Nine Yang Sword Saint

Vol 2 Chapter 503: : The realm of God! Success, miracle!

Note: The second and more than 5,000 words were sent, and today there are two thousand four thousand words.

14,000 words, and the most difficult part to write, the most complicated part, Yang Dingtian also got the biggest gain.

Brothers, please support, and ask for a monthly pass!


After tens of thousands of miles of trek, Yang Dingtian finally found the sleeping East Nirvana in the meditation world of his brain.

At this time, Yang Dingtian can wake up as long as he gently touches the soul of the master. Moreover, the next time you enter meditation, it will appear directly in front of the master's soul.

However, Yangdingtian does not want to go out for the time being.

The most critical first step has been completed.

Yang Dingtian has succeeded in separating the soul of his own soul and the master in the world of meditation.

Moreover, the soul of the sleeping master at this time is a complete body.

Next, he has to think about the most crucial second step, how to extract the soul of the master.

Complete extraction, and in the process of extraction, there is absolutely no damage.

He will not leave the soul, he will only be the soul of the evil spirits, the most rude extraction. It will completely destroy the consciousness and emotion in the soul, and it will directly become a corpse of the corpse, which is definitely not what he wants.

Therefore, the second step at this time has completely played a decisive role.

If the second step is completed, then the resurrection of the master will be completed 80% or even 90%.

However, the hardest and most difficult thing is the second step.

Yang Dingtian sat in front of the master and began to think again.

How to do? How to do it? Can you extract the soul without destroying your emotions and consciousness?

Suddenly, Yangdingtian began to deeply immerse himself in the soul of the evil spirits!

The way of devouring the soul, a little bit of decomposition, to conduct research.

Yangdingtian once again. Begin to deeply interpret the dementor.

The key point in the interpretation of the study is why when the soul is extracted with the soul, it will destroy consciousness and emotion.

The evil spirits are very quick to cultivate. Because anyone can cultivate, the strength of power is only related to martial arts talent.

The practitioner. There is no need to consider the principles at all. Really powerful, truly deep in the sea, is the person who writes evil spirits.

Just like a software. Many people just need to learn how to use it. As for the writing of software, it is the deepest engineer.

What Yang Diantian is going to do now is to enter the world of writing engineers and decode this dementor a little bit. Clearly break the theory out of it.

Undoubtedly, this is also an extremely complicated and extremely difficult process.

Yangdingtian closed his eyes and entered the theoretical world of the dementia.

There is no doubt that this evil soul can be written in written terms, maybe millions, tens of millions of codes.

and so. Yangdingtian must conduct research in the world of meditation. In the real world, it takes at least a few months. Only thorough research can be done.

He also lost his solitude and squandered the whole evil spirits. After all the fragments and details were poured into the Yangdingtian brain, Yangdingtian could easily read it.

Read a paragraph!

This thing, the real wife is hard!

because. It's not text at all, nor code.

Just a bunch of energy flow!

However, Yangdingtian was surprised to find out.

This demention, in fact, really only has two basic information components, Yin and Yang.

This is very similar to the Earth's computer. At the bottom of the computer, there are only 0 and 1.

And the evil spirits, using the two kinds of information of yin and yang, write a very long and incomprehensible refinement scroll.

It's really very similar to the computer software on the planet.

Yang Dingtian trembled and trembled. He seemed to touch the world’s top secret and touched the world’s almost godlike realm.

Then, Yangdingtian can be completely sure.

The cheats writers of the ancient times must have been completed in the depths of the meditation world. Otherwise, the time required for this work is too long and too long. Yang Dingtian has converted it. The soul of the evil spirits alone is composed of tens of millions of yin and yang information.

In the real world, at least for n years, even a hundred years.

Because this is not a novel code word, it is a cheat with a strong logical relationship.

To be honest, after Yang Dingtian entered the world of cheats, he almost forgot his purpose.

He really seems to enter the most wonderful world. He feels that he has touched the deepest part of the martial civilization of the chaotic world, and touched the foundation and principle of the entire martial civilization.

It can even be said that once Yangdingtian is thoroughly acquainted, it may be possible to modify some cheats scrolls or even write them yourself.

Of course, this distance is still very far away.

The world of cheats is like the vast sea. What Yang Diantian has learned is only a drop in the ocean. However, Yangdingtian has an advantage, that is, his computer knowledge is still solid, and the second major in college is the computer. Even he can already write some programs independently.

Of course, the computer program of the Earth is very different from the martial civilization of the chaotic world.

But the roots are the same, then the principles will be the same.

Nothing can be imagined before Yang Dingtian. The most basic foundation of the martial arts civilization is actually Yin and Yang, which is equivalent to zero and one.

He was completely immersed in the primitive civilization of the martial arts, almost impossible to extricate himself.

Completely intoxicated, tirelessly intercepting a cheat code and then infiltrating into the ground.


In this way, in the deep meditation world, Yang Dingtian does not sleep, constantly blinking, frantically absorb the nutrition of the martial arts civilization, and frantically analyze each piece of the soul.

Then, Yangdingtian was even more shocked.

He confirmed that he got a key. He determined that he had reached the highest level of the world's martial civilization. He is sure to touch the highest secret of this world martial civilization!

What he gets will far exceed the resurrection of the Eastern Nirvana itself. He felt that he had the most precious and powerful things in history.

If you don't know what to know, you will be completely shocked and completely shocked!

He will regret it. Why not try to resurrect the Eastern Nirvana.

Because the people in this world who really touched the fundamentals of martial arts are extremely rare. And everyone, once touched the most fundamental and deepest theory of martial civilization. That means that he suddenly broke through some kind of cage. He took a magical key directly.

This means that he will definitely break through a certain realm.

The sacred sects of all the warriors in this world will be passed through in an instant.

In this world, why have there been true holy times in countless years?

Why is there only innocent, innocent and imaginary zero-crossing that can cross the great sect of the great master and come to a new realm?

Why do some people have a high talent, but even in their 100s and 200s, they can only be in the position of the Grand Master. Can't cross the past.

Because they did not touch the deepest level of the martial civilization, they did not touch the so-called realm of God.

Including the East Nirvana, Zhu Qingzhu, Ximen nowhere, they did not touch this realm.

The semi-sacred innocence, innocent, just touched the realm of this god. Instead of mastering it!

The Eastern Nirvana and others do not even know that there is such a realm.

There is a person. Crazy research on this incomparable obsession.

That person is the big devil head alone. Of course, it seems that he is completely unique in the name of the devil, and is extremely sensitive and even pure.

He has carried out incomparably crazy research on the evil spirits. He broke through the most superficial layer, that is, the martial arts civilization has two kinds of information: yin and yang.

However, because of the limitations of thinking, because time is too short, he still can't understand this yin and yang information. What does it mean, he can't detoxify.

I don't know for what reason, he instilled all of this information into the mind of Yangdingtian.

Well, the most difficult and mysterious part of this martial civilization is nothing to Yang Dingtian.

This world people almost never read the yin and yang information in the martial arts civilization. Accurately speaking, it is a blue light and a red light. What do these arrangements mean? However, from the earth, Yang Dingtian, who is proficient in computer theory, can easily understand and easily interpret it.

Yang Dingtian faintly felt that he had a huge treasure!

The meaning of this treasure is even more than the resurrection master himself.


The unintentional unintentional willows, the innocent persecution, let Yang Dingtian touch the deepest realm of the martial civilization.

If you don't know what it is, you will be mad at vomiting blood.

Now, Yangdingtian even feels faint.

If he can get the scroll of the Soul Eater, he can even unlock the secret of the Soul Eater.

What does it mean once the secret of the Soul Eater is unlocked?

It means that you can defeat evil spirits.

Can revitalize the oriental ice, can recover from nothing!

Thinking of this, the spirit of Yangdingtian even began to tremble.

Real unintentional, or God is destined.

The innocent pressure, the experience of the Lingbi Palace, let him get the most precious things, and even completely change the world.

Before, to completely grasp the truth of the world, to revitalize the ice, completely destroy the evil demon. Yangdingtian can only work hard and there is no confidence at all.

But now, he feels that he seems to have got a key!

Change the world, subvert the world, and completely reverse the key to this world pattern.

I really want to thank you for being alone. If you don't have him, Yangdingtian will never touch this realm.

Even thank you for the oppression of the innocent, if not his indifference and disregard, Yang Dingtian does not have to interpret the demon sect in the meditation world.

It’s really a loss of sorrow! Sayong loses his horse and knows it!


In the following period, Yangdingtian frantically detoxifies the arrangement of the yin and yang information, the deepest principle and theory.

Never sleep, completely forget the time.

Fortunately, it is in the depths of meditation, otherwise it is not known how long it has been lost.


Time is constantly draining, and Yangdingtian always closes its eyes.

One day, one day, one day...

I don't know how long it has been!

Suddenly, Yangding Tianyi opened his eyes.

Suddenly, the eyes flashed a wise light.

Long breath out.


I don't know how long it will take. Yang Dingtian almost completely interpret the entire demon method, with a clear understanding.

The bad news is that with his current ability, it is still difficult to transform the demon sect and turn it into a soul.

Of course, this is for sure. If the sun top can be reached. This means that he can write a nine-class spirit scroll, which is impossible. In the realm of the martial arts civilization, Yangdingtian has to study for a long time.

In fact, he clearly knows that the best and most profound research object is to kill the sword. He is about to fight for the fourth stage of the killing sword, and I believe that after studying this scroll, Yangdingtian will advance by leaps and bounds in the realm of the realm of God.

But the good news is. Yang Dingtian knows how to use the soul to practice the soul. When extracting the soul, it will directly destroy consciousness and feelings.

Because the soul is an energy body, consciousness and feelings, but also an energy body.

The soul is pure and basic.

And consciousness and feelings are extremely complicated. Extremely complex and extremely sensitive.

The energy form of both. It’s totally different. However, they are completely integrated and cannot be separated at all.

Then, when the soul is out of the brain, the soul will not dissipate. And consciousness and emotions have lost their sustenance in the brain domain. In an instant, it will disappear without a trace.

Therefore, the dementor did not extract the conscious emotion, but destroyed it at the moment of extraction.

The so-called departure from the soul is even higher. More powerful. Extremely sensitive consciousness and emotion can be protected in the process of extracting the soul.

Then, what Yang Dingtian needs to do is to completely protect consciousness and emotion in the process of extracting the soul of the master, and will not completely dissipate!

How to do it? How to do it?

Very, very difficult, almost impossible.

Even impossible!

Unless there is a soul!


Yangdingtian has a near-crazy, almost genius idea.

That is, combining reality with fantasy.

Connect the real and spiritual worlds.

Bring the energy of the real world into the spiritual world.

To put it directly, it is to introduce the countless grievances of the billion spirits into the meditation world of Yangdingtian. Then, let these grievances wrap the entire soul of the master, and then use the dementor to directly extract the soul of the master.

In an instant, Yangdingtian is directly awake and returns to the real world.

Then, the soul of the master, which is included in the Yiling demon fire, is introduced from the fingers to the shadow of the soul.

That's right, it's an extremely crazy idea.

There is no theoretical support, no one has tried it.

Everything is just a crazy fantasy that is pinned on Yangdingtian.

It is also an extremely crazy adventure.

There is no spirit to learn the heavens, but it is impossible to have such a crazy genius.

If he knows, it will be completely and completely shocked!

Introduce the real energy into the spiritual world.

It can be said that the warriors of this world can't even think about it, let alone try it.

The spiritual world is extremely fragile and extremely sensitive.

Once the energy of the real world is introduced, the consequences are completely unimaginable.

At this time, Yang Dingtian, who just touched the realm of the gods, is somewhat similar to the science madman.

I don't care about life and death, I don't care about success or failure. He just has to try.

Be dangerous again, go crazy, he has to try!


Introduce countless grievances of the billion spirits into the world of meditation.

First of all, the world of meditation is pure energy and pure spirit. Therefore, the energy introduced must not have any little lethality, even if it is not a little bit.

Just like a computer storage center, cpu is the core. A little bit of the weakest current will completely destroy everything.

Therefore, there are countless grievances that cannot have any energy. They cannot be negative, they cannot be positive, they must be absolutely zero, if they are chaotic energy.

This is impossible for others.

But for Yangdingtian, it is effortless. The yin and yang qi will completely extract any attribute in the energy, and turn the yin and yang energy into a chaotic energy of zero and a pure energy body.

Yang Dingtian once again sat down and looked at the soul of the master. "Master, I was forced to a dead end, so I have to do it, let you and me do one of the most crazy adventures, the most crazy attempt!"

Then, in the world of incomparably fragile and pure meditation, Yangdingtian began to try to summon the Yiling demon fire. Begin to use yin and yang to determine the gas, completely dispel the energy of the billion spirits, and completely become pure, pure energy without attributes.

Suddenly, the flame circulates in the Yangding Tianxuan.

Gradually, there is no yin and yang energy, no bit of aggression, leaving only the most pure countless grievances, a near-colorless flame.

Next, Yangding Tian is going to face the most crazy adventure.

Bring this uncharacteristic fire, with a mysterious fire of countless grievances, into the world of meditation.

Extreme adventure, extreme madness.

In case, there is a little bit of mistake, or there is a little bit of inconsistency with Yang Dingtian's theory.

This little bit of fire will directly destroy the entire spiritual world of Yangdingtian, and will instantly let the soul of Yangdingtian fly away, which will make Yangdingtian instantly become a walking dead.

Never, no one has ever done such a thing, no one has ever tried such a thing.

Introduce real energy into the spiritual world and introduce it into the world of meditation.


"I have nowhere to go!"

"As for the dead and the future!"

"Genius, always a madman!"

"The truth of the world is in the hands of the fewest people."

"Once you succeed, you can strategically despise any warrior in the world."

"Once you succeed, you have completed what the world has never done, and it is a zero breakthrough. It is an absolute miracle!"


Yangding Tian Meng summoned.

A colorless flame, faintly white, floats in the fingers of the world of meditation.


The spiritual world of Yangdingtian, the spiritual world of almost tens of millions of square kilometers, began to violently distort and tremble fiercely.

As if, everything must be wiped out. ,

As if everything is to be completely destroyed.

It is like, in the depths of the universe, a hand reaches into the sky of the earth.

It is subversive and destructive.

Yangdingtian did not have the slightest fear, just quietly waiting for the quiet, or destruction.

It is quiet!

The spiritual world is distorted and shaken.

Gradually, it was restored to silence.

Because this flame is non-attributable, it is 0 attack energy, it is absolutely pure.

Yangdingtian succeeded.

He completed the miracle, and he introduced the energy of reality into the spiritual world.

He completed a hundred times more than the great resurrection of the Eastern Nirvana.

"Master, we have succeeded!" Yangdingtian faint.

The toughest, most genius, and the most insane process has passed.

Next, the resurrection of the master has become a foregone conclusion! (To be continued.)

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