Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 489: : The ending of Qiu Ruohan! Ning Luoer

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"Shantou, protect Qin Huaiyu this confused egg, put the broken hand on it, stitch it with needlework, and then give him a holy water remedy, use Xuanqi to resolve the drug." Yangding Tiandao.

"Yes!" The little girl carried Qin Huaiyu's body and flashed the dangerous distance of Qiu Ruohan.

"How is Qin Huaiyu's heart, is there any fatal wound?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"Not yet, but the chest on the other side was completely pierced, and a breath, blood all poured out." The little princess said.

"That doesn't matter, you can't die." Yangding Tiandao: "Taro, in addition to protecting Yangdingtian, Qin Meng's safety is also handed over to you, know?"

"Know it, hey!" said the little girl: "Come on this woman!"


"Yangdingtian, you are very good, just half a day less than the time, even let Li’s monk succumb to you, and even shot me.” Qiu Ruohan reached out and touched the back injury, sneer "Are you so **** your bed, the woman who made you sleep, don't want to kill you?"

"You, the monk, will take the heart of her own mother and heart." Yangding Tian cold road: "Well, no nonsense, no one has saved you. Today in this sea, I am going to vent your anger on you."

"Why, do you want to **** me?" Qiu Ruohan sneered.

"Don't say that disgusting." Yangding Tiandao: "Just break your hands and feet, peel off your skin, remove your bones, and then smash your body!"

"Just with the three of you?" Qiu Ruohan sneered, and then smiled coldly: "Do it!"

Let me talk about it. If the autumn is beautiful, it will burst into a terrible red awn, and it will grow into a long, five-claw violent, like a demon. Slammed to the weakest of the three to celebrate the red snow.

At the same time, the sword of the three people, like lightning, slammed away in the autumn.


The sword of the three men stabbed the Mid-Autumn Festival and then rip open.

"Oh..." suddenly. The body of Qiu Ruohan was violently torn open and was broken by living.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

However, the laughter of Qiu Ruohan immediately followed a few hundred meters in the distance.

Her beautiful figure is also directly appearing hundreds of meters away.

The corpse that was just split is just the illusion of Qiu Ruohan.

Then. The autumn body of Qiu Ruohan disappeared, appeared, disappeared, and appeared.


Then, in the air around Yangdingtian, there were dozens and dozens. Even hundreds of autumn culverts.

Every one is exactly the same, each one is lifelike.

"Ha ha ha ha ha..." Qiu Ruohan laughed in the air and said: "I have already said, with three of you, want to kill me? It is a dream!"

It’s not just a fall, but a few hundred autumns, they are laughing!

This picture is really amazing.

Qiu Ruohan, the illusory magical mystery, is too far-fetched. Too abnormal!

This vicious woman, although only a Samsung master, is not as good as the five-star master Qiu Fengqi. I don’t know how much.

In short, anyone who is really entangled with the demon. They are all powerful and weird.

Although this autumn culvert is not as good as Wu Mozhi, it is also chilling.

"Oh..." Then, the illusion of hundreds of autumn Ruohan began to shift and change constantly, and it was extremely fierce and fierce.

Although knowing that these are illusions, it is incredibly amazing.

And, if one of them is true, it is terrible.

"Ha ha ha ha ... mean and stupid Yang Dingtian, you want to kill me, completely dreaming, dreaming!" Autumn Ruohan's voice, constantly ringing in the ear.

Countless illusions, madly rushed.

Yang Dingtian three people, the sword in his hand quickly killed. However, every time you are in the middle of it, it is only the illusion of Qiu Ruohan.

This endless illusion is really making the three people exhausted.

Qiu Ruohan's laughter has not stopped, more and more proud, more and more full of ridicule!

Song Chunhua came to Yang Dingtian's side, whispering: "The sovereign, this will not work, her true body, will be close to the coffin, snatching Qiu Qingyu and Qin Huaiyu, and even killing the coffin."

"I know." Yangding Tiandao: "Actually, she has secretly sneaked into the little girl's side, I am locking her real body!"

Yes, Yang Dingtian kills this endless phantom while performing the countless grievances of the billion spirits and chasing the figure of Qiu Ruohan.

"Found it!" Yang Dingtian whispered.

Then, he slammed the stealth mystery and instantly disappeared into the air.

At this time, the endless phantom, completely surrounded by three people.

Yangdingtian stealth in the isolated space, quickly chasing the autumn and culvert.


Qiu Ruohan gradually approached the little princess.

At this time, there are two people in the hand, one is Qin Huaiyu, and the other is Qiu Qingyu.

There is also a Qin Meng away on the back.

Although the little girl is full of vigilance and constantly moving in the direction, but for the closeness of Qiu Ruohan, it is still unconscious.

Qiu Ruohan, who performed the magical mystery, will hide himself in a special robe. However, this is not a complete stealth, Yang Dingtian's billion spirits can easily lock her.

Looking at the little princess, looking at Qin Meng. Qiu Ruohan’s eyes are becoming more and more vicious, and her beautiful face is getting more and more embarrassing.

Getting closer and closer.

Soon, it was less than ten meters before the coffin.

"Qin Meng is gone, you are going to die!"

"Little slut, go to hell!"

When Qiu Ruohan waved his claws, he would suddenly slam the little princess and Qin Meng away, and instantly caught the meat.

At this time, Yangding suddenly appeared.

"Hey!" A fierce sword!

Yangdingtian pierced the chest of Qiu Ruochan directly.

Qiu Ruohan first stayed, and then there was a great pain in the chest.

"Ah..." Qiu Ruohan made a screaming scream.

Yangding suddenly pulled out the sword and pointed at the two hands of Qiu Ruohan and slammed it down.

"Oh..." Autumn Ruohan is incredibly beautiful. The two jade hands, which are incomparably poisonous, are cut off and flying.

The Yangding Tianli sword was twisted, and the two broken hands were smashed.

Then, Yangding Tianzhu circled the neck of Qiu Ruohan and sneered: "Mr. Qin. You said, how should I deal with you now?"

"Ah..." Qiu Ruohan looked at his broken hand and made a shocking scream.

Unbelievable looking at the Yangdingtian behind him, Qiu Ruohan sighed: "Yangdingtian, I will definitely smash your corpse, and smash the corpse. I will definitely be your wife. Your mother-in-law, you All the women, become the most embarrassing, let them fall into hell..."

Qiu Ruohan did not finish.

Because Yangding is a thorn in the sky.

"Hey!" A sword directly pierced her mouth and slammed it.

Directly put Qiu Ruohan's small tongue. Twisted into pieces.

"Spurs, stings, stings..."

Then, Yangding Tianjian sword spurs.

In an instant, on the delicate body of Qiu Ruohan, there are countless swords in the stab.

Suddenly, her moving body. Completely **** and fuzzy.

Qiu Ruohan, who was killed by Yang Dingtian, did not scream, but burst into laughter and sneer.

Blood, rushing out of her mouth.

However, she is still laughing, the whole picture is full of horror and magnificence.

"Well, go to **** and laugh!" Yangding Tiandao.

Then, grab her hair. A sharp sword, you have to kneel down the head of Qiu Ruohan.

"Keeping under the sword!" Suddenly, there was a thunderous sound in the distance.

It is the voice of Qin Wanqiu.

Although there are still dozens of miles apart, the voice of Qin Wanqiu is clearly resounding in the top of the sun.

then. A blue figure, if it is a meteor, it is not far before the eyes of Yangding.

"Yangdingtian, keep the sword under the sword." Qin Wanqiu loudly.

At this time, his handsome face is filled with endless worries and endless anger.

"Yangdingtian, how dare you hurt my wife, I can't wait to break you down." Qin Wanqiu angered.

Then, he cried again: "If Han, why don't you wait for me, why don't you wait for me, then you will send troops privately. Otherwise, how can you encounter such a disaster?"

Yang Dingtian suddenly frowned, what kind of trick is Qin Wanqiu playing?

Most want to kill Qiu Ruohan, I am afraid that it is himself. He should wait until he kills Qiu Ruohan. How come out now?

Suddenly, Yangdingtian felt a bit wrong.

Then I looked down and found that the body of Qiu Ruohan’s riddled bones had stopped bleeding, and then all the wounds recovered quickly and quickly healed.

"My day!" Yangding Tiansheng roared.

It is not strange that Wu Mozhi has evil spirits in his body. How can he even have Qiu Ruohan? The evil spirits are so precious, how do you get the autumn?

With this weird thing, Qiu Ruohan can't kill! No wonder, Qin Wanqiu will appear at this time.

Of course, Qin Weaving also has evil spirits. However, Qin weaving can be killed. Her body is not the real evil spirit energy, but the evil spirits. It can make Qin Zhi fast and powerful, but it can't make her not die.

Moreover, if this autumn if there is evil spirit energy, it should become extremely powerful in an instant, and Yangdingtian is not an opponent at all. But looking at her cultivation, progress seems to be limited. Is it the energy of the evil spirit that I just got?

These thoughts have passed away.

Yangding Tianhengjian is on the neck of Qiu Ruohan, cold road: "Qin Zongzhu, don't come over, otherwise your wife will lose his head. A beautiful woman without a head, I am afraid it is not good."

"Yangdingtian, let go of my wife, I will let you go." Qin Wanqiu coldly.

"Things are not so cheap." Yangding Tiandao: "I want to change Mrs. Qin for two people!"

"Who?" Qin Wanqiu said.

"Ningrouer, and her daughter Xiaoninging." Yangding Tiandao.

"Yes! They are locked in the water castle, you can save them now." Qin Wanqiu said.

"Well, let Mrs. Qin accompany us to take a trip. After a thousand miles, I will let her go." Yangding Tiandao.

"No!" Qin Wanqiu said: "If you break the contract, if you kill my wife, then what should I do? You must put it now!"

"Hey..." Yangding Tianzhu two swords, directly under the autumn Ruoqiang Han just grew a little hands, Qi Quan.

"Yangdingtian, I will smash you a corpse!" Qin Wanqiu screamed.

"Qin Zongzhu, you have no choice." Yangding Tiandao: "Then, he slammed his palm, directly stunned Qiu Ruohan, toward the crowd: "Brothers, go! ”

Then, Zhu Hongxue, Song Chunhua, Lingbi and others, with Qin Huaiyu, quickly flew east.

"Qin Zongzhu, Li Shi and Qiu Qingyu, I will give it to you, thank you."

Then, Yang Dingtian and others quickly flew far.

And Qin Wanqiu, in the air, made a very angry voice, the palm of the hand, madly hit the sea, set off a huge wave. But as if he was worried about his wife's safety, he would not dare to catch up.


Yang Dingtian and others, holding the autumn Ruohan, quickly flew more than a thousand miles ~ ~ At this time, Qiu Ruohan has been waking up.

Yang Dingtian asked: "Can you tell me why you are qualified to have evil spirits?"

At the time, Qiu Ruohan had recovered all over the body. Only his hands were once again broken by Yangding.

After hearing the answer from Yang Dingtian, she giggled: "I feel dangerous, so I sent meat to me and gave myself to Ning Wuming. You know that the word meiyan and mother-in-law is still very attractive. The body was exchanged for the evil spirits, and in exchange for the undead body."

"No wonder so." Yangding Tiandao.

"Well, you and Qin Wanqiu's play have also finished, let me go."

"Sorry, I just missed a specimen to study evil spirits, and you will follow me to Yunxiaocheng." Yangdingtian smiled.

Suddenly, Qiu Ruohan’s face changed greatly! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly ticket, your support, is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read.)

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