Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 502: : Crazy adventure! Resurrection master!

The so-called departure from the soul is to take a person's soul out of the body.

It looks as if it is exactly the same as the soul of the evil spirits.

It is almost the same, but there are essential differences. ,

From the soul, the soul is completely intact.

The soul of the evil spirits is a soul that has lost consciousness.

The dementor is a cruel and direct take away of a person's soul, but does not take away consciousness, will and emotion. This kind of rudeness leads to the soul being thrown away and put into the ring of the soul, which directly becomes a brutal sorcerer, no consciousness, no emotion.

In other words, the soul that was taken away by the dementor is actually dead. The body has become a walking dead, and the soul has become a numbing and cold energy body. It has no consciousness and emotion at all.

In this case, Yangdingtian does not need any trouble at all, and it is just a matter of making a war. At this time, Yang Dingtian’s soul ring is already full of powerful and powerful souls.

However, Yang Dingtian is going to be resurrected by a conscious and emotional master who wants to re-live the soul of the master in this world.

Therefore, it is necessary to completely separate the soul of the master from his own brain and then lead it into the soul. ,

However, there are now three places that are extremely difficult.

First of all, how to completely remove the soul, emotions, etc. of the master, and completely separate the master's soul, emotion, and so on.

The second point, because the soul of the master lives in his own mind, how to separate the soul of his master from his own soul, otherwise it is very possible, not only to take out the soul of the master, but also to take out his soul. . This is very, very likely. At that time, Yangdingtian made the Wu Xingwen a walking dead, and the **** himself took his soul away.

You must know that the residual soul of the Eastern Nirvana at this time is living within your own soul. The two are purely morphologically integrated, and it is not just that one parasite hangs directly on another species. Just pull it off.

The third point, the master's soul has been extremely weak, has been the most protected in his mind, but also had to enter the slumber period, a little bit of movement, will immediately vanish. It can be said that as long as you leave your own brain, 100% will directly dissipate, and you will not be able to enter the soul.

It can be said. These three points are almost insoluble.

Of course, if the innocent is willing to take the shot, it can be said that it is effortless.

With his spiritual strength, he can easily enter the mind of Yangdingtian, and wrap the remaining souls of the Eastern Nirvana, and then use them to withdraw from the soul. However, in the whole process, the soul of the Eastern Nirvana can still be in a state of sleep, and he is extremely powerful. It is perfectly possible to protect the fragile soul fragments of the master and then easily inject the soul into the shadows.

And the final resurrection process. It’s easier to use it directly.

The resurrection of the Eastern Nirvana is hard for others to go to heaven, but for the innocent, it is as simple as drinking a glass of water.

However, he does not agree. Even the soul is not willing to trade.

There is only one roll of nine products in the first grade. It is necessary to change the secret city of a desperate city.

This is not the case for him, but the meaning of the dead sun.

Yang Ding Tian will take the soul, so the result of 99% is that he took out the soul of the master and his own soul. then. I became a walking dead.


In the deep seabed, Yangdingtian entered meditation.

He has the deepest and deepest understanding of evil spirits. Because, the solitary singer injected all the things of the evil soul into his mind.

Yangdingtian can be sure that the so-called dementing and leaving the soul should be the same system. It’s just that it’s much more advanced from the soul, and it’s much harder. The demention is simpler and much more rude.

Then, now Yangdingtian must solve the first difficulty.

That is, as if the soul of the soul and the soul of the master are completely separated and independent.

It sounds very simple, but it is actually very, very difficult.

The soul is a special kind of energy body, invisible.

It can be said that at this time, the soul of the master is completely integrated in the depths of the soul of Yangdingtian, and there is no way to separate it. Even if there is a division of law, then at the moment of division, the soul of the master will be wiped out.

Because the master's soul fragments, rely entirely on the soul of Yangdingtian to provide energy. Once separated, it is completely destroyed.

Thinking, thinking, thinking!

Meditation, meditation, meditation!

Yangdingtian must find a way to successfully isolate the soul of the master from his own soul, but it will never be smouldering?

Is there a way? Have!

That is the separation of God!

The soul of the master still lives in his own consciousness and is not physically separated.

However, from the spiritual world, from the virtual spiritual world, it began to separate.

any solution?

Meditation, Yangdingtian himself enters his own spiritual world, enters the direct brain domain, and then finds the master's oriental nirvana.

Sounds simple!

But in reality, it is extremely difficult.

How big is the spiritual world inside a person's mind? I can’t imagine it at all, even bigger than the world that Yang Dingtian has been here. Especially for Yangdingtian, I lived on Earth and lived in the chaotic world. The brain has seen countless novels, countless movies, all of which form projections in the brain and become part of the spiritual world.

Therefore, the spiritual world inside Yangdingtian’s brain may have millions of tens of millions of square kilometers. Some are clear, some are vague, and some are repetitive. But there is no doubt that these constitute the spiritual world. Therefore, it is impossible to imagine how big it is.

There is a saying that the memory capacity in the human brain is tens of thousands or even more tb.

That's right, it's tb. Each tb is equivalent to 1024 gb.

A high-definition love action movie, only 2gb. There are hundreds of thousands of screens inside.

from here. It is also conceivable how big the human spiritual world is.

Then, to find the parasitic Eastern Nirvana soul in the spiritual world, it is equivalent to finding a person who is sleeping in a few million square kilometers of land.

How hard it is, I can't imagine it! How long does it take to find a normal one. Find one foot and one foot, find one meter and one meter.

It takes at least tens of thousands of years to stop.

However, how much time can you give Yangdingtian?

Of course, perhaps, why not directly wake up the soul of the master, so that you can find it directly soon?

That's right, of course you can find it after waking up. But after the awakening of the master, his soul fragments are scattered.

Because the composition of the human brain is different. Everything in charge of each place is different. Therefore, the master wants to communicate with Yangdingtian, and must also be dispersed in various parts.

It is for this reason that even though it is in the mind of Yangdingtian, the soul of the master is still dissipating quickly, because these soul fragments are scattered and will be lost every time. Therefore, the master had to sleep and let all the soul fragments together.

and. When Yang Dingtian extracts the soul of the master, he also needs to be completely condensed together.

and so. Throughout the process, the soul of the master must be in a state of sleep.

Therefore, the first step of the resurrection master, Yang Dingtian must enter his spiritual world and find the soul of the master sleeping.


Where is the soul of the master, sleeping in the spiritual world of Yangdingtian?

Yangdingtian can only bet. Can only guess!

But no matter what, he needs a lot of time to find, maybe it will take months, years, or even longer.

but. The reality will not exceed three or four days for Yangdingtian.

At the end of the Tiandao League meeting, Qin Qiqi and Ning Wuming’s army will set off to encircle the Yunxiao City.

Therefore, Yangdingtian has to enter deep meditation.

The deeper the level of meditation, the slower the time.

The first layer, the second layer, the third layer, the fourth layer, the fifth layer!

Each time, the degree of slowing down is a geometric multiple.

So to the deep meditation world, in the past few decades, perhaps equal to the reality of a few hours.

Of course, going into deep meditation will be a very horrible thing.

That is impossible to be awake and stuck in the gap between the spiritual world.

Human memory is faulty, so the spiritual world is definitely not smooth and complete. In a certain memory, a picture that does not belong to a world at all is inserted. Once you get into this kind of mistake, you will never get out.

This is equivalent to a bug in the world, and there are ruins everywhere.

The theories of these spiritual worlds are still very deep on the earth, and there are only related ideas. But in the chaotic world, there is a whole set of theoretical systems. Although there are few spiritual teachers in this world, the research in the spiritual field is much higher than the Earth era.

There are also many meditation scrolls that enter their spiritual world.

Yangdingtian will begin the first step of the resurrection master, enter meditation, and find the soul of the sleeping master in the spiritual world.


Enter the space ring, Yang Dingtian chooses the spirit scroll.

Ningning itself is a spiritual teacher, so there are many spiritual scrolls of meditation, and there are even nine finest products.

Spiritual scroll, is the higher the grade?

Of course this is the case, because the higher the grade, the deeper the level of meditation, which means that Yangdingtian has enough time to find the soul of the master sleeping in his own brain.

However, the higher the level of the spirit scroll, the more realistic the spiritual world is, and the most deep pictures of the memory are dug out.

The more realistic the spiritual world, the more bugs and seams, the easier it is to get stuck in the cracks forever and get lost.

After struggling and hesitating, Yangdingtian did not choose the highest-quality scroll, but just chose a meditation scroll of eight grades.

The more ambiguous the spiritual world, the less the danger, but the less time.

Holding a spiritual scroll, Yang Dingtian took a deep breath.

Next, it is almost the most crazy and most adventurous journey of Yangdingtian.

Because no one can wake him up. There is only one set of conscious conditions, that is, once you find the soul of the master sleeping. Just wake yourself up.

Then if you haven't found a master, then Yangdingtian will always be immersed in meditation. Well, maybe half a month, a month, a few months have passed.

By the time he was awake, Yunxiaocheng had become gray.

meditation. It is always only a high-level spiritualist to play. There are endless traps and cracks in it, and there is no purpose to achieve the state forever. For ordinary people, meditation is too dangerous.

And the most crazy thing is!

Yang Dingtian himself thought about this method of resurrection of the master. There is no theoretical support at all, and no one guarantees success. It was only by Yang Dingtian that he came up with it, and no psychic proved to be feasible.

If you let the Wuzi know the way of Yangdingtian, he will be completely shocked and shocked by the madness and despair of Yangdingtian.

Ordinary people enter the world of meditation. Purely looking for death, looking for death, looking for death! There are endless cracks in it, and there is no way to escape.

Of course, Yang Dingtian does not know much about this.

The ignorant is fearless, and Yang Dingtian takes a deep breath and then meditates on the spirit of the eight products in his hand. Enter a mysterious gas.


Instantly, the special energy of the meditation scroll. Instantly let Yangdingtian enter sleep.

Just like crossing a space-time tunnel, constantly shuttle, shuttle, shuttle...


The picture of all rotating streamers is still, forming a complete picture.

Yang Dingtian entered the depths of his spiritual world.


at this time. He is in the depths of the sea! Yes, it is the depths of the sea in Nanmanzhou, exactly the same as his real environment.

Because, where the moment before meditation is, enter the spiritual world. It is also here.

Next, Yangdingtian will leave here, in the spiritual world, looking for the sleeping East.

Yangdingtian began to draw up and draw up.

"Oh..." rushed out of the water.

Not far away, it is the 100,000 mountains in Nanbanzhou, and around it, this is the sea.

At this point, the strange mount was still hovering over the sea.

Yangding leaped violently, sat on the flying mount and began to take off.

Where is the master sleeping? He can only gamble!

Among the caves in the snow and ice, in the place where the sun meets.

Of course, he is totally unsure. The knowledge of the master may also be in the home of Yin and Yang. Because, perhaps he is full of attachment to his home, so choose to sleep at home.

However, Yangdingtian must choose one. Then he chose the cave of ice and snow.

After determining the direction, Yangdingtian took the flying ride and flew northeast.

Ice and snow, Wanli Glacier, in the northeast of Zhongzhou.


Yangdingtian constantly flies to the northeast.

"Heavenly brother, save me, save me..." Suddenly, there was a cries of coffin behind him.

Then, there is the sneer of Wu Ning.

Then, it was the voice of the screaming spirit.

Of course, all of this is fake, and it’s just a projection of Yangding’s emotions.

In fact, Wu Ningming is probably a modest gentleman, and it is absolutely impossible to hurt the coffin. But in the subconscious, Yang Dingtian is afraid of this happening.

Yangdingtian did not care, and did not look back.

Because these are all part of countless spiritual traps. Once you look at it and even rush it up, you will enter a chaotic emotional world, which may lead to distortions in the surrounding spiritual world, and will never come out at that time.

Yangdingtian constantly flies and flies!

Below, it is completely the sea.

This is very advantageous because the hustle and bustle of the sea looks very similar and can be stitched together with the same picture. The simpler the picture, the safer it is, and it is not easy to have bugs.

Finally, thousands of miles of the sea flew, and then went to South Central.

Yangdingtian keeps flying high and flying high.

At this time, he is still safe. Because the South Central State he saw was seen in a very high place, so it was almost a still fuzzy picture, so it is still safe.

After flying through the South Central State, and across the sea, then came to Dazhongzhou.

Here, Yangdingtian has been to the ground, so there will be a clear picture.

"Ah..." Suddenly, the ground screams of Lingwu, and then only sees the lord of the Shenbing Villa, is madly tearing the clothes of Ling Dance, to be humiliated.

Yangdingtian uses a huge willpower. Don't look down and fly straight.

Because this is also a spiritual trap. The fear in reality, projected into the spiritual world, constitutes a trap.

Yangdingtian continued to fly and flew away from Dazhongzhou. Continue to reach the surface of the sea.

Next, the most dangerous moment is coming!

Because, from here to the ice and snow, Yangdingtian has never been there. Therefore, in the spiritual world of Yangdingtian, it is completely blank, and there is no specific picture.

Of course, if it doesn't exist at all. It doesn't matter.

The most terrible thing is that Yang Dingtian’s brain is automatically brain-filled. Try to use the other pictures in memory to construct this blank world.

That is extremely unreasonable, but it is also a fact that will happen.

Once the spirit is slightly confused, and the absolutely unreasonable picture is filled into this blank, everything is finished.

For example, put a picture on the earth. Fill in this blank world. Yangdingtian rushed in, and it will never come out. It can only be rotated forever in the wrong picture.

Of course, it can be said that then I simply don't construct it, it is directly the sea of ​​the sea, and it is so good until the ice and snow.

This is even worse, because you know it clearly in your mind. Halfway through the North Central State, even Weizhou Xuan Tianzong. Once it is the vast sea, it means that the world is not true, that means completely entering the sea and spinning forever. Never come out.

Take a deep breath, Yang Dingtian condenses all the spirits, all into the fantasy of the North Central State.

This is an extremely difficult and extremely complicated thing.

First of all, the distance must be right! From Dazhongzhou to Beizhongzhou, it is necessary to cross the ocean.

Secondly, the approximate area of ​​Beizhongzhou must be correct.

The specific picture can be blurred. But here must be fully focused, and you must not transfer pictures from other places to the North Central State.

For example, Yangdingtian moved the picture of the Sky Magic City to the North Central State because he missed the Eastern Nirvana.

Then, it is completely finished! He will directly rush into the world of Sky Magic City, but the Sky Magic City is not here again. He wants to come out and can't find a way out.

Because the brain is absolutely true, absolutely strict, absolutely not allowed to lie.

Yang Dingtian used all his spirits to conceive of being Zhongzhou. Use all the knowledge systems to build a picture of the North Central State.

That's right, it's this distance, two thousand three hundred miles from Dazhongzhou.

In the front, the North Central State has been faintly visible.

North Central State, still moist, but already a relatively cold world. On the south side, there is a lot of greenery, but by the north, you can already see the traces of snow.

This is the world of Yangdingtian structure, which can be illusory, but it must be logical.

Yangding Tianyi Road flies, the following North Zhongzhou, constantly passing.

This is the North Central State conceived in Yangdingtian Brain. It can't go wrong, and there can be no fatal bugs.

At this time, Yangdingtian, the brain is running at a high speed, absolutely no worries, can not have a little bit, even if a little bit of distraction, otherwise everything is finished.


The picture of the Oriental Ice Ling flashed brightly and was printed on the picture of Beizhongzhou.

The heart of Yangdingtian, slammed.

No, don't, don't!

Then, the picture of the North Central State begins to distort and begins to spin!


Yang Dingtian’s heart burst into a burst!

It’s over, it’s over.

The face of the Oriental Ice Ling is getting clearer and clearer, and the picture of the North Central State is getting more and more distorted and blurred.

It’s over, it’s over.

For the thoughts of the Oriental Ice Ling, the fear of the future directly affects the influence of the Eastern Ice Ling, directly into the thoughts of Yang Dingtian, and instantly disrupts the whole idea.

Finished, finished, everything is over!

The world around Yangdingtian is getting more and more blurred and more and more distorted. Only the face of the Oriental Ice Ling is getting clearer and clearer.

Soon, you must be completely lost, and you can never be awake.

Many times, people can't control their own brains. The less you think about something, the more you think about it.

Before, when Yangdingtian was in the sea of ​​Nanmanzhou, he heard the cries of the coffin, and he could ignore it. Because that picture is actually inside the Yangdingtian brain. Don't bother to build.

The same is true of Ling Dance in Dazhongzhou.

However, in Beizhongzhou, Yangdingtian is completely unfamiliar. It is necessary to construct this picture wholeheartedly. Once it is disturbed, it will be completely lost.

It’s over. Finished!

The world around us is already blurred.

Everything around is already illusory.

Here, it is almost lost in the illusion.

Only the face of the Oriental Ice Ling is getting clearer and clearer.

"Oh... afraid, Dad, afraid..."

Suddenly, Yang Dingtian’s brain sounded like a baby’s voice. Awkward, crunchy. Awkward laughter, shouting daddy also shouted.

This voice is like a scorpio in an instant.

"Oh..." The face of the Oriental Ice Ling was instantly shattered and disappeared without a trace.

Then, the world around you is gradually clear. The entire North Central State was built again.

"Baby. Dad loves you!" Yangding Tian muttered to himself.

Once Yangdingtian is distracted by the oriental ice, it is almost unsolvable. The more you don't think about it, the more you think. The more you suppress, the more you rebound. People can't control their brains at all.

At this time, the love for the baby suddenly bursts. Directly crushed the distraction of the Oriental ice.

Although the baby didn't know anything, at this time, he saved Yangdingtian.


Finally, I flew over the North Central State.

Yangdingtian was almost exhausted and collapsed.

Behind the North Central State is getting farther and farther. At this time, only a vague shadow is needed in the mind. fortunately. It is flying in the northeast direction, not in the north, so it is enough to slant through the North Central State for more than 100 miles.

Otherwise, crossing the thousands of miles in the North Central State, that Yangding is innocent, and he really can't build a few thousand miles of North Central. Because, this build is completely virtual, but it must be absolutely true, absolutely logical. Can not quote the picture of the wrong logic, this difficulty is completely high to the extreme, it can be said that if you let Yang Dingtian come again, it is absolutely impossible.

His mind can only build more than a hundred miles. More, it will be completely repeated. Once it is repeated, the brain will tell itself that this is not true, then it is completely lost.

The spiritual world must be logical and must be true.

Yangdingtian continues to fly!

Next, there is another challenge, that is, Weizhou Island, the Weizhou Island where Xuan Tianzong is located.


Yang Dingtian instantly condenses all the thoughts and builds Weizhou Island Xuan Tianzong, which is logical and can deceive his own brain.

However, soon, Yangdingtian found that it was only a false alarm.

He didn't have to go through Weizhou Island, just passing by.

A few hundred miles from Weizhou Island, it is just a glimpse of the distance.

However, we must be very careful, and we must not substitute the Yin and Yang dynasty pictures.

Although it was just a glimpse of it, Yangdingtian still focused on the whole body, and built a real-life Weizhou Island Xuantianzong in his mind.

Weizhou Island has passed!

Yang Dingtian was completely relieved.

The most dangerous time has passed.

Next, it is the sea. Flying to the end of the sea is the ice and snow, the place where Yangdingtian first encountered the flame. These pictures, Yangdingtian have clear memories, will not be confused, and are not dangerous.


After a dozen hours, Yangdingtian flew tens of thousands of miles.

Halfway through, take a break, because the mount needs a rest. Of course, this kind of rest is very dangerous.

Yangdingtian must build a brand new island. This island cannot be any real island that he has experienced. Otherwise, he will be brought to the island immediately, and the entire space logic will be completely confused.

Moreover, you can't freely build a fake island that is all beach, because that's not logical. An island that fits the geographic illusion must be constructed.

Then, let the mount rest on it, and Yang Dingtian will continue to fly after taking the drug.

Finally, I finally flew to the ice and snow, and I was about to reach the place where the flames met.


Suddenly, there was a rush of horseshoes underneath, and then I saw a man and a horse, flying from north to south.

Looking closely, it turned out that Simon was boundless.

Then, there was a picture in the distance. It was the first time that Yan Yan saw Yang Dingtian, and Yang Dingtian had no intention of attacking the chest, and then he slammed into the sky.

Simon is boundless, from the north to the south, there is no direct rush to the place where the flame is. Instead, it was difficult to fold a detour from the point of being, and then quickly rushed along the road to the south.

Of course, this is not true. It’s just the subconscious of Yangdingtian.

Yang Tian was shocked by the heart and fell into a myth. Why didn't he rush straight over, but he had to bend from north to south first. Come over again?

Danger, danger, danger!


Yangding Tianxin screamed and screamed!

Can not get into the thoughts of the horns of the horns, can not be taken away by the subconscious, otherwise, it is completely finished, it is completely finished.

Thoughts will be brought to a few years ago, and will enter another time and space. That is completely over.

"Ah..." Yang Ding screamed fiercely, raised his fist and slammed into his head.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian fainted directly.

Finally, Yang Dingtian saved himself again.


I don't know how long it has been.

"Hey!" Suddenly, Yangding suddenly fell from the sky and was awakened.

Because, this mount. Throw the Yangdingtian directly.

It has already entered the Wanli Glacier, it is too cold. It can't stand it. After throwing Yangdingtian, it flew away.

Danger, danger, danger!

Yangdingtian wants to wake up instantly and immediately turn around. Look for references.

If you don't find the reference object in the first time, you don't know how far you fly, you don't know how long you are in a coma. Then completely lose the concept of distance, then you will never find the cave.

Fortunately, Yang Dingtian first found the reference object.

Behind the dozens. It was the strange woods, and Yangdingtian had once rested under the tree and rested.

No problem, find the reference object, you can calculate the specific coordinates, the specific distance.

Then, Yangdingtian directly runs the mysterious gas and continues to fly in the direction of the northwest.

That's right, the cave of the imprisoned master at this time is about 7,350 miles in the northwest.

Yangding is flying at a constant speed and moving at a constant speed.

At this time, there is a clear view of the clear sky.

Yangdingtian has been flying all the time, flying all the time, flying out for four thousand miles, and the mysteriousness is exhausted.

Landing on the ground, Yangdingtian began to close his eyes and adjust his interest.

However, wait until the mysteriousness is full.

A bad thing has come, the clouds are rolling, the wind is whistling, and the university is flying.

Of course, Yangdingtian is completely fearless of snow at this time, but the strong wind will change the speed and direction of Yangdingtian, while Yangdingtian has difficulty in calculating accurate data. Once there is a mistake, the error exceeds that of Yangdingtian. The extent of the field of view. Then you are completely lost, you can never find the cave.

Yang Dingtian immediately decided to continue to adjust the interest rate and swallow Xuan.

After a dozen hours, Yangdingtian was buried by snow.

It’s hard, the snow stops, Yangdingtian continues to take off and continue to fly!

After five hours, Yangdingtian arrived at the destination and arrived at the cave.

Of course, this is just a cave that Yangdingtian thought. Once a few mistakes are calculated, the cave will not be here.

At this point, it seems that there is ice and snow everywhere, a plain, not the same.

Yang Dingtian took out the sword and began to dig and dig constantly.

One hundred meters, two hundred meters, three hundred meters, four hundred meters.


One kilometer!

Yangdingtian dug it.

That's right, it's the cave, surrounded by crystal-like caves, with an area of ​​less than a hundred square meters.

However, this time it has become several times larger and is no longer smooth. Because the master once blew the sea, the bomb was blown up.

However, in the cave, there is no figure of the East.

Of course, there will be no, because in the memory, the master has already blew himself up.

Yangding Tian suddenly turned around and suddenly saw a faint voice in a recessed cave.

It is a master, it is the end of the world. It’s not a real person, it’s a faint shadow, it’s closing your eyes and you’re sleeping.

The shadow is very light and almost disappeared.

Suddenly, Yangdingtian burst into tears.

He succeeded! He succeeded.

No one taught him what to do. He just imagined a crazy way of doing it. He just supported the method of resurrection according to his own theory.

Then he madly entered the most dangerous world of meditation.

Twice, at least two fatal crises, at least two almost completely lost.

Mid-range bugs, traps, countless.

However, Yangdingtian rushed for tens of thousands of miles and finally came to the ice and snow from Nanmanzhou.

He is betting that the gambling master is here, not the yin and yang.

He is gambling!

In front of the master Guangying, Yangdingtian slowly squatted down and said: "The hardest step, I have already completed. Master, we don't rely on anyone else, we rely on ourselves. Apprentices rely on their own wisdom, their ability I want to resurrect you."

Master, I am in the real world, waiting for you!

Note: The first eight thousand five hundred words were sent, and I went on to write the second one. This chapter is too difficult to write. Yang Dingtian resurrected the Eastern Nirvana. I must write a circle. I must give complete theoretical support in the logic of the novel. It should not be too light and unreasonable. (To be continued.)

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