaiyu, then coldly said: "Kill her!"

"Yes!" Several people shouted in unison.

Qin Huaiyu looked at Yangdingtian, and he stopped talking.

"What's wrong?" Yangding Tiandao.

"No, nothing." Qin Huaiyu said.

Yangding Tiandao: "Everyone, transport the Xuanhuo to the extreme, live and die in the autumn!"

"Yes!" Five people violently pulled the sword and transported all the mysterious, all Xuanhuo. Qin Huaiyu, a little hesitant, also transported Xuanhuo, but his Xuanhuo, full of swaying, full of hesitation.

Beautiful and beautiful autumn Ruohan, lightning generally rushed, and instantly came to the front.

Five-claw ice sword, slammed into the sun.

"Brush!" Yangding slammed into a sword.

Right hand, the magic spirit Xuanhuo ice sealing technique is quickly displayed.

In an instant, less than a foot in front of Yangdingtian, Qiu Ruohan’s body was fixed, of course, even less than 0.5 seconds.

"When!" Qiu Ruohan's ten long nails were suddenly cut across.

Then, the four Xuanhuo, together with the lightning bolt of the electric system, violently rushed toward her.

This autumn Ruohan is a three-star master, but under the bombardment of four Xuanhuo, don't say it must die, at least seriously injured!

"Boom!" Four Xuan Huo, violently condensed in the autumn.

Then, Yangdingtian lightning a sword, slamming the heart of Qiu Ruohan, it is necessary to hit her deadly!

This time, Qiu Ruohan must die!

She is only a three-star master, and she must not have surpassed five masters and four Xuanhuo.


Four Xuan Huo slammed in the air, and the body of Qiu Ruohan condensed, and then exploded fiercely! !

Just like a small nuclear bomb, it bursts into the air with a dazzling light. No, it’s more amazing than the sun’s rays.

Qiu Ruohan's beautiful posture, completely broken bones, gray smoke and smoke.

Despite being a three-star guru. Probably can not withstand the bombardment of four Xuanhuo. In particular, three masters!

I did not expect that the transaction with Qin Wanqiu ended in advance. Yangding innocent did not think that Qiu Ruohan suddenly broke into his face. Or, it may be that Qiu Ruhan is behind the danger of getting Qiu Shui Jianpai. Immediately take the army to Qiu Shui Island in the first time, in order to save the Qiushui Jianpai. Even if you can't save, you must grab the Qiu Shui Island before Qin Wanqiu.

But did not expect that even Yang Tiantian hit the face, and then put his life here.

However, Yang Dingtian suddenly felt that something was wrong, and Qiu Ruohan seemed to die too easily. Is she so treacherous, so easy to die?

Then Yangdingtian thinks. Just for the sake of insurance, in addition to the bombardment of four Xuanhuo, Yangdingtian was still a sword stabbing the chest of Qiu Ruohan, but the stab was completely empty, as if it was stabbed in the air.

Yang Dingtian changed his face and shouted: "Not good! Qin Huaiyu, be careful!"

The voice just fell!

"Stabbing!" Qin Huaiyu's chest was suddenly pierced.

Three pointed blue nails. Directly pierced Qin Huaiyu's chest. The beautiful figure of Qiu Ruohan appeared directly behind Qin Huaiyu. Her beautiful face, the sun on the top of the sun, a cold smile.

"Ah..." Yang Dingtian a few people screamed, almost blind, and then rushed to the autumn if the cull.

Just now, the Chaoyang Dingtian rushed over, just the illusion of Qiu Ruohan. Just an illusion.

The real she, already appeared behind Qin Huaiyu, shot Qin Huaiyu, to take away the autumn Qingyu in his arms.

Qin Huaiyu was a little afraid to look at the claws pierced by his chest. Although he had never opposed the killing of Qiu Ruohan. But every time he mentions this thing, he is absolutely silent. Because, Qiu Ruohan is his nominal mother after all. He really can't get his hands, but he can't stop Yangdingtian.

Therefore, he has been almost immersed in pain and entanglement, and there are infinite embarrassment, even if Yang Dingtian told him that his biological mother died in the hands of Qiu Ruohan, still can not let Qin Huaiyu untie Knot.

However, he did not think that he could not get his hands, and Qiu Ruohan could get his hands and kill him Qin Huaiyu in the first time.

Seeing Qiu Ruohan succeeded, Qiu Qingyu, who was caught in the hands of Qin Huaiyu, exclaimed excitedly: "Aunt, aunt, kill them, kill them, and kill them. Everyone will kill thousands of dollars, he killed." My father, he, he also beat me, I lost four teeth and killed him!"

At this time, Qin Huaiyu suddenly used up his last strength and threw Qin Huaiyu to the top of the sun.

"Hey!" Qiu Ruohan sneered, violently pulling out the claws, flying over to grab Qiu Qingyu.

Yangdingtian is in amazement, and he will quickly display the magical demon fire and ice-blocking technique. He will freeze the autumn if it is frozen and then grab back Qin Huaiyu.

But it's useless! The ice-sealing technique, for the autumn talent of the ice talent, simply cannot work. Of course, because Qiu Ruohan is a three-star master, it is even higher than the top of the sun.

Just when Qiu Ruohan was going to fly to **** Qiu Qingyu.

However, he did not expect that Qin Huaiyu used all the mysteriousness and violently locked the claws stuck in his body. Then, the body slammed back, directly letting Qiu Ruohan pierce his body, and then reached out and grabbed Qiu Ruohan's wrist to prevent her from leaving.

"Hey, mother, let's die together!" Qin Huaiyu smiled lightly.

At the same time, the little princess flies quickly and catches Qiu Qingyu directly in the air.

"唰唰唰唰 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

"Ah..." Seeing that his hands and feet were all cut off, Qiu Qingyu made a terrible scream.

Qiu Ruohan slammed a sword across the neck of Qin Huaiyu, and the sun was shining in the top of the sun: "I put my nephew, otherwise I will kill Qin Huaiyu!"

Yang Dingtian faintly said: "Your son, can't you compare with your nephew?"

“Hey? Son?” Qiu Ruohan said: “It’s just a hybrid of miscellaneous goods. What does it have to do with me?”

"Xiandi, don't say it." Qin Huaiyu's mouth is constantly pouring out blood, said: "It's my fault, Qiu Ruohan will be a mysterious skill, called the illusion of magic. I know, before the war, I think Tell you, but I didn't say it after all, so let her succeed."

Suddenly. Yangding Tianzuo corner twitched.

Wang Baijin Qin Wanqiu, confused Qin Huaiyu!

Where did Qin Huaiyu, who was ruthless and ruthless in the past, go?

He didn't want to kill Qiu Ruohan, so he didn't say it. If Yangdingtian knows that this woman has such a metaphysical mystery, she will certainly guard against it and not kill her. At least not being slandered by her, will not let Qin Huaiyu fall into her hands.

This woman is also really a traitor.

Five people present, she did not go to kill and repair as the weakest coffin, but to kill Qin Huaiyu. Because she knows best in her heart, Qin Huaiyu is the least devastating to her, and her mentality is full of embarrassment and weakness, which is the best.

Qin Huaiyu is no longer a master of the master class, even if someone is sneaked from behind, too late to escape? Why? It’s not because of killing Qiu Ruohan, which makes him confused, and there is no defense at all.

"Yangdingtian, handing over my nephew, fast..." Autumn Ruohan said: "I count down five, you don't pay, I will kill!"




Suddenly, Qin Huaiyu said: "Qiu Ruohan. Don't waste your effort. You should kill me immediately, because I am mad at myself. I want to go with you."

Suddenly, Qiu Ruohan’s face changed, and suddenly he saw Qin Huai’s face showing strange light, and suddenly he was horrified.

"Now this situation, it is my fault, I will not let myself become hostage and let my comrades brothers get into trouble." Qin Huaiyu faint.

His self-destructive atmosphere. Still continuing.

Yangding Tian suddenly changed color.

"Call!" Suddenly summoned the demon spirits to block the ice, and instantly freeze all the actions of Qin Huaiyu, freezing all his mystery.

"Quickly stun him!" Yang Dingtian shouted.

Qiu Ruohan slammed his palm and directly stunned Qin Huaiyu.

Yangding Tianfei quickly threw a holy water medicine, saying: "Come to him!"

Qiu Ruohan catches a holy water medicine. Then giggling: "Yangdingtian, you care about his life and death, so that's easy."

Qiu Ruohan unhurriedly sent the holy water medicine into Qin Huaiyu's mouth, and then said: "I will hand over my nephew Qiu Qingyu immediately, otherwise I will be in front of you, first break Qin Huaiyu's hands and feet, then Look at his head!"

"Yes!" Yangding Tiandao.

There is no bargaining.

"Chunhua, throw Li away." Yangding Tiandao.

Song Chunhua threw Lee at Yangdingtian.

"I will hand you over to Qiu Ruohan, and the next day will depend on you." Yang Dingtian said faintly: "Your son's hands and feet have been cut off, but they can still be connected, but only Cultivation will have a huge impact. But this is not a good thing for your son."

"I know." Li's eyes are in tears: "I don't want him to be strong, but to be safe."

"This autumn if you are a demon, you want your son not for family, but to set him up as a demon, and control Qiu Shuidao. They will use a very evil way to let your son repair. For the big rise, but people will become the devil." Yangding Tiandao: "I originally wanted to hand over your mother and son to Qin Wanqiu, although still doing it, but at least it can be safe."

"I know." Li Shidao.

"So, then you are good at it." Yangding Tiandao.

Then, Yangding Tianchao Ruohan said: "I agree to exchange, in order to show my sincerity, I will give you your nephew Li."

Then, Yang Dingtian gently used force to throw Li’s rug into the autumn.

Qiu Ruohan looked at Li’s gaze, though full of disdain and disdain, but still pulled Li’s back behind him and said, “Now, you throw my nephew Qiu Qingyu.”

Yangding Tiandao: "You will return Qin Huaiyu to us first, and we will hand over Qiu Qingyu. Everyone knows that the world is full of words, and you can't do it in autumn."

"No!" Qiu Ruohan sneered: "There is no discussion about this matter. I will hand over my nephew first, and I will give Qin Huaiyu to you."

Yangding Tiandao: "If I hand over Qiu Qingyu, you still don't return Qin Huaiyu, continue to take him as a hostage and force us to promise you other things, then what?"

Qiu Ruohan smiled faintly: "This risk, you must take it."

Between words, there is no denying that I can turn my face and break the contract at any time.

Then, Qiu Ruohan smiled and said: "Whoever makes you Yangdingtian so cares about Qin Huaiyu, if you don't care about him, you are not so passive."

Then, Qiu Ruohan will be on the wrist of Qin Huaiyu, saying: "Yangdingtian, my patience is limited. I count to three. If you don't throw me my nephew, I will break Qin Huaiyu. hand."




Qiu Ruohan slammed a sword and directly dropped Qin Huaiyu's handcuffs.

Yangdingtian's lips trembled fiercely and directly bite the bleeding.

The little girl’s coffin, the tears have been constantly pouring out, biting their teeth, and they are full of bitter hatred towards Qiu Ruohan.

"Yangdingtian, I know that you have a holy water medicine. Qin Huaiyu's hand is broken, it is very important. After picking it up, with the holy water medicine, it will soon be restored." Qiu Ruohan said: "But if I want to Destroy this broken hand, your holy water medicine can not let him grow a hand again!"

After all, Qiu Ruohan’s sword was pressed on Qin Huaiyu’s broken hand.

"I have to start counting down again. Count to three. If you don't throw me out, I will completely destroy Qin Huaiyu's broken hand!"




"Well, I agree!" Yangding Tiandao, then grabbed the autumn clear jade that broke his hand and threw it directly into the autumn.

Qiu Ruohan is flying fast, pulling Qiu Qingyu behind him.

At this point, several masters on the fleet flew into the air, arching the autumn if the culvert was in the middle.

Yangding Tiandao: "I have already put Qiu Qingyu, and now you have let go of Qin Huaiyu."

"Ha ha ha aha..." Qiu Ruohan sneered: "Yangdingtian, you are really naive, may I let it go? You are so naive to the point of stupidity. Now, I have to start to ask for new ones. Now, I want your sword of the Emperor, throw it over to me, otherwise I will destroy Qin Huaiyu."

At this time, Song Chunhua and Zhu Hongxue were completely mad at the explosion.

"I have to start counting down again."




"Stab!" Suddenly, a poisonous dagger slammed into the back of Qiu Ruohan.

It was Li, and her face shivered, shivering, fearing, and piercing the dagger into the back of Qiu Ruohan.

Her cultivation is very weak, even if Qiu Ruohan does not have any precautions, even if it is a sneak attack, it is impossible to hurt Qiu Ruohan. Because the blade has just reached the body of Qiu Ruohan, it will immediately be bounced off by the huge Xuanqi, and it will not penetrate the flesh and blood of Qiu Ruohan.

However, the dagger had just touched the skin of Qiu Ruohan, and a terrible poisonous moment spread out, directly disintegrating all the mysterious veins of the dagger.

"Ah..." Qiu Ruohan angered.

The mysteriousness of the whole body burst forth suddenly.

"Hey!" Li's body flew out like a straw, squirting blood in the air.

Why did she attack Qiu Ruohan? Because Yangdingtian whispered to her that Qiu Qingyu was poisoned in the body, she did not do so, and Qiu Qingyu would soon explode. For the son, Lee is willing to do anything, so despite her fear, she still stabbed the unsuspecting Qiu Ruohan.

Li can't hurt Qiu Ruohan, can only create the moment of death However, it is completely enough.

The little princess coffin, you flashed in an instant, directly took Qin Huaiyu, and then quickly flashed away.

Then, Yang Dingtian, Zhu Hongxue, Song Chunhua three, with the anger of the sky, rushed to the autumn if the culvert.


For a moment, all the Wu Zun masters around Qiu Ruohan were killed, and then Qiu Ruohan was tightly surrounded by the center.

"Hey, what kind of horrible ending you will end up, guess yourself!"

Yangdingtian cold and cold road!

Note: The first seven thousand words are sent, and there is a second one. Brothers, if you don't open a single chapter, today's monthly pass will be five. Don't do this. Please ask for a monthly pass and ask for support! ! (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks to the book friend Yu Yueyu's 10,000 starting point reward, let you pay, thank you!

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